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Does Wifi affect your sleep?

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You need to ignore the complete nonsense you're reading.


Sickness due to WiFi/EM (Except if literally inside an industrial microwave) is quackery, but if you don't believe it I've got a small metal pyramid and some copper bracelets to sell you.

Think of it this way. Think how long it takes to cook with an 1000W microwave. Not bad, but you know, it takes a few minutes. WiFi is 0.1-1W (Most in the 0.1-0.23 range). So. Imagine 1/10,000th to 1/1,000th of that effect on you. Or to make it more understandable put your head about 1ft from a microwave while it's on....you've now experienced 30 times more power than standing next to a commercial grade WiFi access point.


I get headaches and feel groggier than usual if I don't turn on airplane mode on my phone.

There's precedence for negative effects of wi-fi and mobile networks:

Radio frequencies and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields negatively impact the brain-blood-barrier and cognitive function in human and animal studies, causing brain tissue damage and possibly even Alzheimer’s disease (study, study, study, study).

Secondly, exposure to cell phone radiation upregulates genes, causes free radical damage, behavior problems, headaches, fatigue, and disturbs sleep cycles (study, study, study, study, study).

The researchers in this human study, saw that long-term exposure to base stations and mobile phones caused significant decreases in testosterone and thyroid hormone levels.

This study found out that in male wistar rats, exposure to mobile phone radiation lowers testosterone levels in a dose-dependent manner. Meaning that more exposure leads to less testosterone.

This study shows how exposure to mobile networks and electromagnetic radiation leads to decreased number of leydig cells in rat testes, this then led to significantly lower testosterone levels.

This human study found out that extensive mobile phone use leads to low thyroid hormone levels and can contribute to hypothyroidism. This isn’t a good thing as hypothyroidism is linked to lower testosterone levels.

This in-vitro study found out that when human sperm is altered to Wi-Fi radiation in a Petri dish, it’s literally fried. However this doesn’t automatically mean that similar effects would happen inside the human body, but as we know, the radiation is able to penetrate the human tissue, so why wouldn’t it happen inside the ball sack too.

The researchers in this Saudi-Arabian study, found out that mobile networks disrupt sleep patterns in human subjects, leading to poor sleep quality and irregular REM induction. It goes without saying that this will severely lower your testosterone levels.

Video from expert Olle Johansson.


I keep an open mind but I can't ignore feeling like shit specifically on mornings when I don't have airplane mode on. I'd chalk it up to coincidence but it literally only happens those times.

While I'm sorry for your problems, have a good look at what you linked.


Rodent Whores
Topic is mainly wifi but cell phone use research is what lead me to the wifi theory. I am on the phone a lot so I was trying to figure out a better hands free method. Wired headsets vs Bluetooth. Apparently wired headsets allow the radiation to travel up the cable to your head regardless, I don't know to what degree but I guess a copper cable that is plugged into your phone, it would kinda make sense but I still use them as it is more comfortable than holding my cell phone to my head for long periods of time.

That's not how it works. Don't worry about it.


I keep an open mind but I can't ignore feeling like shit specifically on mornings when I don't have airplane mode on. I'd chalk it up to coincidence but it literally only happens those times.

what you need to do is have someone else turn airplane mode on randomly at night and not tell you, then keep a sleep diary and compare notes after a month

still not as good as a double blind experiment but i'd bet you're getting a placebo effect
Oh this gives me an idea. I will have my buddy remote log into my router and disable/enable the wifi randomly during the week nights.

That way I am not aware of it and it very well could prove the whole thing is a sham.

Dude, you don't need a friend to perform experiments on you to tell if this is a sham. Use your common sense.

News Bot

You should hand your phone to someone and tell them to turn airplane mode on/off intermittently without telling you, and see if you still suffer those effects consistently.

I asked my girlfriend at the time to turn it off after I'd fallen asleep while she was still up. Same result, headache. I experimented with it for a while using different variables but the result was always the same, headache if my phone was active, no headache on airplane mode/turned off.

Last time I got headaches like this was after nights of watching wrestling as a kid--- caused by watching TV so close with rampantly flashing lights.
My Wifi is in another room and barely penetrates into my Bedroom due to the thick stone walls, My WiiU suffers even more and barely reaches into the toilet hallway

well the other night i switched my Wifi off because my mum stayed over (argument with my father) and she worries about wasting power

Well i slept like a baby, i didn't want to go to work the next day at all!*

Obviously Wifi creates minute vibrations of the ear canal, and since the ear nose and throat are all connected it must irritate your sinuses on a night as your body relaxes and isn't in tension - cos duh that's why you don't get it in the day! which obviously explains my good night and your wife's snoring!

*or it could have been because i went to bed an hour earlier

*roll eyes*

Seriously your placebo effecting this! your wife is likely snoring due to sleeping position, which is determined by how stressed she is and how her mind is resolving that on a night, if she's moving to a comfortable but restrictive position she may snore and not go into full REM sleep - its just coincidence that she had a better nights sleep when wifi was off


I reckon you should carry on your experiment and continue not telling your wife you are doing anything. Get some sound activated recording going on so you have some data. It may not be double blind but it is better.


I asked my girlfriend at the time to turn it off after I'd fallen asleep while she was still up. Same result, headache. I experimented with it for a while using different variables but the result was always the same, headache if my phone was active, no headache on airplane mode/turned off.

Last time I got headaches like this was after nights of watching wrestling as a kid--- caused by watching TV so close with rampantly flashing lights.

The thing is, you need to not know if it's on or off. Otherwise it defeats the purpose.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Yes, because it allows you to browse NeoGAF from bed.
Wifi and cell are radiation. But mostly anything emits radiation and it has been proven that they are safe levels that should not affect our biological functions. Still, you cannot discard the possibility of them having long term effects, but by the same token, you should not be able to see any positive changes overnight or even within weeks after you remove your electronics.

I think it is placebo and coincidence
the problem with bullshit like this is that people tend to double down on it when you point out they're wrong. you become complicit in the conspiracy to hide the truth.


The only harm that can come from devices that radiate is in the form of heat. The heat emanating from said devices can, and will, harm you if they produce too much heat, and that's what the authorities regulate. Not long ago I read some news of how the iPhone 6 was just below the authorized limit, for example. If your router is touching your head while you sleep maybe it will cause some problems in the looooooooooooooong run. But then again, if your router is touching your head while you sleep you have other problems besides supposed radiation poisoning.

Now, actual radiation? As long as it is below the ionizing threshold (exahertzs I think?) there is absolutely no problem.

Electromagnetic sensibility is a thing, but it is a psychological thing, in that you yourself cause the problem. It has nothing to do with the actual devices, there is nothing physichal going on there.


At the same point guys, I am not hard lining that this is 100 percent fact. I decided to make a change to test and I noted some positive effects during that time, does it make sense, no. I am still questioning it but at the same point, I work from home, I sit about 2 feet from that router and sleep 10 feet from it. Most, if not all my time in a day is spent in close proximity to this router. My wife isn't home but a few hours a day which kinda blows a hole in the theory of being close to it. It doesn't make sense and is probably bunk anyways. Out of my own curiosity I will continue goofing around with it while not buying 100 percent into it it is easy enough to make a small experiment out of.
If wifi can stunt plant growth, I don't want that shit next to my head.

Even if that's not true, I still don't want it near my head.
Chuck, get that space blanket off


I asked my girlfriend at the time to turn it off after I'd fallen asleep while she was still up. Same result, headache. I experimented with it for a while using different variables but the result was always the same, headache if my phone was active, no headache on airplane mode/turned off.

Last time I got headaches like this was after nights of watching wrestling as a kid--- caused by watching TV so close with rampantly flashing lights.
Do you receive messages/emails/other updates during the night if airplane mode is not active? Is your phone on silent mode if you're not using airplane mode? Is your phone face up or face down?

News Bot

The thing is, you need to not know if it's on or off. Otherwise it defeats the purpose.

I know, this was over a period. I just told her to start doing it, and not tell me.

It might very well all be placebo and coincidence but I'm only speaking from experience and there are enough studies to cast some doubt on it.

Do you receive messages/emails/other updates during the night if airplane mode is not active? Is your phone on silent mode if you're not using airplane mode? Is your phone face up or face down?

If it's not active I usually have all notifications disabled. So yeah, it'd be in silent mode. Face up.


I know, this was over a period. I just told her to start doing it, and not tell me.

It might very well all be placebo and coincidence but I'm only speaking from experience and there are enough studies to cast some doubt on it.

If it's not active I usually have all notifications disabled. So yeah, it'd be in silent mode. Face up.
Notifications disabled? That means sound but also the ribbons or whatever they're called that will light up the screen? I thought that might have been a potential cause otherwise.

News Bot

Notifications disabled? That means sound but also the ribbons or whatever they're called that will light up the screen? I thought that might have been a potential cause otherwise.

I go completely light-less when I sleep, so everything that can potentially light up is disabled/unplugged.


It's all in your head, man.

Save this post for in 50 years when it's discovered that wifi has irreversible effects on your brain chemistry that only become detectable after several decades of exposure. Wifi is going to be this generation's lead paint and abestos. Wake up sheeple!


next you'll try to convince me that colloidal silver won't cure my hemorrhoids!

is there no limit to your bullshit, gaf?


While your story seems weird OP, what matters are results. If this is helping you and your wife, keep doing it - even if it is some placebo effect or whatever. Just be careful not to end up like Saul's brother. I think those people actually feel pain even if it's all in their head. Don't tell your wife and don't think about wifi signals too much and you should be safe.
While your story seems weird OP, what matters are results. If this is helping you and your wife, keep doing it - even if it is some placebo effect or whatever. Just be careful not to end up like Saul's brother. I think those people actually feel pain even if it's all in their head. Don't tell your wife and don't think about wifi signals too much and you should be safe.

I have to disagree a little bit. results are important but not dismissing this as bullshit makes you more likely to fall for more bullshit. which can lead to you wasting your time, effort and money while not actually solving your problem.

if this problem never resurfaces that's great. but what happens when it does? how will the OP address it? will they listen to the people who told them this was all bullshit? or will they me more receptive to someone selling woo? the problem is wifi from your neighbors and radiation from cell towers! I'll sell you wifi blocking curtains and sheets. they're woven with copper fibersfibers! only $299!
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