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Donald J. Trump to re-open 9/11 Commision Report and find out who did it

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Feels like he is poising himself for a muslim holocaust.

Or at least this is going to be the ticket he is going to be running on.


aka andydumi
Seems to be more about the classified pages that supposedly point blame at Saudi Arabia which he has talked about before.

That's my thought. It's an unspoken about topic though in the past few weeks/months theya re starting to be called out on ISIS links as well.


I bet if you could run a worldwide poll asking "Do you believe the US government version of the 9/11 attacks?" more than 90% would answer "no"



if it's too insensitive let me know and I'll remove it

Oh my godddd haha
Reposting from bottom of page 1:

By the way, 43 senators called for this exact thing (full reveal of the classified report) at the time it was finished in 2003.

Feels like he is poising himself for a muslim holocaust.

Or at least this is going to be the ticket he is going to be running on.

You seriously think Donald Trump intends to murder 1.5 billion people?


*trump opens presidential brief on 9-11*

"It was Saudi Arabia"

*trump closes brief*

"Let's build that fukkin Mexican wall, boys"
He's referring to the rumors that we know the Saudis directly/indirectly funded some of the hijackers, and that is what is in the classified part of the Commission report.

Not that Dick Cheney rigged the towers with thermite.

Well, if that's the case...that's not crazy at all. As a former military intelligence and NSA employee, I was completely unconvinced that we should be looking at Iraq post-9/11, and completely mystified at the lack of attention given Saudi Arabia.

Granted, I was 5 years out the door at that point, so I had no up-to-date intel. But even just the fact that almost all the hijackers were Saudis would seem to warrant more scrutiny than was apparent from an outsider's perspective.

And, all that said, I'm not sure any de-classifying action by a hypothetical President Trump would be productive at that point.


I"m all for having more eyes on 9/11. We've devoted more time to Benghazi and Clinton's emails than looking into how Bush and our intelligence agencies fucked up with 9/11.

He's referring to the rumors that we know the Saudis directly/indirectly funded some of the hijackers, and that is what is in the classified part of the Commission report.

Not that Dick Cheney rigged the towers with thermite.

Precisely. As this article from Newsweek a year ago notes:

Since the early days after the Sept. 11 attacks, when news emerged that most of the airline hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, dark allegations have lingered about official Saudi ties to the terrorists. Fueling the suspicions: 28 still-classified pages in a congressional inquiry on 9/11 that raise questions about Saudi financial support to the hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks.

Both the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama have refused to declassify the pages on grounds of national security. But critics, including members of Congress who have read the pages in the tightly guarded, underground room in the Capitol where they are held, say national security has nothing to do with it. U.S. officials, they charge, are trying to hide the double game that Saudi Arabia has long played with Washington, as both a close ally and petri dish for the world’s most toxic brand of Islamic extremism.
One of the most prominent critics is former Florida Senator Bob Graham, a Democrat who co-chaired the joint investigation of the House and Senate intelligence committees into the Sept. 11 attacks. On Wednesday, in a press conference with two current members of Congress and representatives of families who lost loved ones in the attacks, he will once again urge the Obama administration to declassify the pages—a move the White House has previously rebuffed.

“There are a lot of rocks out there that have been purposefully tamped down, that if were they turned over, would give us a more expansive view of the Saudi role” in assisting the 9/11 hijackers, Graham said in an interview. He maintains that nothing in them qualifies as a legitimate national security secret.

Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican who has also read the pages, agrees. “There is no reason the 28 pages have not been made public,” Jones told Newsweek. “It’s not a national security issue.” Parts of it, however, Jones said, will be “somewhat embarrassing for the Bush administration,” because of “certain relationships with the Saudis.”

In July, the two co-chairman of a separate inquiry, commonly known as the 9/11 Commission, likewise urged the White House to declassify the 28 pages.

Though I wish it was another candidate doing this. Trump will probably focus exclusively on the whole "Terrorist Muslims entering America on a visa so we have to ban them all" angle.


Well, if that's the case...that's not crazy at all. As a former military intelligence and NSA employee, I was completely unconvinced that we should be looking at Iraq post-9/11, and completely mystified at the lack of attention given Saudi Arabia.

Granted, I was 5 years out the door at that point, so I had no up-to-date intel. But even just the fact that almost all the hijackers were Saudis would seem to warrant more scrutiny than was apparent from an outsider's perspective.

And, all that said, I'm not sure any de-classifying action by a hypothetical President Trump would be productive at that point.

I think its fairly obvious why Saudi was ignored. They are a long standing ally in the region. A Large amount of people thought Iraq had nothing to do with it. You arent unique in that
If Trump is willing to shed light on the Saudi connection to 9/11 more power to him. Somebody has to decouple the American government from Saudi interests.
He's referring to the rumors that we know the Saudis directly/indirectly funded some of the hijackers, and that is what is in the classified part of the Commission report.

Not that Dick Cheney rigged the towers with thermite.

Wait... seriously? Like, I know GAF loves shitting on Trump, but I would legit LOVE to know whether or not the Saudi's were actively bank-rolling hijackers. WE WENT TO WAR WITH IRAQ (for no reason) OFF THE BACK OF 9/11 SUPPORT! This should be a far more serious matter. Is Trump the only person in politics to have wanted to do this?


You seriously think Donald Trump intends to murder 1.5 billion people?

Trump personally? No. He just wants to be president. I do feel like if he runs on an anti muslim platform it isn't the most inconceivable thing that more muslim deaths will occur at the west's hands (which a quick google search says is already in the millions).

You do raise an interesting question though. How many more have to die before it is considered a holocaust? I don't think Trump would be helping. Sorry if I'm overreacting.


Though I wish it was another candidate doing this. Trump will probably focus exclusively on the whole "Terrorist Muslims entering America on a visa so we have to ban them all" angle.

Agreed. Its a shame that it's Trump that is the one responsible for it, but I'm glad he is bringing this issue up for discussion again. It is kind of BS the government would say this "this is the unclassified report with redactions". It's doublethink to even call it unclassified at that point.

Trump will, of course, probably draw the worst possible policy conclusions from whatever the redacted contents are, though.


formerly sane
Seems to be more about the classified pages that supposedly point blame at Saudi Arabia which he has talked about before.

and yet most of the people replying in here want to refer to BS 9/11 conspiracies theories instead of the fact he has mentioned which makes most people look like fools. There is a coverup and like other groups people want shit like that out in the public. There's no reason to help saudis yet lets laugh at conspiracy theories while there's a real link we are told we don't need to know. Just like aliens. Just like climate change. Just like shadow banking. Just like the philadelphia experiment. Just like area 51. Just like mk ultra. You're government told the truth, yeah yeah bullshit they did.

People get the world you deserve, I never say sheep either serfs/slaves/cowardly complacent civilians deserve the wonderful leaders they get. Progress/truth or fascism, I wonder what humanity will take as go deeper in to future, seems obvious at this point.

Trump is a truther that's all some have as a response, the point he makes doesn't become invalidated cause he believes it.


Drumpf strikes again.

Still feel like we are in some sort of weird twilight zone where this will all come crumbling down at some point... I hope.
Trump personally? No. He just wants to be president. I do feel like if he runs on an anti muslim platform it isn't the most inconceivable thing that more muslim deaths will occur at the west's hands (which a quick google search says is already in the millions).

You do raise an interesting question though. How many more have to die before it is considered a holocaust? I don't think Trump would be helping. Sorry if I'm overreacting.

Fair enough, I wouldn't argue with the idea he is fomenting nativist and racist attitudes, but the word 'holocaust' is a very loaded world that I take to mean 'to completely exterminate a group/category of people'. I don't think anyone is going that far.


Wait... seriously? Like, I know GAF loves shitting on Trump, but I would legit LOVE to know whether or not the Saudi's were actively bank-rolling hijackers. WE WENT TO WAR WITH IRAQ (for no reason) OFF THE BACK OF 9/11 SUPPORT! This should be a far more serious matter. Is Trump the only person in politics to have wanted to do this?

No. I believe there were bipartisan resolutions in both the House and Senate that voted on this, and I think neither of them passed. I'm surprised that when Rand Paul was still in the race, this was never brought up, as he was one of the senators that pushed for it.


I want to thank Trump for wrapping every ridiculous belief causing western civilization harm into a single, bad example.


I want to thank Trump for wrapping every ridiculous belief causing western civilization harm into a single, bad example.

Waiting for him to announce the expedition to the edge of flat Earth.

He's not talking about some crazy conspiracy theory people... he's talking about the classified pages of the 9/11 report.

“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,” Trumptold the gang at Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, a

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center,” Trump told a crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina. “It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cuz they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

I for one am fine with helping show more reasons why the Iraq war was a mistake and that Saudi Arabia is a terrible ally.

War Eagle

Wait... seriously? Like, I know GAF loves shitting on Trump, but I would legit LOVE to know whether or not the Saudi's were actively bank-rolling hijackers. WE WENT TO WAR WITH IRAQ (for no reason) OFF THE BACK OF 9/11 SUPPORT! This should be a far more serious matter. Is Trump the only person in politics to have wanted to do this?

The reason the Saudi's involvement is classified is because of oil. When I say oil, I do not mean actually buying oil from them, but that Saudi has a very large influence on OPEC. Oil, the world's biggest global commodity is traded on a global scale using the American dollar. This helps keep America strong financially. If OPEC were to, say switch to something else, like the Euro or Chinese Yuan, the US economy would tank and we would lose a lot of the control of the global economy due to our dollar being the standard. Saudi Arabia has a lot of say in this matter, so we have to keep them happy.

Now if we would just get away all together from oil, we could not deal with this crap AND help the environment in one fell swoop, but that is a different discussion.


He's not talking about some crazy conspiracy theory people... he's talking about the classified pages of the 9/11 report.

I for one am fine with helping show more reasons why the Iraq war was a mistake and that Saudi Arabia is a terrible ally.

Yeah. Provocative thread title has colored a lot of opinions here, but a broken clock is right twice a day and in this instance Trump is right. Saudi Arabia and the US have an unhealthy relationship and it's important to know exactly how unhealthy that relationship is. Even today we're allowing the Saudis with our money and our weapons to cause devastation and a humanitarian crisis in Yemen.


We are talking about the original birther here. No one should be surprised.

Just immensely disappointed that this guy actually has a chance of becoming President.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
and yet most of the people replying in here want to refer to BS 9/11 conspiracies theories instead of the fact he has mentioned which makes most people look like fools. There is a coverup and like other groups people want shit like that out in the public. There's no reason to help saudis yet lets laugh at conspiracy theories while there's a real link we are told we don't need to know. Just like aliens. Just like climate change. Just like shadow banking. Just like the philadelphia experiment. Just like area 51. Just like mk ultra. You're government told the truth, yeah yeah bullshit they did.

People get the world you deserve, I never say sheep either serfs/slaves/cowardly complacent civilians deserve the wonderful leaders they get. Progress/truth or fascism, I wonder what humanity will take as go deeper in to future, seems obvious at this point.

Trump is a truther that's all some have as a response, the point he makes doesn't become invalidated cause he believes it.

Good post. For a bunch of people that spend most of the day on the internet they are sure as hell shit at doing the most basic research into these topics. Idleness and ignorance.


Sounds good. He's not talking about truther conspiracy nonsense. Read the thread people...

He is talking about the truther conspiracy. He's saying that he'll let people know "who "really" knocked down [the] WTC" once he's President.


My guess is the information gained would be used as political/economic fuel/play maybe against the Saudi's and other potential targets. Dont think it will fuel an actual war. This is Trump stacking bargaining chips...

Edit: He would also link any people/targets that are American and or policies that he could leverage with potential Saudi affiliation/association...

"xyz was friends with these guys, they created and did things this way cause they were in cahoots'...etc.
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