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Do you watch the credits after you beat a game?


I always let the full ending sequence play out. I may direct my attention elsewhere if nothing is happening during credits, but if I beat a game I feel like it's not complete unless I complete the ending.


Yes I feel like I owe it to the people that worked hard on something I obviously enjoyed to at least read some names as they blaze by.
I like credits. It's nice to know I finished something, and see the people who made the game and stuff. It's cool. I like it when games have some form of credits. So yes, I do watch them when I can.


Kingdom Hearts are the only games where I haven't gotten bored at the credits. SE knows how to to credits.


Usually I don't beat games I don't like so normally I do, but I can't say for the few instances where I played through a game just to pass judgement on it and didn't end up liking it that I sit through the credits.
I always do and I always feel like there will be some kind of an Easter egg.


Love reading through the names of people who contributed in any and all capacity to keep us all entertained and imagining that one day my name gets to be in there somewhere.
People put time into these, the least I could do is sit through their names. Also, easter eggs.
Never never understood this mindset. I used to work at a movie theater so I've encountered it quite a bit. At best the gesture is completely meaningless, at worst you're actively wasting someone's time or making their day harder. The people who made the movie or game will never know you sat through their names and will never care. The vast majority got everything they needed from the film as soon as their job was finished in the form of their paycheck and the rest got what they needed from you when you purchased whatever media you are consuming.

Do you ask the name of everyone in the prep line and all of the farmers when you go to Chipotle?


I've been watching them less and less as time goes on. Not because I care less about the effort put into the games, but because more and more people are having fingers in the pie that they just go on and on forever. You have all the different publishers regions third party physics engines dog walkers in the credits now. I understand fully crediting the programmers and testers and actors and artists and the team on the publishing and marketing side but then they go on to list everyone who tangentially interacts with the product or the developer

Like how with an Ubisoft game everyone at the company is in the credits because every bit of them touch the game in some way. A tree outsourced to Ubisoft South-east London? Entire studio in credits.
Ah yes. After seeing the game transition to the credits screen, I promptly grab a pillow, fluff it up, and place it behind myself, to comfort my back. As the names swoop, or flash by, or scroll, or shift around, I smile to myself and think back on all the challenges and struggles the game presented to me. I remind myself of what had to be done, what had to be sacrificed, and what had to be learned so I could overcome all the hurdles. For longer games, this time of reflection can cause a plethora of emotions to surface. Anger and confusion, when thinking back on times I got stuck. Elation, when I managed to succeed in places where I got stuck. Even tears may come forth when looking how far I've come from the times where I got stuck. Gradually, as the credits reach the end, this moment of reflection fades, and becomes another memory I store within myself.

And once the credits finally do come to an end, the first thing that flashes to my mind is:

"I did it!"


I usually do.

My favorite, by far, that is still haunting me today is Ninja Gaiden xbox.

So freaking epic, emotionnal and :,( the game is over it's sad.

But then yoou see Ryu at night giving the amulet on his friend gravestone.

Then the Falcon just flies to the moon.


Nope. Of course every one who works on a movie/game should get credit but I'm not gonna sit and watch a list of names.

Only time I stay for the credits if I want to see the name of an actor or what year it was made but that's nothing a quick Google can't tell me.


Yea. Always on the first playthrough. It's a sort of cathartic experience to me after the (sometimes) long ride that just came to an end. I use this time usually to take a breather and reflect on the game itself.
Also always interesting to see how many people worked on the game and who worked on what and stuff.
And there is the chance of some post credits shenanigans obviously. Wouldn't wanna miss that.


Almost never. Unskippable credits are the worst. If I miss something it generally doesn't matter, because most stories are just window dressing for mechanics, but even if the story is great, there's youtube.


I usually stop watching after the credits of the main dev team. I don't know why game credits have to be that long (way longer than movie credits). Sometimes i feel like most of the people after the dev team had nothing to do with the actual game, but they still appear in the credits. I don't care if someone in Asia clicked on an Excel sheet with the name of the game in it (that's probably enough to appear in the credits) ^^.


If they aren't way too long I stick around. Otherwise I just browse my phone and wait till they end in hopes of a bonus cutscene.


Yes. It's kind of a sign of respect. It's also cool to see names you recognize. Happens quite often, especially with Nintendo games.


I do, and usually use that time while they roll to reflect on my thoughts on the games gameplay, story, themes, and characters.
Always, yes. I do the same for movies. I feel like the people who make the experience I just spent hours with deserve their recognition, even if I don't read every single name that pops up.

I also enjoy reading things like the special thanks area and the babies and pets born during production.
I can't stand watching the credits. It's nice that they are there so those people can get their recognition, but I don't personally care to watch them.
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