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Do you think Nintendo sees Bayonetta 2's sales as "good enough"?

There are too many unknown factors involved to say really.

How much did it cost to make? What were the sales exceptions of Nintendo? What were the exact sales numbers and at what price? Did the income from the sales managed to surpassed the point of breaking even? If yes, how much actual profit did it make? etc etc...

So as you see we can't really say much on the matter without specific and reliable data.
Is Star Fox Zero a "big relaunch of a long demanded IP"?
Well, they're co-developing with EADTokyo rather than being the main creative force behind it, right? I meant more giving Platinum the keys to any IP of their choosing and getting to go to town on it, though I imagine given Kamiya's fondness for Star Fox, Zero doesn't differ too much from what he would've had in mind anyway.
Bayo 2 sold 60k in France as of Dec 2014, so maybe it did do a little better in PAL regions. I could realistically see its global shipments at about 450-500k.

Which, consider the platform and audience, is probably as much as Nintendo and Platinum could have hoped for.

Which doesn't by any stretch guarantee a sequel. But I wouldn't rule it out forever.


Considering it hit the bargain bins and is now sold for 5-10€ despite not getting a second shipment, so the answer is:probably not.


Bayo 2's biggest problem is it being on WiiU.
I wanted to play that game like crazy, but i'm not willing to buy a dead console for it.

It's like releasing Mass Effect 2 exclusivelly on Virtual Boy.
Or like releasing Xenosaga 2 in Europe that hasn't got the other 2 instalment~....Oh Wait!


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I think it was good enough in the sense that they'll continue to work with Platinum, not so much fund another Bayonetta.

This is the right way to look at this imo. If we are lucky, we might get a Platinum-developed game with Bayonetta-like gameplay, starring a Nintendo character, but Bayonetta herself is probably dead. Very sad :(
Bayo 2's biggest problem is it being on WiiU.
I wanted to play that game like crazy, but i'm not willing to buy a dead console for it.

It's like releasing Mass Effect 2 exclusivelly on Virtual Boy.
Or like releasing Xenosaga 2 on a region that hasn't got the other 2 instalment~....Oh Wait!

It's not like those things at all, unless you feel that the Wii U's software offerings are "like" the Virtual Boy or the PS2 was a "dead console."


The importance of Bayo for Nintendo can´t be measured in raw sales numbers IMO.

It gives them an entirely different perception and some form of "hardcore credibility".

I hope and think that Nintendo is aware of that.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
This is the right way to look at this imo. If we are lucky, we might get a Platinum-developed game with Bayonetta-like gameplay, starring a Nintendo character, but Bayonetta herself is probably dead. Very sad :(

Exactly. Platinum already hinted at their next Nintendo game:


Title TBD. Either Super Daisy Dominatrix or Flower Power: The Princess from Another Castle.
This is the right way to look at this imo. If we are lucky, we might get a Platinum-developed game with Bayonetta-like gameplay, starring a Nintendo character,

Considering the only good thing about bayonetta was the gameplay(and certainly not its main character), that would be perfectly fine


Depends on your definition of good enough.

I'm sure they knew it wasnt gonna sell millions beforehand and so they had modest expectations. I think it might have met those conditions: Nintendo got a decent-ish selling game that was nothing like their own games to pad out their release schedule and maybe even bring in some new customers to their ecosystem. In that sense, I think it sold good enough for them.

If 'good enough' means they're gonna greenlight a new sequel then my answer would be no.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I like to think that they look back on it as something "worth it" regardless of sales, considering how it's one of the best games ever and how it'd never get made without them.

That's some legit goodwill you get from the fans there.

Question is, did they really get goodwill, or only a lot of "you steal our games" from that?

Anyways, that 700k numbers got to be fake, would be interested in seeing a source on it.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Exactly. Platinum already hinted at their next Nintendo game:

Title TBD. Either Super Daisy Dominatrix or Flower Power: The Princess from Another Castle.

Lol, I am so ready for this!

Considering the only good thing about bayonetta was the gameplay(and certainly not its main character), that would be perfectly fine

I agree, and while i dont really care as much what ink they put on a game, I know a lot of other fans do, and are seemingly tired of the "same old Nintendo-characters" even though the gameplay in the games they are in vary greatly from game to game.
I don't think it sold well enough to be considered even a mild success, to make its money back or to encourage Nintendo to fund another Bayonetta game. I'm just glad that Platinum continue to get work, and hopefully they'll have a breakout hit in 2016.


I don't think they expected the game itself to break even. I think they expected it to shift hardware. Which it did.

I wouldn't expect or rule out a third game.

Edit: Of course a lot of this depends on Sega. Maybe Sega would want to do a third, given the critical reception the second game got.

Ideally they could offer Nintendo timed exclusivity in exchange for taking Bayonetta 2 multiplatform.


From a financial perspective, if it sold 400,000 units and Nintendo made say $25 a unit, that's $10m, Then it depends on Dev costs, production costs, marketing costs etc. My best guess would be that they may have just broken even?? Might have shifted a bit of hardware too. It also gave them a lot of press and some credibility, harder to put a value on that. Overall, if I were in their shoes I'd consider Bayo 3, provided the Dev costs could be kept sufficiently realistic.
Bayonetta 2 was the reason I brought a Wii U, so they sucked me right in. (Meanwhile, ten Wii U games later... sneaky Nintendo...)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Has any Platinum game been a sales success?.

Damn, thinking about it, ya gotta really feel for Kamiya. The guy has had tons of games that were critical darlings, but none of his (original) games since his days at Capcom came out as a breakout success.


I think they are pretty satisfied with it.

When they picked the game up, it always was for the hardcore fans to try and get them to the system. I can't think they ever thought it would make them serious money.


Bayo 2's biggest problem is it being on WiiU.
I wanted to play that game like crazy, but i'm not willing to buy a dead console for it.

It's like releasing Mass Effect 2 exclusivelly on Virtual Boy.
Or like releasing Xenosaga 2 in Europe that hasn't got the other 2 instalment~....Oh Wait!

The Wii U sold a whole lot more than the Virtual Boy, and Bayonetta sold a whole lot less than Mass Effect. What a silly comparison.


Question is, did they really get goodwill, or only a lot of "you steal our games" from that?

Good question. I don't think there's anymore salt around for B2, but at the same time it didn't change the perception of Nintendo and their consoles. It's still a family friendly company and no one is expecting a ton of action games on the NX just because they funded B2 and W101. My impression is that the game had no effect, aside from selling WiiUs to a few crazy fans like me.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
But you also have franchises like Donkey Kong and Kirby underperforming, and those are veteran IPs with mainstream appeal and quite the big legacy.
Not sure if DKCTF, at a million unit sold on Wii U can be considered underperforming.


If anything Bayonetta 2 had a big impact in terms of making a big internet explosion. The same phenomenon we saw when they announced Cloud for Smash. Obviously Cloud on his own won't sell copies of Smash 4 to people who aren't already interested in it, outside of the hardest of hardcore FF7 fans.

Still, Nintendo seems to value the hype and talk this kind of surprise generates. The problem is a Bayonetta 3 wouldn't result anywhere near the same level of reactions, maybe Vanquish 2 would be a better choice for this purpose.

Bayonetta 2 was the reason I brought a Wii U, so they sucked me right in. (Meanwhile, ten Wii U games later... sneaky Nintendo...)

In hindsight, would you have bought a Wii U for those 10 games even without Bayo 2?


Neo Member
It is really hard to tell. Like a lot already said way yo many factors play into this then just sales numbers.

First and foremost all Platinum Games are niche as fuck. From Viewtiful Joe to Okami and Bayonetta they don't make stuff with main stream appeal for several reasons. There games are complex while looking silly. I had a friend put down Bayonetta because "combat is shit should have arkham combat" people want to look cool but they want it easy.

Secondly the Wii U is probably the weakest selling Nintendo console in a long time. Especially compared to the ground breaking success of the Wii. There is many reasons for that.The terrible name choice is probably the number 1 reason. Local electronic stores still have to put up signs that Wii U games won't work on the Wii.

Lastly let's be real here. While Platinum Games is the shit in the gaming scene a lot of people simply don't know them. Let alone know how good there games are. That combined with having zero original IP games be on all platforms and you have a niche dev staying in a niche.


It's not like those things at all, unless you feel that the Wii U's software offerings are "like" the Virtual Boy or the PS2 was a "dead console."
I was exagerating about the virtual boy.

As for Xenosaga in Europe, that really happened!
They release a big paper-cover edition with a 3 hour DVD containing 3/7 of the cutscenes of the first game to bring you up to speed.

Needless to say, the game sold shit. There was little to no marketing, Europeans didn't know the series at all (the "Episode 2" subtittle didn't help) so there was no fanbase, plus the fact that the game was the worst installment.
This legendary fail was one of the reasons the series stoped on episode 3 instead of 6, and (Surprise!) we didn't get that eather.

Thats how franchises die!
I don't think Nintendo will fund another Bayonetta.

To me it seems the game came in the right place and time for Nintendo, they were in search of some exclusive games to fill the gaps between their own software.
I don't think there'll be another game in the series. I mean, the second game pretty much wrapped up the story
in an infinite time loop no less
I suppose it all depends how much it cost to make, platinum still keep managing to get work despite their games almost all being bombas so I'd have to imagine they work relatively cheaply, plus at least some amount of preproduction work had been done before Sega cancelled it in the first place so it's quite possible Nintendo made some profit on it (or at least didn't lose very much) so they could see having another go being worthwhile


Considering it hit the bargain bins and is now sold for 5-10€ despite not getting a second shipment, so the answer is:probably not.
Lowest I've personally seen was about 26 Euros (import) from Germany, lowest price in The Netherlands right now is around 30 Euros.


There are way to many variables we don't know to make a fair analysis about it. From production costs, to marketing, to including the first game and more. But outside of that, I do hope they're considering Bayonetta 3. Wrap it up with a satisfying ending and round the series up.

Well that and Vanquish 2 would be freaking awesome!


400k would be pretty incredible for Bayonetta 2, considering it's on one of the worst selling consoles of all time and the fact (?) that (IIRC) Bayonetta 1 sold something like 1,2 million copies on two much more successful consoles. Selling about 1/3 of that on a console like Wii U seems relatively great.

Probably not enough for a Nintendo-published Bayonetta 3, though.
Bayo 1 was massively overshipped. Sega reported 1.1m before it's US street date, and to put sellthrough in perspective the 360 version's US sellthrough was comparable to Bayo 2. Within 2 months the game was down to $40 and after 6 months you could find it under $20. Bayo 2 comparably holding US price likely means it was much more conservatively shipped.


sörine;186727724 said:
Bayo 1 was massively overshipped. Sega reported 1.1m before it's US street date, and to put sellthrough in perspective the 360 version's US sellthrough was comparable to Bayo 2. Within 2 months the game was down to $40 and after 6 months you could find it under $20. Bayo 2 comparably holding US price likely means it was much more conservatively shipped.

I have always thought that Nintendo cares more about selling a not so big shipment at a much higher price than selling the whole lot in as little time as you can.


I'm of the mindset that NIntendo doesn't care.
I mean does the OP even considered what Ninty thought of W101's sales?


I wonder how much did Nintendo pay for this game. Anyway, whoever keeps miraculously landing all these deals is no doubt the Platinum MVP. I'm guessing that's Minami.


Bayonetta's Third May Cry.

But honestly, yes, I think they will if Platinum is free and obviously not before NX. It probably just will be on a slightly smaller scale/budget though.

Edit: I actually think they paid less than for W101 if you don't count what they probably spent on the deal with Sega.
Would be surprised if they broke even, didn't see it moving consoles either.
It is a nice addition to the library but it had to be funded unlike that transformers game for example.
Gamers won, that's what matters in the end.


It's hard to predict with Nintendo, they've definitely got a history of treating low-selling, high prestige titles with a good amount of respect in the past. Xenoblade Chronicles probably being the best recent example, and it got a "sequel" with a (presumably) pretty large scale budget.

I definitely don't think it's impossible, it's one of the highest rated games for Wii U. If Platinum and Nintendo's relationship continues after Star Fox, I'd certainly expect them to at least look into it.
If we are talking about around 400K worldwide, I consider that a success honestly.

With that in mind maybe we could see a NX's Bayonetta game in the future. Neither Sega nor Nintendo needs another dead franchise in their vault


We should blame the low sales of Wii U for its low sales. I think it sold well considering it was an exclusive of a failed console. And I still feel sad for those Bayonetta fans who did not buy the game just because they are Nintendo haters, they are missing a excellent game.

I hope Bayonetta 3 is released for the NX, or another platform, I don't care. The witch still has to take over the right eye of light from her father. It would be huge if she could summons angels and demons at the same time.
Bayonetta 2 bombed and bombed hard. No one is going to be happy about it's sales.

The critical acclaim likely helped Platinum hugely though. They seem to be the go to studio for hire these days for when anyone wants a well made niche title with a reliable release window.

So it's all good, and let's be fair, if the IP has to die, Bayonetta 2's bombastic, joyful insanity was a hell of a way to go out.

Yea I love Bayo but no one expected a sequel, much less one of the GOAT ever video games as a sequel
I really hope so. It was the official tipping point for me to buy a Wii U and turned out better than I could have imagined. Maybe if she got that Smash bump...


I have the First Print Edition and loving it, but I don't see a sequel for now.
2 pretty much explain and wrap up the story of the first one, I guess a spin-off is more likely before a sequel.
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