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Do you see Titanfall or Destiny as huge FPS franchises by the end of this gen?

Destiny has the better chance. Advanced Warfare has already improved on the similar concepts Titanfall has. The Call of Duty community is larger, has a very large competitive community, and pretty much everything Titanfall doesn't.

Agreed. Advanced Warfare could be a huge slap in the face for Titanfall. I know I'm personally way more interested in what AW has to offer, and this is coming from someone that hasn't bought a COD game in years.
Destiny definitely will be. It's insanely addictive, and a huge portion of my friends list is playing it daily.

Titanfall depends on how much the brand was hurt with that exclusivity. I see it being a moderate success, but not anywhere to the extent Destiny will be.


Both will be big AAA franchises. Bigger than they are now. Unless Titanfall stays exclusive. If that's the case it will be a big deal for XB Owners but not for anyone else.


I agree. The story is so painful.
Just the last story mission alone the dialog reads like a game from the 80's... In a bad way.

"You did it Guardian. You saved the Traveler. You are the hero. The Speaker is calling, he is having a party in your honor back at the Tower, but he wants to ask you if you are okay with bringing the guacamole."

To be fair, Halo isn't exactly well written either, and it's full of stilted dialogue.

I didn't know people played Bungie games for compelling plot. Bungie to me = well executed shooty-shooty-bang-bang games and not much else.
no beause they are online only with weak single players

halo had a strong single player story
COD not as much but the single palyer was still good
Maybe if Titanfall 2 has an extensive single player campaign with a larger variety of mechs. I won't buy anything Destiny related again.


destiny could be huge I think. There are a ton of problems but the core mechanics are really good and ongoing support seems to be on the right path. A current gen only destiny 2 could be awesome
Destiny needs a lot of work for it to become huge. It's a good game but not good enough in my opinion.

Titanfall, I haven't played but I'd think it has potential if they include a campaign and ship on all platforms.

Ideally, i'd love for the both of them to be very successful and amazing new franchises for us to look forward to.


Destiny 2 is going to be huge. It will hit at a time that most everyone will have migrated to the new consoles, will be marketed to hell and back, and it will probably be the game that everyone was hoping Destiny would be. Activision spent $500 million because there's dead set on turning that franchise into the next CoD. It will happen.
I think that a second Titanfall game, on all platforms, that has an interesting single player element could be big. The current gameplay is awesome, they just need more content and a wider audience.
Also let me put it this way.

Destiny had more reserves than Advanced Warfare currently does.

Let that sink in. If Destiny 2 reviews well and is much improved it will be massive.


Junior Member
I would be really surprised if the next Titanfall isn't multiplatform. I don't think anyone needs to worry about that part.


Sounds like we'll have Destiny forced on us whether we want it or not, if the annual release schedule is really what Activision wants.
Sounds like we'll have Destiny forced on us whether we want it or not, if the annual release schedule is really what Activision wants.

I doubt we get a new full game every year. That would be a huge mistake. Destiny needs a ton of content to be good since its MMO "like". A new one every year would be disasterous in my opinion


Destiny since it has a campaign and RPG elements...crappy, but at least they try. They can improve on that in Destiny 2.
TF...Eh, just your typical FPS. They need to re-design their idea that MP only=good if they want to create a solid franchise.
Good discussion, I'd also throw Watch Dogs in the mix too. Seems to be a similar reaction to Destiny: sold a ton at launch based upon hype and marketing, but critical/GAF reception has been mixed-to-negative and neither game seems to have legs. Everyone seems to like the idea of both games and the potential, but not necessarily the first pass at it.

Do we think Watch Dogs will be a big franchise by generation's end and sit next to Assassin's Creed at the top of the sales chart each year?


Neo Member
Destiny has the better chance. Advanced Warfare has already improved on the similar concepts Titanfall has. The Call of Duty community is larger, has a very large competitive community, and pretty much everything Titanfall doesn't.
Wait, what? The game isn't out yet but it looks like CoD took some of the concepts and watered down. Doesn't appear to be wallrunning, verticality appears less fluid, goliaths appear to be really crappy titans.


Um fucking what, I love both of those game very much. I have close to 200 hours logged in Titanfall so they better do another.


No to both. They both fell flat on their faces.

Titanfall's initial sales sucked, Destiny's were good but the word of mouth and game content is going to kill the community/growth.

I think they will definitely continue to exist, but Destiny and Titanfall will never become the next Call of Duty and Halo.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Titanfall killed it on Xbone. All a sequel needs is a campaign and more content and you guys will kill it. Honestly lack of campaign was the only thing I saw holding some of its sales back. We had a lot of customers wanting one.


I think on both games, being held back by previous generation consoles didn't help, and both games feel a little rushed in some way or another (especially Titanfall).
I reckon we'll need to see a sequel from both series before we can know for sure to be honest.

Anyone want to hedge hopeful bets on Titanfall 2 being made in Frostbite?

Hip Hop

Yes, I do.

They both have very strong core foundations to build upon them even though initially they did not start out so hot.

Titanfall can remedy itself and become better with more content and a single player campaign.

Destiny has a chance to be "reborn", come out stronger than ever before, and I will bet people that were let down with the first will be there day one as well.

Both franchises I think have a good future ahead.


Wait, what? The game isn't out yet but it looks like CoD took some of the concepts and watered down. Doesn't appear to be wallrunning, verticality appears less fluid, goliaths appear to be really crappy titans.

I was mostly referring to the exosuit. The exosuit in Advanced Warfare shits on Titanfalls. And you can't really compare a Goliath to a Titan. It's like comparing Iron-Mans Mk.1 to an APU from the Matrix. They have similarities but, are different.


I agree. The story is so painful.
Just the last story mission alone the dialog reads like a game from the 80's... In a bad way.

"You did it Guardian. You saved the Traveler. You are the hero. The Speaker is calling, he is having a party in your honor back at the Tower, but he wants to ask you if you are okay with bringing the guacamole."

This ending you described would have been more interesting than the actual ending.


If Destiny gets it's act together in the sequel sure. As it stands? I doubt a large percentage of the initial buyers are interested in the sequel.


If Titanfall has a proper sequel with a proper amount of content, and doesn't look quite so 'last-gen' then I think it has a chance, albeit a small one.

Destiny, despite it's criticisms will likely remain huge. People are mostly upset about the amount of content, as that comes along, so will people playing it. Assuming it's not too little for too much.





Titanfall, no. Destiny, yes.

Destiny has much more potential and more content. Also, its backed by Activision so...boom.
Titanfall really screwed the pooch by going exclusive for the first game.

I still can't even believe that EA was retarded enough to do that.

What really makes it ridiculous is they went totally exclusive. Why not just make it a 6 month time exclusive deal?
Titanfall seemed to die off pretty quick. Destiny? I don't know. A lot of people like myself bought it on hype and good impressions from the beta, but were disappointed in the final product especially in terms of story. I'll be curious to see how the DLC sells and whether people stick with it. It may have legs, but not sure.
The thing with Destiny is that the game is so polarizing that im not sure some people will ever get over how disappointed and underwhelmed they were with the first game. I mean people are still mad at Molyneux for over promising on Fable , despite Fable 2 being fairly awesome (lets just forget about the rest of the Fable games). I wouldn't count out Bungie though and the humbling effect that the reception of Destiny had on the studio. I expect them to put their head down, not hype the second game and wow people.

As for Titanfall, I'm sorry to disagree with most, but that game is just pure unadulterated fun. I don't think being exclusive to X1 (if the upcoming games are indeed exclusive) hurting the franchise, I mean look at Halo. They really just need to deliver a really good campaign and over deliver or every other aspect of the game. I don't know what they need to do with capture people but I am rooting for them as that game was a breath of fresh air for the FPS genre for me.

To answer the question, I am rooting for Titanfall to be a huge franchise at the end of this gen but the smart money is probably on destiny.


I think on both games, being held back by previous generation consoles didn't help, and both games feel a little rushed in some way or another (especially Titanfall).
I reckon we'll need to see a sequel from both series before we can know for sure to be honest.

Anyone want to hedge hopeful bets on Titanfall 2 being made in Frostbite?

Unlikely since Respawn is working through the EA Partners program. The only studios to use Frostbite so far have been wholly owned by EA.

Special C

Titanfall has a good chance if it goes multi-plat. The core gameplay is just way too good to not be a hit. Also Titanfall has not died off. Not on Xbox One at least. Tons of people playing and I never have issues getting into matches. I can't speak for PC however.
Both could be stellar franchises but they both need work after their first iteration. For Titanfall, Respawn needs to expand the scope of the game with new mechanics, player rewards and an entertaining singleplayer experience. Bungie needs to spend time on Destiny fleshing out the universe's story and background while giving us more regions to explore and more cinematic moments that encourage you to feel like a legend instead of just another cog in the machine.

Each series has potential but it's way too early to make an accurate assessment. Who knows what will happen.


Everyone is saying Titanfall was a commercial flop, but do we even have sales numbers for the game?

The NPD leak said it sold ~1M retail copies on XB1 and ~600k on 360 through June, not counting any bundles or digital.

EA said it met or exceeded expectations.


sparkle this bitch
I think Titanfall will rise. After reading all the background info. Titanfall was done with a small team, on a quick release. And for the most part they executed it very well.

Destiny isn't going to get any bigger than it is now and will only decay. It is not a bad game, but the issue is they have no fucking idea what they want to do with it and it shows.
Destiny sure but fixing all the problems with the first game will need a lot of work. They need to give more variety to the mission structure but the its simplicity is what allows them to scale the difficulty, it won't be an easy task. I don't think they could fix the grunding, that seems to be a core element of the game.

Titanfall got its final form lately in development, the game was rushed so I'm not surprised of the lack of content. However, its gameplay is solid and can be improved, they need to make levels with objectives in mind rather than just TDM arenas and exploit differently navigation. Also, include coop modes, more variety to titans and unlockables. I'm not against the MP campaign, it just needs to be objective based rather than TDM/CTF with another skin.


I think destiny 2 has a good chance to right the wrongs of the first. The fundamental core of the game is good, it's obviously rushed as fuck and lots of shit got cut out.

Add in a proper story, mission variety, performance multiplyer to the loot, more gun and armour variety. Flesh out the classes. add ship contact gameplay. optional 3rd person camera. And allowing you to wield melee weapons, which would play like that sword mission on the moon or the bladedancer's special.
TitanFall needs a good single player campaign and it would be GotY material.

Destiny needs to go back to the drawing board. Or at least add gameplay elements from the Raids into the campaign.

I think both will be huge franchise for this gen though.
As they are right now- I would say no.

As they are right now but with only slight improvements and 2-3 new features, no.

Titanfall needs to have it's single player campaign, and make it a really good one in the veins of Wolfenstein or whatever. And imo, make it a mech game with good soldier combat, instead of a soldier game with some mech combat.

Destiny needs to scrap and revamp a ton of stuff include more unique class abilities, better level and enemy design (variety), a more vibrant (living) world, and some actual good story telling... Essentially redo the RPG elements.

Both of them however, needs to work on their social features.


I'm going with destiny. Sure the story needs work but over time the content will only increase and increase. The game itself is addicting and fun. I don't see this supposed drop-off people speak of. I constantly see a ton of people on my friends list playing.


If Bungie goes full MMO with Destiny (quest hubs, open world, npcs everywhere, something close to a story) then I could see it becoming a 10 year thing.
Nope, both will be forgotten if they don't make big changes for the sequel. I fear especially for Destiny, people now know it's just a loot game, they were expecting Halo and Mass Effect but got a mediocre Diablo.

Both need a strong single player campaign.
Destiny 2 needs to have 10x more content than Destiny 1, it can be a good AAA game while also maintaining its loot aspect, Destiny 1 is just a shallow loot game.
Titanfall franchise won't go anywhere if it skips the most selling console
Titanfall needs more players, 6v6 is awful and bots aren't a substitute
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