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Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker announced as the 13th Doctor!

TBH I'm dying of thirst cause 13 is lookin' pretty good.

This is a new development for my Who fanhood, I may need to start a tumblr and participate in shipping wars.

I have had a crush on Whittaker for a few years and loved Doctor Who for over half my life.

Now they are one.


They could go straight for the big sister feel.

Although I'd be good with a male and female on-board, none of whom are Rory.

Fuck that. I want them to go crazy with the companions. Give me aliens. Give me sixteenth century noblemen. Give me cowboys. Give me Brannigan the cat. No more twenty-something, modern-day British people.


Matt Smith Announced: "OMG, The Doctor should never be this young. Doctor Who is ruined!" 3 years later: "Matt Smith was amazing, I hope he never leaves!"

It's a cycle guys. There will always be haters everywhere. I'm really excited about her as the first female doctor. The thing I love about this show is seeing new stuff every few years. Doctor Who never gets old because of this.


Cyberwoman wasn't terrible because of the script. I thought that was widely understood these days.

Admittedly true but does that really help when Chibnall's job as showrunner was to oversee all aspects of production?

Anyway, people are just getting in early on the "N-1 showrunner had it perfect, N showrunner is driving the show into the ground" business which will sustain the fandom for the next few years.
It's legitimately the biggest risk they've take with regeneration since Troughton. It bodes well for Chibbers run taking other risks.
The casting is fab.

An interesting, nerdy aside for the Doctor Who hardcore... the TARDIS she walks towards in the clip is an RTD-era TARDIS - smaller and less chunky, a more natural, less vibrant shade of blue, no St. Johns Ambulance sticker. In fact, it straight up appears to be the Tennant-era TARDIS exterior.

So - back to that design?


The statement would be that they're colorblind and would be awful. You can't have time travel and just gloss over well known issues of a given time period

You'd at least need a sentence talking about the thing in the TARDIS that translates everything got upgraded and now we're also disguised to blend in with the locals.

That'd be the least interesting way to do it though.


Doctor Who's "canon" has been a bit of a running in-joke. Even with the old series, consistency from season to season was well... not even remotely.
The casting is fab.

An interesting, nerdy aside for the Doctor Who hardcore... the TARDIS she walks towards in the clip is an RTD-era TARDIS - smaller and less chunky, a more natural, less vibrant shade of blue, no St. Johns Ambulance sticker. In fact, it straight up appears to be the Tennant-era TARDIS exterior.

So - back to that design?

I'm trying to not read into too much as this trailer was probably thrown together recently for the announcement but that is an interesting observation. It could be the prop/effect they decided to go with.
Admittedly true but does that really help when Chibnall's job as showrunner was to oversee all aspects of production?

Anyway, people are just getting in early on the "N-1 showrunner had it perfect, N showrunner is driving the show into the ground" business which will sustain the fandom for the next few years.
Had he run a show before Torchwood? Holding one of his very earliest shows over his head seems a bit harsh, especially given how good season 2 was.


I have some reservations.
As much as i loved Capaldi for the Doctor, the arcs and writing on his tenure werent all that great.
So the writing is what im going to care for. Take for example Super Girl, i lost interest in the beginning of it cuz they spent too much time emphasizing "female hero? OMG" in the show. The less of that we have in the beginning, the better.
Also companion-wise, i feel we should go back to the more than one companion. The companion list has been too female in the series, so a male companion would be welcomed...and hopefully their a minority.


Matt Smith Announced: "OMG, The Doctor should never be this young. Doctor Who is ruined!" 3 years later: "Matt Smith was amazing, I hope he never leaves!"

It's a cycle guys. There will always be haters everywhere. I'm really excited about her as the first female doctor. The thing I love about this show is seeing new stuff every few years. Doctor Who never gets old because of this.
Very true. Don't recall that being as bad with Capaldi- maybe people were ready for Smith to move on? Or maybe Capaldi was so badass charismatic off the bat that people loved the idea?

This was always going to be different though because of chromosome reasons.


The casting is fab.

An interesting, nerdy aside for the Doctor Who hardcore... the TARDIS she walks towards in the clip is an RTD-era TARDIS - smaller and less chunky, a more natural, less vibrant shade of blue, no St. Johns Ambulance sticker. In fact, it straight up appears to be the Tennant-era TARDIS exterior.

So - back to that design?

Almost definitely just the only one they had lying around because the current prop was being used for The Doctors, although I'm intrigued.


I'm sure Peter's pleased with his successor, so I'm happy about that too. :)


Cyberwoman wasn't terrible because of the script. I thought that was widely understood these days.

He was the co-producer at the time to be fair. It's not like it was out of his hands as far as I can tell?

So I admit I'm still a little worried about Chibnall. Though he also did some of the better Torchwood episodes to be fair. edit: I see someone else replied this, sorry
I'm still super glad Moffat is gone. Dude is a self-indulgent hack. I stopped watching a few episodes into the Capaldi era. I'd had enough.

I also didn't appreciate his attempts to turn the show into the Amelia Pond Show featuring The Doctor.

Its a shame since he wrote one of the all time best episodes in the Tennant era.
The casting is fab.

An interesting, nerdy aside for the Doctor Who hardcore... the TARDIS she walks towards in the clip is an RTD-era TARDIS - smaller and less chunky, a more natural, less vibrant shade of blue, no St. Johns Ambulance sticker. In fact, it straight up appears to be the Tennant-era TARDIS exterior.

So - back to that design?

Doubt it. Just what they had spare. I doubt that's her costume too, if only because it looks terrible.
I was remembering the Matt Smith Doctor Who announcement image and how that was way different tone and costume wise than what we actually got.

So I wouldn't put to much stock into this quick teaser being how she looks or carries herself when the show begins.


The reaction on GAF is way better than everywhere else on the internet. Even threads on Gallifrey Base are on fire.

GB poster reactions make me laugh. Someone suggested that it would have been even better if a black guy had been cast as the Doctor, so that everyone could finally see who theracists on there are !
I was remembering the Matt Smith Doctor Who announcement image and how that was way different tone and costume wise than what we actually got.

So I wouldn't put to much into this quick teaser on that being how she looks or carries herself when the show begins.

Yup. I would not read into anything.
I'm trying to not read into too much as this trailer was probably thrown together recently for the announcement but that is an interesting observation. It could be the prop/effect they decided to go with.

Of course, Smith was photographed in front of the Tennant exterior too, but that was before his exterior was actually decided/designed. The decision to dig out a design not used since 2013 (for Day of the Doctor) for this teaser seems... well, it seems strangely specific, especially when this teaser would've been filmed when the current TARDIS props (of which there are more than one) were out and about, ready, being used for filming anyway. Hmm!

Doubt it. Just what they had spare. I doubt that's her costume too, if only because it looks terrible.

There are like seven different current TARDIS props, though - and they couldn't get one? It's just interesting as the tradition has always been for the first photo to be in front of the /current/ TARDIS -- see the Smith one above - so for them to use one not current is, well, striking.
Of course, Smith was photographed in front of the Tennant exterior too, but that was before his exterior was actually decided/designed. The decision to dig out a design not used since 2013 (for Day of the Doctor) for this teaser seems... well, it seems strangely specific, especially when this teaser would've been filmed when the current TARDIS props (of which there are more than one) were out and about, ready, being used for filming anyway. Hmm!

Good point.
Not 100% on board with this idea, but I'm glad it happened just because of the hilariously awful reactions to it I can now see online.

Has Whittaker done anything that would be close to the Doctor, personality-wise? She seems like a serious actress doing serious roles, but I've only seen her in Black Mirror.


Has Whittaker done anything that would be close to the Doctor, personality-wise? She seems like a serious actress doing serious roles, but I've only seen her in Black Mirror.

Since the Doctor gets a new personality crafted by the actor, the answer is a definite "maybe".

Capaldi's Doctor was really very different from his most famous role.

Not a huge fan of this but can't be worse then Eccleston sooo

She wouldn't have been my first pick but I'm looking forward to seeing how the show moves on after Capaldi and Moffat.

Big shoes to fill on both counts.


Of course, Smith was photographed in front of the Tennant exterior too, but that was before his exterior was actually decided/designed. The decision to dig out a design not used since 2013 (for Day of the Doctor) for this teaser seems... well, it seems strangely specific, especially when this teaser would've been filmed when the current TARDIS props (of which there are more than one) were out and about, ready, being used for filming anyway. Hmm!

There are like seven different current TARDIS props, though - and they couldn't get one? It's just interesting as the tradition has always been for the first photo to be in front of the /current/ TARDIS -- see the Smith one above - so for them to use one not current is, well, striking.

Maybe it's the one they have out and are using for the first Doctor?


I knew she looked familiar as I remember her from one of the episodes in Black Mirror.

First ever female Doctor! It'll be very interesting to see where this goes.
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