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Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker announced as the 13th Doctor!


True, but they even had Bill pause for a second when she realized they were in the past. The main villain in that episode even looked down on her for being black. Everyone else was fine with it though. Overall, that was a really good episode.

Yeah he straight up called up her subhuman Bill looks so harmless ;_;


Is it too much to ask for gaf to not spoil it in the thread title for once, christ.

Over half an hour before I was expecting and would have been nice if the OP was just the bbc tweet and trailer. Notice how they had the common sense in the tweet to not include the name? =_=.

A Spoiler...for real Life News?

What? Is this sarcasm?
A new doctor is always exciting, and truthfully I dropped out of the show a while ago more so due to Moffat than Capaldi (who I love), so hopefully I get hooked again.


Chibnall's first move as showrunner was to cast the first female Doctor.

I'm a lot more confident in him now than I was before.

I watched all through Davies awful final seasons so the floor for my expectations is pretty low, I'm sure Chibnall will be fine.


In my opinion, yes, it's an amazing show. Some people will say you can skip to the Matt Smith years, but the first few seasons all the way through Matt Smith are fantastic.

The years up to Matt Smith are indeed fantastic, but I actually still think Matt's the best starting point. Watch through Matt and go back to watch Eccleston and Tennant's.

The Eccleston season is so bad I never would be a Who fan if I started there, and Tennant's doesn't start off quite as well for new people as Matt's.
I knew at the very least it was going to be a woman this time. They've been hinting at it all season, and there was really nowhere else to go unless they brought in someone who wasn't white as well.

Can't wait to see what her personality is going to be like.
Wonder what kind of outfit we can expect






As a big DW fan, I'm cautiously optimistic but am going to temper my expectations. I haven't seen Jodie in anything, so I'm excited to see what she brings to the role, it's just Chibnall as showrunner that gives me pause.

He wrote probably my least favourite episode of Season 7, The Power of Three, and all the episodes I've seen from him range from okay to terrible. Hope he does a better job running the show than he does writing for it.
I would lie if I said I was not disappointed in the direction. Not that I have a valid reason beyond it has always been this way. It just feels little forced to me. That said I was not liking the Capaldi series much anyway so perhaps the writing will pick up . I will give it a shot. My daughters are happy at least. lol

You've seen exactly zero of anything but it's already "forced"... amazing


I watched all through Davies awful final seasons so the floor for my expectations is pretty low, I'm sure Chibnall will be fine.

Wuuut, series 3 and 4 were by far the best Davies seasons. The year with the specials also had Waters of Mars which was phenomenal. I'd say series 3-5 is the golden age of modern Doctor Who (which doesn't mean they didn't have bad episodes, they certainly did, but the best overall).
Can you imagine a Black Doctor - can go anywhere in space and time throughout the universe, but can't set foot in Mississippi in the 1940s?
You just don't mention it. You have the Doctor walk into the white dominated police department and immediately take charge anyway. That'd make a huge statement without making a statement, if you get me.


Wonder what kind of outfit we can expect

I imagine nothing that casual. Even the most casual Doctor (probably 9), had a distinct and functional look for his personality. Capaldi had a great balance of theatrical and low key depending on his shirt choice with his wardrobe; I'm anticipating more of that.


this salt will be my sustenance for a good few years.

This is a pretty transparent troll that's going to get taken seriously sadly


not-kris-marshall sigh of relief

Indeed..and a not-richard-mylan sigh of relief as well.
I'm pretty happy with Jodie compared to the top rumoured contenders for a male Doctor.

Now if Mark Heap was in with a shot I'd be furious that he didn't get it (but he wasn't even in the betting).


Eccleston Doctor is so good if you take him as a direct continuation of Old Who, and as a precursor to the younger, more loving-capable Tenth.


He wrote probably my least favourite episode of Season 7, The Power of Three, and all the episodes I've seen from him range from okay to terrible. Hope he does a better job running the show than he does writing for it.

Fair concern, but he also wrote one of the very best torchwood episodes countrycide
Chibnall's first move as showrunner was to cast the first female Doctor.

I'm a lot more confident in him now than I was before.

why though? does this choice affect the quality of his writing?

RTD was very inclusive as you'd expect but that he still wrote some shocking episodes.


To be fair, the powers that be have yet to make a bad Doctor casting decision, and imo, I still think that's the case.

Congratulations to Jodie Whittaker !


Man, Torchwood's up and downs really do make Who's look like nothing.

Torchwood quality shifts hard enough from episode to episode to induce whiplash, but none of it was far and away mindblowing at any point.

Children of Earth was generally good. The rest of it was pretty much a wash overall imo.
Another white person... but hey its finally a woman. So i imagine we only have to wait another 30 years for someone not white.

I think it'll be hard for them to jump straight back to a white man without it looking like an indictment of 13, and I don't think they'll go for two women in a row.

14th doctor will be a black dude, count on it.
You just don't mention it. You have the Doctor walk into the white dominated police department and immediately take charge anyway. That'd make a huge statement without making a statement, if you get me.

The statement would be that they're colorblind and would be awful. You can't have time travel and just gloss over well known issues of a given time period


I wonder how many Doctor Who fans are dying of thirst due to the amount of salt filling their bodies.

TBH I'm dying of thirst cause 13 is lookin' pretty good.

This is a new development for my Who fanhood, I may need to start a tumblr and participate in shipping wars.


I wonder how many Doctor Who fans are dying of thirst due to the amount of salt filling their bodies.

Oh you know the pro-side is thirsting too if you get me drift wink wink nudge

Jodie being 35 puts her close to the present age of the then late teens/early 20-somethings that started with Nu Who.


Tennant Seasons are awesome, my favorites so Far, Matt IS great too, cappaldi IS good but theres to Much bad Episodes so far
why though? does this choice affect the quality of his writing?

RTD was very inclusive as you'd expect but that he still wrote some shocking episodes.

He also wrote some absolutely fantastic episodes: Midnight, The Waters of Mars, Gridlock, Turn Left.

Davies is a pretty great writer, and he knows how to makes something entertaining even if it isn't the best. When I'm watching the Slitheen episodes in Series 1, I'm never bored, even if the episodes are campy as hell. Compare that to some of those from Moffat's run like In the Forest of the Night, The Power of Three, and Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, which are snoozefests. The only episode like that in Davies' run was Fear Her, so he's got the one-up on Moffat in that category.


I don't understand what show they thought they were watching.

Doctor Who has hatefucked people with that mentality for over 12 years now.

OT, but this reminds me of Finn, the "first" black Storm Trooper. WTF is it with so many "isms" in certain sci-fi "fans" ?


I hope there's an episode guest starring John Boyega where The Doctor has to take refuge in his apartment and he helps her stop an alien invasion.


I wonder if a female doctor is finally going to put a stop to the "attractive, 20-something female companion" tradition.

They could go straight for the big sister/college professor relationship.

Although I'd be good with a male and female on-board, none of whom are Rory.
I imagine nothing that casual. Even the most casual Doctor (probably 9), had a distinct and functional look for his personality. Capaldi had a great balance of theatrical and low key depending on his shirt choice with his wardrobe; I'm anticipating more of that.

Yeah obviously I won't find anything close on Google Images. Just wanted to post some pictures of her lol
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