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Double Dragon IV |OT| The masters of the art of Ssetsuken return!


in retrospect, the collision detection was awful and almost rendered it unplayable, but at the time the fact that it allowed for 2players simultaneously play was one of the few things I could throw in the faces of my NES owning friends as a Master System kid.

But you can't even lose. There's 0 incentive to even try. But yeah, 2 players was neat.


Whoa...these comments. Oof. Was about to buy it but...will wait for more impressions.

...yeah, I guess I'm in the same boat. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece that would reignite the world with beat 'm up passion or anything but then again I kinda was expecting something that would rival the NES DD games at least, i.e. be a worthy bed-fellow to them even with some modern elements thrown in.

Not sure what the point of making this game was if it ends up disappointing most old school (NES) DD fans while also being of no interest to modern action game fans either because of the retro look. Surely this was a passion project and not something they were obliged to do, so its quite disheartening then to see such lukewarm impressions...


Unfortunate that they went with an NES style aesthetic. I'd much prefer the arcade style graphics or even go full Arc Systems Works on it. Nostalgia only gets me so far.


So Japan will get fixed version after gaijin beta testers do their work, haha.

Screen tear is awful but I still want to get it, it's not on my ps store though.


As someone who is obsessed with DD1 and especially 2, I'm keeping an open mind and will post impressions when it unlocks on Steam tonight. Unless you are a diehard fan, it's hard to take some of these reviews seriously. I'm not sure what people are expecting.



Again, that Double Dragon Neon metascore is only below 70 because one reviewer, IGN, flat-out hated the game. And most of the other sub-70 scores are from no-name outlets. The majority of the big-name reviews were positive.

I would be one of those people. Neon is the one I liked best other than the NES DD II.

I couldn't consider gaming journalist opinions more worthless in respect to certain genres, with beat'em-ups being one of those (not even going to get into my general disdain for Metacritic and both gamer/industry obsession with it).

Hey man, I'm a professional journalist and I gave Neon 4/5. But Co-Optimus scores aren't listed on Metacritic, annoyingly. The main thing is to consider whether the reviewer actually likes the genre when reading a beat 'em up review.
But you can't even lose. There's 0 incentive to even try. But yeah, 2 players was neat.

Actually you can, you have infinite continues until the last level, but there is a cheat code where you jump 30 times as soon as the level starts and you get infinite lives.


i regret buying it early, next time i will wait till i read impressions and a patch.

I semi-regret it, only because $7 is not a bad loss and I did have some fun with it so far. When you get into your groove it can start to feel good. I dislike that you can only punch and flying knee in one direction though as it makes getting away from some enemies feel too cumbersome. Hoping adding a player 2 will alleviate that a bit.

A good strat for big dudes is to knock them down and then stand near them and time it right and cyclone kick them over and over which does feel too cheesy.

Hopefully they patch the game and make it feel right if they do that the game will at least be a fun but rather disappointing offering. I just wish there was some more action and set pieces but in the NES style. Like going into a helicopter again, the only action-y part was being on top of the moving truck.


Again, that Double Dragon Neon metascore is only below 70 because one reviewer, IGN, flat-out hated the game. And most of the other sub-70 scores are from no-name outlets. The majority of the big-name reviews were positive.
And it's not like IGN hasn't done something like that with anything else in the genre, with the same score awarded to God Hand even.
Hey man, I'm a professional journalist and I gave Neon 4/5. But Co-Optimus scores aren't listed on Metacritic, annoyingly. The main thing is to consider whether the reviewer actually likes the genre when reading a beat 'em up review.
Sorry, no disrespect intended. Still, that is also quite important to account for. My reason for being less inclined to trust most reviews does indeed boil down to the rarity of gaming journalists having a passion for or knowledge of such games.

As for Metacritic, who they do and don't choose to count, along with the fact that they weigh the scores from various outlets differently, all without even disclosing how or why they do so, is all the more reason I don't take them seriously.


Also headbutt into the headbutt extension is OP in this game. Wake up Uppercut or Flying Knee is a must. Gonna hit the Story Mode and Tower with a friend tonight. The game might just need actual co-op to feel much better. Anyone play with a friend yet?


Well I beat the game and unlocked Tower Mode already.

The game was a bit too easy in my opinion. Although there was some really cheap enemies.

Kunoichi's and the Karate Master guy with the invincible repelling block move can fuck right off.

I think the controls are a bit too loose compared to the NES versions. Although I greatly appreciate the inclusion of a separate jump button. Being able to simply jump and spam the Super Knee with reckless abandon seems a bit much.

Also Abobo can absolutely steamroll through the Tower Mode, I'm talking taking out Burnov and other large enemies with a 3-hit Punch combo and the Last Boss with two of them. All you need to do with the regular grunt enemies is just kick them once to stun them and walk into them for a Flip Toss which is usually an automatic KO. Abobo's ridiculously strong.


I am Korean.
Again, that Double Dragon Neon metascore is only below 70 because one reviewer, IGN, flat-out hated the game. And most of the other sub-70 scores are from no-name outlets. The majority of the big-name reviews were positive.
IGN hates all belt scrollers. Why they ever let Mitch Dyer review another one after his first attempt is what I'll never understand. It's like it's his personal quest to dismiss every game in the genre as button mashers.


loves Arcade Sticks
The throwbacks to previous games & Super Double Dragon is appreciated. Love the game for what it was. Good playthrough.
Unfortunate that they went with an NES style aesthetic. I'd much prefer the arcade style graphics or even go full Arc Systems Works on it. Nostalgia only gets me so far.

Especially when a lot of it looks more like lifted assets from The Revenge. Would have really preferred the 16 bit look with more fluid animation.


Ok so it looks like the NES games, but I hope it doesn't play like them. They haven't aged well at all. Double Dragon 1 is just bad. 2 is better, but not great. They're very clunky.
Really surprised by the negative impressions. Screen tearing is bad, sure, but this is exactly what I expected and wanted - a sequel to double dragon 2. I think it plays pretty good, so far. Made it to stage 10 and died. Didn't realize I could continue.


I might just buy the arcade port of Double Dragon 2 instead of this. I was already put off by the NES visuals as I much prefer the look of the arcade games. To find out it has tearing......I don't know what to say.


Devs already explained why they went with the style of DD2. It's all explained in the interviews in the OP.

For a low budget sequel priced at $7, I wouldn't expect entirely new 16-bit animations. If the product was priced higher than what it is, then yes I'd expect much more, but for what the devs promised being a follow up to DD2 with expanded mechanics, some new backgrounds and enemies and being able play them in all of the modes. It's a fair offering considering the price.

If this leads to another game, especially if Yoshihisa Kishimoto decides to do something similar to the Kunio-Kun / River City series (which he also was the creator of) then I'm all for it.


It plays just like DD2 except with one new move.

Just looking at the movelist, this isn't correct. I'd say it's a hybrid several DD games in terms of moveset.

For example the left and right attack options are completely removed in DD4 and instead there are independant punch and kick buttons.

There is also the return of the Elbow Strike which was omitted in the NES original DD2. Not to mention the Headbutt and it's subsequent spinning attack follow up. Then there is the Jumping Elbow and Axe Kick which are entirely new moves which each one being exclusive to Billy and Jimmy. Also the jumping Roundhouse kick which was only in Double Dragon 1 and now present with the DD2 sprite set.

It's far more than simply playing like NES DD2 with just one new move.

Xaero Gravity

Yeah this sounds pretty disappointing. I think I'll just boot up DD2 on my NES Mini to get my DD fix. Or go to a strip club.


I am Korean.
Just looking at the movelist, this isn't correct. I'd say it's a hybrid several DD games in terms of moveset.

For example the left and right attack options are completely removed in DD4 and instead there are independant punch and kick buttons.
That's really not a change for the better. Being able to control attackers from either direction was in important mechanic in DD2. Removing that leaves you with an elbow attack with the range of a pixel and an irrelevant kick button.

There is also the return of the Elbow Strike which was omitted in the NES original DD2. Not to mention the Headbutt and it's subsequent spinning attack follow up. Then there is the Jumping Elbow and Axe Kick which are entirely new moves which each one being exclusive to Billy and Jimmy. Also the jumping Roundhouse kick which was only in Double Dragon 1 and now present with the DD2 sprite set.

It's far more than simply playing like NES DD2 with just one new move.

None of them are all that useful and in some cases, they're completely redundant additions.
Kick isn't irrelevant at all, since it has more range. Elbow is by far the fastest move in the game and is a knockdown. I've been using it a lot. This game has a big focus on crowd management. I like the huge movelist and do feel like most of them have a place and a situation theyre useful.

If you don't like DD2 NES, you won't like this game. If you want a sequel to that, well, here it is, IMO


The spinning headbutt follow up is arguably the most overpowered addition to the moveset. So no not useless or redundant.

But in all seriousness, it's a blatant falsehood to say it plays like DD2 with just one new move. I know some of you folks are down on this game, but try not to spread misinformation.


So why is this a sequel to DD2 and not to DD3?

Official timeline is in the OP, straight from the DD4 website. The order is DD1 > DD3 > DD2 > DD4.

I suppose some folks will say Super Double Dragon being "DD4" due to it's release order. However it was called Return of Double Dragon in Japan and going by the plot that was heavily omitted and didn't make it into the release, it was more or less a re imaging / retcon.

Would have been nice if Return of Double Dragon wasn't rushed and we got to see the finished result.

Or even a follow up to the GBA's Double Dragon Advance, which is my personal favorite of the series being closest to merge the Arcade and Console style games into one.


Exactly what I was hoping for!

My advice before even playing - immediately change the music to retro, and map the special moves to the extra buttons


Game makes me want to punch babies

damn got to mission 10 and all the ninja girls just jumped my ass lol


The NA Steam version of Double Dragon IV defaults to Japanese. An easy fix, but it's a silly mistake.


steam version is up

Thanks for the heads up!


Geez, there's no official controller support on PC? The steam controller isn't supported at all, and the default keyboard controls are absurd (esdx? WTF?)


Geez, there's no official controller support on PC? The steam controller isn't supported at all, and the default keyboard controls are absurd (esdx? WTF?)

Xbox controllers work fine on the Steam version - just tested. Let's not spread FUD.
Am I missing something or are there no video options at all on the Steam version?

Can't even get it full screen, it's stuck in a tiny window for me.


I suppose some folks will say Super Double Dragon being "DD4" due to it's release order. However it was called Return of Double Dragon in Japan and going by the plot that was heavily omitted and didn't make it into the release, it was more or less a re imaging / retcon.

Would have been nice if Return of Double Dragon wasn't rushed and we got to see the finished result.
But that stuff didn't make the cut, what was released was just a standard sequel. It's just a thing for some series to stop numbering games because the higher numbers make people think they have to see/play the previous entries first. Like Super Mario World (in the west), Zelda Link to the Past, Super Metroid (yes I know it says M3 in the intro, but not on the box or title screen), Castlevania stopped numbering both console and portable series, and there are many examples from movies too.
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