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Does Bungie know what they're doing with Destiny?


Vision of Confluence is doing the same thing, only more people have it now. Vex was outclassed at range at least.
The TTK on VoC is still a fair shake longer than the VM was.

Glad it's been nerfed, I'd like to know how it was released like that in the first place.
They're falling into the same trap that Blizzard did with WoW when they decided to try and balance PvE items for PvP by nerfing the shit out of them in PvE.


It just makes me wonder what Bungies mindset was when they were making Destiny. There doesn't seem to have been any real plan like at all.
They probably had a really grand plan, but severely compromised due to cross-gen, deadlines and publisher pressure.


Already sold the game so I dont think so

Come COD this one will drop like a roooock.

This is what I've been saying since the first week destiny released. Once COD comes out everyone is going to switch gears and destiny will lose at least half of its player base.


They probably had a really grand plan, but severely compromised due to cross-gen, deadlines and publisher pressure.

The phrase "bit off more then they could chew" comes to mind as well. They tried to do too many ideas in one game, when they should have just focussed on making a great shooter, with some cool encounters.
I think Destiny is but a shadow of what the game could've been. It doesn't matter if the rumors regarding "the gutting" is true or not because the game feels completely gutted as it is.


Random Nummer Generator.

I would like to know what cheesing and AFKing is though, been playing the game for weeks and never heard of it.

Cheese - using a "cheap" strategy or tactic to defeat an enemy or complete an objective
AFK - Away From Keyboard - being present in the game/session/party without actually playing or controlling one's character, units etc. as required
Random Nummer Generator.

I would like to know what cheesing and AFKing is though, been playing the game for weeks and never heard of it.

Cheesing would be using an exploit to finish a level/beat a boss, many in the game. And AFKing would be like joining a strike, not doing anything and still getting items for "completing" :/


I dropped Destiny two weeks ago and haven't looked back. Right now, I'm enjoying Shadows of Mordor, and when I'm done with that, I'll move on to Bayonetta 2. Smash Bros releases less than a month after that, and then there will be a ton of great games to last me through the holiday season until Bloodborne comes out.

Short of completely remaking the game into something truly fantastic, I don't see any scenario where I pick up Destiny again. I did enjoy it for what it was, but I have a limited amount of free time and there's so many more games deserving of it than Destiny.


This gane suffers from the casino mentality. Everyday you're given the chance to do a daily mission which wil give you shards/energies. A weekly so you can get 9coins and hope Xur has something you were looking for. You keep playing everyday just to rack up more materials for upgrading gear you might or not want. I always pop in just to clear the daily,then weekly/nightfall just to see if I'm lucky. and in the process i stsy for anothet hour,clearing bounties just so they don't go to waste (xp for exotics mainly).

I've reached the point of creating a clone char so I can speed up the process of grinding, but stil only managed to reach Atheon (didn't get to kill him). Since there's no matchmaking you have to rely on your friends,5 of them,and hope all of them have free time snd the will to go thtough it with you at the same time. It's a hard thing to do,when most of us have a job,relationships,other problems and can't devote outselves like Bungie wants us to do. And even if you manage to,there's no garanteed loot drops,which sucks.

Although I will disagree on the grind to get to 29. Stop caring about random drops. Do bounties, and finish the main quest. That will make you lvl 20easily. After that,bounties,patrols and strike playlists will give you all the gear you need to lvl up,or straight up dismantle for shards (if the dailies aren't giving you enough). I'm lvl 29 without fully clearing the VoG even once. It's the raid,being the de facto end game dungeon,that needs fixing. make it hard but with garsnteed good loot drops. make it worth the hassle of coordinating 6friends teaming up for a couple of hours. It's harder when life gets in the way and you have work tomorrow.morning, an appointment, or a night out (social life is a thing,bungie).

To me,that's the biggest problem.
Vanilla Diablo 3 had serious issues, and despite the core gameplay being solid, there were issues with balance there as well.

The team kept nerfing great tactics, which made the game less fun.

Fast forward to now. I've given up on Destiny for largely the same reasons I gave up on Diablo 3. Hearing that D3 had improved since Vanilla, I picked up Ultimate Evil Edition.

WOW. THIS is how you make a loot game. GOD DAMN it's great. Classes have been rebalanced to reintroduce fun builds that challenge you to push into higher difficulty levels to see what you're actually able to handle. Overpowered builds suddenly start to show holes in specific situations. Other builds become viable all of a sudden. Loot is plentiful, but not everything is a legendary. Getting great loot is still worth celebrating.

My biggest problem with Destiny's loot is a serious problem with how they built the loot tables. Here's what I mean:

In Diablo, from every level from 1-70, there is gear that appears in the common, uncommon, rare and legendary tiers. A good rare at 65 might finally replace a legendary you got at 45. You lose that cool secondary ability the legendary had, but the rare just has better base stats. Tough decisions need to be made. Suddenly you're not sure if you want to upgrade, because it's not an upgrade across the board. You gain life per second, but lose the ability to summon a ghost to fight by your side when you kill an enemy.

Destiny's loot tiers are based on levels. After Level 15, you will never get a green that is worth your time. After 20, no rare is worth your time. Now you can ONLY get legendaries to upgrade. Rare guns cap at 242 damage. No blue weapon will ever be an upgrade for you once you have appropriate gear for 20. There is no other option. There are no tough choices. There is only either crap, and direct upgrade. Suddenly, just by seeing the color of the gear that dropped, you know it's useless to you. There's no suspense. There's no excitement in maybe getting an upgrade.

This is exacerbated by the quick leveling. 1-20 goes by in a flash. You spend very little time getting direct upgrades and interesting variations on gear. Once you hit 20, your focus is largely singular: legendaries (or exotics). You also only have 7 (one entirely cosmetic) slots to fill with gear, instead of Diablo's 13. That also limits your chances to find an upgrade. 6 slots to upgrade, and only one tier of loot that will ever be an upgrade for any of it. That limits your choices really quickly.

Bungie needs to sit down with a game like Reaper of Souls and see how loot should be balanced between drops, crafting, and mysterious unidentified items.

This perfectly describes my issues with the game. Thank you for wording this better than I ever could.


They sold a shit ton of games and apparently there are millions of daily players. I don't think they are in any kind of panic mode tbh.



Good hour and thirty minute interview with Deej on Guardian Radio podcast pretty much discussing every complaint I ever heard on NeoGAF & Bungie dot net. NeoGAF is mentioned quite often

He answers all complaints, from lack of story and why certain things were cut and will probably cut back on half the speculation in this thread

"Answers" is a strong word. He acknowledges that they have had lots of complaints, then says nothing of import on any of them. Not even any kind of hype that we're going to be happier. There's no explanation, nor any evidence of rectification.
Your response is a 'strong' opinion but end of the day that's all it is, we obviously got two different things out of that
I hate to say it yet again, but it's like people didn't play Reach with its poor storytelling, crappy level design and broken ass gameplay.

What did you expect after Reach? Did you think Reach was a misfire as Bungie had 'checked out' at that stage?

It's weird to see so many disappointed with Destiny when all the signs of Bungie losing their touch were there with Reach.
Do they know what they wanna do? Id say yes.

Were they capable of doing it for launch? Probably not.

Will they be able to achieve there original vision in subsequent updates and DLC? Who knows.

I think bungies plans were probably a bit too big to be practical, and destiny as a result more than likely had to be cut back on. I don't think itl ever achieve the lofty goals that they probably set for themselves, but I think they'll do right by the game that they do have now.
Mythoclast is overpowered, nerf it, Mythoclast is underpowered and not the ''treasure anymore''. I don't think Bungie can do any good on some of the people that wants the game to be different than Bungie wants the game to be.

Meanwhile millions are enjoying the game on a daily basis, amazing. Also there is a lot of passion with this game, negative or positive, an aspect many great franchises share.
I hate to say it yet again, but it's like people didn't play Reach with its poor storytelling, crappy level design and broken ass gameplay.

What did you expect after Reach? Did you think Reach was a misfire as Bungie had 'checked out' at that stage?

It's weird to see so many disappointed with Destiny when all the signs of Bungie losing their touch were there with Reach.

i criticized reach a million times more than i have with destiny, but i chalked up many of its issues to their inability to address them post-launch. That hasn't been the case here, but it does indeed seem like not much has changed since, which is rather unfortunate. Bungie games have made up the bulk of my library for the last 7 years so I ought to be used to it by now.

i mentioned earlier though that despite its many flaws, it did indeed ship as a complete game. destiny feels like we're the ones doing its internal testing.

Mythoclast is overpowered, nerf it, Mythoclast is underpowered and not the ''treasure anymore''. I don't think Bungie can do any good on some of the people that wants the game to be different than Bungie wants the game to be.

Meanwhile millions are enjoying the game on a daily basis, amazing. Also there is a lot of passion with this game, negative or positive, an aspect many great franchises share.

how about "weapon awarded for completing most difficult content in the game is useless"?
I gave it a shot but honestly (many of you will disagree due to their pedigree), but I feel Bungie only made one legitimately good game in their time. That's it. They have no clue what they are doing with Destiny, IMO. Things can change and I hope they do, but that would require a changing of the guard, so to speak. Destiny is devoid of any rational game logic. The shooting feels great and that's the only praise I have for the game. Mechanics, content, lore, structure are all nonexistent and seem like they are all the first and only ideas by the team that were thrown into a pot and never cooked with zero afterthought. It is the epitome of singular "rinse, repeat" philosophy in game design with little to no variance, flavour or colour. There is no moving back and forth in the mix letting other mechanics and logic take their place for pacing, variance and structure.

I'm still going to hang on to it for a while without playing. If a change of guard does happen, I'll jump in again. If not, I'll pass as I am now.
I hate to say it yet again, but it's like people didn't play Reach with its poor storytelling, crappy level design and broken ass gameplay.

What did you expect after Reach? Did you think Reach was a misfire as Bungie had 'checked out' at that stage?

It's weird to see so many disappointed with Destiny when all the signs of Bungie losing their touch were there with Reach.

The last Bungie game I played before I purchased Destiny was Halo 3, I really wasn't up to date with how Bungie was doing.
i criticized reach a million times more than i have with destiny, but i chalked up many of its issues to their inability to address them post-launch. That hasn't been the case here, but it does indeed seem like not much has changed since, which is rather unfortunate. Bungie games have made up the bulk of my library for the last 7 years so I ought to be used to it by now.

how about "weapon awarded for completing most difficult content in the game is useless"?

''Weapon is not overpowered and gamebreaking anymore''

Also, in these kinds of games, it is always better to have something underpowered than overpowered. If it is indeed underpowered like you say, I would say some might disagree.


Will be interesting to see how they handle Destiny 2.
It's going to need reviews early or at release that are indeed higher than the originals.
Considering everything they need to improve on has been said over and over again, hopefully they listen.
''Weapon is not overpowered and gamebreaking anymore''

Also, in these kinds of games, it is always better to have something underpowered than overpowered. If it is indeed underpowered like you say, I would say some might disagree.

Is it really fair to say that the hardest weapon to obtain is overpowered? I can understand in PvP it needed nerved but in PvE? What's the logic behind that?


I hate to say it yet again, but it's like people didn't play Reach with its poor storytelling, crappy level design and broken ass gameplay.

What did you expect after Reach? Did you think Reach was a misfire as Bungie had 'checked out' at that stage?

It's weird to see so many disappointed with Destiny when all the signs of Bungie losing their touch were there with Reach.

Haha, Reach is actually my favorite Halo game.
''Weapon is not overpowered and gamebreaking anymore''

i can link several posts before the patch where i suggested a way to balance the weapon. what i don't think anyone was suggesting was to make the most sought after reward from the most difficult content in the game a paperweight. that its radical nerf came so suddenly shows just how strong the "vocal internet community" as some staunch defenders may retort has an impact on the game. Therefore, I expect many more half-hearted nerfs in the next 10 days until Bungie figures out that PvE and PvP need to be balanced separately.


I hate to say it yet again, but it's like people didn't play Reach with its poor storytelling, crappy level design and broken ass gameplay.

What did you expect after Reach? Did you think Reach was a misfire as Bungie had 'checked out' at that stage?

It's weird to see so many disappointed with Destiny when all the signs of Bungie losing their touch were there with Reach.

Reach is a million, million miles more coherent storytelling wise than Destiny is, and did a much better job of guiding players though it's progression and social, even if those things could have all been better.

And I imagine a bunch of people did think Reach was rather phoned in given the circumstances and Bungie was clearly engaged more with Destiny at the time. But somehow Destiny feels much less finished than Halo 2, where we know development was a disaster.
They need need to do matchmaking in the weeklys and raids. IDK why this isn't patched in yet.

Something about impossible for non friends / clan members to handle. Though I believe that has been proven wrong time and again. So hopefully they will. I mean Blizzard has that in WoW and I can't imagine Destiny being more complicated than WoW for the raid or weeklies. Actually throw in match making for everything on the left hand side of the screen when setting a destination.
i can link several posts before the patch where i suggested a way to balance the weapon. what i don't think anyone was suggesting was to make the most sought after reward from the most difficult content in the game a paperweight. that its radical nerf came so suddenly shows just how strong the "vocal internet community" as some staunch defenders may retort has an impact on the game. Therefore, I expect many more half-hearted nerfs in the next 10 days until Bungie figures out that PvE and PvP need to be balanced separately.

You own one don't you?
Well, there is overpowered and then there is GODMODE OVERPOWERED.

But again, isn't that to be expected from the hardest to obtain item in the game? Can you give insight as to why you think the PvE nerf was justified? Since it doesn't actually affect you unless you're actively using it.
Something about impossible for non friends / clan members to handle. Though I believe that has been proven wrong time and again. So hopefully they will. I mean Blizzard has that in WoW and I can't imagine Destiny being more complicated than WoW for the raid or weeklies. Actually throw in match making for everything on the left hand side of the screen when setting a destination.

Some people complete weekly and nightfall solo... so yeah.
Funny that the fun gunplay overrides the lack of content for me. Although I definitely think their hubris will most assurdely smack them in the face when the next triple a shooter comes out next month. To be a fly on the wall in a the Bungie offices.
You own one don't you?

i'd look rather silly talking about it if i didn't understand how it worked.

i have two, and not even a week has gone by before it's been made worse than some rares i own. I'd much rather have seen my suggestion to balance it than to simply make it a shitty AR.

hence the title of this thread. bungie is crippling the little content they have mere days after it becomes available, and there's still 2 months until more arrives.


I agree with OP.

First of all though I am addicted to the co-op PvE side the game is a disappointment, an obvious shell of what this should've been. Its not the epic space traveling FPS RPG I thought it would be and what Bungie advertised way back. Its about a selection of 4 boring areas with lots of invisible walls, and all missions take place on those same few roads too.

It seems to me too than Bungie was and is clueless about the progress side of the game. I suspect they didn't expect such fast level 29 progress for a lot of players and are quite surprised by the wits of gamers. They took out everything that made this path easier, but since the game offered little else (pathetic rewards for difficult Strikes is one), it only made sense that people abused the loot cave. Xur sold one strange coin a week for 3000 glimmer, oops people are using alts, take it out. Glimmer was being farmed by killing elites in the shrine, along with a buff the game provides, oops take out all elites thus sucking the little fun left out of this level.

Its a big reaction game every time. Its basically no fun allowed.

But the gunplay is good.


Game woo's can be solved quickly in the dlc if smart

PvP gear and PvE gear

The Geth Mythocast would remain a OP pve gun
Never to see the crucible

PvP gear would consist of some sort of resistance stat, making people harder to kill, and other gear (cosmetic wise, maybe more gladiator like) and guns made strictly for pvp

Involve rngesus but also 'participate in X amount of matches, buy this weapon"

Deft Beck

Maybe it's just me, but Destiny seems like a very manufactured franchise attempt that is trying to be a multiplatform Halo while also trying to be a CoD-killer.

But, it fails at capturing the same market as Halo, since that franchise succeeded as one of the first big console FPS franchises, while the market nowadays is just oversaturated.

Then again, while I might fall within the age range for this franchise, I doubt I am within the exact demographic for it. Might just be a matter of personal taste, along with a little bit of armchair game industry analysis.
There are so many things wrong with this game I don't know where to start. With that said, I have over 70 hours into it and a long way to go, and I like it despite everything that's wrong with it. My GOTY so far by a long shot.

To answer the question, I think they somewhat know what they're doing, but they have much to learn. Hopefully that's happening right now and Destiny 2 will be a much better game because of it.
Maybe it's just me, but Destiny seems like a very manufactured franchise attempt that is trying to be a multiplatform Halo while also trying to be a CoD-killer.

But, it fails at capturing the same market as Halo, since that franchise succeeded as one of the first big console FPS franchises, while the market nowadays is just oversaturated.

Then again, while I might fall within the age range for this franchise, I doubt I am within the exact demographic for it.

it has neither the variety of a halo shooter nor the player investment and progression of cod, so that was never going to happen. that each one of its multiplayer modes are various degrees of death match alone is telling.


It just makes me wonder what Bungies mindset was when they were making Destiny. There doesn't seem to have been any real plan like at all.

No, to me, Bungie went in with the best intentions but didn't execute them. Let's not forget Bungie's history.

Does anyone remember Halo 2's development? The singleplayer E3 demo? The delay? The fact that they needed to remake the entire game post E3?

As Microsoft's first party (or second party?) studio, Bungie was likely given far more leeway to deliver the game they wanted to make. So much was riding on games like Halo 2 and Halo 3 that they were probably afforded the best development environment to make those games. That includes long delays.

Although this is all conjecture on my part, my gut tells me that Activision is a much tougher beast to deal with, and the game was rushed as a result.

I don't think anyone here will deny that this concept could have been executed better, nor could anyone deny the potential appeal of the concept based on what was released.
But again, isn't that to be expected from the hardest to obtain item in the game? Can you give insight as to why you think the PvE nerf was justified? Since it doesn't actually affect you unless you're actively using it.

I don't actually believe 'the word' overpowered has any place in a game like this, even if it drops from killing the Destiny God itself.
Why can't it just be a strong good weapon that is fun to use and desirable, that isn't 'overpowered'.

How would the nerf be? 25% instead of 34%? Would that be better? But I think the multiplyer does more of the aggrevation than the base damage I think:). I am sure Bungie has some people doing the testing for it more than the average Destiny player. Also Bungie are the only ones that know what the future holds aswell, since they design the upcoming raid, which has lots of Hive I have heard? Mythoclast has Solar. Indeed even if I have one, overpowered stuff would kill my enjoyment of that content, while I love my Bad Juju still, even though it sucks compared to my Confluence.
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