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Dog Eating Festival in Yulin, China (NSFW)

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I personally would not eat dog or cat however I cannot criticise other people for what meat they eat. Many animals we eat are smart, make great pets and obviously have emotions and intelligence, to get upset for one culture to eat something is hypocritical. As many have mentioned, Hindus find cows sacred but I have never been criticised by any for eating beef.
Plenty of people in China finds this festival disturbing as well.

I can't eat dogs, but that's mostly arbitrary and I wouldn't force that on everyone else. As long as the dogs are treated humanely, I guess I wouldn't be upset.


but believes in Chael
Is this where some people call these other people savages for eating certain animal their culture considers special while they greatly enjoy the meal from other animals their culture considers worthless that have been also viciously murdered?

It always is.

I can call them savages for eating a dog and they can call me a savage for eating a cow.


So much hypocrisy it's ok to eat cows, chickens, pigs, lamb etc but everyone goes batshit insane when people eat dogs.


I would...probably eat dog if given the opportunity. Just to try.

I cannot imagine it tastes great, although I would suspect it tastes better than cat would.

I'd also love to eat horse but no, people here in North America go absolutely fucking insane at the concept of that.


The perfect response.
And the perfect size for the grill.


Not sure how to feel about this. I feel sick thinking people can eat dogs but I also know I'm being hypocritical, since we eat cows, pigs, etc.

I think I would feel a little bit better if they were all stray dogs or dangerous ones that are aggressive. I'd also like it if they were killed humanely.

I just don't know how people can kill a golden retriever though.
I would...probably eat dog if given the opportunity. Just to try.

I cannot imagine it tastes great, although I would suspect it tastes better than cat would.

I'd also love to eat horse but no, people here in North America go absolutely fucking insane at the concept of that.

Never got why either. Most people barely even work with horses anymore. I certainly have no connection to them.

Not sure how to feel about this. I feel sick thinking people can eat dogs but I also know I'm being hypocritical, since we eat cows, pigs, etc

I just don't know how people can kill a golden retriever though.

Probably with a knife or blunt object.

I can call them savages for eating a dog and they can call me a savage for eating a cow.

Cool. Your moral convictions are pretty worthless though.


It's shit like this when one wonders if the meat available commercially in countries, i.e, chicken, beef, mutton, etc is just not IT and that we're missing out on the real awesome stuff.

Seriously though, China.


Never got why either. Most people barely even work with horses anymore. I certainly have no connection to them.

Yeah, they're basically just leisure animals now that people occasionally ride for fun. I also have a bit of resentment because people are still able to gain farm status and the corresponding tax breaks just by having a damn horse or two and a little riding area, even though they contribute absolutely nothing to the agriculture industry.

I gather they're trying to push to allow slaughterhouses to process horse meat as well as have inspectors licensed to grade the resulting meat.

Dunno, it just seems like a waste to not eat them. We eat every other farm animal in this continent.


To those who are revolted at the thought of dog meat but indulge in cows, chickens and pigs: how is this any different?


The woman at the end was interesting. I wonder how she planned to deal with all of her newly acquired dogs? Would she sell them to people who swore they won't eat them? She mentioned she didn't have a home to put them in.


Well meat is meat. And different cultures hold different animals sacred. I'm sure some ppl are appalled of us eating cow.

I'd probably eat dog if I was there, as long as it was wild and not a domesticated one.
Well meat is meat. And different cultures hold different animals sacred. I'm sure some ppl are appalled of us eating cow.

I'd probably eat dog if I was there, as long as it was wild and not a domesticated one.

I wouldn't eat a wild Dog, Dogs are not creature that are supposed to be living on the wild. They get really sick, really fast. Full of diseases, dirt, ticks, skin get's all weird. Yuck


I'm not going to judge other cultures for eating dog meat(though fuck the assholes kidnapping them) but I will absolutely judge anyone trying to bring that attitude to the west.

We don't need dog meat, it's a waste of resources and they're our pets we adore.
I'm not going to judge other cultures for eating dog meat(though fuck the assholes kidnapping them) but I will absolutely judge anyone trying to bring that attitude to the west.

We don't need dog meat, it's a waste of resources and they're our pets we adore.

Meat in general is a huge waste of resources, and yes I still eat meat.


Meat in general is a huge waste of resources, and yes I still eat meat.
Pig, cow and chicken are herbivores that provide plenty. Dogs are carnivores that require meat in order to be raised as proper food. The first three have been bred into livestock which is why they're great as food.

Even ignoring all of that, why do we have to allow dog meat? Our culture is we see them as pets so why do we have to change that?


Pig, cow and chicken are herbivores that provide plenty. Dogs are carnivores that require meat in order to be raised as proper food. The first three have been bred into livestock which is why they're great as food.
Yeah, this is an important point. Selling carnivores is generally just a really inefficient process, because it takes a lot of meat to convert it into a little weight.

Meanwhile, grass and seeds are easy to get a hold of en masse, and pigs will eat just about anything you give them.
Pig, cow and chicken are herbivores that provide plenty. Dogs are carnivores that require meat in order to be raised as proper food. The first three have been bred into livestock which is why they're great as food.

Even ignoring all of that, why do we have to allow dog meat? Our culture is we see them as pets so why do we have to change that?

We don't. I don't think we should farm dogs. I just don't see the consumption of dog flesh as inherently evil.

But you are doing a good job ignoring the damage raising herbivores has/is doing to the environment I guess. Yes they are more efficient to raise than carnivores. But their impact on the planet is less than good.


If I had a chance, I would try it. It's just like any other meat so I have no objections to this region of China using them for food. I only want all animals to have humane living conditions.

It's weird how a lot of people in the US are weirded out by folks eating dogs/cats/bugs or offal. One of the best food I've had is the Greek Kokoretsi which is all of the organs (lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, et) from a lamb put on a skewer, wrapped in intestines and seasoned with salt/pepper/oregano. It's slowly cooked on a skewer and it's delicious.


Dogs arent just like other animals. Neither are pigs.

Both have been bred by humans to serve certain roles. Pigs are live stock. Dogs are companions. Dogs and cats have helped shape our path as humans.

If you say it's fine to eat dogs. Then nothing is off limits. Why not human? Why not shark fin? Why not dolphin? Gorilla?

There is no logic in the argument that, since we eat a, b must be fine too. Placing limits on what life we eat is rational, and given that we have bred for thousands of years certain species to fufil this role, going outside of this is simply greedy, an act of a species that seeks to think that everything on this planet is under their entire domination.

We have pigs and chicken and lamb and cows and fish. Isn't that enough?
Dogs arent just like other animals. Neither are pigs.

Both have been bred by humans to serve certain rules. Pigs are live stock. Dogs are companions. Dogs and cats have helped shape our path as humans.

If you say it's fine to eat dogs. Then nothing is off limits. Why not human? Why not shark fin? Why not dolphin? Gorilla?

There is no logic in the argument that, since we eat a, b must be fine too. Placing limits on what life we eat is rational, and given that we have bred for thousands of years certain species to fufil this role, going outside of this is simply greedy, an act of a species that seeks to think that everything on this planet is under their entire domination.

We have pigs and chicken and lamb and cows and fish. Isn't that enough?

Shocking news: dogs can be bred for meat.

So even under this logic it is fine to eat breeds specifically bred for food.

But lol @ you calling modern selective breeding selfish but past selective breeding perfectly fine.

Btw agricultural animals have also shaped human evolution.


I microwave steaks.
Animal meat is meat, don't discriminate. I've never eaten dog but I wouldn't object to the idea.

I don't like the idea of raising a domestic pet for the sake of eating it though ;_;


What modern selective breeding? The breeding and farming of animals that requires meat to survive? Farming herbivores is expensive. Now imagine having too farm herbivores to feed carnivores that we are eating.

And I wonder where the anti global warming attitude comes from. Utter selfishness.

I also never said I didn't have a problem with selective breeding. I noted it as a fact that has shaped us for good and ill. I don't like cows being be to be giant udders. I don't like Dogs being bred to suit the shitty wins of pedigree dog standards.

I also know that agricultural animals have shaped us as humans. But they've done it as food.


I would eat dog.

I wouldn't go to this festival though. That shit is disgusting.

EDIT: I would still be disgusted if they had the exact same festival but used cows, birds, pigs or any other animal. That shit looks cruel as fuck.


If you say it's fine to eat dogs. Then nothing is off limits. Why not human? Why not shark fin? Why not dolphin? Gorilla?
Because shark and dolphin will be eaten to extinction. Gorilla is already endangered and bushmeat can harbour simian diseases that can cross into humans.

Humans? Really?
Utterly horrific. I know it's ethnocentric and irrational but I can't help it. This is an instance for which I am pleased with the west's cultural hegemony. Every time China, Korea, and other dog eating countries are holding an event like the Olympics, the authorities do their best to shut down and hide the practice because they are completely embarrassed by it.


Because shark and dolphin will be eaten to extinction. Gorilla is already endangered and bushmeat can harbour simian diseases that can cross into humans.

Humans? Really?
Why not? What's so special about humans? Of they die of natural causes. Why not? Meats meat. Why should we care about extinction either? Cause some other generation might miss out on a taste?

All meat can harbour diseases. Most diseases that we have originate in other animals first, and farming is one of the main ways they spread to us.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Utterly horrific. I know it's ethnocentric and irrational but I can't help it. This is an instance for which I am pleased with the west's cultural hegemony. Every time China, Korea, and other dog eating countries are holding an event like the Olympics, the authorities do their best to shut down and hide the practice because they are completely embarrassed by it.

The 1988 Seoul Olympics pretty much eradicated the practice amongst younger Koreans. Pretty much every Korean person I know reacts like you have in your post. It's an "old person" practice now.


In South Korea, eating dog meat is falling out of favor especially with young people.

I'm not surprised there is an article confirming what I know first hand.
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