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Dragon Warrior turned me off to RPGs for most of my life

The game is freaking horrible. Maybe people could have liked it back then, but I even tried to play it a couple of years back and I wanted to burn holes in my eyes. I'm still not a big RPG person, but I can't see how any little kid could've grown up loving RPGs after playing this game.

Dragon Warrior is a black mark on my childhood.


And I am on the total opposite spectrum of the result from playing Dragon Warrior.
Sucks to be you!


My first RPG was FFVI. I worked my way backwards to DW I - it's the kind of game you make fun of as you play.



Junior Member
CajoleJuice said:
The game is freaking horrible. Maybe people could have liked it back then, but I even tried to play it a couple of years back and I wanted to burn holes in my eyes. I'm still not a big RPG person, but I can't see how any little kid could've grown up loving RPGs after playing this game.

Dragon Warrior is a black mark on my childhood.

I played and defeated Dragon Warrior when I was 7. It was the reason I got into JRPG's. Dragon Quest 8 strangely almost turned me off on them. Stranger still Enchanted Arms got me excited again.


Please explain how Level 5 saved the series.
Hint: DQ8 plays the same to previous DQ games.
You know what? **** it. All I'm going to hear is some graphics whore babble. Next we'll see Amir0x come in here and somehow make this thread even stupider.
RevenantKioku said:
Please explain how Level 5 saved the series.
Hint: DQ8 plays the same to previous DQ games.

Hint#2: The game (ie: everything excluding the graphics engine) was designed by Yuji Horii and Armor Project. Nothing to do with Level5, who are, essentially, glorified graphic monkeys.

Red Scarlet

CajoleJuice said:
The game is freaking horrible. Maybe people could have liked it back then, but I even tried to play it a couple of years back and I wanted to burn holes in my eyes. I'm still not a big RPG person, but I can't see how any little kid could've grown up loving RPGs after playing this game.

Dragon Warrior is a black mark on my childhood.


In all seriousness..was it the NES version, Juice? The remake adjusted experience and gold from badguys so the game is very short and can be finished in a few hours. Maybe that would be preferred?

I had played through a couple other rpg's before I actually played through 1, so it didn't bug me. I can help you go through the remake if you want to give that a try, or maybe a later game in the series would be a better starting point.

I never actually owned the NES DW1 until a couple years ago when I already had the remake, and I see little reason to go back to the original one with the low xp/money in that.


DW was one of my first RPGs. It's a terrible game, but it didn't cause me to hate the genre. That would be silly.


Does maths and stuff
DQ8 was the only RPG i've ever started that I never finished. Didn't hold my interest.

Then again, I probably only played 4-5 rpg's on the PS2.


Dragon Warrior 1/2/3 was what got me playing RPGs in the first place. DW1 didn't age well, but DW2 and DW3 were/are awesome. Heh. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 when I started playing DW.
I liked it. Hey, it was 1989. It was probably the first RPG I ever played.

I can't blame those who didn't like it after the fact, though. It does play pretty sluggishly compared to more modern RPGs.(or just about any RPG after 1986 :D )


It had the exact opposite effect on me. It really got me into RPGs. I probably wouldn't have been interested in the first Final Fantasy if it hadn't been for Dragon Warrior.

edit: what's with the tag? the mod realized I was making a reference to Phil Harrison's comment, right? oh well :lol
I started my RPG life on Phantasy Star which was so far ahead of Dragon Quest it wasn't even funny. yeah I know Dragon Quest was a game from 1986 (jp) while Phantasy Star was released in late 1987 (jp) and on more powerful hardware, but still, Phantasy Star was... lightyears, solar systems (pun INTENDED!) ahead of Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.


When I was a kid I loved Dragon Warrior! I used to chart the game's dungeons on graph paper so I'd know where I was going. I beat that game so many times it's not even funny.


Reilly said:
Well, at least the series wasn't ruined like Breath of Fire was.


You hear that? it's the sound of the "BOF 5 was brilliant you just don't get it" Army marching to this thread.

I hated BoF 5

I remember popping DW7 into my PS1 and just being taken aback at how utterly shitty it looked. I mean it was one of the worst games I'd ever seen! I thought surely someone made a horrible mistake.


MoxManiac said:
Dragon Warrior 1/2/3 was what got me playing RPGs in the first place. DW1 didn't age well, but DW2 and DW3 were/are awesome. Heh. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 when I started playing DW.

Same exact scenario for me, I got the original through the Nintendo Power thing. I remember exactly, I even remember trying to join the Dragon Lord at the end, goddamn, my entire history of gaming revolves around bad endings. Pick a game I've beaten, my main memory of it will be the worst ending possible.

And to chime in, in a rude fashion, anyone who thinks the old, vanilla BoF's were better than 5 is clearly retarded. Clearly.


Mrbob said:
Play Dragon Quest 8.

Praise Level 5 for saving the series.

DQ8 is mostly the same in terms of game play mechanics as every other DQ. If anything it's a step back to DQ2 because it lacks the depth of the job systems in other DQ games.

Aside from the skill points and tension I can't think of much DQ8 offers in terms of mechanics over DQ2.

I'm not saying this is necessarily bad, it's what the fans of the series want, but I don't see how other than a graphical leap forward the game stands out.

RSLAEV said:

You hear that? it's the sound of the "BOF 5 was brilliant you just don't get it" Army marching to this thread.

I hated BoF 5

I remember popping DW7 into my PS1 and just being taken aback at how utterly shitty it looked. I mean it was one of the worst games I'd ever seen! I thought surely someone made a horrible mistake.

BoF 5 is the single best RPG
That I played
on a console last gen. And out of the 3 BoF games I've finished and 4 I've played it's by far the best one. I'd jump with joy if another one was announced, no matter the platform.
The first Dragon Warrior is a fairly simple grind-fest. The only reason I found it interesting is cause I first played it when I was 8 or so. I never played DW2 but DW3 was awesome and still is to this day. Even the first Final Fantasy still holds up in many respects now.


I got Dragon Warrior back on the NES and loved it. I've even played it through multiple times through the years. However when I saw what Dragon Warrior II was like (namely that you had party members that followed you around everywhere), I was really turned off. I just didn't like the idea that you had guys following you around everywhere like a snake.

I don't think I played another RPG until Golden Sun on the GBA. I was extremely happy that all the extra party members sort of merged in with the main guy when they weren't talking. No snake walking. :) After that I've played through a few more RPGs (and even went back and played Earthbound which had guys following you like a snake :\ ), but no other Dragon Warriors/Quests. I do have Rocket Slime in my backlog, though. I've also never played a Final Fantasy unless you count Crystal Chronicles (didn't really like it).

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
MegaTen said:
Wow, didn't expect one of the JRPG snobs to reply so soon.
Everyone is a snob but me!
(Today, 05:12 PM)

Seriously dude...Every thread I've seen you in in the past week you're calling someone a snob or elitist or something else to that effect. Calm down...Geez...

On topic...I got DW free from Nintendo Power back in the day and I loved it. It was my first RPG and there were some things I hated about it (being my first RPG it felt that the numbers generated in battle were random) but for the most part I spent hundreds of hours playing. It even came with monster and item charts and maps for the the sequels but I never got a chance to play them. It wasn't until Final Fantasy that I really got into RPGs but this was my gateway drug.

EDIT: MegaTen's new tag works too...

Red Scarlet

bluemax said:
DQ8 is mostly the same in terms of game play mechanics as every other DQ. If anything it's a step back to DQ2 because it lacks the depth of the job systems in other DQ games.

Aside from the skill points and tension I can't think of much DQ8 offers in terms of mechanics over DQ2.

I'm not saying this is necessarily bad, it's what the fans of the series want, but I don't see how other than a graphical leap forward the game stands out.

Well, 3's job system didn't have much depth to it. I wouldn't go all the way back to 2. Are you talking about battle mechanics? I thought the overworld with stuff to find in it and the alchemy pot were beneficial additions to the game itself.

Jive Turkey said:
Everyone is a snob but me!
(Today, 05:12 PM)

Seriously dude...Every thread I've seen you in in the past week you're calling someone a snob or elitist or something else to that effect. Calm down...Geez...

EDIT: MegaTen's new tag works too...

MegaTen calling people a snob:


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Bildi said:
(Today, 11:12 AM)

You're kidding. That's pathetic.
it was coming from a mile, besides having two accounts will get you killed here.


Don't blame you....FF was the first RPG I played, and loved it. I tried DQ1 after and couldn't seem to get into it. Maybe I need to go back and give it another shot?

Red Scarlet

Evilink said:
Don't blame you....FF was the first RPG I played, and loved it. I tried DQ1 after and couldn't seem to get into it. Maybe I need to go back and give it another shot?

If you decide to try part 1 (and probably 2 as well), look for the GBC version or there is a translation patch for the Super Famicom version. They're less time-consuming for a regular play.


Having finally played all three of those "original console RPGS", I think DQ comes out on top and FF and PS battle it out for second pretty closely. Mostly because I can keep replaying the original DQ and have fun every time, but not so much with the other two.


Red Scarlet said:
If you decide to try part 1 (and probably 2 as well), look for the GBC version or there is a translation patch for the Super Famicom version. They're less time-consuming for a regular play.

interesting, thanks for the heads up.:D

Red Scarlet

The NES DW1 took me about 3 days to go through from lots of fighting; I can beat the Super Famicom one in about 5 hours or less from the increased amounts of xp and money dropped by most badguys. It plays faster in general too, somewhat in part to the quicker, friendlier interface (STAIRS command says "hi"). I have no idea how long the NES one would take right now, but certainly longer than the remake on the simple fact that experience is much lower per enemy (16 for a Wolf vs 40, for example).

If you give it a try post if you have some q's.


Phantasy Star is definitely my favorite NES/SMS RPG (but I haven't played DQ4), but I think trying to play the original DQ in its NES form is kind of a mistake today. I feel similarly about playing through FF1/2 NES, although Dawn of Souls really makes FF1 too easy... but then again, FF1 NES was never that difficult to me, just time-consuming on the money/level grinding (which dawn of souls kind of alleviates, plus it's nice not having to select individual targets for the random battles that get easier and easier as the game goes on). Anyway, DQ as a series is obviously not for everybody. And the original really does have too many menu options when you're out exploring - I mean, "stairs"? The door command is at least somewhat logical, but again, they did a great job improving this kind of stuff as the series went on.


When I originally played DW1 I was about 10, and it was okay, but I didn't beat it. Same thing with Final Fantasy I. (FF2/4 SNES was what really got me into RPGs) I went back and went through it (and all the others) a couple years ago with no problems and appreciate it more. If you REALLY didn't like DW that much as a kid, you weren't going to like RPGs anyway, more than likely your tastes just changed later.


CajoleJuice said:
Dragon Warrior is a black mark on my childhood.

Lol, same here. I hated the genre because of it. Secret of Mana was the game that made me finally get into rpgs.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
the remake is awesome give it a shot. it's simple, short and very fun.


CajoleJuice said:
The game is freaking horrible. Maybe people could have liked it back then, but I even tried to play it a couple of years back and I wanted to burn holes in my eyes. I'm still not a big RPG person, but I can't see how any little kid could've grown up loving RPGs after playing this game.

Dragon Warrior is a black mark on my childhood.

My first RPG was Dragon Warrior, quickly followed by Final Fantasy...DW/Q completely entralled me way back when...the music, the settings, even the "thou art dead" lingo. Damn, now it's time to fire up winamp and listen to some .nsf tunes.


I should go back and finish DQ2 one day. I think I needed to find three items and I had no idea where they were.

I only started playing the DQ games with the remake of 3 on thje GBA and I really enjoyed it. One of the best games I ever played.


CajoleJuice said:
The game is freaking horrible. Maybe people could have liked it back then, but I even tried to play it a couple of years back and I wanted to burn holes in my eyes. I'm still not a big RPG person, but I can't see how any little kid could've grown up loving RPGs after playing this game.

Dragon Warrior is a black mark on my childhood.
That's exactly like me and Fallout...only exception being that I recognized that Fallout was a great game (yet seldom admit it :b) but VERY MUCH not my style. I could *feel* the potential while playing but it just never clicked with me...and being better than just about every other RPG lowered my appreciation for other RPGs until Legend of Legaia's funky battle system made me give the genre a second chance.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: there's nothing wrong with you not enjoying a game, no matter how well received that game is and I know exactly where you're coming from when you say that a single franchise can turn you off of an entire genre for years

however, this thread, I fear is simply not detailed enough...it comes off as an unexplained and exaggerated attack on a series. You might want to clarify, or you might not...I'm not sure if you intended this thread to just be flaimbait...


My first RPG was Final Fantasy I. Actually thats the first rpg i beat. It was amazing back when it came out, I remember the music being incredible.

First one I played was DWI. I remember renting Dragon Warrior I back in the day. I liked it. it was different. I was a little kid so pretty much any game I played was a new and different experience. I think I liked all the monsters in it, you never knew which one you'd encounter, a Ghost? A slime? A Wraith! Axe Knight! And trying to beat them all. The game was pretty difficult, I got all the way to Canton I think. Beat the game several years later. I also discovered at a young age that building levels was a fun thing to do. I'm not even sure why. I still love RPGs to this day but don't have as much time anymore. I'm trying to play FFXII and FFIII (DS) right now.
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