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Draw X-Com related pictures to win a copy of Xenonauts

Today / Yesterday (depending on timezone), Xenonauts left Early Access on Steam and the game has officially launched. To celebrate, I have purchased an extra copy and will be giving it away in this thread.

Xenonauts is a turn-based strategy game by indie dev Goldhawk Interactive. It follows the mould of the original 1994 game UFO: Enemy Uknown / X-COM: UFO Defense very closely, far more closely than the recently released Firaxis X-COM game which ended up restricting and simplifying a lot of the mechanics. You can find more information including sexy screenshots in the Official Thread.

The rules are simple - draw an X-Com related image. The best one, as judged based on criteria I will be pulling from my anus, will recieve a copy of Xenonauts redeemable on Steam. If there are a lot of good ones, I will purchase an additional copy and give out that to the runner up.
Good luck, and god speed.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Man I knew from my OT that interest in the game was low, but man when GAF can't be arsed to whip up some MS paint pictures for an awesome free game...


I got no motivation to draw right now (still pissed about missing the witcher one).

I guess this was a bump or something. We need more entries.

Edit: so we got 24 hours. Should see more entries hopefully.


Wish I could draw, or could be sporadically funny. Oh well guess I'll just sulk here without Xenonauts and my giant penis.


Man I knew from my OT that interest in the game was low, but man when GAF can't be arsed to whip up some MS paint pictures for an awesome free game...

Xenonauts looks way too dated for me. But I absolutely love the new X-Com Enemy Unknown


Didn't know the game was out already. I'm not big fan of the art style but the gameplay looks great, I'll purchases it soon as I get home from work.
ЯAW;117093575 said:
Didn't know the game was out already. I'm not big fan of the art style but the gameplay looks great, I'll purchases it soon as I get home from work.

I think the art style for a lot of the stuff is fantastic but the soldiers look a little odd sometimes. It's lovely seeing crisp 2D artwork though.


never left the stone age
Here's my entry. There's quite a bit of story associated with it!

You have angry marine Charlie Brown attacking the evil mooning alien whose buddies totally blasted the shit out of Snoopy, as evidenced by his collar flying out of the explosion.
Notice the minute attention to detail as Charlie Brown's bullets fly past the alien.

I know, GAF, I am a true artist.



Here's my entry. There's quite a bit of story associated with it!

You have angry marine Charlie Brown attacking the evil mooning alien whose buddies totally blasted the shit out of Snoopy, as evidenced by his collar flying out of the explosion.
Notice the minute attention to detail as Charlie Brown's bullets fly past the alien.

I know, GAF, I am a true artist.


Hey we both had the theme of missing our enemy! It's like we know each other? Or maybe that happens to everyone in these games.


never left the stone age
Hey we both had the theme of missing our enemy! It's like we know each other? Or maybe that happens to everyone in these games.

I confess, I went to the future and ripped your artwork off, I am in fact, an alien.


Incoming megapost.












It's crap but I spent like 2 hours on this somehow. I also got lazy towards the end so I didn't draw a Berserker.


I have an idea for this. It will be horrible as a visual ..stuff, but it might convey SOME emotions to old-school XCom Fans :D


Was bored. Did this in 5 minutes.


-Humanity is in peril...
-Aliens have invaded Earth with just one purpose.
-The best of us have become an elite.
-The First AND Last defense for humanity.
-We're X-COM.
-And we're ready to...

And that's how a single sectoid defeated humanity. Witha granade in the first turn.
(I don't have an scanner)



fun fact: apparently there was a game informer cover where they got to the conceptual art stage and had an artist on xcom:eu redraw this for their cover. it looks baller. they didn't end up going with it though.


I didn't want to do the dishes so I spent an hour with MS Paint's spraycan tool instead.


(I just realised now that I forgot to draw in a discarded rifle behind him. Oh well!)


I didn't want to do the dishes so I spent an hour with MS Paint's spraycan tool instead.


(I just realised now that I forgot to draw in a discarded rifle behind him. Oh well!)

I was hyped about entering, but then saw this - blown away! Good job man :D


I am at work so cant really draw right now. But I would like to draw a picture in your brain...with a poem.

Once upon a midnight dreary,
Whilst I pondered late, eyes bleary,
There I came up with a theory,
Of a world at war:
Aliens from evil places,
Seeking battle 'cross the spaces,
Came upon a thousand places,
Where they might explore.
(Taking worlds from native folks,
But leaving nothing more).

Faced with pure annihilation,
Human race seeking salvation,
Turned their hopes to allied nations,
Shaken to the core.
Military, left and stranded,
Seeking one, who single-handed,
Could say that they once commanded,
Soldiers men adore.
(And surviving somehow still,
To bring an age of awe.)

Thus I thought, my theory seeming,
Nothing more than drunken dreaming,
'Till I cam unto the gleaming,
Game I cant ignore.
Then as though by clear commanding,
Came a sudden thought-expanding,
Truth explaining understanding:


I am at work so cant really draw right now. But I would like to draw a picture in your brain...with a poem.

Once upon a midnight dreary,
Whilst I pondered late, eyes bleary,
There I came up with a theory,
Of a world at war:
Aliens from evil places,
Seeking battle 'cross the spaces,
Came upon a thousand places,
Where they might explore.
(Taking worlds from native folks,
But leaving nothing more).

Faced with pure annihilation,
Human race seeking salvation,
Turned their hopes to allied nations,
Shaken to the core.
Military, left and stranded,
Seeking one, who single-handed,
Could say that they once commanded,
Soldiers men adore.
(And surviving somehow still,
To bring an age of awe.)

Thus I thought, my theory seeming,
Nothing more than drunken dreaming,
'Till I cam unto the gleaming,
Game I cant ignore.
Then as though by clear commanding,
Came a sudden thought-expanding,
Truth explaining understanding:

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