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Does anime fanservice ever keep you from recommending an anime?

I wouldn't.

I don't want to be that person who wants to recommend creepy shows to people. I already lower my evaluation of people when they start talking about how fanservice show X is pretty good.


It's not prudish to dislike when otherwise good anime is ruined by the medium's seemingly compulsive need to appeal to the sexual appetites of lonely single boys on a semi-frequent basis.

Fanservice isn't bad because it represents sex; it's bad because it represents a fantastical and adolescent form of sex that doesn't exist in the real world. Its inclusion compromises the whole operation.

Yeah im the last person who would say "GET SEX OUT OF MY SHOWS AND VIDYAGAMES!!" . Like i'd actually be sliglhtly upset if it was gone. But you can show sex and sexual things in a more mature(? not sure if that is the best word for it) way.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Only time it didn't stop me was in Code Geass, but... it still wasn't welcome


I don't recommend anime outside of Bebop or Champloo.

Maybe a Miyazaki movie if I think the person is so inclined.


Most anime comes with a fair share of "fan service" so I only talk about anime to people who already understand that fact. I've limited the amount of anime I watch because of fan service in general.
Somewhat; Kenichi was a pretty good anime/manga before it went into fan service overdrive.

Arguably it was in 5th gear from the start, judging by the Miu pose on the vol 1 cover. The only thing that appears to have changed by the final tank cover is the size of her breasts and how much is poking through the fabric of her painted-on outfit. I dare not post either here.
it depends. If i'm recommending a show to an Anime Watcher, i'll recommend away, disclosing things that make sense to disclose. However if i'm recommending something to a non-anime/casual watcher, it is a complete deal breaker.

Its far too often to be watching a show that is perfectly fine and completely recommendation worthy, but then they pull an unnecessary fanservice/creepy moment out of thin air that makes you have to cross the entire thing off and put it into a list of "only recommend if the person is used to anime" pile.

A perfect example is Maid Dragon last season all because of a two minute clip in one episode, It's kind of a shame really.


A recent example for me is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I recently thought about it since Overwatch added the dance from it for Mei. I liked this anime back when I watched it. I think it has an interesting premise and I have a friend that I think would like it. She tends to like shows with interesting premises like this. I just wish they didn't have so much obvious fanservice moments throughout the show. I can only imagine somebody new to the show like my friend quickly disregarding it due to it.

I thought you were joking.

Anyhoo. I barely recommend anything to anyone for any reason. But it wouldn't stop me.

Watch Hunter x Hunter.


I can't even watch/play stuff with excessive fan service, much less recommend them. I couldn't watch past episode 1 of Kill la Kill because of it, nor could I finish either of the Bayonetta games, and those are just two of the examples off the top of my head. Too bad, because those properties were awesome otherwise.

It makes me feel very, very awkward, similar to the way many people feel about cringe humor. I just can't deal with it and also enjoy myself. Not that I'm immune the wiles of cheesecake once in a while, but tons of anime (and many games) waaaaaaaaay overdo it.


Fanservice doesn't just make it hard for me to recommend shows, it often makes it hard to get into them in the first place. I've kind of bounced of of Konosuba at this point because despite the core premise being fun (completely dysfunctional RPG party ignores the main plotline to live in luxury in the starting town), the lech factor is just too high.

It even makes me think twice about sharing something like Your Name, which is otherwise one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in years.


Fanservice doesn't just make it hard for me to recommend shows, it often makes it hard to get into them in the first place. I've kind of bounced of of Konosuba at this point because despite the core premise being fun (completely dysfunctional RPG party ignores the main plotline to live in luxury in the starting town), the lech factor is just too high.

It even makes me think twice about sharing something like Your Name, which is otherwise one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in years.
Yep, likewise. I feel bad about Konosuba in particular because it's so damn popular and highly praised but it's really hard for me to overlook stuff like a goddess that runs around in a mini skirt with no underwear (???), among other things that make it far too obvious who the target audience is.

Nowadays I am exceedingly discriminatory about what series I'll get into and largely avoid the stuff with that much obvious pandering. Thankfully, even with that criteria I still actually have a surprising amount of stuff worth watching. I just wish I didn't have to discriminate in such a way in the first place, especially for series that really do not look like they should have pandering nonsense.


The scene where
the guy feels himself up while in the girl's body I presume?

Maybe I didn't quite get it (if it was meant to be fanservicey) but that was framed and executed in a super innocent way. Same for the callback later in the movie.


Maybe I didn't quite get it (if it was meant to be fanservicey) but that was framed and executed in a super innocent way. Same for the callback later in the movie.

Yea if that's what he meant, that is pretty tame considering the premise.


I will never bring myself to watch the show. I just can't.

Fanservice is clearly at the heart of the anime. It doesn't matter how well-animated or written the show may be. Fanservice is all I see, because it's just...there.

I don't think fanservice can even be a joke in anime now.

Kill la kill is pretty much garbage, you're not missing anything. It has a small handful of good episodes, mostly early on, not worth the trudge either way.

Also fan service as "satire" is bullshit. So many shows or games have tried to claim that in some way


Yes -- I liked Kill la Kill but wouldn't recommend to anyone unless I knew they were okay with that kind of content prior.

Fanservice doesn't just make it hard for me to recommend shows, it often makes it hard to get into them in the first place. I've kind of bounced of of Konosuba at this point because despite the core premise being fun (completely dysfunctional RPG party ignores the main plotline to live in luxury in the starting town), the lech factor is just too high.

It even makes me think twice about sharing something like Your Name, which is otherwise one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in years.

This is just ridiculous though. Would you avoid suggesting someone watch a live action movie because it contained a sex scene? About the same ratio there.


The scene where
the guy feels himself up while in the girl's body I presume?

Once was... eh, OK; makes sense in the context of someone waking up half-asleep in an unfamiliar body. But then he did it repeatedly, even after being asked not to do so. Not cool.

I still enjoyed the heck out of the movie and would probably watch it with my family. I'm not sure they'd even notice! It bothers me that it's one of the default cheap laughs that anime tends to go for, though, and in this case the
explicit non-consent
bit particularly bothers me.

e: I'll add - I get that they're fictional, imperfect characters; they shouldn't be perfect. But I think the movie already did a good job
showing that they were pushing each other's boundaries with stuff like setting each other up on dates / love confessions. I just think someone more creative than me - which the crew certainly is - could have found a different humor beat after Taki wakes back up in Mitsuha's body the final time. Hell, they could have joked about how he's not doing it this time.


No. If people are going to be prudish enough to complain about it I don't want to be friends with them in the first place.
Sexism (i.e. juvenile displays of female bodies for the sake of male titillation) =/= sexuality (i.e. human beings engaging in sexual activity for fun and/or reproduction). When we're talking about "anime fanservice", we're talking mostly about the former.

There is nothing "prudish" about disliking the former. It is simply a display of respect for human autonomy and the people who inhabit those feminine bodies. Objectifying women in the way many of these shows do is to disregard the agency of the characters in question and, well, just looking at the way they treat women in general should be enough to tell you that the problem is not merely "prudishness" - not unless you have trouble treating women as people in the first place.

I would actually be perfectly okay with seeing consensual romance and subsequent copulation treated in a mature fashion with actual purpose to the story being told. Just showing boobs and butts, however, most certainly does not come anywhere close to that. It's just laziness, pure and simple. And I fail to see the point of it in the first place when actual pornography is so easily accessible. Seriously, why even bother at this point?


Once was... eh, OK; makes sense in the context of someone waking up half-asleep in an unfamiliar body. But then he did it repeatedly, even after being asked not to do so. Not cool.

I still enjoyed the heck out of the movie and would probably watch it with my family. I'm not sure they'd even notice! It bothers me that it's one of the default cheap laughs that anime tends to go for, though, and in this case the
explicit non-consent
bit particularly bothers me.

Hmm, I don't remember it that well, only that it ended up being a running joke with the sister and what not. Considering the premise, it felt tame and not particularly skeevy when looked at in isolation, at least for the first time. But I suppose with the reputation anime has in mind, I guess I could see someone saying "Ugh, of course this is here"


Nope. Just put a friend on Tsugumomo, and anybody who has read the manga knows what the fuck is up with that book. I just looks at it as a paywall for all those godlike fights/action scenes.


If the person isn't super into anime, yes.

Otherwise, I'll mention if the fanservice is heavy, but unless there is something that bothers me about it I won't focus on it.

I'm not really super into anime, and the stuff I am into doesn't typically have a ton of fanservice.


It's weird how everyone's talking about KLK without mentioning that there were plenty of naked dudes involved in that show too.
Fanservice doesn't keep me from watching anime because I just watch things that don't have it. It's not as hard as you think.

It does bother me that shows that do have it are more popular and becoming the norm these days though.
I think of anime like any other artform and treating like it's only something lonely nerds watch just because you've noticed ecchi, seems silly.

I tend to only recommend stuff like Mononoke, Mushishi, Kaiba, or Aku No Hana


Fanservice doesn't keep me from watching anime because I just watch things that don't have it. It's not as hard as you think.
It is for me :( , Literally everything that has been reccomended to me in the last 2 years have been childish or had cringy fanservice.

Like last semester I spent weeks trying to find new anime that wasnt like that.

i'd love some recommendations though because I still want to like anime


This is just ridiculous though. Would you avoid suggesting someone watch a live action movie because it contained a sex scene? About the same ratio there.
Generally, no, I wouldn't avoid suggesting a movie - live action or otherwise - because of a sex scene. And like I said above, I'd still probably watch Your Name with my family. I think that the movie might be in some ways improved without the second or third
boob-fondling scenes
, though.

The reason I say 'generally' is because I'm also going to consider the audience and the nature of the sex scene. I mentioned consent as an issue before - if a movie focuses graphically on non-consensual sex, I'm going to think before I recommend it, no matter how good it is. I'd probably want to discuss general themes ahead of time, or at least give a heads up / trigger warning. A lot of fan-service-y shows tend to throw their own wrinkles on various sexual taboos in as well, which I just sort of have to deal with on a case-by-case basis. I mean, Bakemonogatari can be a pretty fun show, but how the hell do you explain the toothbrush scene to anyone?


Yea. I'm a fan of light novel stories but the fan service makes me not pass them on.

Side note I'm currently watching eromanga sensei and it literally would be perfectly fine without the loli sister stuff and fan service. Have it be about a brother who writes light novels and his sister who secretly draws them


Fanservice doesn't just make it hard for me to recommend shows, it often makes it hard to get into them in the first place. I've kind of bounced of of Konosuba at this point because despite the core premise being fun (completely dysfunctional RPG party ignores the main plotline to live in luxury in the starting town), the lech factor is just too high.

It even makes me think twice about sharing something like Your Name, which is otherwise one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in years.
I think calling what's in Your name fanservice is a bit of a stretch, especially considering the content of the film.
It is for me :( , Literally everything that has been reccomended to me in the last 2 years have been childish or had cringy fanservice.

Like last semester I spent weeks trying to find new anime that wasnt like that.

i'd love some recommendations though because I still want to like anime
My Hero Academia
Attack on Titan
Tales of Zestiria the X
Little witch academia
Kuroko's basketball
Big Windup!

All of top of my head. New and older stuff. How it can take weeks to find is baffling.


My favorite shows typically have very little to no fanservice. I dislike fanservice a great deal, and I wouldn't avoid recommending anime that has it (e.g. Space Dandy) just because it has it, but I'd typically avoid recommending those shows because I don't like them, period.

Kill la Kill is garbage.

My Hero Academia

I wouldn't say this is devoid of fanservice like some other shows in your list like Attack on Titan and Haikyuu. In fact, I find some of it in MHA unnecessarily distracting.


My Hero Academia
Attack on Titan
Tales of Zestiria the X
Little witch academia
Kuroko's basketball
Big Windup!

All of top of my head. New and older stuff. How it can take weeks to find is baffling.

Depending how strict he is, My Hero is not completely free of it, though it is infrequent.

Kuroko also has some occasional fanservice through that character Momoi :p


It is for me :( , Literally everything that has been reccomended to me in the last 2 years have been childish or had cringy fanservice.

Like last semester I spent weeks trying to find new anime that wasnt like that.

i'd love some recommendations though because I still want to like anime

To be fair, I don't watch as much as I used to. I'm starting to lose interest because things seem too generic now.
I mostly just watch older anime that I never got a chance to see. You might like The Magician's Bride OVA. There's a series coming out in the Fall.


It is for me :( , Literally everything that has been reccomended to me in the last 2 years have been childish or had cringy fanservice.

Like last semester I spent weeks trying to find new anime that wasnt like that.

i'd love some recommendations though because I still want to like anime

Ping Pong The Animation
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

All thoughtful shows that are devoid of fanservice. And as I said earlier in the thread:

To those of you saying they can't find good anime that don't have fanservice: the three shows I'm watching this season (Tsuki ga Kirei, The Eccentric Family, Sakura Quest) have no fanservice in them. They weren't difficult to find, and there are even more shows without fanservice that I'm not watching.

Tsuki ga Kirei and The Eccentric Family are great so far, and Sakura Quest is merely good.


My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia
Attack on Titan
Tales of Zestiria the X
Little witch academia
Kuroko's basketball
Big Windup!

All of top of my head. New and older stuff. How it can take weeks to find is baffling.

Took weeks because I couldnt find anything that I havent already seen that interested me lol. I used to watch ALOT of anime. Im kinda picky about art styles now though. That might be one of the main reasons I havent been able to find anything

Thanks! Ajin and Blame! look pretty interesting. Already saw Kuroko, Baccano, Attack on Titan, and Big Windup.

I dont really like romance though. Unless Aku no Hana counts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I saw some of My Hero Academia, didnt really like it for some reason. The fan service wasn't too much though.

To be fair, I don't watch as much as I used to. I'm starting to lose interest because things seem too generic now.
I mostly just watch older anime that I never got a chance to see. You might like The Magician's Bride OVA. There's a series coming out in the Fall.

The story sound good, ill check it out. Thanks!

Ping Pong The Animation
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

All thoughtful shows that are devoid of fanservice. And as I said earlier in the thread:

Tsuki ga Kirei and The Eccentric Family are great so far, and Sakura Quest is merely good.
Ping Pong looks interesting

Saw Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, It was good

Eccentric Family, and Sakura Quest dont sound like the type of thing that I would be interest in sadly. Cool that they dont have fan service though.

This has nothing to do with fan service but I really wish something like Ghost in the Shell, Shigurui, Berserk (the original show) or Ergo Proxy would come out . Something atleast a little less light hearted.


Yeah im the last person who would say "GET SEX OUT OF MY SHOWS AND VIDYAGAMES!!" . Like i'd actually be sliglhtly upset if it was gone. But you can show sex and sexual things in a more mature(? not sure if that is the best word for it) way.

Yep. Last year I watched this French animated series called Lastman. It has more sex and nudity than pretty much any anime I've seen (I don't watch hentai), but I had 0 problem with it.

I'm not going to say it's some paragon of feminist values, I'm sure you could point out problematic elements with it too. However, I feel like it approaches the subject a million times better than all those fan-servicey anime, for a couple of reasons:

1. It's adults having sex. There's no creepy objectification of little girls.
2. The show doesn't use groping as a joke (*ahem*
the seven deadly sins
3. The characters are actually having sex rather than just objectifying characters during completely unrelated scenes (looking at you Sword Art Online, among a ton of others) by showing close up shots of jiggly boobs and panties. It just feels much more honest.

BTW the show is awesome so definitely check it out if you understand French, or check it out whenever they release English subs.

Guess Who

There's a lot I like about the Monogatari series, but I could never ask any average person to stomach the siscon fetish hell that is Nise. Even I barely survived.


This is part of why I find anime unapproachable. It feels like a medium that is pervy at its core, and I don't want to dumpster dive so I can find a handful of shows that don't have this kind of cheap pandering.


Yep. Last year I watched this French animated series called Lastman. It has more sex and nudity than pretty much any anime I've seen (I don't watch hentai), but I had 0 problem with it.

I'm not going to say it's some paragon of feminist values, I'm sure you could point out problematic elements with it too. However, I feel like it approaches the subject a million times better than all those fan-servicey anime, for a couple of reasons:

1. It's adults having sex. There's no creepy objectification of little girls.
2. The show doesn't use groping as a joke (*ahem*
the seven deadly sins
3. The characters are actually having sex rather than just objectifying characters during completely unrelated scenes (looking at you Sword Art Online, among a ton of others) by showing close up shots of jiggly boobs and panties. It just feels much more honest.

BTW the show is awesome so definitely check it out if you understand French, or check it out whenever they release English subs.
It looks great. Any fansubs available?
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