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Does Wifi affect your sleep?

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I'd believe a potential negative effect maybe if you had the wifi router within a foot of your head while you're sleeping but even then xmit power is low. I'd be open to health effects being discovered in the future but an effect on conscious experience seems rather unlikely. You can't just attribute a feeling to an effect without evidence because there are a lot of more plausible alternative explanations you would have to rule out first.

That is why I labeled it "Unscientific". Like it was said above, maybe it was my Wife's snoring for years that made me not sleep deep enough.


I don't know about your area but my computer is currently picking up 7 WiFi signals from neighbours.
Even if I wanted to try a no WiFi night it would be impossible for me.

When I turn off my Wifi I get one other broadcast that has one bar from a neighbor. My SSIDs are the only ones with any real strength.


Tagged as I see fit

First thing I thought of and now I have to look up Morgellons.


Maybe your sleep is better when you guys aren't staring at screens right before going to sleep.

I read right up until my head hits the pillow no matter the Wifi on or off. She never stays up and reads on her phone while in bed.


One night my Wife stayed up late and the wireless turned off, I killed the schedule so she could keep watching Netflix. That night she was snoring again and had for the following month and I stopped dreaming. I turned the wireless off again last night and this morning she felt great and I had a dream I was Daredevil and Chris Pratt was my Brother and we were protecting a baby from a group of villains that use electricity on the floors, weird right?
Your wife stayed up to keep watching Netflix right before going to bed? Yeah, I can think of another reason why your wife was snoring and not rested that night. Also, does she watch Netflix on a laptop/tablet in bed?

I read right up until my head hits the pillow no matter the Wifi on or off. She never stays up and reads on her phone while in bed.
How much time is there typically between looking at a bright screen or other bright light and actually sleeping for you and your wife would you say?


Sometimes I start surfing the interweb on the bed with my phone and won't go to sleep so yeah

I never had a problem going to sleep and staying asleep. I guess the quality of sleep was what I was targeting for me. I can pretty much sleep anywhere. But like some said, maybe my Wife just stopped snoring during that very specific time frame that allowed me to sleep deeper and dream.
I never had a problem going to sleep and staying asleep. I guess the quality of sleep was what I was targeting for me. I can pretty much sleep anywhere. But like some said, maybe my Wife just stopped snoring during that very specific time frame that allowed me to sleep deeper and dream.

I have huuuuge issues with sleeping in general (waking up multiple times during the night, not being able to fall asleep...) but I haven't found any connection to Wi-Fi myself.


Your wife stayed up to keep watching Netflix right before going to bed? Yeah, I can think of another reason why your wife was snoring and not rested that night. Also, does she watch Netflix on a laptop/tablet in bed?

She stayed up to watch Netflix one time, she is usually in bed by 9. She doesn't use tablets or phones in bed. She was watching Netflix downstairs with company we had that night. Up until last night when I added the Wifi schedule back she was snoring and I went to the other room. Last night not one snore. Just weird timing I guess.
I dunno, maybe there is something to it. We put a baby monitor in our daughters' room and we get woken up multiple times a night now. Coincidence?


Placebo effect and confirmation bias at their finest.

I lean toward this myself to be honest. If it makes me sleep better and my wife stop snoring, I will happily accept the Placebo and Confirmation Bias all night long in my dreams. Because being Daredevil while you sleep is pretty awesome.


I would try to think of other patterns that could cause poor rest. There might be things you're not even aware of currently. Of course we can't tell anything because we're only getting a small piece of the story. However, there is no factual evidence for WiFi signals specifically affecting people in some way.
Maybe GAF was is infiltrating my brain through my Wifi while I sleep.

Nah man, you're imagining things. We know nothing about you. We're not secretly watching you like some Truman Show shit. That's just movies man. And your "girlfriend" is not involved in our little sceme (should you ever think that). When she goes out it's just for normal stuff, like groceries. Just keep doing what you are doing and do not, i repeat, do not open your router because there will be nothing to see there. Also, that lamp is a normal lamp. Trust me.

fuck guys, who screwed up?


I would try to think of other patterns that could cause poor rest. There might be things you're not even aware of currently. Of course we can't tell anything because we're only getting a small piece of the story. However, there is no factual evidence for WiFi signals specifically affecting people in some way.

We have the same bed, same temps, same type of food, same exercise pattern (Me anyways). I would be curious to see what is causing it. Maybe I will flip on and off the wifi and stand over her while she sleeps to monitor for snoring =)

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I get headaches and feel groggier than usual if I don't turn on airplane mode on my phone.

There's precedence for negative effects of wi-fi and mobile networks:

Radio frequencies and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields negatively impact the brain-blood-barrier and cognitive function in human and animal studies, causing brain tissue damage and possibly even Alzheimer’s disease (study, study, study, study).

Secondly, exposure to cell phone radiation upregulates genes, causes free radical damage, behavior problems, headaches, fatigue, and disturbs sleep cycles (study, study, study, study, study).

The researchers in this human study, saw that long-term exposure to base stations and mobile phones caused significant decreases in testosterone and thyroid hormone levels.

This study found out that in male wistar rats, exposure to mobile phone radiation lowers testosterone levels in a dose-dependent manner. Meaning that more exposure leads to less testosterone.

This study shows how exposure to mobile networks and electromagnetic radiation leads to decreased number of leydig cells in rat testes, this then led to significantly lower testosterone levels.

This human study found out that extensive mobile phone use leads to low thyroid hormone levels and can contribute to hypothyroidism. This isn’t a good thing as hypothyroidism is linked to lower testosterone levels.

This in-vitro study found out that when human sperm is altered to Wi-Fi radiation in a Petri dish, it’s literally fried. However this doesn’t automatically mean that similar effects would happen inside the human body, but as we know, the radiation is able to penetrate the human tissue, so why wouldn’t it happen inside the ball sack too.

The researchers in this Saudi-Arabian study, found out that mobile networks disrupt sleep patterns in human subjects, leading to poor sleep quality and irregular REM induction. It goes without saying that this will severely lower your testosterone levels.

Video from expert Olle Johansson.


I keep an open mind but I can't ignore feeling like shit specifically on mornings when I don't have airplane mode on. I'd chalk it up to coincidence but it literally only happens those times.


I lean toward this myself to be honest. If it makes me sleep better and my wife stop snoring, I will happily accept the Placebo and Confirmation Bias all night long in my dreams. Because being Daredevil while you sleep is pretty awesome.
And you rightly should. Without meaning to sound dismissive I guess a fitting pun is "whatever makes you sleep at night". Problem is, I guess the benefits will eventually diminish as you stop consciously making a note that the Wifi is off.
I get headaches and feel groggier than usual if I don't turn on airplane mode on my phone.

There's precedence for negative effects of wi-fi and mobile networks:

Radio frequencies and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields negatively impact the brain-blood-barrier and cognitive function in human and animal studies, causing brain tissue damage and possibly even Alzheimer’s disease (study, study, study, study).

Secondly, exposure to cell phone radiation upregulates genes, causes free radical damage, behavior problems, headaches, fatigue, and disturbs sleep cycles (study, study, study, study, study).

The researchers in this human study, saw that long-term exposure to base stations and mobile phones caused significant decreases in testosterone and thyroid hormone levels.

This study found out that in male wistar rats, exposure to mobile phone radiation lowers testosterone levels in a dose-dependent manner. Meaning that more exposure leads to less testosterone.

This study shows how exposure to mobile networks and electromagnetic radiation leads to decreased number of leydig cells in rat testes, this then led to significantly lower testosterone levels.

This human study found out that extensive mobile phone use leads to low thyroid hormone levels and can contribute to hypothyroidism. This isn’t a good thing as hypothyroidism is linked to lower testosterone levels.

This in-vitro study found out that when human sperm is altered to Wi-Fi radiation in a Petri dish, it’s literally fried. However this doesn’t automatically mean that similar effects would happen inside the human body, but as we know, the radiation is able to penetrate the human tissue, so why wouldn’t it happen inside the ball sack too.

The researchers in this Saudi-Arabian study, found out that mobile networks disrupt sleep patterns in human subjects, leading to poor sleep quality and irregular REM induction. It goes without saying that this will severely lower your testosterone levels.

Video from expert Olle Johansson.


I keep an open mind but I can't ignore feeling like shit specifically on mornings when I don't have airplane mode on. I'd chalk it up to coincidence but it literally only happens those times.
Yeah, but this topic is about Wifi, right? Or are you saying it's probably the cellphone in general?
Sucks that you have this by the way.


why not set up a more formalized experiment condition?

track occurences, eliminate variables... forward onto researchers with findings for larger sample size.

With the mechanisms involved however, there's no clear causal relationship between what you're experiencing at the wifi signal itself.


Weight, stress and diet play a big factor. Obviously if you are really zonked out you will potentially snore.. But snoring can also be due to body/head position.

I lost 25lb and my snoring disappeared.

Not drinking caffiene past 11am (i still do 3-4times a month, but i used to do it daily.), changing my diet, not eating red sauces, lower sodium intake and not eating late decreased acid reflux, which in turn was waking me up. Caffeine can contribute to loosening of the stomach valve, so if you aren't sleeping on an incline, it can creep up.

Long story short its a combination of things. You should have your wife see an ear-nose-throat specialist to get her nasal/throat scoped to see if she is an esophageal cancer risk, which is a silent killer (due to reflux happening during sleep mentioned above).

What most people realize, especially here in the USA is that losing weight and eating a semi healthy diet (not over eating) solves a majority of most peoples health problems that would require medication as a temporary fix. Like for example I really do not eat out that much ( I also love to cook, but that's not the point). But when I do I am watchful/mindful of what I eat.

My $.02


Yeah, but this topic is about Wifi, right? Or are you saying it's probably the cellphone in general?
Sucks that you have this by the way.

Topic is mainly wifi but cell phone use research is what lead me to the wifi theory. I am on the phone a lot so I was trying to figure out a better hands free method. Wired headsets vs Bluetooth. Apparently wired headsets allow the radiation to travel up the cable to your head regardless, I don't know to what degree but I guess a copper cable that is plugged into your phone, it would kinda make sense but I still use them as it is more comfortable than holding my cell phone to my head for long periods of time.


Topic is mainly wifi but cell phone use research is what lead me to the wifi theory. I am on the phone a lot so I was trying to figure out a better hands free method. Wired headsets vs Bluetooth. Apparently wired headsets allow the radiation to travel up the cable to your head regardless, I don't know to what degree but I guess a copper cable that is plugged into your phone, it would kinda make sense but I still use them as it is more comfortable than holding my cell phone to my head for long periods of time.

You need to ignore the complete nonsense you're reading.


Weight, stress and diet play a big factor. Obviously if you are really zonked out you will potentially snore.. But snoring can also be due to body/head position.

I lost 25lb and my snoring disappeared.

Not drinking caffiene past 11am (i still do 3-4times a month, but i used to do it daily.), changing my diet, not eating red sauces, lower sodium intake and not eating late decreased acid reflux, which in turn was waking me up. Caffeine can contribute to loosening of the stomach valve, so if you aren't sleeping on an incline, it can creep up.

Long story short its a combination of things. You should have your wife see an ear-nose-throat specialist to get her nasal/throat scoped to see if she is an esophageal cancer risk, which is a silent killer (due to reflux happening during sleep mentioned above).

What most people realize, especially here in the USA is that losing weight and eating a semi healthy diet (not over eating) solves a majority of most peoples health problems that would require medication as a temporary fix. Like for example I really do not eat out that much ( I also love to cook, but that's not the point). But when I do I am watchful/mindful of what I eat.

My $.02

I don't drink anything besides water, I have worked out and lost 15lbs and 5 inches total from working out. Could be why I am sleeping better but I have been doing that for a solid year now.

She has gone up in weight and has seen doctor for thyroid issues and was diagnosed with a goiter. She had a FNA to check for cancer and it came back clear, during that time she was snoring and the doctor suggested sleep apnea study, it was around that time that I was also researching Hyper vs Hypo thyroidisim and effects of bluetooth on it because she wears one of those LG bluetooth headsets all day long for a year straight and it pretty much hugs the thyroid. It was part of what lead me to research headsets and cell phone use.

Her Thyroid levels are fine but she still has an enlarged thyroid which could cause the snoring, but that hasn't gone down and she stopped snoring during these specific time frames of me messing with the wireless. Like it was suggested, maybe I will set this up and make a more indepth experiment out of it.
I work in tech support and I had a customer at work a month or two ago telling me that WiFi signals gave her husband cancer.

Open-minded is a synonym for guilible.

Most of the time open-minded means "I'm not going to budge from my beliefs that are routinely proven false because I read a website"

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No you don't.

Ignoring an entire post worth of studies to "refute" all of it without any evidence of your own. Keep it classy.

I don't believe any electromagnetic signals could cause any significant damage but they definitely have effects on the body.
The days your wife snores less lets you have a better, deeper sleep letting you dream or remember the dream is what I'm guessing. Other than that, I don't think it's wifi related.


I get headaches and feel groggier than usual if I don't turn on airplane mode on my phone.

You should hand your phone to someone and tell them to turn airplane mode on/off intermittently without telling you, and see if you still suffer those effects consistently.


You should hand your phone to someone and tell them to turn airplane mode on/off intermittently without telling you, and see if you still suffer those effects consistently.

Oh this gives me an idea. I will have my buddy remote log into my router and disable/enable the wifi randomly during the week nights.

That way I am not aware of it and it very well could prove the whole thing is a sham.
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