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Do you guys believe in ghosts?

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I am really open to this.

I hear a lot of people say they have seen apparitions.
I watch Ghost Hunters a few times...the unexplainable stuff seems legit, but then again it's a TV show.

I won't fully believe it till I see them, if they are real.

But I would never go into those famous haunted places, because I am still too scared of these things.

If a friend did have a haunted place, then maybe I would check it out.
I would bring a dog since they have a 6th sense about these things right?

Speaking of which, are there any episodes of GH, where they did bring a dog?

Anyway, curious about your experiences.
There was 1990 documentary about this very phenomenon.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Big fan of this stuff as a kid. Hell, I have fond memories of Unsolved Mysteries when it used to deal in crazy ghost and UFO stories, before in de-volved into a much crappier version of America's Most Wanted, or whatever.

But now? As an adult? Nah. I kind of wax nostalgic about my childhood musings, on occasion. But nothing more beyond that.
No, there's no evidence.

I've had a few experiences that seemed unexplainable at first... until I stopped and carefully examined the various possibilities instead of leaping to unwarranted conclusions.

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
Mejilan said:
Big fan of this stuff as a kid. Hell, I have fond memories of Unsolved Mysteries when it used to deal in crazy ghost and UFO stories, before in de-volved into a much crappier version of America's Most Wanted, or whatever.

But now? As an adult? Nah. I kind of wax nostalgic about my childhood musings, on occasion. But nothing more beyond that.

Ditto. Even though I'm very interested in paranormal things and ufo shit and all of it, I don't believe any of it, there just isn't any evidence that is even remotely convincing.


No. The human brain is an amazing pattern recognition machine. When we see shadows, light, obscured objects our brains try to find the best match. Turn the light on, change the angle, you see something different. And please, don't go see Shutter!
I'm an "agnostic" so to speak when it comes to this subject.

But I do not believe it has anything to do with a heaven or a hell (seeing as I don't believe either exist).


Not enough evidence to convince me. That being said, I have had strange experiences along with other members of my family. Still I'm a nonbeliever.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe that things do occur that can't be explained through conventional means.

(Although I have been in a place that is "haunted" and had some strange experiences)
Yeah the idea is cool, but you'd think by now there'd be lots of proof. With all the technology we have available, there's no real concrete evidence of-OOF! *Grudge monster grabs UnoIllNino and kills him*


Kind of not really? My sister and I both had a very strange encounter when we were about 7&9, but I am a skeptic.
Hearing some stories in Southeast Asia made me think they might exist.

I'm not sure.

If any kind of spirits do exist, I think they only appear to those who believe in them.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Alien Bob said:
Ditto. Even though I'm very interested in paranormal things and ufo shit and all of it, I don't believe any of it, there just isn't any evidence that is even remotely convincing.

Yep, I still find the stuff fascinating, but those twinges of nostalgia aside, it's pure entertainment. And no, not those stupid shows like Ghost Hunter or whatever. Those are just corny.


I almost believe, I'd really have to see it to believe it. I'm an unhealthy fan of Ghost Hunters though, as well as MonsterQuest, Destination Truth and UFO Hunters.


I'd be in the dick
I don't believe that ghosts are leftover spirits but I do think that there are things that humans do not know about or understand yet.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Mejilan said:
Yep, I still find the stuff fascinating, but those twinges of nostalgia aside, it's pure entertainment. And no, not those stupid shows like Ghost Hunter or whatever. Those are just corny.

A Fox show called Sightings back in the early 90's was really really cool.
RiZ III said:
Kind of not really? My sister and I both had a very strange encounter when we were about 7&9, but I am a skeptic.
Maybe I'm in denial? I had an experience around that age too that will leave its mark on me forever. Just thinking about it now as I type this makes my eyes water and I don't know why.

At night, and at night ONLY, my television in my

fuck. can't even type this without it making me breathe heavy. Sorry..

Anyway, my television in my room would rapidly turn on and off. I had to get up and unplug it to get it to stop. I had the batteries taken out of my remote and everything. It scared the HELL out of me. I was only like 10 or so. I can't explain it to this day. I told my dad about it and he didn't believe me. Then one night after it had been happening like every night for 3 nights in a row or so, I ran to his room and made him come look. He finally got what I had been talking about. He looked at everything. No explanation.

Another incident invovled a friend. We were sitting on a couch in my garage. The couch was waiting to be put on the curb in a few days for garbage pickup. To get to our basement, you had to go through the garage and down a set of stairs that ran behind a wall. As we were sitting on the couch and looking at Ninja Turtle stuff, we heard loud footsteps on those stairs. They started out kinda slowly and we looked at eachother, both surprised because we didn't think anyone else was home. Then the steps got faster. We bolted the fuck out of that garage so fast I felt like the Flash. We stayed out in my front yard until my dad would come home from work an hour or so later. Nobody was in the house when he got home. Our backdoor had been permanently shut for some time, so the only way out was through the house, then the front door, or the garage door we came out of. Like I said, nobody came out and we were in the front yard where we'd see it.

Both of those experiences freak me out. In ways that make me not want to talk about them. But, part of me knows they happened so that will always be with me. Perhaps they could both be explained? Power surge for the TV? But then why only at night? And the footsteps? A burglar? I don't think so because we watched the exits. Either way, I'm open to any explanation for them, but I'd prefer one that didn't involve the supernatural.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Hell no. Those noises around your room is caused by your furniture creaking.
Uno Ill Nino said:
Yeah the idea is cool, but you'd think by now there'd be lots of proof. With all the technology we have available, there's no real concrete evidence of-OOF! *Grudge monster grabs UnoIllNino and kills him*
It's probably just the fatigue talking but if you gave her proper makeup to look like Anne Hathaway, this woman wouldn't look too bad at all. She has nice hair and I like her eyes (their shape I mean). Her nose is also cute. Just as long as she doesn't hold that expression the whole night.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Well, I guess I have to say I am a paranormal nut. The more I think about it the more I am into this sort of thing.

Sightings, Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, Ripley's Believe it or Not I kind of grew up on this stuff and it basically made me doubt that we completely understand the world around us.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
HawkHarrelson said:
I love reading about it and would like to go to many "haunted" places... but there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever. None.

It's not haunted per se, but going to the Winchester Mystery Mansion is quite a treat, especially doing the tour in the dark.


My 22-year old friend went to Williamsburg, VA with his family 2 summers back. His family ended up staying at one of the older hotels in town---one which provided him with quite a story when he returned home.

He really didn't think about the fact that his hotel was old, or the fact the colonial cities are creepy. He was impressed by the niceness of the hotel---it was quaint and furnished very nicely in a country home styling. He hardly takes vacations, or leaves NYC. Virginia was a fun and new experience for him.

His story goes as follows:

My friend was sharing a room with his older brother, who was sleeping comfortably across the room. In the middle of the night, he randomly woke up to be greeted by a blurry man reaching to choke him. He started yelling, and his brother leaped up to save him from whatever was happening.

His brother jumped on top of the bed, and started waling fists. After about 20 seconds, my friend yelled "stop hitting me goddamnit!" because his brother just kept pounding on his face.

The next morning, the two brothers told their dad what had happened the previous night. The front desk at the hotel was informed of the tale, and were more than excited about it. It was then that my friend found out that his hotel is famous for its ghostly occurrences.

Other people staying at the hotel came to him for the rest of the morning like he was a king. "Tell me exactly what happened!".

He came back to NYC really shaken.
Oh yeah, by the way, OP, I'm agnostic about this sort of thing. I guess it might be possible, but without repeatable observable evidence (or some kind of captured specimen), I'm afraid I can't say for certain.

My family tells some frikkin' AWESOME ghost stories though. Latin America is big on this kind of thing and stuff like el dia de los muertos really only reinforces it.
Hcoregamer00 said:
I do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe that things do occur that can't be explained through conventional means.

(Although I have been in a place that is "haunted" and had some strange experiences)

Can you describe some of those strange experiences?

I am hoping to find people in here that have seen apparitions.


I don't really have a problem with things like this, for all I know they do exist. When I was visiting a couple of years ago, my relatives in Sweden told me about a couple of ghosts or whatever that live in their house. It came up in passing in a conversation about something else and I asked them to tell me more.

I see no reason to doubt them - I found it interesting. For them it seems its always been that way so they aren't so interested in the topic.

I don't really "believe" in anything, but if someone tells me something they've witnessed, I have no real desire to dismiss it.
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