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Dragon Age: Inquisition - Who will your Inquisitor be? New webpage, info & screens


No bald cap? Lies!
DA series is the first RPG where I really enjoy playing a mage type character. Most others I just vastly prefer playing a rogue, ranger or sword and shield type character. But god damn if magic isn't fun to wield in DA universe. It's like Biotics in ME, shit is just impossible to pass up on.


So excited! Especially pumped for the Knight Enchanter specialization.

"Among the Circles of Magi, only a few mages have the strength of will necessary to focus their energy inward. Wrapped in protective magics and wielding blades of arcane force, the Knight Enchanters are rare, but inspiring sights as they lead the charge into enemy ranks."

Concept art for the Knight Enchanter


Fantasy Jedi!

Oh and

DA:O = Human Mage
DA2 = Mage Hawke
DA:I = Human Mage Knight Enchanter
Really wish you could still be a dual wielding warrior, like Origins.

Was human warrior in DA:O and DA2 but might try being a Human Rogue or Mage for a first playthrough. Mostly because the rogue companions (except Varric) look insufferable and the mages look sort of "blah" while the warriors seem interesting.
Think I'll start with a mage this time.

Always wanted to do it in DA2. But can't stand Carver so nope.

Carver's actually okay after the Deep Roads segment, especially if you make him a Grey Warden. You don't see him much, admittedly, but he drops the attitude and in general acts like a much less irritating person, especially in Mark of the Assassin.


No bald cap? Lies!
Dwarf Noble was the greatest DAO origin, so I have to go Dwarf again here.

For sure. Easily the best part of DAO. Made the whole Orzammar section even greater.

I'm actually really disappointed they said we will not be visiting Kal Sharok in DAI. I hope they have a DLC expansion set there about some civil war or conflict of some kind between them and Orzammar.


I'll do one playthrough as a mage and another as a rogue, since both classes in DA:O and DA2 were pretty fun. I found the combat for Warriors to be a bit slow in both games, especially because the combat in DA doesn't have the pace and feel of an action RPG (like Dragon's Dogma).

I noticed the origin stories are a little similar to DA:O's (for humans you're the youngest child of a noble family, unless you're a mage in which case you were sent to the Circle, or you're a member of the Dalish, etc.), but that's not a knock against it since it's preferable to the single character / one background you had with Hawke.


No bald cap? Lies!
So I guess spoilers for those who don't want to know about the opening of the game and why you're there:
Humans either their to facilitate the peace between Mages and Templars as a family rep, Trevelyan from Ostwick, or as a member of the Mages faction attending the summat, still a member of the Trevelyan family. Elf Inquisitor is there as a spy for their Dalish clan, Lavellan, to see what is going on. Qunari are there as a member of a merc group running security, you obviously don't do a very good job. And finally the Dwarf Inquisitor is there also as a spy, as they are part of the major crime syndicate Carta, which your family, Cadash, is a major part of.


i always start with either two handed warrior or sword and shield warrior, depending on which ever looks cooler, and whether i'm felling offensive or defensive. Two handed doesn't look as good as sword and shield to be honest. so i think i'm going with human SS warrior, then qunari(tal vishoth) two hander... then maybe a rogue elf with two daggers.


DA series is the first RPG where I really enjoy playing a mage type character. Most others I just vastly prefer playing a rogue, ranger or sword and shield type character. But god damn if magic isn't fun to wield in DA universe. It's like Biotics in ME, shit is just impossible to pass up on.
though i agree, i feel like the mages roles is given too much impotence...

EDIT: meant to quote him in my post, sorry for double post.


Awakening is amazing, I just pretend its the real DA2.

Do we know if DA:I is coming to steam?

It will not until EA folds all of Origin into Steam. Which won't be any time soon, or ever.

though i agree, i feel like the mages roles is given too much impotence...
Importance or impotence? I mean...they are somewhat an oppressed class in the games, but the focus of the story often revolves around them...so I guess it works both ways?

Regardless, Inquisition appears to lean extremely heavily on mages. The whole civil war is over mages and the fact that the veil is super thin and mages can't help but be drawn in is a major thing in Inquisition.


I really should play DA2 before this but I just didn't get into it. I also need to do Awakening. Maybe I'll do Awakening, Witch Hunt, then give da2 a second chance.


No bald cap? Lies!
I really should play DA2 before this but I just didn't get into it. I also need to do Awakening. Maybe I'll do Awakening, Witch Hunt, then give da2 a second chance.

It's worth a go. There are some great parts to it. Skip most of the side quests though, it's easy to tell which are worthwhile and which are just fluff not worth bothering with, helps cut back a lot on the reused environments.
Rolling Human Rogue for the third time because backstabs.

I'm really hoping the Keep is awesome and in-depth. I'll be playing Inquisition on the PS3.
Carver's actually okay after the Deep Roads segment, especially if you make him a Grey Warden. You don't see him much, admittedly, but he drops the attitude and in general acts like a much less irritating person, especially in Mark of the Assassin.

I wish the game gave me a chance to say "It should've been you instead of Bethany"

Alas, game was not accommodating.


I really should play DA2 before this but I just didn't get into it. I also need to do Awakening. Maybe I'll do Awakening, Witch Hunt, then give da2 a second chance.
If you ever do try DA2:

1) Choose the easiest difficulty. Never "Nightmare", as it gives massive health/protection to enemies, which makes the fights long, boring and repetitive. Seriously don't.
2) Focus on the main quests. There are some relevant side ones that you only get if you are in the right place and time (day vs night). Most are filler though.
3) Play it in short bursts. Be prepared to walk a lot on the city, including to visit your friends on their homes, just to advance their stories.
4) Enjoy every chat with the Arishok. Is short lived.
5) Use Sarcastic dialogue as most as possible. Be entertained.
Gonna go dwarf and never look back. Probably won't pursue any of the romances, because it came off as incredibly awkward when I tried it as a dwarf character in DA:O. And I just know they won't have any dwarf romance options. Long history of dwarven characters getting screwed in that department, reaching as far back as Baldur's Gate.


Neo Member
oh no they removed the berzerker specialization from the warrior class. i'm not sure what i'm going to play as now.
Psh, look at this guy right here. Actually WANTS a game to be good!? Bahahahahaha, sucker.


I will probably end up getting this even though I haven't played either DA1 or 2, it just looks damn good.

For the love of all that is bringing sexy back, play DA1.


Is Knight Enchanter the Arcane Warrior equivalent for Inquisition? I always wanted to play an Arcane Warrior in Origins but never got around to it.
Not to get off topic but didn't this game get pushed back? I would have sworn it was coming out in September but after checking I noticed it has a mid November release date on retailer sites.
Not to get off topic but didn't this game get pushed back? I would have sworn it was coming out in September but after checking I noticed it has a mid November release date on retailer sites.
Original date was October 7th but got pushed to November 18th.

Edit: Beaten like a Tal-Vashoth.


No bald cap? Lies!
Is Knight Enchanter the Arcane Warrior equivalent for Inquisition? I always wanted to play an Arcane Warrior in Origins but never got around to it.

More or less, they should be similar in practice but the way the Knight Enchanter functions sounds fairly different from the Arcane Warrior.


More or less, they should be similar in practice but the way the Knight Enchanter functions sounds fairly different from the Arcane Warrior.

Arcane Warrior was a tank-type in DA:O.

If I'm not mistaken, KE is more DPS.
Interesting, thanks for the info, I might go that route once the game is out. It sure would be nice if RPGs with substantial length could give you a small sandbox to try out mid or high level characters of the different classes before you pick one that you will play for dozens of hours.
im not sure this is the right place to ask this, but here goes. are the plots of the dragon age games connected at all? i played origins and most of the DLC but dragon age 2 didnt appeal to me. i usually prefer to play games that are direct sequels or even something that takes place in the same world and refers to the previous games a lot in order. inquisition looks really interesting to me, but 2 looks like crap. so should i expect to be a bit lost or miss some plot threads in inquisition without having played 2 or could i jump right in?
im not sure this is the right place to ask this, but here goes. are the plots of the dragon age games connected at all? i played origins and most of the DLC but dragon age 2 didnt appeal to me. i usually prefer to play games that are direct sequels or even something that takes place in the same world and refers to the previous games a lot in order. inquisition looks really interesting to me, but 2 looks like crap. so should i expect to be a bit lost or miss some plot threads in inquisition without having played 2 or could i jump right in?
Yes, but the plots are relatively self-contained. I wouldn't worry about it if the DA1/2 don't appeal much to you.


No bald cap? Lies!
im not sure this is the right place to ask this, but here goes. are the plots of the dragon age games connected at all? i played origins and most of the DLC but dragon age 2 didnt appeal to me. i usually prefer to play games that are direct sequels or even something that takes place in the same world and refers to the previous games a lot in order. inquisition looks really interesting to me, but 2 looks like crap. so should i expect to be a bit lost or miss some plot threads in inquisition without having played 2 or could i jump right in?

They're all connected but developed to stand alone. DA2 follows the events in Kirkwall over the course of several years after DAO, and Inquisition takes place a couple years after that. Two main characters from DA2 are companions in DAI, and another is an adviser. One of the main sub plots will be a direct continuation of the events from DA2.

It's worth a go, but you could get away with just reading the wikia site to understand most what's going on. Also maybe the DA novels to get the full picture. DAI has three books that lead up to it, introducing one of your companions and building up the various major conflicts in the world. But again none of this is necessary, it's purely supplemental.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I agree Cassandra from DA2 seems like an Ice Queen but Vivienne doesn't look much better.

Luke.........there is another.

(I think there is anyway, sure I saw a good looking LI for straight male Inquisitors.., one of the non-party Skyhold NPCs I think...)
I have fond(ish, it was DAII after all) memories of my Blood Mage Hawke rolling around the city being the world's biggest hypocrite.

During the murder quest, I was sure as shit that Hawke's father was going to be revealed as the culprit.

Such a missed opportunity. It would have made your decision of which side to pick that much harder. Hell, it would have made the player rethink everything that had ever happened in the game up to that point.
Gotta be mage. Just haven't decided between elf and human yet. Depends on how nice a beard I can have.

Also is it just me or do the mage coats look a lot like warlock coats from Destiny? Oh yes this is good.
Hmmm I wonder if this hints for a mage dwarf or if I am just thinking too much of it:
Living in close proximity to lyrium for so long, the dwarves have developed a natural immunity to magic. The downside is that this exposure also makes it impossible for dwarves to wield magic. Dwarves who live on the surface will lose their protective immunity over time. Despite this, no known dwarf, surface or otherwise, has managed to wield magic.


Dragon Age: O - Human Female Rogue
Dragon Age 2 - Female Rogue

I see no reason to change this ;)
I hope I can become a Zerker/reaver again and just go crazy with my GS. It's insane with the right runes and perks you move and attack so fast you're standing still. Varric is back, right? he was the best character in DA2. Oh and probably one of my favorite DA characters of all time.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Would be cool if they released an actual character creation demo like they did with Origins


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Dragon Age: O - Human Female Rogue
Dragon Age 2 - Female Rogue

I see no reason to change this ;)
The only way to play. You can spend the most amount of time playing your character. Plus, you don't double the roles of the most interesting party members.
Would be cool if they released an actual character creation demo like they did with Origins

If I had to guess, they'll probably want to put the Dragon Age Keep up before release (they already opened registration for a beta test.) Hopefully we can at least tinker with our backgrounds.
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