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Donald Trump releases first policy plan that I don't have major objections to

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Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The thing is this guy will say whatever the fuck he wants and then say the opposite a few days later and this includes his other policies. The dude is a flip flopping sleazy used car salesmen who will butter you up with whatever you want to hear while he sells you a car that won't get 3 days before breaking down. We've seen this time and time again.


He still is a pervert/bully that hates LBGT and minorities. That right there is enough not to vote for him regardless of any of his policies.

Dude Abides

Isn't point 1 unconstitutional? It is essentially a five year non-compete at the federal level. Most states have ruled that a broad non compete is unenforceable and I don't see why this would be different.

He's proposing the Congress pass laws that abridge the right of people to petition their government for redress of their grievances. I'm pretty sure some part of the Constituion says that's a no-no.
While decent, I don't believe he will do it.

Being president takes more than polices. This person has to have, compassion, morals, fundamental understanding of foreign policies, respect for others and most important, temperament. He has none of those.

My vote has already been cast and it's not for him.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
And now the big questions still remains - how much of this plan is blustery bullshit, and how much of it does he actually plan on committing to? Is there anything I've missed? Did Trump sneak in any weasel words into this statement? Obviously, it doesn't say anything about lobbyists going in the other direction and working for his administration - something that Clinton has made clear regarding her transition team. Anything else?

My take on this is that it is a great policy for taking out all the middlemen so that if you want to buy political influence you have to bribe the President himself directly.

Or is that too cynical?


The thing is this guy will say whatever the fuck he wants and then say the opposite a few days later and this includes his other policies. The dude is a flip flopping sleazy used car salesmen who will butter you up with whatever you want to hear while he sells you a car that won't get 3 days before breaking down. We've seen this time and time again.

Exactly. Supporters would say "all politicians tell people what they want to hear," which is certainly true, but for anyone keeping up, his waffling is on a whole new level.


Junior Member
Uh huh. Trump can't even keep his own campaign free of lobbyists.
No matter what, Trump has a few people that have for ideas but he doesn't have any interest in maintaining these issues. One bump or some gas pains and he'll give up on it.

I suspect Hillary, for all her faults, will hold a line. Trump is a threat because he'll change his mind, on all issues, at anytime.

Launch a nuke and hits the self destruct code? It's possible.
Because he needed an establishment guy to make the base feel comfortable and get votes from evangelicals

Trump overwhelmingly won the evangelical vote in the primaries, they were one of the biggest demographics that pushed him to victory. He didn't need any help there. He got Pence, because that was honestly the only person who was willing to be his running mate that had any legitimacy
True dat, Trump himself is a lobbiest candidate advocating for Pro-Putin foreign policies

ethically, Trump doesn't pay income taxes, stiffs his contractors and just sues everyone who else
Everyone's confused as to what Trump's positions and plans actually are, because he has none. He believes in nothing, and will say whatever he feels at the time. This proposal is garbage- sure, he's going to 'ask Congress'.
Isn't that Hillary? Or did she genuinely flip all of her old stances?

This election...

Trump is notorious throughout this election for changing positions and contradicting himself to the point that it's unclear what exactly he intends to do, and that's when he even has a policy proposal.

Hillary doesn't have that reputation. At all. Unless you mean her position on same sex marriage, which many politicians evolved their position on over the past decade or so.
Trump actually has a lot of good ideas that unfortunately get buried under all his bullshit. .




Trump's only idea is his ego, and whatever makes it feel good at the time. That and being a racist and a bigot. This vile creature has bragged about bribing officials, has been fined for bribing officials, is being actively supporting by a foreign government and cannot even run a charity without using it as slush fund. This is him on a cheap revenge plot against republicans who betrayed him.
Trump actually has a lot of good ideas that unfortunately get buried under all his bullshit. A lot of people may not know he's pro single payer and strongly defended planned parenthood in the GOP debates.

Let's not go overboard. He has a few good ideas all of which are already known and have been repeated by the progressive part of the Democratic party for like decades.

And I'm pretty sure he changed his mind about single-payer and he's now very "pro-life" and said there should be some punishment for women and/or their doctors who get/give abortions.


Rodent Whores
Isn't point 1 unconstitutional? It is essentially a five year non-compete at the federal level. Most states have ruled that a broad non compete is unenforceable and I don't see why this would be different.

More likely than not, but you might be able to do something else, like an automatic 75% tax on any money received for any lobbing services rendered.


Because he needed an establishment guy to make the base feel comfortable and get votes from evangelicals

Fine. But if he was so serious about defending PP I'm sure that he could have found an establishment guy who agreed with him on that stance, not one of the most anti PP politicians in the country.


This absolutely should be done but it won't. The negatives of lobbying outweigh any benefit we get from them.


Isn't that Hillary? Or did she genuinely flip all of her old stances?

No, this is a frequent disparagement of Clinton that really doesn't hold true. Clinton is a center left pragmatist so it seems like she flips her stances when in reality all she cares about is achieving some form of meaningful progress in the right direction.

Take healthcare for example. As first lady she was looking for expansion of medicaid and medicare to fill some of the cracks low income people fall through. As a 2008 primary candidate she was suggesting something very close to the ACA using an exchange system and mandatory coverage. In her paid speech excerpts she states a need for a more directly controlled system far closer to single payer.

But meanwhile her platform right now is to take the ACA, shore it up with expanded coverage and cost control measures, and continue on with what is working.

Compare that to Bernie Sanders who is a strictly single payer guy and maligns the ACA for not being single payer, ignoring the ~17M people who now have coverage thanks to the ACA or the various improvements all of us have received from it (no pre-existing condition rejections, no lifetime limits, kids can be on their parent's plan until they're 26, etc.).

Sanders might have compelling and consistent ideology, but he lacks a grasp on how to achieve meaningful policy. Obama ran up against this when he first took office as he had a strong and clear ideological vision and his administration obviously thought the financial crisis and democratic majorities in all three houses would lead to action equal to that rhetoric. Instead he watched his stimulus package get cut in half with the tax breaks portion going through but the infrastructure reinvestment portion getting gutted. He watched his healthcare plan that was mean to have the cost control of a single payer option get gutted by blue dog Dems. He saw new regulatory bodies specifically desired by the majority of America to protect against predatory financial agencies and further major bank malfeasance go without appointed directors for months or even years or have enforcement capabilities stonewalled at every turn.

A good politician is someone who is flexible enough to set aside their personal beliefs to execute the will of the body public when needed, strong enough to stick with their beliefs despite the will of the body public when needed, and wise enough to accurately judge which of those two categories each major decision truly falls into.

Clinton has exhibited #1 frequently and #2 with enough frequency to have faith in her persistence. #3 is the most important and while her track record isn't on par with Obama in that sense (at least to me personally) her resume at this point indicates her to be at least as up for the challenge as her husband or his predecessor, far more ready for the task than the successor to her husband. Far from the idealized candidate to be sure but she has the core competencies to manage the nation's affairs to the betterment of the nation as a whole. You can't say that for literally any other candidate who ran this year, from the primaries on through (except maybe Jeb or Kasich, but then Jeb is too much of a weather vane to convince me he could do #2 and Kasich is too much of a corporate christian to protect the body public on worker's rights and minority discrimination, as he's failed to do in his own state).
I saw a tweet yesterday that said these proposals would fail voice votes 435-0 and 100-0 and Trump knows it (or at least his team does), but he wants something to talk about in Wednesday's debate (or, again, at least his team does).
I'd love to see term limits for members of Congress tacked on to any lobbying reform but that has about as much chance of happening as Trump walking outside without his toupee.
"Many former Bill Clinton officials and aides have gone on to lead lucrative lobby shops or take in-house lobbying jobs at corporations."

Yeah, them and everyone else. This is so stupid.
Another way Trump shows he doesn't care about the First Amendment.

Not the point of the OP. You can't deny that lobbying is a blight on the political process.

Good policy get throttled as big business can buy eeerm I mean lobby politicians by sponsoring their elections so long as said politicians vote a particular way.

What the hell is that about.

It's pure bullshit and it stinks. Not saying Trump is the best man to fix the problem, but fixing it needs
I saw a tweet yesterday that said these proposals would fail voice votes 435-0 and 100-0 and Trump knows it (or at least his team does), but he wants something to talk about in Wednesday's debate (or, again, at least his team does).

I don't want to give Trump too much credit here, but he could be proposing this populist idea just so Hillary will have to shoot it down as being unrealistic at the debate. People seem to get mad at Hillary when she has to bring people back to Earth.


His healthcare plan is on his website. I think it's one of the first plans he posted. It's certainly not single payer.

It doesn't matter because he said it once, before he changed his mind.

Remember, Trump is just trying to win this thing. He will say anything to become president. You can't really believe much of anything he says. But, once he becomes president, he's going to be the best president ever with the best policies ever. Whatever it is you want, that's what he'll do.I believe him because he says it like it is.


you can't put a price on sparks
I think people have to remember that without lobbyists, things like the American disability act won't get any support

There have to be reforms, some of these might sound good on paper, but the devil is in the details. These bills will not be one paragraph long like you read above
I do not think anyone can actually know what are trumps stances. He was a piece of shit his entire life and until recently spent all his time very much in line with Democratic Party ideology. It wasn't until he decided to run for President he started to go all conservative spouting.

I agree with this, but Trump is in too deep at this point to turn back.


Good luck. Notice how he's going to ask Congress. Because he knows he can't actually change I even as president so he wouldn't want to break a promise. None of these things are going to get done
I don't want to give Trump too much credit here, but he could be proposing this populist idea just so Hillary will have to shoot it down as being unrealistic at the debate. People seem to get mad at Hillary when she has to bring people back to Earth.

That's... actually pretty smart. Probably the first slightly smart tactic his campaign has come up with. It most certainly did not come from him, but still.
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