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Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker announced as the 13th Doctor!


i have to say the BBC really do well with casting Doctor Who (at least in my opinion). i first watched when tennant was the doctor and i remember when i seen the first image of matt i thought "how can this guy compete with tennant?" but then i fell in love with the 11th doctor. when matt announced he was leaving i was so disappointed but when they announced capaldi i was over the moon.

same thing happened with capaldi. didn't want him to leave and was worried. now they've cast jodie and i just can't wait for the next series to start already!


I would lie if I said I was not disappointed in the direction. Not that I have a valid reason beyond it has always been this way. It just feels little forced to me. That said I was not liking the Capaldi series much anyway so perhaps the writing will pick up . I will give it a shot. My daughters are happy at least. lol

Half of the population is female. 12 doctors in a row have been male. Why does this feel forced? If anything it's overdue


I love the actress, although none of her previous acting roles have been nearly as eccentric as the Doctor. I'm cautiously optimistic at this point.


Scanning through the comments now, a lot seem supportive of the choice. Of course you got the dicks saying "I'm not taking this as canon", but the vast majority of those posting seem to enjoy the idea of a female Doctor.

Gotta sort by controversial to get to the salt mine.
I haven't seen this show since the 11th left. Saw a few episodes with the older doctor but it just kind of bored me. I'll stay for now still, as this doesn't seem too interesting but I'll keep an eye on it. I'm worried they're just trying new things to see what sticks, whereas all they need is to go back to what made the show great with the 10th and 11th. The age, gender, or race of the actor makes no difference if they can't get that right


Awesome! I've only ever seen her in Attack the Block so I'm sort of going in blind. The wait to see her in action is going to be painful.

The amount of salt is expected but still embarrassing. This was always going to happen!


I'm more suprised by all the female fans reacting negatively to her, I guess it's because they were hoping for a Male Doctor to fancy again like Tennant and Smith secretly.

So if there is a lot of Male fans who won't watch it because they can't deal with the Doctor being Female and there is a lot Female fans who now won't watch it because they can't fancy The Doctor anymore I'm guessing the Ratings will be hit hard.

Well goodye Peter Capaldi you were the best Doctor ever, but your stories werent always the best.

Onwards to Jodie, lets see how you Attack this Block.


Some quotes from the press release:
Jodie Whittaker said:
I'm beyond excited to begin this epic journey - with Chris and with every Whovian on this planet. It's more than an honour to play the Doctor. It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can't wait.

Chris Chibnall said:
I always knew I wanted the 13th Doctor to be a woman and we're thrilled to have secured our number one choice. Her audition for the Doctor simply blew us all away. Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role. The 13th Doctor is on her way.

Peter Capaldi said:
Anyone who has seen Jodie Whittaker's work will know that she is a wonderful actress of great individuality and charm. She has above all the huge heart to play this most special part. She's going to be a fantastic Doctor.


Its not like the Doctor was made fun of for his looks/changes ALL TIME time, right?

Yeah. She will be "poked fun of", obviously. Every single change is mocked. All the time. (I mean in-universe).

(Before someone misunderstands, I love the new Doctor already, I am just saying that we cant expect older characters in the universe to not react to the doctor being a woman now.)

Imagine River’s response if she is brought back!
Awesome, she's great.

So glad Moffat is gone, the Capaldi seasons bored me to tears and literally put me to sleep on more than one occasion.


Other pic from the BBC news post


I...uh... it's going to weird to feel a certain way about The Doctor.

I mean, I swing both ways, but no Doctor has tickled yet tickled my fancy like this picture.


I'm more suprised by all the female fans reacting negatively to her, I guess it's because they were hoping for a Male Doctor to fancy again like Tennant and Smith secretly.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see the return of a male Master, and have been in the mid-30s (or even earlier).

Damn, John Simm is going on 50?


Lucky number 13. Wonder if they'll explain it with something going wrong during the regeneration or if it's something perfectly normal


Promo pic:

First interview:

1. What does it feel like to be the Thirteenth Doctor?
It's very nerve-racking, as it's been so secret!

2. Why did you want the role?
To be asked to play the ultimate character, to get to play pretend in the truest form: this is why I wanted to be an actor in the first place. To be able to play someone who is literally reinvented on screen, with all the freedoms that brings - what an unbelievable opportunity. And added to that, to be the first woman in that role.

3. Has it been hard to keep the secret?
Yes. Very hard! I've told a lot of lies! I've embroiled myself in a whole world of lies which is going to come back at me when this is announced!

4. Who was the first person you told when you got the role?
My husband. Because I was allowed to!

5. Did you have a codename and if so what was it?
In my home, and with my agent, it was The Clooney. Because to me and my husband, George is an iconic guy. And we thought, what's a really famous iconic name? It was just fitting.

6. What does it feel like to be the first woman Doctor?
It feels completely overwhelming; as a feminist, as a woman, as an actor, as a human, as someone who wants to continually push themselves and challenge themselves, and not be boxed in by what you're told you can and can't be. It feels incredible.

7. What do you want to tell the fans?
I want to tell the fans not to be scared by my gender. Because this is a really exciting time, and Doctor Who represents everything that's exciting about change. The fans have lived through so many changes, and this is only a new, different one, not a fearful one.

8. What are you most excited about?
I'm most excited about becoming part of a family I didn't even know existed. I was born in 1982 - it's been around longer than me, and it's a family I couldn't ever have dreamed I'd be part of.

9. How did Chris sell you the part?
We had a strange chat earlier this year where he tricked me into thinking we were talking about Broadchurch. And I started to quiz him about his new job in Wales, and asked him if I could be a baddie! And he quickly diverted the conversation to suggest I should consider auditioning to be the 13th Clooney.

It was the most incredible chat because I asked every question under the sun, and I said I'd take a few weeks to decide whether I was going to audition. He got a phone call within 24 hours. He would've got a phone call sooner, but my husband was away and there was a time difference!

10. Did he persuade you?
No. There was no persuasion needed. If you need to be persuaded to do this part, you're not right for this part, and the part isn't right for you. I also think, for anyone taking this on, you have to want to fight for it, which I certainly had to do. I know there will have been some phenomenal actors who threw their hats in the ring.

11. What are you going to wear?
I don't know yet.

12. Is that your costume in the filmed sequence which introduced you as the new Doctor?

13. Have any of the other Doctors given you advice?
Well they can't because they haven't known until now, but I'm certainly expecting a couple of calls - I've got a couple of mates in there. I'm mates with a companion [Arthur Darvill], I'm mates with a trio of Doctors. I know Matt Smith, Chris Eccleston and obviously David Tennant. Oh! And let's throw in David Bradley! Four Doctors! So I'm hoping I get some calls of advice.


I haven't watched the show in years, but this is an interesting casting so I guess I'll be watching it again from now on.


I am so happy the BBC took the leap. Good on Chris Chibnall.

SUPER excited to see her in the Christmas Special.

For the first time in years I am optimistic about the new season.


This makes me want to actually watch the show. I've never seen any, and 9 seasons are on amazon prime. Are they all worth watching?
Colin Baker obviously gets a bad rap but considering his audio work and how much he obviously adores his place in the series, I respect his opinion on this more than most.
I cannot be more hyped! This is awesome! I was almost ready to give up on the show, because these last two seasons were just mediocre in my opinion, but this is kind of the fresh new take they need to take to breathe some life back into the show. I mean I liked the idea of Capaldi as the Doctor, but the scripts he's had have been terrible. His best episode was the season finale. If she's anything as good as Missy's actress, she'll be great. Missy has been the best thing about the show for awhile now.


Chibnall said the 13th Doctor was always going to be a woman.

He said: "I always knew I wanted the 13th Doctor to be a woman and we're thrilled to have secured our number one choice.
"Her audition for the Doctor simply blew us all away. Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role. The 13th Doctor is on her way."

Oh, from attack the block. Liked her in that. Excited for a female doctor.

Still need to catch up, haven´t watched the last 2 seasons, cause reasons.


Never seen anything with Jodie in it, but really interested in seeing her in series 11 as The Doctor. Gonna try to go in completely blind as I did with series 10, it was so nice watching not knowing what the next episode would bring (I didn't even watch the "Next Time"-segments at the end of the episodes, lol).
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