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Do you think all console exclusives should be on PC?


Do you think removing the the unique selling proportion exclusives offer would lead to more or less console sales?
(This is a joke, right?)

So what console GAF is essentially saying here is that they completely acknowledge that the PC is the better gaming platform, because if it weren't for exclusives, apparently al ofl console GAF would be playing on PC.

Good to know ;p

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Yes, because console hardware sucks compared to my PC and the boxes offer very little in the way of unique gameplay features that couldn't be done on PC atm.


Yes because all games should be 60 FPS and capable of scaling to higher resolutions than whatever it was locked at on the console of choice.
Why would anyone "like" the existence of exclusives? What benefit is there to you that some people won't get to play the game?

Because the best games(Imo) are always the ones designed specifically for a system whether it's from Sony, MS, Nintendo or a PC dev. I just don't think that's it's a coincidence.

And I don't see how some people won't get to play the game else we're talking day 1. When I don't have enough to buy a console I wait until it's cheaper or buy used for the game I want to play.
So what console GAF is essentially saying here is that they completely acknowledge that the PC is the better gaming platform, because if it weren't for exclusives, apparently al ofl console GAF would be playing on PC.

Good to know ;p

That wasn't his point and you know it. It was a simple question and the answer is also very simple.


Again, this is a technical consideration and not a practical one. Technically, you can play Half Life 2 with a Guitar Hero controller. Practically, the game would need to be radically reworked if we wanted it to play well with that controller.

Playing with touch screen controls is not as radically a different experience as playing with a controller as playing HL2 with a Guitar Hero controller would be. The degree of reworking is minimal. There are already functional examples of this. Touch screen controllers have been a thing since iOS has been introduced.

How about KB/M console games?


Further, I have been a proponent of KB&M console games for a long time. Games like Quake 3 on the dreamcast or UT3 on the PS3 are the way to go. I see consoles not supporting KB&M as a silly and pointless. There is no reason things should be that way.

Technically? No. Practically? Yes?

Practically, yes? Do you have some sort of stat on hand about how many people are or aren't willing to use a controller for their phone?

And, in any case, the practicality of the situation is that touch screen controls can emulate gamepad controls well enough.


So what console GAF is essentially saying here is that they completely acknowledge that the PC is the better gaming platform, because if it weren't for exclusives, apparently al ofl console GAF would be playing on PC.

Good to know ;p

Incorrect, and i didn't say that. Exclusive games are only ONE of the unique selling propositions of dedicated game systems, albeit an important one.


From a financial standpoint of businesses trying to sell hardware, no, it wouldn't make any sense.

As a gamer that laments not seeing the full potential of these games due to limited power, of fucking course.


That wasn't his point and you know it. It was a simple question and the answer is also very simple.

It's the underlying sentiment so far.

Basically everyone here saying "no" is insisting that if every game wer eon every platform, everyone would be playing the games on PC instead of console.

The only reason everyone would do that is if PC is an inherently better platform. Otherwise why wouldn't everyone just play all their games on PS4 instead?

Also, this is also being said partly in jest, please don't take it super seriously or anything.


They won't put their exclusives on PC because it will make the console versions look a full generation behind.
And when they do they sometimes intentionally gimp the PC version to make it seem closer to the console one, as was seen with watch dogs.


The justification for first-party development that makes most of those games possible is contingent on it not being so, be it PC or any competing platforms. No matter what people may want personally, the premise is nonsense.


There are advantages in having a game in more than one platform in that more people can play the game. There are also real advantages in platform exclusive games in that it can be developed to take advantage of the hardware it's on.

I have no issues at all with exclusives as they're often my favourite games so I'd much rather they continued.


Incorrect, and i didn't say that. Exclusive games are only ONE of the unique selling propositions of dedicated game systems, albeit an important one.

Then why would it matter?

If every game is on every platform, why would PS4 sales be affected, as you suggested? It's cealr you were intimitaing that for a large portion of people, there would be no incentive to get a PS4. If they aren't playing their games on a PS4, then where are they playing them?


I want the exclusives on PC but I'm not going to cry about it, it simply ain't happening. Even if Naughty Dog use nothing but a sophisticated 2way emulator for coding on PC and testing on PS4, it would never the light of day in public and I am OK with that. It's just reality, why would they they let exclusives slip from the platform they were (expensively) made to sell and play on? This "no exclusivity" idea is so far removed from reality, the thread serves for daydreaming purposes only.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
As a PC gamer. No.

Console exclusives technical strength often derives from the fact that devs squeeze everything out of a single, fixed specification. I would love to see certain titles ported over later, but console exclusives should remain as such.
It's the underlying sentiment so far.

Basically everyone here saying "no" is insisting that if every game wer eon every platform, everyone would be playing the games on PC instead of console.

The only reason everyone would do that is if PC is an inherently better platform. Otherwise why wouldn't everyone just play all their games on PS4 instead?

Also, this is also being said partly in jest, please don't take it super seriously or anything.

It's not that PC's are a better place to play, it's that if you put every game on one platform then obviously people would gravitate there. It's like if you made a thread asking "Should Sony and Nintendo put all their exclusives on the XBox One?". Obviously then people would all buy an Xbox One because you could have all multiplatform games and then Sony and Nintendo games as well. It wouldn't matter that the console isn't as powerful as the PS4 because it would be a place where you could essentially play every game from every publisher.


Doesn't make any sense for a business to operate like this. I dont think its a good idea...

Really? Can you think of any other industry that operates like this? I think there are, but it's ahr dot come up with examples.

Imagine if movies worked like this.

You can only watch the latest Sony movie release on sony blu-ray players, and the latest Paramount pictures film on samsung blu-rays.

It would be nuts.

The reason this is done is because MS and Sony don't WANT to compete on purely who offers the better platform (or rather Microsoft doesn't because Sony probably wins that one). They would rather throw money around in order to force you to pay for their platform in order to get EXCLUSIVE DLC for Draogn Age: Inquisition or X game or what have you.
Because the best games(Imo) are always the ones designed specifically for a system whether it's from Sony, MS, Nintendo or a PC dev. I just don't think that's it's a coincidence.

And I don't see how some people won't get to play the game else we're talking day 1. When I don't have enough to buy a console I wait until it's cheaper or buy used for the game I want to play.

I do think there is a correlation between exclusives developed by console makers and production quality. A company can keep the margins pretty lean if they're trying to sell the console more than just the game. (I wouldn't say the same about 3rd party exclusives.) It's ultimately a subjective matter of opinion though as to whether these in-house games are actually of higher quality. I can see the argument though.

The argument that it doesn't stop people from playing the game because they can just buy the other console when it's cheap doesn't really sway me though. The realities of console ownership are such that most people can only justifying buying one. There's too great a redundancy of features to justify an extra purchase, even many years later, for a couple exclusives. But even if the money and psychology isn't an issue, needing to wait years to play an exclusive is still pretty shitty imo.


If all games were on pc than consoles would really be screwed.

Its gonna be awkward enough with consoles trying to remain relevant 3 years from now when all console games are 720p 30fps being played on 4k tvs and neither microsoft nor sony are ready to launch a new console.


Really? Can you think of any other industry that operates like this? I think there are, but it's ahr dot come up with examples.

Imagine if movies worked like this.

You cna only watch the latest Sony movie release on sony blu-ray players, and the latest Paramount pictures film on samsung blu-rays.

Further, the way AAA game development currently works, limiting your business to a single platform is generally suicide unless you got some sort of sick licensing arrangement going. The current console development practice is like a shotgun blast with as wide a spread as possible. If you're only ever going to have maybe 10% of any potential market ever interested in your product, your goal is to increase your potential market as much as possible.

Diversifying and spreading your reach is the exact opposite of bad business sense - it's the smartest business practice.


Console exclusives technical strength often derives from the fact that devs squeeze everything out of a single, fixed specification.

OK, then port to PC afterwards if that helps. PCs can run every console exclusive. It's pretty different than developing a game that has to run on XBone and PS4.


Playing with touch screen controls is not as radically a different experience as playing with a controller as playing HL2 with a Guitar Hero controller would be. The degree of reworking is minimal. There are already functional examples of this. Touch screen controllers have been a thing since iOS has been introduced.

I don't agree. I think StarCraft, for instance, would be a dramatically different game if it needed to be playable with a controller.

Typing of the dead

My immediate thought on seeing this image was "exactly," but I must assume you intended this to prove your point, and not mine.

If the best example you can come up with to prove that KB/M games can move to consoles is a third string spinoff of a second rate franchise from Sega, then that only reinforces how practically difficult this is.

Further, I have been a proponent of KB&M console games for a long time. Games like Quake 3 on the dreamcast or UT3 on the PS3 are the way to go. I see consoles not supporting KB&M as a silly and pointless. There is no reason things should be that way.

Yes, there is. Economics. Companies aren't avoiding KB/M on controllers just because they're all stupid dumb dumb heads, they're avoiding it because it doesn't making economic sense.

Practically, yes? Do you have some sort of stat on hand about how many people are or aren't willing to use a controller for their phone?

The games don't sell well at all. Your example for console KB/M almost seemed intended to prove my point; if you think a port of Typing of the Dead is good evidence for how great KB/M games are on consoles, then we have different ideas of what constitutes a strong or successful venture.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Might as well just get rid of consoles all together if that's the attitude some want to have. Closed hardware is closed hardware. They come with their own ecosystems and that includes games too.

When Bayonetta 2 went to Wii U, i knew i had to buy a Wii U. Its just a fact that port begging like this is very embarrassing.


I used to wonder why the hell PC gamers were always so desperate for console games. Then I downloaded a game or two off GOG, and browsed Steam a bit, and I began to understand. I'd be making petitions to guys.
Further, the way AAA game development currently works, limiting your business to a single platform is generally suicide unless you got some sort of sick licensing arrangement going. The current console development practice is like a shotgun blast with as wide a spread as possible. If you're only ever going to have maybe 10% of any potential market ever interested in your product, your goal is to increase your potential market as much as possible.

Diversifying and spreading your reach is the exact opposite of bad business sense - it's the smartest business practice.

Then why would you stop at PC? Might as well ask if Sony should release Gran Turismo 7 on the Xbox One and if MS should release HALO 5 on the PS4.
Man that would be ideal. Besides the Wii U, consoles are no longer innovating in any area and they are really just controllers plugged into medium end PCs.

If we got rid of exclusives:
- Consumers benefit because you can buy one platform and play any game you like.
- Developers benefit (the exclusive ones at least) because they get way more exposure for their games.
- The only people who do not benefit are the console producers because they lose one of the main reasons people buy their products.


I'm of the belief that each platform should be differentiating themselves via their hardware, services and functionality. This naturally leads to some exclusive titles, but only by the virtue that they are not possible elsewhere, whether that be a technical, functional or service challenge.

Games being paid off to be withheld from distribution to other platforms or to not take full advantage of the abilities of other platforms, is pointless and damaging.

Devs should be perfectly able to explore their creativity and success on any and all platforms they are able to, leading to even more games created from that success.
Doesn't really make sense from a business perceptive. Most console exclusives are done to show off the technical abilities of the hardware. For example, why would wasting resources on a PC port of Infamous Second Son make any sense for Sony? They are better off putting those resources to other console exclusive. Also just the fact that you design a game's architecture generic enough to be cross platform could preclude you from maxing out the potential on the console you are trying to promote.

Just face it, if the makers of exclusive games thought it would be more beneficial to make PC ports they would. It also doesn't help that PC sales of console games are a tiny fraction of their console counterparts.
I used to wonder why the hell PC gamers were always so desperate for console games. Then I downloaded a game or two off GOG, and browsed Steam a bit, and I began to understand. I'd be making petitions to guys.

I'm pretty sure a PC gamer shits in your cereal every day. I'm good with PC games, thanks. Now to go back to playing Tie Fighter.
Personally I do like to have everything available on one platform just to save money. But realistically it's not going to happen. Games that utilize a specific console strength simply makes a better experience. And games are all about the experience.


I don't agree. I think StarCraft, for instance, would be a dramatically different game if it needed to be playable with a controller.

At high level play, sure. The same way high level fighting game gamers prefer fight sticks to gamepads. I have played StarCraft with a controller using pinnacle profiler before. Do I prefer it? No, not at all. Is it playable? Sure. Steam controllers make this even more of a moot point.

The point I'm selling isn't that every game is perfect for every controller. It's that enough controller options exist across the board on every platform that the idea that a game couldn't translate from one platform to another is weird to me.

My immediate thought on seeing this image was "exactly," but I must assume you intended this to prove your point, and not mine.

If the best example you can come up with to prove that KB/M games can move to consoles is a third string spinoff of a second rate franchise from Sega, then that only reinforces how practically difficult this is.

My best example of KB/M games moving to consoles would be the entire FPS genre. Not the ones that come to consoles with aim assist and all that jazz, no, the ones that are still on PCs that don't offer controller support at all that you can get going with a single software download like Pinnacle Profiler, who, while suboptimal experiences compared to the real deal KB&M control options, are still perfectly playable.

Your posts have a degree of "Perfect is the enemy of the good" to them.

Yes, there is. Economics. Companies aren't avoiding KB/M on controllers just because they're all stupid dumb dumb heads, they're avoiding it because it doesn't making economic sense.

You're going to need to expand upon them. Doesn't make economic sense in what way? Microsoft has expanded upon why it doesn't support KB&M in the past, and it doesn't gel with your explanation. Their explanation was to the effect that they wanted to distinguish the Xbox brand from their PC brand.

Which is why I assume they don't support keyboard and mouse. Not because I think they're stupid dumb dumb heads, but because they are conscious of branding their machines as something different than a PC.

The games don't sell well at all. Your example for console KB/M almost seemed intended to prove my point; if you think a port of Typing of the Dead is good evidence for how great KB/M games are on consoles, then we have different ideas of what constitutes a strong or successful venture.

Games with touch screen controls don't sell well on iOS? I'm going to need some evidence of this.


Unless there is a specific reason, like first party ownership, every single game on console should be available on a PC.

If Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo want to put money in and fund the existence of the game, they are free to keep it exclusive to whatever platforms they want.


Then why would you stop at PC? Might as well ask if Sony should release Gran Turismo 7 on the Xbox One and if MS should release HALO 5 on the PS4.

I'm not stopping at "PC." In my example, PC encompasses all gaming machines. The PS4 and Xbox One are essentially PCs in this example.

I would have no problems with GT7 being on Xbone or Halo 5 being on PS4. I'm advocating a degree of universal software compatibility by way of a software standard to be adopted by hardware makers.


I think that all third party games should be on PC platforms. I think this will create further incentive for each console maker to have a strong first party offering.


Apologies for the late reply

Actually, I think 90% of the people playing online are playing LoL.

I meant on consoles not PC


You need exclusives to keep people on your system. Because without exclusives, 100% of games could be played online for free on PC.

Not really
People have bought ps4 for playing miultiplat games mainly because consoles are cheap and convinience

What games are you thinking of here? I think you are enormously wrong, so I'm not sure what you have in mind.

Multiplayer games on consoles

Exclusives exist still I believe mainly to differentiate from other consoles

I will not consider GAF as a metric to consider the main reason for buying a console which would mainly consist of PC gamers buying consoles for exclusive s games for whom a wii u might be a better option


Neo Member
Yes i do, why would a consumer want something exclusive on their system of choice other then bragging rights? It's childish.
Of course this wouldn't happen business wise.


Gold Member
Then why would you stop at PC? Might as well ask if Sony should release Gran Turismo 7 on the Xbox One and if MS should release HALO 5 on the PS4.

If it meant only buying one driving wheel and paying one subscription fee to get to play both catalogs... then hell yeah.

Business side... I get it...

Consumer side "just go buy all of them"... I do.. and it sucks. You know how long it took me to fish out the stupid WiiU HDMI cord that fell behind the TV because I didn't have enough ports and recharge the controller just to play Bayonetta?


Neo Member
I would love if all games came on PC's, whether it is first or 3rd party games, doesn't matter. Having the ability to up your graphics settings is huge (as well as using a mouse and keyboard if you like).

Obviously this would make it harder to determine which console you should buy, but consoles still have a smaller footprint, take less power, are usually quieter and are almost always cheaper to purchase than a PC. So this could cannibalize some sales, it wouldn't take them all.

Plus, consoles can be focused on being innovative (like remote play with Vita) that PC's probably can't match. I am sure some WiiU games would not be as fun on the PC without the iPad like controller that they would have on the WiiU.


I'd still buy on a console before PC.

Absolutely loathe KB+M controls, I have no patience nor money to maintain a decent rig to get all the supposed benefits of PC gaming, and I sure as hell am never gonna play the latest Zelda on a PC in the foreseeable future.

Consoles just work for me, period. I pop in a disc, and don't have to worry about how to fiddle with settings or hardware modifications to make a game work immediately.
Sure. I also believe that all games and consoles should be free, world peace for all of earth, unicorns should exist, and girls should not find me repulsive.
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