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Does a game with bad story but perfect gameplay deserve 10/10 Reviews?


I think it really depends on what the primary goal of the devs is. For the most part I really do feel that excellent gameplay should trump everything else, but on some rare occasions I'm willing to make some exceptions.

I'll use the Corpse Party games as an example. The story is a bit of a mess, but still interesting enough and the gameplay is barely there to steer you along. Sounds pretty mediocre, right? To some that may be true, but it's big focus on sound design is what elevated it above mediocrity and to a pretty good level. Its use of audio gives that sense of dread with every move you make. It creates a really unsettling atmosphere that I can't help but applaud. It succeeds in exactly what it sets out to do and I can't help but award it bonus points for just that.

The game definitely isn't a 10, but I could see how a game with amazing gameplay OR story could be elevated to that score if that's the entire point of that game.

That's pretty much my two cents on that.
Like many have said in this thread it all depends on the type of game. Some games just aren't story focused and as such if their story is bad it really doesn't effect the game in the grand scheme of things. Other games are incredibly story focused and gameplay being lacking or nothing too exciting doesn't make them bad games either.

Also someone jokingly mentioned that John Carmack quote earlier and God I hadn't thought about it in so long. I hate that quote so much.
Different genres have different needs. Some games are meant to tell a story through player interaction, others are meant to be fun without a focus on story or even any narrative premise, others are meant for families or educational purposes. It's hard to pinpoint what a game needs in order to be perfect, because a game can be so many different things.

You can't blame Super Mario Galaxy, Football Manager or Tetris for a lack of narrative focus.


It depends more on the game.
If the story is a big focus of it and the narrative is part of the game, then sure.

But in a Mario game (for example), were the story is as minimal as needed, it shouldn't matter.


I think most of my absolute favorite games have pretty throwaway stories. Not all, but most. It's just not something I value very highly in most genres.
I guess it depends on what 10/10 means.

Reviewers typically look at games and assess whether or not the game is worth purchasing and enjoying. In that regard, yes, there are video games that do what they set out to do so well, that they should be played by anyone with the ability to experience them. A game with a "bad" story can still qualify as the above.
If you're the type of reviewer that starts at a 10 and then deducts points for any flaws you come across, no, they apparently don't deserve the 10.

If you're not stupid and don't do it like that, then easily, yes. I mean, if the crappy story is actually wasting your time when you could be playing the game, then it'll probably still not make the 10, but in no way should it conceptually work where a bad story automatically makes it a not 10/10 experience.


If it executes that gam-play well enough to such an extent that balances things out, then yes a game could warrant that score. I also believe in the opposite, well-executed story telling can elevate a game. I can easily see how someone could give Planescape: Torment a 10/10, and that would pretty much be on the back of dialogue trees and story-telling alone. I didn't care for the combat in the game at all, but still see it as one of the best RPGs, and overall gaming experiences, that I've ever played through.

A 10/10 does not represent a perfect game to me, because no such thing exists. A 10/10 game is a simply a very superior title.


Bad videogame stories imo are stories that do a poor job of setting up context or motivation for the game.

For example I think Super Meatboy has a better story than Binding of Isaac. In SMB you are given a clear goal right off the bat, a reason to view the antagonist as a villain, and the story is appropriate for the style of gameplay.

Binding of Isaac on the other hand has a story that is at odds with the gameplay. BoI's story is incredibly intricate and legitimately disturbing in a sobering way, while the gameplay is a silly twin stick shooter with funny items and characters. The gameplay and story tell two different stories and constantly feel at odds with each other, even though taken on its own compared to SMB BoI has the better story.

Really most classic examples of "bad stories" in games are ones where they just dont make sense for the tone the gameplay.


I think games like Metal Gear Solid V and Bloodborne fall into this discussion perfectly. I played through both of those games without really caring about the stories they had to tell. The gameplay on both those games is just so superb, anything else is just icing on the cake in my opinion.


Depends how the story is handled. If the story is at the forefront and treated seriously, if it's bad it looks much worse on the game. If the story is an afterthought or barely even there (mario games, for example), it doesn't really matter.


Most games are not purely a gameplay experience, story no matter how small is a central part of many games. I think depending on the game getting reviewed that 10/10 should not be given if the story greatly misses the mark.
Review scores are arbitrary.
If the person doing the reviewing decides to give a lower score because of bad story no matter how great the gameplay is, it's their right.
Same goes for someone giving a game a higher score because of a great story in spite of terrible gameplay.


depends if the story is important for the game. A Mario game needs no story for example. Last of Us needs it.

That said i almost can't play storyless games. i need something besides gameplay to catch my attention.


If it forces you to watch the story with long tedious unskippable cutscenes or similar, then no; but if the story isn't the focus but just some silliness to motivate the gameplay sure


No. If they attempted to write a story and it was bad then no. e.g. Metal Gear Solid V

If there's no story or a basic premise then yes. e.g. Resogun.


A big difference between a bad story and a story that's not special imo.

Nintendos minimalistic stories for the Mario games etc are not bad stories imo, for example, they are just minimalistic and unimportant, only there to give a base for what's happening.


Yes and no - it depends on the genre.

For example games like FIFA, MADDEN, Racing Games, MOBAs don't need a story at all. Bring the gameplay and you're fine. Even rather then the stupid story of NFS Most Wanted back in 2005.


Whether a story is good or bad will always be subjective. There is really no such thing as a bad story.

Perfect gameplay on the other hand is a scientific fact. You cannot argue against it.

So yes a game that has perfect gameplay deserves 10/10.
Bayonetta 2 is a 10/10 for me. That having been said, for every one of my 6 playthroughs I've done, apart from the first, I've skipped all the cutscenes. The story never really got in the way of the gameplay at all, which is why I can give it a 10/10. If a game with 10/10 gameplay has a bad story with unskippable cutscenes (or even pseudo-cutscenes like MGSV's helicopter stuff), then it isn't a 10/10 for me. Ultimately, like every rating system ever, this issue is subjective.


Whether a story is good or bad will always be subjective. There is really no such thing as a bad story.

Perfect gameplay on the other hand is a scientific fact. You cannot argue against it.

Using what metrics is good gameplay measured? Fun-o-meters? What a ridiculous statement, gameplay is as much subjective as narrative.

For me, a game with stellar mechanics can and should get a perfect score. I play games, I don't watch them.
Depends on the game, but mostly I would say yes. Gameplay is more important than story, so having the best gameplay should be applauded, not dragged down because of an insignificant story.


Hell no.

10/10 implies the game is perfect. From story to graphics, to gameplay to audio design. If you choose to include a campaign, then it should be factored into the review score.


Using what metrics is good gameplay measured? Fun-o-meters? What a ridiculous statement, gameplay is as much subjective as narrative.

For me, a game with stellar mechanics can and should get a perfect score. I play games, I don't watch them.

You can measure it however you want. It doesn't matter.

Saying gameplay is perfect has nothing to do with it being fun, difficult or unique. Perfection means the developer went out of their way to give you incredible amount of control over your character and how that character interacts with enemies/AI in that game world. If a developer does that they deserve 10/10 reviews imo.


Often, too many games seem to have poorly plotted stories with bad dialogue, often poor acting, and unintruiging scenarios. I find myself mashing that skip button to get to the good part. I've accepted that most jrpgs I like fall into some of these, yet I'd still have a blast.


I personally think it should count because it's part of the game and depends if the game tries to tell a story or not.

Also what makes a good story is subjective.


Of course. If not, no sports game could achieve a 10/10. Because there is no story in certain genres ....


If the story doesn't get in the way of enjoyment or can easily be skipped without rendering confusion on the player then I don't see why not. I don't really care for scores but if I was reviewer and had to do it then I'd be happy to give full marks for such a game.
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