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Do you identify as a "gamer"?


No, putting aside my misgivings on what "Gamer" is even suppose to mean, I only play like 3 or 4 games a year when I used to play somewhere in the neighborhood of 20.


I identify as a person whos hobby is to play games, I don't like being tagged as a "gamer".

There are lots of great posts here, but you summed it up well. I try to not identify myself with labels other than the obvious descriptors. I enjoy gaming, I enjoy reading, I enjoy movies, I enjoy hiking, I don't think I'd describe myself as as a gamer, a reader, a viewer(?), or a hiker. Those are just activities I enjoy.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I am as much a "gamer" as I am a "reader" or a "viewer". I don't see the point of discussing it at all.

I was going to post something to this effect.

"Oh hey man you like books? You're a reader dude?"

I dunno, "Gamer" got this stigma attached to it, like playing games is something that really defines you as a person - and that got a stigma.


I guess I identify as a game developer. I find it hard to not identify with your work, especially when you spend much of you spare time on it as well. I don't really identify as a gamer though. I realized that wanting to make games is very different from wanting to play them. And frankly even the term game developer is kind of meaningless, even more so than gamer. It's mostly useful for labeling yourself as part of an industry.


I think we need to differentiate between using "gamer" as a catch-all for playing (hardcore) video games and using "gamer" to define a subculture.
Like, I'm a gamer if you mean "do you play video games", but I'm not a gamer if that means buying dumb t-shirts, gamer food, hating on fake-gamer-girls and whatever "gamers" are doing these days.


So let's say you watch movies or listen to music, you wouldn't want to be associated with a term relating to that hobby since the amount of spew that is said on the Internet to either celebrities, musicians, film makers etc? Gaming is no different and it makes more sense not associating yourself with a minority rather than having a defeatist attitude and not wanting to be associated with gaming.

Please stop shitty-posting here if you don't understand (or don't want to) the point of others.

Here there is a problem of definition so everyone will answer yes and no in one sentence which is non-sense but whatever.


So many replies read like people are embarrassed by their hobby. What is this, 1985? People who enjoy food and food culture are not embarrassed to be called "foodies". I love games, games culture, etc. Of course I consider myself a gamer. I also read voraciously and consider myself a book worm. I love american football and attend as many games as I can fit in, I am a football fan.

I am a book worm
I am a football fan
I am a gamer

I am all of these things and more. Saying you are a gamer doesn't mean its the only thing you do and it certainly isn't a bad word. Be proud of what you like, all of it.


So gamer is bad word now? LMAO!

I play games frequently and follow video games culture, so yes, I'm a gamer.


So many replies read like people are embarrassed by their hobby.

Most people are embarrassed by a very vocal group of people who like to claim the term "gamer" for themselves. I doubt that anyone here is embarrassed for playing video games.
I'd say, let them have their term. Everyone plays video games nowadays.


No, but I don't have a problem with the term
I really like games and while it's not my only hobby or the only thing I do in my free time it's still an important part of my life. I've met several of my friends through gaming and gaming is in some ways related to my work. Plus hell, I'm here posting on a gaming board when I could be doing something else.

I just don't go around telling people "I'm a gamer" nor is it a word I'd use to describe myself.
But if I tell someone I like game and they say something "Oh so you are kind of a gamer" I have no issue with it

Par Score

A few years ago I would have said yes. But then two things happened:

1) Video games became so ubiquitous that it's now almost as meaningless a signifier as calling yourself a "reader" or a "watcher".

2) Things like Gamergate rendered the remains of it's significance utterly abhorrent to me.

I love games, I've been playing games for 25 years, but if someone willingly presents themselves as a 'gamer' these days, I'm immediately wary.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Sure, it's my main hobby. It's not like I'm going to introduce myself as Steve the Gamer but if someone asks I have no problem telling them I enjoy gaming.


Nope - and it's absolutely nothing to do with feeling "embarrassed" about a hobby.

Like many things, you get people who play video games, and then you get gamers.
Two hugely separate groups.

Think of it in the same way that you get people who are Metal Gear Solid fans, and then you get people who are Metal Gear Solid fans.


I have loved games my entire life, so I guess I am indeed a gamer. Just as anyone who plays games on a regular basis is. It's just unfortunate that the term has become so toxic due to certain groups of rather odious individuals who make everyone else in the community look bad.


Do you identify as a "meat eater"?

- I enjoy chicken breast that doesn't mean I like all meat.
- Hell no.

Some responses in this thread, man. Just because some twats think of themselves as " true gamerzz" that doesn't mean one can't identify as gamer. You give them way too much power with that attitude.


A gamer for me is someone who play and enjoy video games .
So yeah I'm a gamer .

Or a video games enthusiast if you prefer, I don't care what people associate gamer with I simply enjoy my hobby that is all .

I think people are overthinking the term gamer IMHO.

Also I enjoy Anime and reading so does it mean I'm an Otaku and a reader ?
Yeah probably but you know what, I don't care :p


So many replies read like people are embarrassed by their hobby. What is this, 1985? People who enjoy food and food culture are not embarrassed to be called "foodies". I love games, games culture, etc. Of course I consider myself a gamer.

Well, you can do you man. I'm not gonna associate myself with virtrol spewing, self-absorbed and the borderline 'tribalist' mentality that comes with being a gamer and being 'absorbed' in game culture.

But maybe that's just me being 'weird'.


Most people are embarrassed by a very vocal group of people who like to claim the term "gamer" for themselves. I doubt that anyone here is embarrassed for playing video games.
I'd say, let them have their term. Everyone plays video games nowadays.

This, a hundred times!

I play games since i had a 8088 and have never been embarassed about it. Its just a hobby. I am however embarassed by all the "gamer" fanatics. Same way i like football and im embarassed by assholes who act like assholes at stadiums and other events.


I do. I don't see any reason not to other than if I wanted to be unreasonably offended by the term, which I'm not. I'm proud to love and play games. I'm proud to love this industry. I don't mind the "label" because I'm proud to be it. And everyone should be.
Yes, because it's an easy way to tell people you enjoy shit loads of video games just like how you can use such terms for watching many films or reading many books. It's all the same shit, just makes it easier to get your point across to the opposite person.

Person 1: So, you're a gamer?

Person 2: No.

Person 1: You don't play video games?

Person 2: Yes I do but I don't like being labeled as a gamer.

Person 1: But you still play and enjoy video games.

See to me I feel some people just complicate shit for the sake of it, like who gives a fuck what the person I don't know thinks. Yes, I am a gamer, a movie buff, a bookworm and a bunch of other dumb harmless terms when it comes to getting your point across easy and clear to the other person about your hobbies and how much you're into them.

Edit: If the opposite person is negative or whatever because you're a gamer then fuck'em lol, who cares. The problem is them not you, you're probably better off being away from such people.


The term 'gamer' is toxic and mostly used to define a specific, isolated demographic of individuals. I would not want to define myself that considering the same people who call themselves gamers (especially after GamerGate) has some disgusting shades about them.

It's stupid, and almost childish that people still cling to wanting to be called a 'gamer' when the evidence given about 'gamers' and their thought process is horrid.

Im not afraid to admit that actually. I buy mostly everything online that's gaming related. I haven't been to a brick/mortar that isn't best buy in ages. I don't wear gaming merch, and if I own any it stays in my entertainment room.

I don't define the term that way. But whatevz. And if people DO want to judge me because I use that term to define my love for this hobby then that's a real easy filtering tool as to who I want to actually interact with. If you're that shallow to shun someone because of that then I probably don't want to interact with you anyways.


Gaming is my hobby, and i have no problem talking about that.

Gaming isn't a character trait of mine i need to identify with.
Gaming is my favorite hobby and entertainment medium so if that's how you define "gamer" then I guess I would be, but I'm not a big fan of self-identifying with the term. As much as I love games the community around them can be awfully toxic so I prefer to distance myself from that.


I'm still confused as to why people are taking the implications of definition of 'gamer' the wrong way...perhaps OP should have provided a definition to refer to because it seems a lot of people are being counter intuitive with their comments...whilst playing on GAF and playing games.

Well it can be whatever you want it to be, the people in this thread who identify as gamers will almost certainly act and behave in a manner completely different to those who do so and make up GamerGate

You can identify as whatever you like, it was just interesting to me because personally I don't.

If someone says "well gamers think..." or "gamers reacted by..." I don't consider those statements as being about, or including, me

I don't think there is anything wrong with consideirng yourself a gamer


I agree with this man. I'm a 35 year old hubby, father and employee. I thoroughly enjoy getting up at 4am, an hour earlier than I should, to start my day with good coffee and some game time. Gaming is my hobby, not what defines me.

Weird...are you me? 35, father & husband here...and I usually get up at 5am to enjoying a bit of gaming (or neogaf) with some coffee before work.


I don't define the term that way. But whatevz. And if people DO want to judge me because I use that term to define my love for this hobby then that's a real easy filtering tool as to who I want to actually interact with. If you're that shallow to shun someone because of that then I probably don't want to interact with you anyways.

like I said to the other guy: you do you.


I think we'd have to have an agreed definition of 'gamer' first before I could decide whether I met it or not.

Personally, games are one of my hobbies, nothing more. If that makes me a gamer, then cool. If not, that's cool too.
I don't call myself a gamer. I call myself a connoisseur of interactive entertainment and an advocate for ethics in the enthusiast press.


hell yeah.. i'm a hardcore gamer. i play games. a lot. not sure why people are acting like it's a bad thing all of sudden.
If you play games you're a gamer.

Anyone thinking anything else is in denial. And age has nothing to do with anything, if you think you're not a gamer because you're an adult, well that is a childish thought.


A few years ago I would have said yes. But then two things happened:

1) Video games became so ubiquitous that it's now almost as meaningless a signifier as calling yourself a "reader" or a "watcher".

2) Things like Gamergate rendered the remains of it's significance utterly abhorrent to me.

I love games, I've been playing games for 25 years, but if someone willingly presents themselves as a 'gamer' these days, I'm immediately wary.



Yes, sure, in the sense of a word describing something I do. But no in the synecdoche sense mentioned in the OP, where it's describing me as part of a group; I don't associate this pastime with belonging to some subculture. And I'm certainly not a 'gamer' in the eyes of AAA video game publishers.
I do.
I spend a lot of money and time on video games and I like challenge in them too.

I am proud to be a gamer.

Everyone can play, but that won't make you a gamer. And I don't mean it in terms of exclusivity, but it's like saying playing an instrument makes you a musician, and that's just not the case (I am a musician, bachelors and all).


I don't know when, where, why being called a gamer became negative, but I've been playing video games since the 80's and if someone called me a gamer I'd say 'yep'. Who cares.
I dont understand some of society's need to group and name everything just to judge them. And im not having a go at the OP.

I enjoy playing games and knowing things about the industry. I also read books and comics, watch sport and tv shows.

There are people who call me a gamer or nerd or whatever but i dont get offended by it or use it to feel superior like some people tend to do in this age.

Its like the casual gamer/core gamer debate i dont self label. And try to not start debates. because every hobby has people who take everything too serious, and you can also sometimes find just as many who are nice and caring.
I only like batching about games, games are for nerds, heard of sport? You take sport seriously. I'm serious about video sports, I'm a sporter.


If you play games you're a gamer.

Anyone thinking anything else is in denial. And age has nothing to do with anything, if you think you're not a gamer because you're an adult, well that is a childish thought.

Thinking that people who don't want to define themselves with a 'label' are in denial is even more childish. There's no 'end all, be all' with this.
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