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Dog Eating Festival in Yulin, China (NSFW)

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I really don't understand the problem people have with this. I only saw the first vid, but it seemed to treat the meat no differently than most other animals.

You can have a pet cow, and you can eat cow; why should it be different for a dog?

I have to agree. Would I eat dog, I don't know. The narration sounds very judgmental to me. "I see a bunch of people roasting their dogs" is very different from ""I see a bunch of people roasting dogs".

How will a Hindu react to a similar video with cows? How will a vegetarian react to a similar video with chickens or goats?


Not watching.

They boil dogs alive on an industrial scale to make "fake-fur" for clothes. ALIVE. It's cheaper than having to kill them first.


Not watching.

They boil dogs alive on an industrial scale to make "fake-fur" for clothes. ALIVE.
At least the fur is being used (not condoning furs, just saying), poor lobsters are boiled ALIVE with no care, cracked open, eaten, and discarded in a way that no one cares about.


Pretty fucked up. Different culture obviously, but humans are selective in a lot of aspects. I honor dogs because of their relationship with humanity. I don't view Chinese people as a whole in a negative light, but dog eating has always rubbed me the wrong way.

I am selfish, I love and honor dogs more than cows or pigs.


Especially dog meat.



At least the fur is being used (not condoning furs, just saying), poor lobsters are boiled ALIVE with no care, cracked open, eaten, and discarded in a way that no one cares about.

I always found that practice disgusting. But hey, they're not as cute as dogs, so who gives a shit, right?


While I personally wouldn't consume a dog, I'm not really seeing the issue here.

Whats with the romanticism of Western food animals.

If we're talking about intelligence, Hogs are extremely intelligent animals, amazing trackers and can be used aa working animals.

But they're delicious when turned into bacon.

I'd eat dog, no problem. I'd eat any animal that wasn't endangered. Hell, if the animal was already dead and prepared, I'd eat an endangered animal, wouldn't pay for it though.

Herr K

I'd like to try dog. Hell, I may have done it already, those tacos you buy on the streets are not made with angus steak
I've seen my dad eat dog before in the Philippines so the concept of dogs being food isn't all that foreign to me and I really don't see any inherent wrong in their local custom but like the reporter said at the end this custom isn't going to last very long


This quote sums it up for me:

"Don't you think it's cruel to eat dog?"
"How is it cruel? Eating beef is even more cruel, you know. Cows help you plow fields."

It's really just a culture thing. In the west, we see cats and dogs strictly as pets, but why is their life is worth more than that of other animals we have no problem eating?


It's kinda wacky that we kill and eat animals that prefer herbivore life, but feline carnivores are precious to us.
The reporter was HOT!

As for the documentary, I find it disgusting to see them eating dogs but if they can eat them, I don't see anything wrong with it.

Atleast this wasn't as disgusting as the video of eating a live frog.


I ate dog on accident once in Korea. The elderly host sounded like "duck" and not "dog." It was...different. Not bad, really. I wouldn't ever eat it again intentionally, just because I love dogs, but I don't think eating dog is any worse than eating farm raised pigs, cows, or chickens. All consumable meats should be raised in ethical conditions.
that reporter though, she mighty fine.

i watched both parts (well up to half of part 2), now that joke isnt funny anymore about how stray dogs disappeared in the city thanks to the sudden boom of Chinese restaurants in my country. this video made me very sad in the heart since im a dog guy


I adore dogs and my thesis in progress is actually about responsible pet ownership and animal rights. And I still can't see how it's okay to eat pork but not dogs :/ I'd never do it but then I eat other kinds of meat...
Yeah, plus these dogs were bred specifically for eating in the first place.

What's interesting is that people can get attached to farm animals in much the same way we get attached to pets, but we still eat them in the end. It's just one of those things...

I always found that practice disgusting. But hey, they're not as cute as dogs, so who gives a shit, right?
Lobsters barely even have nervous systems to speak of, not really the same thing at all. But yeah, I would prefer a quick chop down the middle of their heads to put them out of their misery before cooking.


It disturbing to us sure, but it seems like more of a cultural thing than anything.

I mean, I can't get that upset about people eating dogs. Don't think I'd ever do it, but I've eaten plenty of pig. From what I hear, pigs have brains that are way more developed than dogs, and are damn near the smartest animals out there. Yet North America has a cult-like love for bacon.
Yeah, I'm experiencing some cognitive dissonance here.

On one hand, I find this disgusting and am horrified at the betrayal of trust I'm seeing between these people and the dogs--especially that lady towards the end of part one who has a dog trained that follows her and does tricks, yet she'd sell it to someone who would kill it and eat it.

On the other hand, I think it's easy to believe I'm being hypocritical here. I'd eat almost any animal besides a dog or a cat, and it's really difficult to justify that by saying only dogs and cats have personality/have trust for humans.

Despite this, seeing animals being tortured is not okay, as loving and intelligent as a dog is or not. If the animals are being killed humanely and are not peoples' pets, I really cannot be too outraged.


It's just a different culture. The only thing I find objectionable is treating something like that as outwardly festive. If be weirded out too if I were in the US and saw a similar festival but for chickens/cows.


Seems like a horrible Vice video. Unless they do something illegal (like steal dogs), who cares if they eat them? Not everything has to have Western imposed values.

The Lamp

Interesting documentary.

I nearly got sick watching them nonchalantly cut up the dogs that way, but I guess I'd feel similar if I saw them cutting up any other meat like that.

Seeing her eat the intestine was gross.


It's just a different culture. The only thing I find objectionable is treating something like that as outwardly festive. If be weirded out too if I were in the US and saw a similar festival but for chickens/cows.

Turkey's at Thanksgiving
Mike Vick is prepared for this. Maybe he should visit.

The smell would kill me more than anything else. Never been a fan of meat smelling markets.

Seeing them handing like that almost makes it look fake. It's a striking visual for sure.
Don't know how I even made it that far in the first video, but the point at ~5 minutes where the golden lab is following her around and she's asking it to shake hands (which it does) right before she says it would be killed in a second if someone would pay is heartbreaking. That and the parts where they put live dogs into bags to suffocate them/weigh them for sale was too much to handle. Had to stop at that point.


If it isn't endangered why not. Just don't be cruel.

Gaf loves its tasty bacon so why not some tasty salted dog ears.

It is super hard watching that dog shake hands and do tricks and shit. Thats a fucking pet and you can tell how stressed the fuck out it is.
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