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Do you identify as a "gamer"?


Nah cuz it's associated with people who have tendencies to have fucked up social priorities or hatred. I'm just a guy who happens to enjoy video games.
I tend to say "I play video games." rather than gamer simply because I've run into more than a hand full of people who aren't quite sure what I meant by gamer. They thought I was referring to gambling which I do not do.

Not that I have anything against the label. You call people who fish fishers, you call people who skydive skydivers and you call people who play video games gamers. People who worry that much over a label show the maturity of a 13 year old trying to pretend to be an adult. I'm not shamed to play video games or be associated with them no matter how many other gamers want me to be.
It's been the most enduring hobby I've ever had. I'm 35.

It's the only career I've really ever known.

Most of my friends are from the industry or are heavily invested in games and the culture.
In many ways its the glue that allowed us to become friends and have other shared interests.

It's something in my life that has always made me happy and continues to make me happy.

I do many other things but i simply couldn't imagine life without video games even though i take great pleasure in traveling, spending time with friends, eating out etc...

labeling any person to an activity can be limiting. To me it's something special as it's given me a job, friends and something i choose to actively spend my free time doing.

A happy life to me is a successful mixture of many things but if that makes me a "Gamer" then sure, i don't hate the term but i don't feel it's entirely accurate.

A "Gamer" could be someone who just plays COD and FIFA.

That's my small opinion on the subject :)


Sure, I do play with the rule without cheating. I try the harder difficult once i'm familiar with the game.

And I game a lot. I almost analyse everything as I play. The music, the textures, the sound effect.
Not after Gamer-Gate, no.

So let's say you watch movies or listen to music, you wouldn't want to be associated with a term relating to that hobby since the amount of spew that is said on the Internet to either celebrities, musicians, film makers etc? Gaming is no different and it makes more sense not associating yourself with a minority rather than having a defeatist attitude and not wanting to be associated with gaming.


It's a hobby that's not generally perceived as something anyone can enjoy.

You can be a stamp collector because not everyone collects stamps.
You can be a bird watcher because only some people do that.
It's a bit strange to label someone movie watcher or book reader because those are things most people do once in a while.

That's the whole reason the term "gamer" even exists. And in this context, yes, I guess I am a gamer.


I dont mind being called one but I'm not even "casual gamer" these days.

I will always love videogames but I'm past the point where games were the only thing in my life (after school, friends and family)


Dear lord this is one of the dumbest fucking things to come out in the past few years.

If you play and like games and it's your hobby, you're a gamer.

Gamer is not a dirty word.


No, I don't consider myself a "gamer". I'm just a guy who plays video games as a hobby, for entertainment purposes.
Same as with football, I do go out and play a match or two, but I never think of myself as a footballer.

Both of those hobbies are purely my casual method of having fun.
It comes back to square one as what people define as a 'gamer'; if it is just someone who enjoys games s a hobby then sure, why not? I don't see the problem in shying away from that.
Sure. But I always understood that as just people who play games for a hobby. I also understand the feeling of not wanting to be labelled though, but people always love doing that, so you're probably going to be, whether you like it or not.


He touched the black heart of a mod
The term gamer was ruined before it had the chance to catch on. Gamergate made things a whole lot worse too. Whenever I read it, I hear it in my head in the same voice that says "power to the players" in those Gamestop ads. A voice with this kind of smug pride.


Well I play games... They are a big part of my life (I'm on here all the time)... I don't think I need to identify as one, rather just understand that I am one. The only problem with having that as one of my labels is that it's still misunderstood or misrepresented in today's society as a bad thing. But I'm a happy successful person who's not just a shut-in, which is what some may believe come along with the term.
I don't no, I do play a lot of games and it is my main hobby but it's not something that defines me any more than the amount of sushi I can consume, or running marathons, or doing IT Support.

I don't think the occasion has ever arisen where I have ever needed to identify as anything other than a human male.
I don't see a lot of value in the label "gamer". It doesn't tell you anything other than that you like playing games, but it suggests a deeper meaning or a philosophy.

But I'm not ashamed to play handheld in public or answer someone who asks if I like games.
I'm still confused as to why people are taking the implications of definition of 'gamer' the wrong way...perhaps OP should have provided a definition to refer to because it seems a lot of people are being counter intuitive with their comments...whilst playing on GAF and playing games.


Nope. I enjoy games as an experience and happily share the fact but I certainly don't see myself as a gamer.

TBH - not wanting to ruffle feathers - I find a lot of hardcore fans of the medium do not represent themselves or the medium at all well (in fact way too many seem like the worst kind of football "fan" IMHO) and I certainly do not associate with or want to be associated with that as it's not who I am or how I behave.

I enjoy a lot of stuff and don't really like labels or being seen as being focused on one thing.

I play games. I watch a heck of a lot of films and would be judged a "film buff" I suppose if people wanted to label it, I listen to a wide variety of music from classical to rap (to pick to fairly opposite poles of the medium) as well as outdoor activities such as running, cycling, etc. and I read a ton of books when I find time.

In short no not the way I perceive the term. I am happy to advocate that games can be fun, thrilling and worthwhile experience, that they are not "EVIL" or even "evil" and that it's a good medium with a lot of variety.


No. Lots of negative connotations and I don't like defining myself by one of many hobbies like that. I love books and movies as much as I do games but don't have a special label for that beyond "keen reader", "movie buff", or whatever.

Plus the grammarian in me hates the use of game as a verb.


Dear lord this is one of the dumbest fucking things to come out in the past few years.

If you play and like games and it's your hobby, you're a gamer.

Gamer is not a dirty word.
Yup. That's how I see it.

Gaming has been my #1 hobby. I'm clearly a gamer. (I'm also a jogger, guitar player etc.)

And won't even for a second consider dropping that label because of the GG idiots.
I hate how the word gamer sounds nowadays. I cringe everytime some says "Yeah, I'm a gamer." It's kind of a bummer the internet ruined that word for me.

I'm just a dude who likes games.


The hell is this even supposed to mean?

So? This comment just makes you sound insecure. Grown ass men can listen to music, watch movies, and play games, right? Unless I'm missing something as to what being a gamer actually means lol

The term 'gamer' is toxic and mostly used to define a specific, isolated demographic of individuals. I would not want to define myself that considering the same people who call themselves gamers (especially after GamerGate) has some disgusting shades about them.

It's stupid, and almost childish that people still cling to wanting to be called a 'gamer' when the evidence given about 'gamers' and their thought process is horrid.
He must still be stuck in the mindset to be ashamed to play video games.

Im not afraid to admit that actually. I buy mostly everything online that's gaming related. I haven't been to a brick/mortar that isn't best buy in ages. I don't wear gaming merch, and if I own any it stays in my entertainment room.


as most said, it's a hobby. a hobby I would like to spend more time with, but work, uni, gf family and friends have priority there.
By definition, I guess we're all considered "gamers" If we participate in playing them. I don't necessarily publicly identify as a gamer, but I do mention it as one of my hobbies. Its funny though because people are always surprised that I play VG, just because it looks like I'm in the gym 4-6 times a week lol.


Of course. When I go jogging I am classified as a jogger. Cycling i'm a cyclist. So gamer sure, why not.

Tres De Tripa

Neo Member
Yes I do, and I really do not care about what other people think about the term "gamer", to me is about liking and playing video games, thats one of the things I do therefore a gamer I am.


I do not. It's a dumb term.

I'm a person that has a variety of interests, one of those interests being playing video-games.

The term "gamer" just seems to exclude people and it defines you in a way that is just unnecessary. Also, most of said gamer culture it's something I do not want to associate myself with at all.


I don't define myself through whatever media I'm consuming. Even if I did, the gamer subculture is too disgusting for me to want to be a part of it.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
I like it as hobby, as much as I like movies, series and music.
So, no.


Most people ,especially women, are shocked when I tell them I game . I have got the exact phrase " You don't look like a gamer" from them . They seem genuinely surprised and maybe even disappointed that I wasn't 5ft 4 and 50 percent body fat and live in my mom's basement..
So yea I don't have a problem identifying as one..
It's been the most enduring hobby I've ever had. I'm 35.

It's the only career I've really ever known.

Most of my friends are from the industry or are heavily invested in games and the culture.
In many ways its the glue that allowed us to become friends and have other shared interests.

It's something in my life that has always made me happy and continues to make me happy.

I do many other things but i simply couldn't imagine life without video games even though i take great pleasure in traveling, spending time with friends, eating out etc...

labeling any person to an activity can be limiting. To me it's something special as it's given me a job, friends and something i choose to actively spend my free time doing.

A happy life to me is a successful mixture of many things but if that makes me a "Gamer" then sure, i don't hate the term but i don't feel it's entirely accurate.

A "Gamer" could be someone who just plays COD and FIFA.

That's my small opinion on the subject :)[/QUOTE

I agree with this man. I'm a 35 year old hubby, father and employee. I thoroughly enjoy getting up at 4am, an hour earlier than I should, to start my day with good coffee and some game time. Gaming is my hobby, not what defines me.
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