Mechanical Snowman
Some ground rules that should go without saying:
Discussions on modding paid DLC into the game is against the rules, this thread is for community made mods and tweaks only.
Don't post or directly link nude mods.
If you think a costume / character mod is pushing it, it's probably better to link it rather than posting in-line, and mark it as NSFW.
This thread is going to get updated a lot as new mods and modding tools come out, if you have any suggestions for it let me know. I'll feature high quality / popular mods / tutorials etc in the OP, and probably add more categories for when a larger variety of mods start rolling in.
DiZpel Resolution Mod - A small .dll and .ini file that allows you to use any resolution you like that isn't officially supported by the game (2560x1440 for example). It uses d3d9.dll but it can be used in combination with ReShade / SweetFX / GEMFX etc.
Credit to DiZpel on Steam forums
Reshade + SweetFX 2.0 - A post process injector with a lot of options and community-made presets. See Tutorials section for a Reshade + SweetFX 2.0 walkthrough.
The website:
SweetFX - Another injector with presets, images courtesy of GAF user squarealex.
GEMFX - A cool injector with a ton of options and post process filters, built on SweetFX. You can play DOA5 in windowed mode and tweak settings in real time until you have it looking the way you want.
Page with more info here:
Miscellaneous stuff
You can replace the intro video with any .wmv file (Steam\SteamApps\common\Dead or Alive 5 Last Round\ninja_vi.wmv), replace it with a blank .wmv file to get into the game a little faster. Credit to Cherry on Steam forums.
Honoka Honoka Mod [Love Live! + DOA] - Texture replacement mod by Sonicbluespeed on Reddit
"Retro" Hayabusa (NG1 NES Colors) - Texture replacement mod by thatsmytrunks on Reddit
Helena-Elsa Mod - Texture replacement mod by KHlover on NeoGAF
Asuka Langley Textures - Texture replacement mod by ChrisArmoun on FreeStepDodge
Lei-Fang as Chun Li - Texture replacement mod by Bayonetta
Black Widow Christie - Texture replacement mod by KHlover
Marie Rose Hair Pack - Texture replacement mod by Mechanical Snowman
5 alternate hair colors for Marie Rose. More pics here.
Marie Rose Hello Kitty - Texture replacement mod by Mechanical Snowman
Gives her costume 5 a Hello Kitty theme + red hair bows for all her outfits. More pics here.
Marie Rose Short Twin Tails + Color Variations - Texture replacement mod by Mechanical Snowman
More pics here.
Dead or Alive 5 Shenmue Edition - Texture replacement mod by ShenmueDojo / Esppiral
More pics here.
Lan Di!QZJFkI4A!VXtOTjqMhJidCHpL8D-uhGyo9cnrqOKpNvSaFM-D7vQ
Ryo Hazuki!lcJBTTCD!Hm4L4YBG91EakMcnTISp-fVyvVYr4Oh4XNtUZZ-4Lnw
Anna Williams [Christie] - Texture replacement mod by KHlover
More pics here.
Nina Williams [Sarah] - Texture replacement mod by KHlover
Installing texture mods with uMod - To install any of the texture replacement mods in the Mods section, follow these steps.
If your game runs at an unplayable speed when combining uMod and SweetFX / GEMFX: Try this version of uMod instead: Download uMod v2 r53
2. Extract it and run uMod.exe
3. Main > Use global hook
4. Main > Add game (navigate to your DOALR game.exe)
5. Run game with uMod still open
6. Alt-tab out of the game
7. Drag .dds files from Windows explorer to the blank white space in uMod under 'Title | A | D | Author' etc
8. Go back into the game, with uMod still running
Done!! Run uMod before running the game each time to have your modified textures.
If your texture mods stop showing up in game: Check uMod is running. Make sure you didn't change the file directory of your modded textures - uMod won't be able to find them again if you move the files in Windows explorer. Delete them from uMod by right clicking them > "Remove package" and repeat step 7.
Texture extraction and editing with uMod - Tutorial on how to extract, edit, and then apply your modified textures. Credit to Feind Busa on FreeStepDodge, and Bayonetta on NeoGAF (I recommend Bayonetta's tutorial as you can manually select which assets to extract in-game rather than ripping all textures that are on screen, but I'll leave Feind Busa's tutorial up for people who prefer that method) Edit: I added my own tutorial which is based on Bayonetta's, but covers a .dds workflow with Photoshop rather than a .png workflow, along with a few other changes. - Covers Photoshop and GIMP - Covers manual texture extraction - Covers a .dds only workflow with no conversions needed
Reshade + SweetFX 2.0 - Tutorial by NeoGAF member squarealex
A: Installation
1: Download the archive file "ReShade + SweetFX 2.0" here : (at the bottom) and extract the archive file where you want.
2: In the folder ReShade, click on "ReShade Setup.exe", ReShade appears and click on Select Game
3: Search location where Dead Or Alive 5 is installed and click on "game.exe"
4: ReShade analyses the file .exe and chooses automatically DirectX9. It will copy the files necessary in the location of game
5: Click to "Run Dead Or Alive 5" when this screen appears :
This shows that ReShade is properly installed.B: Modification
In the location of Dead or Alive 5, you find a SweetFX folder
In the SweetFX folder, you'll find another folder and a .txt file call "SweetFX settings.txt", this file changes the look of the game like you want
For exemple, i will change the settings for more colorful
I change the number 0 on 1 for "enabled" this setting and at the bottom
I change the value for more or less effect. When you're finished, save the file. ReShade updates the rendering of game.C: Download a preset
1: You mostly find presets in this website:
Find your game
Choose the preset you want
Click "Download Preset"
And the SweetFX setting.txt will be downloaded
2: Rename the preset you have downloaded to "SweetFX_Settings.txt" and Copy/Paste this file on the folder SweetFX in Dead or Alive 5 location