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Do you guys think Dragon Quest VII 3DS will still happen? Reggie, hear our plight!

Maybe among an extreme niche of hardcore fans, but in the big entire world I doubt the impact would have been noticeable at all had it gone either way.

I guarantee only the hardest of hardcore gamers even knew. Probably not even a tenth of a percent of the fanbase.

I'm pretty sure the audience for Joker/Monsters is by definition niche/hardcore. Those are exactly the type of people that would know that a superior version exists.


I'm pretty sure Dragon Quest VI was released within a two month window from its NA announcement. I remember it being discussed here and most were pretty sure it wasn't going to see release, and then it was announced for Valentine's Day which I'm almost positive was two months later.

Are you serious?

Square-Enix announced all three would be coming overseas around the same time the remakes were announced in Japan.


There was even an English site about it.

My source was a tweet, not a post on GAF, no idea of the tweeter is the same guy from what you posted though.

Still sounds about right. It is a safe business decision. VII had over 70,000 pages of text. No one would want to translate that amount of text nowadays for a game that probably isn't going to break 300,000 (at most). I'm still hopeful. I think it is still coming, but I'm still a bit skeptical too. Like I said if you hear nothing by E3 it is never coming, period.


If DQXI is a 3ds game, I could see Nintendo only localizing it and ignoring all other 3ds DQ games until after. Iirc Nintendo didn't heavily market any ds DQ games prior to going all in on DQIX and we know SE can't be bothered these days.
It's hard to imagine it not being released. (Funnily enough, I just re-purchased a copy of the PS1 version and am playing through it via Remote Play as I type this. But I will gladly double dip!)


My source was a tweet, not a post on GAF, no idea of the tweeter is the same guy from what you posted though.

Still sounds about right. It is a safe business decision. VII had over 70,000 pages of text. No one would want to translate that amount of text nowadays for a game that probably isn't going to break 300,000 (at most). I'm still hopeful. I think it is still coming, but I'm still a bit skeptical too. Like I said if you hear nothing by E3 it is never coming, period.

This was the tweet.

If you don't even know where the tweet came from, I'm surprised you believed it so readily. Do you believe everything you read on Twitter?


Junior Member
I'm pretty sure the audience for Joker/Monsters is by definition niche/hardcore. Those are exactly the type of people that would know that a superior version exists.

I always kind of assumed that because it's a spin-off to a somewhat niche franchise (I know VIII and IX sold well, but only because of advertising) with a colorful anime style boxart that a significant portion of the people who pick up the monsters games are children.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying anything bad about the games, but the monsters spin-off simply is so small that I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people picking it up are unfamiliar with it.


I'm really hoping that Bravely Default leads to more attention being given to RPGs that are actually good (like Dragon Quest VII), and less attention to things like Final Fantasy XIII-Lightning and Final Fantasy 6-iOS.

It's doubtful that will actually happen, but I can always dream.
At least we actually got Bravely Default though, and I'm very thankful for it. It's easily the top contender for Game of the Year for this year.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Square Enix is too busy releasing FFXIII related garbage to worry about good games, sadly.

Would love for this to come here, I would buy it in a heartbeat.


I'm expecting it to be announced at some point this year.
I really do hope so. I wasn't too hopeful for a localization announcement last year, but this year would be a good timeframe to do so. A 2015 announcement would be cutting it close to being too late.


I'd really like it to come to NA but I still have my PSX copy, so I really can't complain. It'd also be nice if we got the first 4 games on the VC but that is even more unprobable for release, for some reason.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The fact that it hasn't been talked about or announced by now means it has disappeared into the void.


Junior Member
Are you serious?

Square-Enix announced all three would be coming overseas around the same time the remakes were announced in Japan.


There was even an English site about it.

I know all that, but VI wasn't published by Square-Enix. It had been so long that it was safe to assume it wasn't coming.

I'm sure Square-Enix was initially planning to localize it, but it's hard to tell if Square-Enix backed out and Nintendo stepped up, or if they still had plans and Nintendo simply approached them.

Based on the amount of time it took I'm guessing it was the first choice.


I know all that, but VI wasn't published by Square-Enix. It had been so long that it was safe to assume it wasn't coming.

I'm sure Square-Enix was really planning to localize it, but it's hard to tell if Square-Enix backed out and Nintendo stepped up, or if they still had plans and Nintendo simply approached them.

Based on the amount of time it took I'm guessing it was the first choice.

Right. SE actually dropped 6 and Nintendo picked it up and the translation was transferred to 8-4. It began in the hands of Honeywood. There was a period where it actually was not coming, however brief.
I know all that, but VI wasn't published by Square-Enix. It had been so long that it was safe to assume it wasn't coming.

I'm sure Square-Enix was initially planning to localize it, but it's hard to tell if Square-Enix backed out and Nintendo stepped up, or if they still had plans and Nintendo simply approached them.

Based on the amount of time it took I'm guessing it was the first choice.
Nintendo started taking publishing reigns since DQIX and VI came after that. So I think SE just gave up on it while Reggie claimed love for the series.

So that's my hope DQVII will still happen through NoA.


Junior Member
Right. SE actually dropped 6 and Nintendo picked it up and the translation was transferred to 8-4. It began in the hands of Honeywood. There was a period where it actually was not coming, however brief.

Oh okay I thought something like that had happened considering that IV and V were released in a decent time period (or at least officially announced).

So Aeana, tell us about the status on VII ;)


It'd be nice. I'll hold out hope. I do love Dragon Quest. I hope Square will eventually do it. In the mean time, I'll play plenty of readily available RPGs.


Would be nice. I never played much of the PlayStation version and I'd much rather play it on 3DS at this point.
It's hard to imagine it not being released. (Funnily enough, I just re-purchased a copy of the PS1 version and am playing through it via Remote Play as I type this. But I will gladly double dip!)

It is, though sadly still quite possible. Hoping that a decent reception for BD and Nintendo's general need to push out more software for their platforms will turn into a localization announcement, though, especially since this is quite possibly going to end up being the last worthwhile DQ release.


It is, though sadly still quite possible. Hoping that a decent reception for BD and Nintendo's general need to push out more software for their platforms will turn into a localization announcement, though, especially since this is quite possibly going to end up being the last worthwhile DQ release.

If they haven't started working on the translation by now, you won't ever see it.

Do you expect us to get Terry Wonderland, a game released two years ago? Nope.

Why would you think this would be possibly the last worthwhile Dragon Quest release? No hope for XI?
I think now that bravely default is out if we don't hear anything before July its never happening, unfortunately.

Would love to buy this for 3ds here.


Just a reminder, here's the list of DQ games we haven't gotten in recent years:

Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road Victory (Wii Arcade/Card Game port)
Slime Mori Mori 3 (Rocket Slime 3) (3DS Pirate Slime Action Game)
Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland (Monster Catching Roguelike)
Dragon Quest 7 3DS (JRPG)
Dragon Quest X (PC/Wii/WiiU JRPG/MMORPG hybird)
Dragon Quest 1 Mobile
Dragon Quest 8 Mobile
Dragon Quest Monsters Super Light (Monster Catching Roguelike / Puzzle and Dragon clone hybrid)
Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key (Tara and Cobi's Mysterious Key) (Monster Catching Roguelike)

We won't be seeing Battle Road Victory, it's way too old. Pity, as it was a nice card game - kinda expected a mobile port someday, as the interface seemed to fit and the PAD style mechanics would be a natural business plan for a game like that.

Same with Slime Mori Mori 3, unless someone like Vic Ireland or Xseed convince Square Enix US to let someone else have a crack at it, we're not getting it by this point. (Since SE US would then have to explain to SE JP why someone else could make a DQ game work in the US while they said we Americans just don't buy them, this is doubtful.)

DQ1 and DQ2 mobile were recently seen on the US ESRB site, but it was by a different company than Square Enix. Lots of speculation there - there was a company that was publishing Emulated roms on iOS, including DQ1+2 GBC, this might have been fallout from that, since the company that registered it specialized in helping other companies get their apps on all the app stores at once.

DQ1 and DQ8 both have English localization content hidden inside them. DQ1 even mentions the translators' names in the credits. (Some people from Honeywood, some people from Alex O. Smith (who does a lot of SE's translations)'s company, etc.)

I like to think the success of FF14 ARR improved the chances of DQX in the US, since they cater to a much different market (DQX is much more casual than FF14's hardcore raiding endgame) but you could take that as the exact opposite, that they're not going to risk FF14's popularity for anything.

DQM1 I've always been really pessimistic about, but with DQM2 launched in Japan I'm really doubtful we'll be seeing DQM1 ever now. It would seem to me that SE/Big N would simply skip to DQM2, which is a shame - DQM1 is probably one of my favorite games of all time.

DQM Super Light will probably be localized if only because there's a frighteningly small amount of text in it and SE has been on a major mobile push. The fact that a good chunk of the text is already in English, including several of the credits pages, hint that we might get it. PAD being so popular in the US definitely helps.

2014 is the 25th Anniversary of Dragon Warrior in the US. It's also the 15th Anniversary of Dragon Quest Monsters.

If we don't see at least a token release of DQ stuff in the US this year, wrap it up, SE has written us off as fans.


Just a reminder, here's the list of DQ games we haven't gotten in recent years:

Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road Victory (Wii Arcade/Card Game port)
Slime Mori Mori 3 (Rocket Slime 3) (3DS Pirate Slime Action Game)
Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland (Monster Catching Roguelike)
Dragon Quest 7 3DS (JRPG)
Dragon Quest X (PC/Wii/WiiU JRPG/MMORPG hybird)
Dragon Quest 1 Mobile
Dragon Quest 8 Mobile
Dragon Quest Monsters Super Light (Monster Catching Roguelike / Puzzle and Dragon clone hybrid)
Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key (Tara and Cobi's Mysterious Key) (Monster Catching Roguelike)

We won't be seeing Battle Road Victory, it's way too old. Pity, as it was a nice card game - kinda expected a mobile port someday, as the interface seemed to fit and the PAD style mechanics would be a natural business plan for a game like that.

Same with Slime Mori Mori 3, unless someone like Vic Ireland or Xseed convince Square Enix US to let someone else have a crack at it, we're not getting it by this point. (Since SE US would then have to explain to SE JP why someone else could make a DQ game work in the US while they said we Americans just don't buy them, this is doubtful.)

DQ1 and DQ2 mobile were recently seen on the US ESRB site, but it was by a different company than Square Enix. Lots of speculation there - there was a company that was publishing Emulated roms on iOS, including DQ1+2 GBC, this might have been fallout from that, since the company that registered it specialized in helping other companies get their apps on all the app stores at once.

DQ1 and DQ8 both have English localization content hidden inside them. DQ1 even mentions the translators' names in the credits. (Some people from Honeywood, some people from Alex O. Smith (who does a lot of SE's translations)'s company, etc.)

I like to think the success of FF14 ARR improved the chances of DQX in the US, since they cater to a much different market (DQX is much more casual than FF14's hardcore raiding endgame) but you could take that as the exact opposite, that they're not going to risk FF14's popularity for anything.

DQM1 I've always been really pessimistic about, but with DQM2 launched in Japan I'm really doubtful we'll be seeing DQM1 ever now. It would seem to me that SE/Big N would simply skip to DQM2, which is a shame - DQM1 is probably one of my favorite games of all time.

DQM Super Light will probably be localized if only because there's a frighteningly small amount of text in it and SE has been on a major mobile push. The fact that a good chunk of the text is already in English, including several of the credits pages, hint that we might get it. PAD being so popular in the US definitely helps.

2014 is the 25th Anniversary of Dragon Warrior in the US. It's also the 15th Anniversary of Dragon Quest Monsters.

If we don't see at least a token release of DQ stuff in the US this year, wrap it up, SE has written us off as fans.

We are definitely getting DQ I and II (VIII too probably) on mobile. That ESRB rating is new and was not there a few weeks back. Also, in the Japanese release of I and VIII, there is english text inside the game file (they've translated quite a bit already) and they credited an English localization team at the end of the game. That confirms it right there.


It is, though sadly still quite possible. Hoping that a decent reception for BD and Nintendo's general need to push out more software for their platforms will turn into a localization announcement, though, especially since this is quite possibly going to end up being the last worthwhile DQ release.
Pretty sure DQ11 will end up on 3DS. Square Enix smartphone experiment for DQ didnt work out like they wanted it to.


We are definitely getting DQ I and II (VIII too probably) on mobile. That ESRB rating is new and was not there a few weeks back. Also, in the Japanese release of I and VIII, there is english text inside the game file (they've translated quite a bit already) and they credited an English localization team at the end of the game. That confirms it right there.
The ESRB rating is old. I first saw it at least a couple of months ago, long before the announcement of the iOS/Android ports. The smartphone version of DQ1 is at least set for a worldwide release, given the credits lists English, Chinese, and Korean translators.


Pretty sure DQ11 will end up on 3DS. Square Enix smartphone experiment for DQ didnt work out like they wanted it to.

Wait...really? Great news if true. Guess their experiment with MMO doesn't works too well either.

I'm still hoping for a DQ8-like console entry.


Wait...really? Great news if true. Guess their experiment with MMO doesn't works too well either.

I'm still hoping for a DQ8-like console entry.

IIRC the mobile version of DQ8 underperformed. Just to clarify I'm saying this in regards to their mobile business not doing as well as they wanted it to.
I think/hope it'll happen this year since the theory going around is that they wanted to stagger BD and DQVII. (As if starved RPG fans wouldn't gobble up both regardless.)

I'm just hoping for a Nintendo Direct that'll announce it soon.

On the other hand, I have no idea wtf SE is doing with DQ in the west. So far, they've been going through great lengths to pretend DQX doesn't exist as far as the west's concerned, and are just sitting on DQVII3D and the latest Rocket Slime game.


On the other hand, I have no idea wtf SE is doing with DQ in the west. So far, they've been going through great lengths to pretend DQX doesn't exist as far as the west's concerned, and are just sitting on DQVII3D and the latest Rocket Slime game.

It's worse than that, they're actively targeting people doing Lets Plays on Youtube of DQX. I can't IMAGINE them legally harassing people playing FF14, but welp.


Unconfirmed Member
I hope we get DQ7, don't really care about any of the other ones right now. If we aren't getting that I hope they at least put the PS1 game on PSN.


Isn't there a RPG shortage for the 3DS some months this year?? I don't expect SE yo publish DQ VII, it'll mostly fall on Nintendo to bring it out West. If Nintendo does release it, expect a limited release as DQ VI bombed hard and I doubt Nintendo wants to oversupply this game on Amazon. Day 1 purchase for me. I'll finally be able to archive my PS1 version. Also somebody asked in DQ I thru III will be localized?? I think that ship has sailed. Those games will only be available in the West for iOS.


Isn't there a RPG shortage for the 3DS some months this year?? I don't expect SE yo publish DQ VII, it'll mostly fall on Nintendo to bring it out West. If Nintendo does release it, expect a limited release as DQ VI bombed hard and I doubt Nintendo wants to oversupply this game on Amazon. Day 1 purchase for me. I'll finally be able to archive my PS1 version. Also somebody asked in DQ I thru III will be localized?? I think that ship has sailed. Those games will only be available in the West for iOS.

Er, the only versions that would be up for localization would be the Mobile ones, the only other versions of 1-3 that weren't localized were the SNES remakes.

And yeah, I kinda expect DQ7, if it does come out, to be by BIg N, and mostly an eShop release. SE US can't make money on a game that only sells 100k copies.


I really hope we get DQ7 on 3DS, but it's been a while since the Japanese release and neither company that could localize it is firing on all cylinders these days. This one could slip through the cracks. Shame, too... it's the only DQ game I haven't really played.
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