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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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Who was a better companion than Rose and Martha.

uh.. Donna was an awful awful joke character.

When I say fanboy pandering I'm talking about the constant Rory love, James Corden being a fat fuck, etc. I think alot of it has been tainted by occasionally seeing a tumblr and hearing the word 'whovian' it just makes me cringe.


uh.. Donna was an awful awful joke character.


Donna was the best of the 10th companions. Maybe I got a bit cynical with Rose and Martha, but it was nice to have a proper foil for the Doctor instead of fawning. The best part of Amy's character has been the change from being flirty with the Doctor to just being a bit flirty personality-wise.

Here's to hoping they don't mess it up with the new companion.
When I say fanboy pandering I'm talking about the constant Rory love, James Corden being a fat fuck, etc. I think alot of it has been tainted by occasionally seeing a tumblr and hearing the word 'whovian' it just makes me cringe.

I think Rory's a decent character and James Corden is never better than he is in Who. They seem used appropriately.

I guess we didn't need another Craig episode, but it was good so it's no bother. Definitely filler, but the reception to The Lodger was full of love for James and Matt's "chemistry" so more wasn't exactly unwelcome.

Mr. Sam

I'm one of the Donna lovers too - she and Ten had an excellent dynamic. She even had an absolutely heart-breaking ending, despite all the bollocks which preceded it. Then her mind exploded or some shit.
When I say fanboy pandering I'm talking about the constant Rory love, James Corden being a fat fuck, etc. I think alot of it has been tainted by occasionally seeing a tumblr and hearing the word 'whovian' it just makes me cringe.
I don't think you know what pandering is.

Fanboy pandering would be brutally killing Craig offscreen and having a laugh at Corden's expense.


Rory> Donna> Captain Jack> Rose> Amy> Mickey> Martha.

Realise this objective truth.

So close. Swap Amy and Rose and we're good. Though I may be biased since I just saw the end of series 2 again. God, I'd forgotten just how heavy on the 10/Rose stuff RTD got.

Personally, I'd say the new series go 5 > 4 > 1 > 3 > 6 = 2. 4 might be getting a little extra bump since it was the first one I followed as it aired, but I really loved the dynamic 10 and Donna had. Martha was dull in season 3 but it had some pretty good eps. 6 had Amy and Rory but the only standouts for me were The Impossible Astronaut, The Doctor's Wife, and The Girl Who Waited.
Fantastic OT!

Loved the RTD era, found season five ok and season six a bit meh. It's disappointing because The Eleventh Hour promised so much from Moffat's reign, its just about as perfect an episode as you can get.

Really hoping season seven delivers but I'm feeling season six vibes from it, especially with "The Question". I mean it obviously can't be answered because that's the crux of the whole program and yet it's going to be the main theme for season seven.

It's bound to end in disappointment much like season six which had the whole "The Doctor is going to die". It was obvious he wasn't and therefore I couldn't make any emotional investment in the story and all. Every-time it was brought up I couldn't buy into anything the characters where going through. Even with River Song which was hyped up to be such a terrible secret ended up being disappointing and rushed. I really hope Moffat can deliver because when he's on point he's fantastic. Hopefully a less serialised season 7 will help.

BTW everyones top five episodes so far?

Mine Our:

The Eleventh Hour
Vincent and The Doctor
The Parting of the Ways
The Doctors Wife

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm one of the Donna lovers too - she and Ten had an excellent dynamic. She even had an absolutely heart-breaking ending, despite all the bollocks which preceded it. Then her mind exploded or some shit.

Yeah, Donna was refreshing after the Rose and Martha slather-fests

Rory> Donna> Captain Jack> Rose> Amy> Mickey> Martha.

Realise this objective truth.
This man knows what's up.
Top 5? Oooooh...

The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
The Doctor's Wife


Vincent & The Doctor was a horrible episode, I wouldn't even call it a doctor who episode it was just the bbc slobbering on a dead mans ball sack for an hour.

Donna>Rory> Captain Jack> Rose> Amy> Mickey> Martha.

Realise this objective truth.

Fixed that for you, almost there it's just that rory died to many times for my liking and got dragged into the usual crappy romance plot between new companion(amy) and the doctor.

Donna noble is easily the best she had great chemistry with 10, very enjoyable watching both go back and forth with clever banter and she didn't get sucked into the typical crappy romance plot with the doctor.
Gridlock... oh fuck me I'd forgotten about that one. ;_;
Bafflingly underrated, for me. In terms of world building, characters, performances, storytelling and theme, it's stunning. I can only assume that the shadow of New Earth blinds people to it.

Limiting myself to a Top 5 feels like doing the series a disservice; particularly series 1, which doesn't have any of my absolute favourites, but has a superbly high quality throughout.
Bafflingly underrated, for me. In terms of world building, characters, performances, storytelling and theme, it's stunning. I can only assume that the shadow of New Earth blinds people to it.

Limiting myself to a Top 5 feels like doing the series a disservice; particularly series 1, which doesn't have any of my absolute favourites, but has a superbly high quality throughout.

Gridlock is definitely highly underrated. Definitely a very strong story, with some superb themes and a wonderfully realized society. I love the whole concept of the emotion drugs.

Series 1 is really fantastic. I was really struck by this when I rewatched it recently. I love every story in it aside from The Unquiet Dead, and stories like The Long Game and Boom Town really increased in my estimation when I went back to them. There's some great themes and subversive ideas in the whole season.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Bafflingly underrated, for me. In terms of world building, characters, performances, storytelling and theme, it's stunning. I can only assume that the shadow of New Earth blinds people to it.

Limiting myself to a Top 5 feels like doing the series a disservice; particularly series 1, which doesn't have any of my absolute favourites, but has a superbly high quality throughout.

Gridlock is like the epitome of the best of the RTD era for me. All of my favorite episodes from his era are situation and environment driven, with the Doctor and Co stumbling on some planet or spaceship in the far future where something weird is going on.

Come to think of it, episodes set in the far flung future have been in short supply in series 5 and 6. I think that's a large part of why I dislike them.
I'm a bit annoyed that after all the build-up of The Silence and saying they secretly control the universe, and even after implying The Doctor is going all Black Ops on them in Series seven....
we're not hearing anything about The Silence. We're hearing about a "new, scary bad guy".

Although, I trust Moffat, he made the Silence out to be the THE Big Bad so it would be weird to just throw them away.
Ardal O'Hanlon is just unbearable for me in everything apart from Father Ted. That was a big part of why I think that episode stinks.

Moreover, I hate the concept. I certainly don't feel every Who episode has to be a galaxy-trotting adventure, but setting an episode in a friggin' traffic jam was every bit as boring as it sounded.
Bafflingly underrated, for me. In terms of world building, characters, performances, storytelling and theme, it's stunning. I can only assume that the shadow of New Earth blinds people to it.

Limiting myself to a Top 5 feels like doing the series a disservice; particularly series 1, which doesn't have any of my absolute favourites, but has a superbly high quality throughout.

Ah I forgot that gem. Gridlock is definitely underrated. Just narrowly misses the top five. It's got so much heart and humour, and I love the sheer scope of it. Especially the ending with when Martha stands up to the Doctor and he describes Gallifrey to her. I wish we saw more of that side of their relationship.
Ardal O'Hanlon is just unbearable for me in everything apart from Father Ted. That was a big part of why I think that episode stinks.

Moreover, I hate the concept. I certainly don't feel every Who episode has to be a galaxy-trotting adventure, but setting an episode in a friggin' traffic jam was every bit as boring as it sounded.

For me it was just the silly characters. Here's a man who's half human/half cat with his human wife-and here's their children: cute little kittens!!!
Wow, I so don't remember that.
Wait, was that when he took over a woman for his... ugh, Master race?
I'm convinced that pun was the whole reason that plan even exists.



My head has been in the sand since the Christmas special aired so tell me

Is Amy and Rory sticking around this season or are they being 'written out?'
When in the hell does this season start?!?
Is it available on BBC America again?
Any alien design that just involves "YO IT'S AN ANIMAL


BUT IT'S ALSO A DUDE" automatically sucks, yeah. If it's actual anthropomorphised animals, like some Star Fox style shit, then whatever, I don't give a damn. But pretending it's an alien. BLEH.

Judoon are slightly lame for similar reasons, although their inability to give a solitary fuck keeps them good in my eyes.
My head has been in the sand since the Christmas special aired so tell me

Is Amy and Rory sticking around this season or are they being 'written out?'
When in the hell does this season start?!?
Is it available on BBC America again?
They're around, but get permanently written out in episode 5. New companion takes over in the Christmas Special.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Hmmm, top five from the revival:

2.)Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
3.)The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

That's based on raw quality IMO. Narrow misses are Fires of Pompeii (my favorite version of "its the past...with aliens!"), Silence in the Library, The Impossible Planet and The Pandorica Opens/Big Bang, which was probably the best season finale.


it's going to hard to think of top 5 I know am going to remember mroe of favs after I make it.

-New Earth
-The Impossible Planet/satan's pit
-Silence In The Library/Forest of the Dead

The silence aliens would be my favorite but I didn't like how they got killed off.


My head has been in the sand since the Christmas special aired so tell me

Is Amy and Rory sticking around this season or are they being 'written out?'
When in the hell does this season start?!?
Is it available on BBC America again?

They're leaving in episode 5, which is the last ep in the first half of the season.
Late August/early September, it looks like.
As far as I know.
Ooooh, it's list time now?

In no particular order:

- The Doctor's Wife
- Blink
- Midnight
- The Girl in the Fireplace
- The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

I actually thought Midnight was kind of awful the first time I saw it, but the more I watched it, the more I actually "got" the episode. So much tension.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon is probably my favorite pair of episodes from Smith's run. In those two episodes I felt like I finally started to "get" Moffat's vision and what he was trying to do with the show and where things could go. And then the rest of series 6 happened...


Neo Member
1) Blink
2) Midnight
3) The Doctor Dances ("Everybody lives!" was the moment I fell in love with Doctor Who)
4) The Doctor's Wife
5) Amy's Choice
Rory> Donna> Captain Jack> Rose> Amy> Mickey> Martha.

Realise this objective truth.

Close, it goes:

Donna> Rory> Amy+Rory> Amy alone> Rose > Captain Jack> Mickey> Martha not with the Doctor> Martha with the Doctor.

I've never saw River Song as a companion. More like a fellow time lord.
The Doctor's Wife.
Very sweet episode, combined the new and the old really well.

The Family of Blood
From the quite emotional two-parter, what the 10th Doctor does to the family is horrible and we really see another side to the character here.

Funny banter between the Daleks and the Cybermen, the Bad Wolf Bay scene was really sad at the time.

It really showed how threatening the Daleks could be and there was only one!

Perfect episode, utterly chilling!
Any alien design that just involves "YO IT'S AN ANIMAL


BUT IT'S ALSO A DUDE" automatically sucks, yeah. If it's actual anthropomorphised animals, like some Star Fox style shit, then whatever, I don't give a damn. But pretending it's an alien. BLEH.

Judoon are slightly lame for similar reasons, although their inability to give a solitary fuck keeps them good in my eyes.





Never really participated in any Doctor Who discussions, or even read comments about it from others. I've always preferred to watch it in a vacuum.

That being said, I am shocked people don't like Martha. She is by far my favorite companion of the tenth doctor. She seemed like the only one who could handle things on her own. Rose felt too dependent on the Doctor for everything, and Donna always seemed to be doing her best to be the star over the doctor. The love story for Rose felt forced, and the back and forth comedy act between the Doctor and Donna was like an awful contest to see who could be more witty.

Super excited for the new season to start, the wait has been horrible.
The pig man in Aliens of London was actually neat. The Slitheen actually getting a pig and shoving it into a spacesuit was fucked up.

The pig men in Daleks in Manhattan were crap, of course.


1) Midnight
2) Impossible Planet/Satan's Pit
3) The Doctor's Wife
4) New Earth
5) Blink

The first two were easy choices, had to think a bit more about the order of the other three.

I liked Martha too. In fact I can't really say there's any companion that I've disliked since the reboot (although River Song has worn out her welcome.)
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