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Does anybody talk to random people in game through mics anymore?


I like talking while playing with another friend obline. While playing Forza or Halo back on 360 I would find new friends just by talking shop with existing friends or trying to implement strategy.

More recently I met some people that were text chatting in Overwatch and I almost wish I had a microphone because we weren't winning but we were having such a good chill time and not playing teeeivly that I got a bunch of friend invites.

My experience is overwhelmingly positive in RS Siege, mostly due to the nature of the game. Just wish people would remember (say that as a non native english speaker) that in the main channel you're supposed to speak lingua franca. If I want to speak italian I'll go in party chat unless we're all italians in the team.

Lingual Franca: that sounds amazing. Do most European speakers know how to do that or only the shared Italian-Spanish speakers? That really sounds cool.


In some games it's absolutely necessary. Like Guns of Icarus Online. But unless it's some very cooperative small-team thing like that I just do without voice chat.
It all depends if the game can have dedicated servers or not. If a server can have admins that kick people, then I usually talk, coordinate, etc with my team. If it is just a free for all, people are horrible and for the most part aren't worth talking with.
I don't know why people say there are cats using their mics on OW Ranked because the only time I hear anything is when one person is berating the entire team.


Every 5 matches or so of Titanfall 2 there's someone with mic just making noise.

On Titanfall 2, ps4 there was a little kid at the start of the round, with high kiddy voice saying "ok guys, let's go. We can win this." First reaction was that it was kinda cute. But then he went to live comment every action he did with his little voice and that was to much. Most of the time people don't know that their mics are on on PS4 and you here coughs, controllers klicking or loud music in the background. People who really speak just complain "no way he hit me. Fucker" etc.

Not worth it. Mute. Mute. Mute.


I miss it yes. Because as you said it seems more lively if you hear people talking. Or if you are number one in a match that you hear people curse you :). Any reaction is better then none. The best memory i have of voice chat is strangely enough Socom 1. Not sure about NA servers. but the PAL servers were cool. I was a young kid and there were often mature people talking about their lives and telling about their day. It was interesting as a kid to listen to their stories.


Gold Member
I don't miss it. If I'm playing online with or against randoms I mute everyone if there's an option to do so. If not I'll set up a party for just myself.


I stopped talking (and listening) to randoms nearly 10 years ago. Not worth it.
If you can guarantee people are polite and reasonable, i could use a headset while online whit randoms. But you cannot.

(Honestly not a fan of text chats nowadays either, people are just utter morons even there.)
Once party chat became a thing I never use the in-game chat unless the party chat is broken.

Something I have noticed, though I cannot remember if it has always been this way: in-game chat audio quality is awful! I only have noticed this in Destiny and Titanfall 2 so I don't know if this is in every game, but the chat is so muddy and especially not being able to balance it with the game audio, it gets buried far too often.


I still occasionally talk to randoms on PC games like TF2, but I will never again turn on voice chat on either console.


People talk A LOT on CS:GO competitive matches... and it's usually awesome considering people actually play as a team and discuss strategies, etc.

I hear a bunch of kids talking on Minecraft with my son too... too bad most kids speak english while he only speaks portuguese.


In my experience folks are usually rude so now I just mute everyone at the beginning of each match. Had a dude cussing me out on Titanfall 2 the other day for "just sitting there", but I was playing a class specifically built for hunkering down. Not to mention I got first place in the match so
I'm lousy at shooters and don't feel like taking abuse at the hand of strangers, so there's no way in hell I get on a mic.

I'm average to decent at shooter and the second someone starts yelling faggot, nigger etc at me I mute them and leave the squad. Had some idiot in ps4 bf1 pm my buddy with that shit and he got reported and thankfully banned.

People have varying skill levels at shooters and while I'll give a squad mate shit for camping, stat padding, and not playing the objective I'm not disrespectful like that.


Never have, never will. I loved how no-one talked on the PS3, and I could just concentrate on playing. I was actually worried it would change this gen, but luckily it's still pretty much same.
When I get a chance to play with soon to be 7 and 2 year olds, it's when they're having playtime of their own or sleeping. So there's either a lot of background noise or I need to be quiet. No "there's a guy over there!" "Oh shit!"s or "Fuck"s from me haha.


Was always on my mic on Socom 2 and the early days of 360.

I guess I was just young and naive then, these days I have no desire to talk to strangers. Don't even plug my headset in.

It's definitely a general thing though, nobody talks online anymore.

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Unconfirmed Member
Nope. Never liked it though. I rarely play competive games anymore though. Just SP and some online co-op with real life friends who lived far away.


Playing Onward on the Vive most players have mics and actually use 'em. It's a crucial part of gameplay so it's no surprise.

Actually, most of the players I encountered in VR weren't deaf mutes.
Never have, never will. I loved how no-one talked on the PS3, and I could just concentrate on playing. I was actually worried it would change this gen, but luckily it's still pretty much same.

I don't mind not talking to squad mates when things are going well, but it would be nice to be able to access a line of communication stuffs going wrong. On PC we had text chat to communicate as well so on ps4 it's necessary sometimes.


I check the chat to see if the pros are cool. In a some games, people are friendly and helpful. Usually games that require paitence or strategy. When the chat is full of babies, it's usually because it's a baby game and babies like it.


Party chat only for me these days. It saves me the harassment from gross dudebros the second they realize I'm a woman and not also a dudebro like them. I've met some okay sort of-randos through Destiny raids, but usually through mutual friends filling out the party for us rather than my own efforts.

Back in the Halo days on 360 I did it a lot more, but the older I get, the less patience I have for the disgusting messages I would get.


I play Siege on Xbox and CS on PC with public mic all the time. I love interacting with strangers. Many of my friends do not though.

I go out of my way to be polite and complimentary in an attempt to reverse the stigma.
I find PC gamers talk more than console gamers, where they are just in their own party chat.

There is a lot of chatter on Overwatch Competitive, which is pretty great.


Listening to people talking in game was always fun. Even if you gotta mute sometimes. Since this gen it has died down really bad. Pub games are extra terrible for this exact reason. Last gen gamers actually pushed themselves out there. Now It's back to being awkwardly closed in with party chat. It used to be such a lively community regardless of assholes trying to start fights, crying babies, the raging gamer, death threats or whatever else. Bunch of sour p now lmao.


Stopped using it since I've heard people saying, with their mouth, "LOL" and "GG" in counterstrike. Haven't ever used a mic and muted everyone since. Yes that was a lot going time ago.


I use it in Competitive Overwatch.

Unfortunately toxic 99% of the time (or people questioning your character choice), but I feel it is important to communicate with your teammates, regardless of their demeanor.


I don't play online a lot but if someone else has a mic on I'll usually grab my golds and talk with them, I made a couple friends off that playing the division.
Back in the early Xbox days made some friends playing soldier of fortune also ran into a couple racist.


I don't have a single friend who still plays videogames. Online play is no fun anymore because of this. :(

I think it's a bit better on PC because the amount of dedicated servers in some games which makes for more stable communities. Also text chat which is a good middle ground where you can speak to people without it being intrusive or in your face with the trolling that sometimes happens.

Otherwise you could consider outsourcing the social aspect of games into watching Twitch. Some games have good communities you can hook into and you could be watching someone twitch stream on your tablet while in a game yourself.


Cod4 remastered strange enough has a lot of mics. Not as much as in 2007 but more then you think in 2017

I think the game really does something for people that miss that era. I feel the same playing it.


Me and my buddy play Gears 4 online with game chat on nearly every night. Sometimes we can go days without hearing another person. Quite sad really 😟
Back in 07/08 almost my entire friend list on 360 was made up of people I got chatting to in Halo 3. Lobbies were a beautiful mess of noise!


Lingual Franca: that sounds amazing. Do most European speakers know how to do that or only the shared Italian-Spanish speakers? That really sounds cool.

Ehr. By "lingua franca" I mean english. Maybe youre thinking of Esperanto?


I don't mind not talking to squad mates when things are going well, but it would be nice to be able to access a line of communication stuffs going wrong. On PC we had text chat to communicate as well so on ps4 it's necessary sometimes.

I talk with friends, but not with randoms. I never play PVP, so I don't know how much the communication helps there. On the PVE side it's not necessary, outside of Destiny's raids.


I thought I'd never do this but actually started because of overwatch, with communication being really important. Experience has mostly been positive, met some nice people. Do get assholes occasionally but I just chose not to engage with them


Sometimes in Overwatch, but mostly im in chat with friends.

Maybe ill use it in Halo Wars 2, depends on the maturity of other players.


I haven't bothered with game chat since the early days of xbox 360, it's just way too toxic to bother with. Back on the original xbox it was glorious, heading into any random lobby on PGR2 or Rainbow Six 3 and just shooting the shit. I wish it could still be like that.
I'm always talking with randoms in pub matches of dota 2, for better or worse. Don't hear as many people on console multiplayer, though I do spend a lot of my time in party chat with friends.
Back in 07/08 almost my entire friend list on 360 was made up of people I got chatting to in Halo 3. Lobbies were a beautiful mess of noise!

This was both good and bad. I miss that actually. Party chat killed the interaction but I understand the need for it. but let say you are about to game for an hour on Halo and you know your friends aren't onlie, why not use your mic in game chat? You will get someone nice from time to time...
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