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Do you guys believe in ghosts?

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bigmit3737 said:
She's cute. who is she? And this will definitely help with my nightmares from this thread.
I didn't mean to derail the thread, but her name is Yoko Maki. She is the monster pictured earlier in this thread. And while she's real pretty, she doesn't help me get the image of her character out of my head when my gf works nights and I go to sleep alone. :(
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Don't have time to post them until the weekend, but I have some great ghost stories if anyone would care to hear them.

Yeah post them. I'm not a believer, but I'm interested in your experiences.


The closest thing I have to ghost stories are dreams about dead relatives, but they seemed like more than a dream to me because they weren't "me in a random location with and then some bizarre shit happens that makes no sense" kind of dreams like usual. They were pretty much like a visit with a relative, just in my dream and I would know they were dead and I'd tell them as much while we were talking. Pretty strange.
sorryaboutdresden said:
Yeah post them. I'm not a believer, but I'm interested in your experiences.
Well, they're not really my experiences, but rather a mixture of legends and freaky stuff that supposedly happened to one of my great uncles.

Anyway, I should go. I'll post them on Saturday morning. (Australia time).
I definitely believe in them. Experiencing the supernatural isn't something I want to do everyday. It really gives you a sense of what fear is. You can't breathe and even if you try to scream it isn't audible. Pretty freaky stuff.


Whenever I think about ghosts I remember something I overheard as a kid. Apparently, a ghost lived in my cousin's friend's house. It would knock things off the fireplace mantle, but not much else. And if you went down into the basement with the lights turned off you could see it's eyes. IIRC, they were green.

I've always wondered about that. It wasn't told directly to me, and as I recall, I sort of walked in during the middle of the story. I need to ask her about that someday.
I would have to say yes. I used to be a huge skeptic of ghosts, however, my gf moved into a new house of this guy that had just died from cancer..
I don't believe ghosts are real. You can never be sure, but as it stands now, there should've been actual evidence that they exist, instead of some crappy home videos or stories.

If any kind of spirits do exist, I think they only appear to those who believe in them.
If that isn't a sign to be sceptic about these things, I don't know what is.

Uno Ill Nino said:
Anyway, my television in my room would rapidly turn on and off. I had to get up and unplug it to get it to stop. I had the batteries taken out of my remote and everything. It scared the HELL out of me. I was only like 10 or so. I can't explain it to this day. I told my dad about it and he didn't believe me. Then one night after it had been happening like every night for 3 nights in a row or so, I ran to his room and made him come look. He finally got what I had been talking about. He looked at everything. No explanation.
Well, my mp3 player starts playing randomly at night too sometimes. And it's a older generation Zen, with flashy blue lights that light up my room. I'm pretty sure it does the same thing too sometimes at day, but then I don't notice. I don't know how to explain it, it must be a defect in the little machine. Just like there's some defect in your tv. The only reason why you're creeped out by it is because there are ghost movies that involve tv's turning on. If there weren't, you'd probably never think anything special about your tv's malfunction.

I've had some strange experiences in the past too, but that won't make me jump to the least logical conclusion of them all and say they're ghosts or whatever.


My first post, don't hurt me please!

About 10 years ago, my sister went back to Vietnam. I think she stopped by Thailand or something as well. When she came back to USA, she would be talking like a scary girl. There's a lot of Asian ghost folklores, and one of it is if the ghost *matches* you, it can possess you.

So we came to the conclusion that she was possessed, because she never acted like that before and it went on for a few years. Her husband shaved his head and tried to be monk-like. Of course it didn't work, he probably didn't know what the hell he was doing.

I don't know when it stopped but she's no longer possessed. Oh yeah does anyone remember that Sci-Fi show that had some John dude speaking with the dead? That show was phony imo.


demigod said:
My first post, don't hurt me please!

About 10 years ago, my sister went back to Vietnam. I think she stopped by Thailand or something as well. When she came back to USA, she would be talking like a scary girl. There's a lot of Asian ghost folklores, and one of it is if the ghost *matches* you, it can possess you.

So we came to the conclusion that she was possessed, because she never acted like that before and it went on for a few years. Her husband shaved his head and tried to be monk-like. Of course it didn't work, he probably didn't know what the hell he was doing.

I don't know when it stopped but she's no longer possessed. Oh yeah does anyone remember that Sci-Fi show that had some John dude speaking with the dead? That show was phony imo.

I'm surprised I don't see the "I was possessed" defense more often in court.


Don't believe in ghosts as manifestations of the dead or anything, but I can totally see why some people believe they've seen them.

There's been a few times when I've got myself spooked, alone in the house and overtired. Then I've realised that I will see something in a minute whether it's there or not unless I snap out of it, and I'm a total skeptic. Browsing GAF, chucking the TV on for a few minutes etc. usually works. I can easily see people going past that point though and seeing something through sheer expectation, because I know I've been right up to that point myself.


I was convinced of them when I was a teenager after I had a fucked up experience where I saw a solider at the end of a tunnel when me and my family were on holiday. The tunnels were actually used in WW2 apparently and the solidier was in an extremely cliched way, sort of transparent and fuzzy/hazey, he was sort of scooping something up with his arms but not bending his knee's. I scuttled off to catch up with my family.

But, I don't believe in ghosts. I'm all too aware of how interested in that paranormal shit I was and how imperfect our perception is. I can't fully explain what I saw obviously and it kind of fucks up my skeptical outlook on things but I'm unwilling to jump to conclusions. I can see how people believe in this stuff after personal experience though, but that doesn't mean hearsay and testimony should be accepted as evidence, it's only incorrigible to the person who saw it and even then it's just raw perception. To infer from that to anything supernatural is wishful thinking.


Okay, I've heard Latin American ghost stories are really, really good. Both outside the topic and inside here.

But I haven't seen one in here yet. Latin American gaffers, can you back up your claims? C'mon, just share a couple of ghost stories.


I don't believe in ghosts, I believe in the Islamic Djinn

The Djinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from 'smokeless fire' by God (the literal translation being “subtle fire”, i.e., a fire which does not give itself away through smoke), much in the same way humans were made of earth. According to the Qur'an, Djinn have free choice, and Iblis used this freedom in front of God by refusing to bow to Adam when God told Iblis to do so. By refusing to obey God’s order he was thrown out of the Paradise and called “Shaitan” (See Shaitan and Satan). In the Qur'an, Djinn are frequently mentioned and Sura 72 of the Qur'an named Al-Jinn is entirely about them. Another Sura (Al-Naas) mentions the Djinn in the last verse. In fact, it is mentioned in the Qur'an that Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both “humanity and the Djinn”.

The Djinn are believed to have communities much like human societies: they eat, marry, die, etc. They are believed to live in tribes that have boundaries, to follow religions as humans do, and follow the same ranks in armies as humans do. Because they are massless and can be fit into any space, some believe Djinns can settle into any location, from a vast area (like a Universe), to a tiny hole, (like a lamp). It is believed that they are invisible to humans, but that they can see humans. Some believe that they occasionally, accidentally or deliberately, come into view or into contact with humans. Djinn are believed to live much longer than humans: some of whom are said to be still alive having seen Muhammad (who lived during the 7th century). It is also thought that Djinn can take on the form of humans and other animals but they can not take on the form of prophets and 12 Imams of Shi'ite Islam. They can also be summoned by humans, it is believed.

Considered haraam in Islam, humans attempting to perform black magic on other humans, would call a Djinn specializing in dirty deeds to perform the magic. Such black magic on humans, (such as to influence a marriage to end in divorce, etc) can only be undertaken by dark Djinni. Thus, a person would pay a magician, who would then calls upon a dark Djinn, who would then perform the magic[citation needed].


I don't really believe in ghosts but I love reading ghost stories. Here's one I got from another forum that I thought was great:

Let me start by saying: No alcohol, drugs or any other mind-altering substances were involved, and I've not told anyone this story except my wife.

In November 1978 in deep south texas, I was driving home around 1:00 a.m. and came to a 4-way stop in a sparsely populated area. As I started to turn right, I noticed about 100 yards ahead what appeared to be a baby around 3 years old standing in the middle of the road wearing nothing but a diaper(remember, this was November) holding on to the collar of a very large german shepard. I was able to guess at the age of the baby, because he/she was about the same height as the dog.

Anyway, I stopped my turn and drove towards this spectacle, as I was concerned for the safety of the child. I wasn't feeling anything spooky(yet). As I approached them, the kid turned away from me and began to run away from me right down the centerstripe AT FULL SPEED with the grace and coordination of an olympic athlete. I say at full speed, because the dog was not trotting, but running with him. The kid was still holding on to the dog's collar.

I stopped the car and when I did, they stopped too. So I started towards them again and when I did, they darted off into the brush. I just blew it off and put the car in reverse to get back through the intersection, and when I did, they came out again. This scenario happened 3 times, each time I was getting closer to them. On the 4th time, all of a sudden, I had the coldest, deepest fear come over me like a blanket, goosebumps covered my entire body and I began to tremble, and as God as my witness, a little voice came into my head and told me to turn around and don't look back. Felt like one of those dreams when you're trying to run and your feet can't move fast enough. I hauled @ss home(about a half mile away), and RAN in the house as fast as I could! It felt EVIL!

That in itself is strange, but here's where it really gets weird. Over the years, I've heard the same story from at least 5 different people who I'd never met before, the latest being 3 weeks ago from an eighty year old distant relation at an aunt's funeral.

In addition, around 1990-92, M.C. Hammer had a video out where he and his band end up in the basement of a spooky house where there was a halloween-type costume party going on with all the devils and demons and such, and in one of the scenes, A KID IN A DIAPER HOLDING ON TO A GERMAN SHEPARD walks across the screen - I just about fell out of my chair when I saw that! "


Fuzzery said:
I believe in aliens, but am agnostic about ghosts. Ghosts on earth? Unlikely. Alien ghosts? WHO KNOWS.

What if Ghosts on earth pretend to be aliens, and they in fact are one and the same?:D


No, I want to, but no. When you die it's over, that's it. I believe in extraterrestial life, somewhere, no matter how small. Ghosts on the other hand are just something made up to explain the unexplainable, like

I love TV shows about ghosts though, whenever I run into them on Discovery I'll check it.
It's not so much ghosts as it is unspeakable horrors, but here's a site about what some guy found while trying to drill into a new part of a cave he was spelunking in


It's a "real" life experience, so take it as entertaining as it is.

You might also want to reconsider reading this before for bed, as that mistake cost me an entire night's sleep.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
PhlegmMaster said:
No, there's no evidence.

I've had a few experiences that seemed unexplainable at first... until I stopped and carefully examined the various possibilities instead of leaping to unwarranted conclusions.

Care to give an example?

As for me personally; don't know really. Maybe I don't believe in them, but I do fear them :lol


one time i was playing with my xbox360 and all of a sudden the TV went black and I saw an eerie circular light on my xbox. It was bright red as if they were the eyes of a monster.

My xbox never worked again after that day.


If they were real, they would be in Youtube already.

People always have and will experience strange and unexplainable things, but believeing in ghosts is just stupid. Hell I once saw a dead person sit right next to me and suddenly it started to bash it's upper torso to the floor at unnatural speed and force and it made the most horrible sound I have ever heard. Then it just slowly vanished and I realised I had dozed off in front of my TV that broadcasted static.

Didn't sleep much that night :lol


What proof is there that ghosts don't exist?

Its a well known fact that there are elements of nature, around us every day, that we can't see under normal conditions. They exist in another plane of reality (reality is only what we can sense) without tools or putting them in to certain environments.

I'm not sold on intelligent ghosts, but I can believe that certain periods of time can be burned in to an environment.


Mojovonio said:
What proof is there that ghosts don't exist?

Its a well known fact that there are elements of nature, around us every day, that we can't see under normal conditions. They exist in another plane of reality
(reality is only what we can sense) without tools or putting them in to certain environments.

I'm not sold on intelligent ghosts, but I can believe that certain periods of time can be burned in to an environment.

Like what?


Mojovonio said:
I'm not sold on intelligent ghosts, but I can believe that certain periods of time can be burned in to an environment.
This is a cool idea, like a reality 'burn-in' from a traumatic death or something. But no, as much as I'd like to believe in ghosts, they just aint there. They've never answered my midnight prayers for ghost-rape either, dammit.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
I have not seen any, and I don't know if they exist (there's a high chance that they don't). But denying their existance joking just because there is no evidence is very stupid.


Jealous Bastard
in the same way that i believe in bigfoot, the loch ness monster, etc: i believe in them in the chunks that i watch television shows about them on tv, listening to "experts" talk about the possibility of them existing, becoming convinced it must be so, then ten minutes after the show ends saying to myself, "neh, probably not."


Dascu said:
Like what?

This may not fall within the same realm (or it might but I'm not 100% sure) but I saw something a while back on the discovery channel where scientists were talking about how electrons (at certain intervals) seem to disappear and then reappear and they didn't know why, but they way they explained it was that it didn't apply to the laws of energy where it was transferred, but instead it like....actually WENT somewhere and then came back. They were talking about using different planes of existence to somehow explain it.

As for ghosts? I really don't believe that ghosts, in the traditional sense, exist. I think that once a person dies their soul passes on (cues rabid atheists to come and attack me like wolves...here's lookin at your spoony and phlegm) to Heaven or Hell or "the great beyond" or whatever. Although I am kind of privy to the idea of memory imprints left behind. There is this theory that because of our own energy (ya know that operates the body) output that it somehow meshes with the existential reality around us and by force of habit or routine that we influence the world and leave "memory imprints" after we die. That somehow our bodies energy dissipates back in to the world and it somehow leaves "ghostly images" of things we used to do or were fond of doing.

Either way....it was kind of a neat idea although a bit far fetched. Still, its about as plausible as many of the far fetched theories that quantum physics have unleashed on to the world.

Something something, don't really know the words, I BELIEVE IN A THING CALLED UH-LOVVVVVVE!?

It's actually: "There's a chance we can make it now, we'll be rockin' till the sun goes down." then que in the "I BELIEVE IN A THING CALLED UH-LOVVVVVVE!" then "OooooOOOhhhhhh"

And somewhere in there I think he screams "GUITAR!" or something.


I didn't until I saw one. It was as clear as day and not something I could have mistaken for anything else. This was just a few years ago, so it wasn't me just acting up with my imagination, and someone else saw it moments later before we had a chance to even talk about it.

The things are real, and yes, there is a lot of evidence of them. EVPs are some of the freakiest and most fascinating things ever. I've been with a group that was recording them, and stuff showed up on that tape that WAS NOT audible at all when recording.


Aurvant said:
This may not fall within the same realm (or it might but I'm not 100% sure) but I saw something a while back on the discovery channel where scientists were talking about how electrons (at certain intervals) seem to disappear and then reappear and they didn't know why, but they way they explained it was that it didn't apply to the laws of energy where it was transferred, but instead it like....actually WENT somewhere and then came back. They were talking about using different planes of existence to somehow explain it.

As for ghosts? I really don't believe that ghosts, in the traditional sense, exist. I think that once a person dies their soul passes on (cues rabid atheists to come and attack me like wolves...here's lookin at your spoony and phlegm) to Heaven or Hell or "the great beyond" or whatever. Although I am kind of privy to the idea of memory imprints left behind. There is this theory that because of our own energy (ya know that operates the body) output that it somehow meshes with the existential reality around us and by force of habit or routine that we influence the world and leave "memory imprints" after we die. That somehow our bodies energy dissipates back in to the world and it somehow leaves "ghostly images" of things we used to do or were fond of doing.

Either way....it was kind of a neat idea although a bit far fetched. Still, its about as plausible as many of the far fetched theories that quantum physics have unleashed on to the world.

It's wild speculation not a theory. Why do we not have ghost tree's? I'm sure their "energy" was fond of tree-ing. Oh and words like existential might impress the viewers of John Edward but seriously, you just threw that in there. "Existential reality" is a tautology.


I have seen lots of ghosts.... when I am real fucking high on drugs.

One particular bad night I saw dinosaur ghosts, and friendly old indian ghost, an evil mist type ghost, and the worst a 12ft tall tim burton looking thing leaning on my friends barn smiling at me. I didn't do drugs for awhile after that.


SpoonyBard said:
But we can sense that. We can't really see it (because our eyes can only see to a certain degree), and we can't touch it (because our nerves aren't as sensitive), but it's there and our body feels it (just try breathing it in large quantities :p). I don't see how not being able to see or touch things with our standard senses suddenly turns it into "another plane of reality". And I certainly don't see how this would compare to "ghosts" or other paranormal activity. Which leads to the next problem with "ghosts".

If you can see, hear or feel "ghosts", then they're not paranormal anymore at all. They would have to be composed of something tangible. You can't produce sound waves without having a point of contact to interact with the air. You can't be seen if you don't have atoms and molecules to reflect light.

I certainly don't believe that there are "ghosts" in the sense of "spirits of the undead". It makes no sense at all. A "spirit" cannot interact with this dimension, with this plane of reality, if it is not bound to the laws of physics that we know of, yet it's breaking so many of them. Floating, being translucent, passing through walls, disappearing and reappearing at random... It's too bizarre.

But yes, I can hear you already, "Bacteria passing on diseases seamed bizarre back in the day as well, but they exist.". This is correct, and that's why I will not believe in paranormal activity until, just as bacteria, they are actually seen or measured in some form. Just believing in ghosts and providing the "but they're above human comprehension" explanation is bullshit. They interact with our world, then that means they have to follow the rules of physics and that means we can comprehend them.


josephdebono said:
one time i was playing with my xbox360 and all of a sudden the TV went black and I saw an eerie circular light on my xbox. It was bright red as if they were the eyes of a monster.

My xbox never worked again after that day.

:lol :lol :lol


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors

You know, if there are ghost or apparitions, then I'd say that there's a scientific explanation for them as well. And you don't have to throw in walking through walls, rattling chains and stuff there.


Mash said:
It's wild speculation not a theory. Why do we not have ghost tree's? I'm sure their "energy" was fond of tree-ing. Oh and words like existential might impress the viewers of John Edward but seriously, you just threw that in there. "Existential reality" is a tautology.

Didn't say that it was a stone cold study. I just said that it was a neat idea they were discussing on the discovery channel, but I think that the distinction they were making was that Humans are -not- connected in the same ways that tree, rocks, and animals are. those things don't have cognitive thought and thus a metaphysical (that might be the right term) act separates us from the rest of the world.

But you are correct though. It IS a wild speculative idea that really has no basis other than strange events that people have claimed to have had, but just for the sake of this topic I mentioned it.
My freshman year college dorm was supposedly like the most haunted place in all of New England (it used to be a mental hospital/morgue). I walked around it at all times of the day and night, in to the underground tunnels and everything. I never saw anything that made me believe it was haunted. Although some dumb girls claimed it was haunted because their lights flickered. In conclusion, I have no reason to believe in ghosts and have never seen anything to make me believe anyone else has ever seen a ghost.
Oh dear... I hope nobody who believes in them is over 16. When you die you become nothing, you do don't do anything but decompose. Also, Kayako from the Grudge is hot even with the makeup, it's just the movement that's off putting.
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