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Donald Trump talks like a woman

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Rebel Leader

You said 'No wonder I couldn't understand him.' implying that women are unintelligible?

Also, many in this thread cracking jokes about him being the first female president after all, as insult to him. Thanks guys.
I was horribly referring to Stephen hawking comment on how women are the greatest mystery of the universe.

My fault completely.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Yes. Because, as evidenced and expected, shit like this just leads to the whole 'Women are stupid' fun that I am so freaking sick of.

No, none of this nonsense, you need to stop. Did you even listen to the videos, including the interview with the female university instructor on CNN? Of course you didn't. It's a valid hypothesis that women tend to speak differently and with some evidence to support it.

You're trying to deliberately shut down discussion.


No, none of this nonsense, you need to stop. Did you even listen to the videos, including the interview with the female university instructor on CNN? Of course you didn't. It's a valid hypothesis that women tend to speak differently and with some evidence to support it.

You're trying to deliberately shut down discussion.
I'm well aware that women tend to talk differently than men.

Telling me to shut up while accusing me of trying to shut down discussion?

I was responding to POSTS IN THIS THREAD doing the very thing I was complaining about.

I'm sorry, I leave you guys alone to circle jerk about how womanly Trump is and how funny that is.
internalized sexism


Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I'm sorry, I leave you guys alone to circle jerk about how womanly Trump is and how funny that is.

Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, I wasn't even going to reply to the thread, then I saw this:

You think this kind of research is dumb? You'd prefer it not exist?

If prefer if people wouldn't use it as a weapon against women in general, yeah.

That's not right, I mean, there's some evidence from research about this.

I don't think anyone here is using it against women, at least I hope not.
Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, I wasn't even going to reply to the thread, then I saw this:

That's not right, I mean, there's some evidence from research about this.

I don't think anyone here is using it against women, at least I hope not.

It's probably not the research, but our jokes. The hate for Trump is so deep that anything goes, but that is wrong because at this rate we will find ourselves calling Trump a faggot and slurs like that and that hurts other people more than it hurts him. Let's not drag other people in our insults and attacks against Trump


I actually was telling myself that Trump often talks with a slight feminine tone, like someone imitating a woman.

Sassy Trump fits really well.

edit: That CNN video looked like just an excuse to show videos of Trump speaking at his rallies.
She explained her research so awkwardly and confusingly, just like most of the researchers I know, lol. Reading papers and talk to Ph.ds every single day does that to you.

Mr. X

I feel like I should open the op to find out how a woman "talks" but I don't think it would make sense to me.


So fucking stupid, who the fuck cares about this shit? I remember CNN wasting hours showing shit like this.

Trump this.
Trump that.
Trump Trump.

CNN also spent 72 hours talking about nothing but Hillary's newly opened email case at the end of the election, plus they covered the entirety of the Benghazi hearigngs. Plus, when the email story originally broke, it was literally the only fucking thing on the news. CNN puts on whatever is getting ratings at that very second.
I'm well aware that women tend to talk differently than men.

Telling me to shut up while accusing me of trying to shut down discussion?

I was responding to POSTS IN THIS THREAD doing the very thing I was complaining about.

I'm sorry, I leave you guys alone to circle jerk about how womanly Trump is and how funny that is.

I feel ya.

No wonder i couldn't understand him

So feminists got what they wanted after all.

So the first female president was elected after all.

Maybe this is how he got so much of the women's vote.

These types of jokes are annoying and contribute nothing.
Well, yeah. He has tremendous respect for women
's speech patterns.

More seriously, this is a totally valid and interesting line of research. It counteracts an assumption that politics is a "male domain", dominated by aggressive male speech patterns, and that women and men have to learn to "talk tough" to survive in politics. Clearly, there was something in Trump's speaking style that resonated with people and helped persuade them that he wasn't the billionaire con-man that he actually is.

Y'know, combined with the host of other factors, like celebrity status, conflating narcissism with confidence, racism, etc.


all good things
I move my hands when I talk like that.

I never noticed it was feminine until someone pointed it out to me.
I don't really think this study contributes much to the world either, tbh.

Did you read the study?

Personally, I think there are valuable implications here. For one, it highlights that "feminine" speech patterns are not necessarily out of place in politics, despite conventional wisdom. Two, it suggests a double-standard whereby men are allowed to use masculine or feminine speech patterns, without much criticism, but women get trapped in a double bind: If they're "feminine," people might think them "friendly" or "weak"; if they're "masculine," people might think them "assertive" or "bitchy."

Obviously, that's a problem worthy of discussion.
Did you read the study?

Personally, I think there are valuable implications here. For one, it highlights that "feminine" speech patterns are not necessarily out of place in politics, despite conventional wisdom. Two, it suggests a double-standard whereby men are allowed to use masculine or feminine speech patterns, without much criticism, but women get trapped in a double bind: If they're "feminine," people might think them "friendly" or "weak"; if they're "masculine," people might think them "assertive" or "bitchy."

Obviously, that's a problem worthy of discussion.
was hillary ever really accused of being assertive or bitchy? 99% of the critique going her way in terms of body language/speech was how devoid of emotion it was.


Historically feminine speech patterns have involved a lot of hedging to portray passivity or submission. But I think most of the hedging in Trump's speech is because he's talking out his arse and doesn't want to get strung up for slander
I don't really think this study contributes much to the world either, tbh.

Nah, I think it is really interesting. Trump's pattern of speech separates him from the crowd and contributes to his image of being an outsider.

The thing is, he is using a feminine style of speech, something which women (and men) in politics tend to avoid so they don't appear "flighty" and "weak". Trump gets away with it though.
GAF has such an undeniable hard-on for Trump.

I think that a lot of people underestimated just how inherently Americans like to support the underdog. Trump was perhaps the biggest underdog ever in the history of American politics. Whatever you may say about his personality, campaign, supporters, or hair, the reality is that in America, people will reflexively pull for the underdog. I feel like that's just how we're wired, it's part of our national ethos, and so it probably isn't that surprising in the end that most of the last-second undecided voters broke for Trump.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I think this is relevant because it might start to explain why he won the white female vote. I'm still so baffled by it that I'm ready to read anything that might help me understand why that happened.
Didn't Hillary retain similar numbers as Obama for all groups of white women except for the non college educated group?
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