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Drawn To Death |OT| NeoJaffe is Back (READ MOD POST)


Finally off work, time to sink a few hours into this bad boy, I went flawless every match I played so far. Let's see how long that continues (it won't be long).
Finally off work, time to sink a few hours into this bad boy, I went flawless every match I played so far. Let's see how long that continues (it won't be long).

Just sent you a friend request. Curious to see how paired competitive works, but also you'll probably help me ascend the tower lol


He touched the black heart of a mod
Has anyone found all the secret warps on the Alien map? Was trying to go for that trophy tonight whenever that map popped in rotation but I think I'm missing one or two and I don't have the foggiest idea where they'd be.

Yes. I'll lay them all out for you as best as I can.

Regular warps:

  • One in the crashed space-ship in the northeastern corner of the map (from spawn fly-in perspective), leads to another one behind a short wall in the southwestern part of the map and vice-versa. Not sure if you have to go in both ends, but it can't hurt.
  • One in a hole in the floor of a building near the center of the map. We'll say the southeastern portion of the center and the buildings there. Leads to a room in the northern part of the map.
  • One in the eastern side of the map, just kind of up against a fence.

Hidden warps:

  • Two inside the fountain (jump in and you'll fall into the sewer). One is obvious and right around the corner. Leads to the factory on the west side of the map.
  • The second fountain warp (I think it's a warp) is inside the "man hole", which is a goatse looking hole that's drawn on a wall in the sewer. Shoot the hole until it opens and starts pouring out sewage, then jump in. This launches you back out the top of the fountain.
  • One in the southeastern corner of the map. It's a monster mouth drawn on the wall (below the building with the dead alien on top) with signs indicating that you should jump in. Jump in, and you'll warp to the top of the buildings there. Great escape route or quick way to gain a vantage point.
  • Three in the factory on the western side of the map. Two of them are in the center room. Look up at the ceiling and notice the hooks moving body parts across the room. The openings at either end of the procession are warps that wrap around into each other.
  • The third one is in the northern portion of the factory, upstairs. There's a bathroom door with alien graffiti on it. Shoot it, and it will open up. It takes you to the warp on the other side of the map.

One I'm still missing is "The Emperor (or at least his face) will SMASH you!" trophy. I assume this occurs on the gladiator stage, but I'm not sure what triggers it.

Endo Punk

Gotta imagine some of the art design in the background when you're free-falling are hints towards future characters, believe I saw a cowboy and also a girl wearing a tanktop, the two designs stood out since other existing characters like Cyborgula were also drawn close to them.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Speaking of characters, some of these character missions get really grindy. I've got Cyborgula nearly to level 15, but fewer than half of his missions done. I think I'm on number 7, and I have to get 250 kills total. I dread to think of whatever comes next.


Played a round of Ranked and my teammate immediately left, proceeded to stomp these guys 1v2 to a score of 20-1.

Poor guys.

Really like that you get a buff if your teammate leaves. No idea if it is balanced or not as of yet but still a really cool idea.

Also love that the announcer said my teammate was a piece of shit for leaving xD

Endo Punk

Played a round of Ranked and my teammate immediately left, proceeded to stomp these guys 1v2 to a score of 20-1.

Poor guys.

Really like that you get a buff if your teammate leaves. No idea if it is balanced or not as of yet but still a really cool idea.

Also love that the announcer said my teammate was a piece of shit for leaving xD

Yeah had 2 matches where my team mate left, one I won and other I didn't but definitely feels like I don't just have to give up and let the other team win, buff is great. Announcer is a barrel of laughs too.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Really like that you get a buff if your teammate leaves. No idea if it is balanced or not as of yet but still a really cool idea.

Also love that the announcer said my teammate was a piece of shit for leaving xD

I'm not sure I'd call it balanced. Even against a lousy player, they become very tough, and it's almost always a harder game than if you had two enemies. The buff basically increases your health, your damage, and reduces the damage you take. I think I'd be okay with the first two, but adding on more defense just compounds the sheer tankiness of the player. You basically have to resort to extremely high damage weapons. Even a direct hit with Uncle Joe won't kill them. And since it only occurs in TDM, it means you and your partner only have one very spongy target to get points off of, while the person with the buff gets two extra squishy enemies to score off of.

I've never received the buff myself, but I've fought against it twice, and it felt like I was being punished for playing too well. Fortunately, if you do better than your teammate, you still get a star for 2nd place.


I'm not sure I'd call it balanced. Even against a lousy player, they become very tough, and it's almost always a harder game than if you had two enemies. The buff basically increases your health, your damage, and reduces the damage you take. I think I'd be okay with the first two, but adding on more defense just compounds the sheer tankiness of the player. You basically have to resort to extremely high damage weapons. Even a direct hit with Uncle Joe won't kill them.

Yeah I played with Jstein earlier and this guy had a buff and we weren't managing to do any damage to him at all, not even numbers. Not sure if it was a glitch or something but after a few minutes we finally started being able to hurt him.

For a majority of the match though my weapons did nothing to him.

I think the biggest flaw of the buff is that points can be gained faster for the one person with it since they lose less and can potentially gain more. Att first in my match I was losing for the first 3 or so kills because they kept rushing me hard. Once I got a kill on them and let them chase me into an ambush they never pushed as hard again so I constantly kept rushing 1 then the other right after.

Then again thats just my first reaction, it could change down the line once people get familiar with the game.


I'm not sure I'd call it balanced. Even against a lousy player, they become very tough, and it's almost always a harder game than if you had two enemies. The buff basically increases your health, your damage, and reduces the damage you take. I think I'd be okay with the first two, but adding on more defense just compounds the sheer tankiness of the player. You basically have to resort to extremely high damage weapons. Even a direct hit with Uncle Joe won't kill them. And since it only occurs in TDM, it means you and your partner only have one very spongy target to get points off of, while the person with the buff gets two extra squishy enemies to score off of.

I've never received the buff myself, but I've fought against it twice, and it felt like I was being punished for playing too well. Fortunately, if you do better than your teammate, you still get a star for 2nd place.

Yup had about 4 out of 6 matches where it was me and a friend vs. 1 guy. IMO it's completely unbalanced. Only won one of those encounters because it was 8 kills vs 3 kills and we only won by 1 kill.


Game keeps crashing on me, so I haven't been able to play. =(
I did have 1 crash last night, hope it doesn't become a recurring thing.

I went back and found a few more things.

  • Inside the fountain sewer, there's a wall that says "the manhole". It's basically a hand-drawn goatse that you shoot to open up. Once it's open, there's another health pickup and you can jump inside to launch back out of the top of the fountain, destroying the statue that normally s
    its there.

  • In the central room of the bottling/human meat processing factory on the left side of the map, there are hooks conveying various body parts across the ceiling. At either end are openings that warp back into each other. I'm pretty sure these are the last warps, but I haven't tested it yet.

Bloodbath (the bloody mansion level)

  • There are two fireplaces on the map that you can walk through to warp to the other one. You'll light yourself on fire and take damage though, so it's pretty risky.


  • In the room that's at the lowest part of the map (it's mostly underwater), there's a stage with a bunch of stereos and banners and stuff, walk up onto the stage, and you'll warp into a tour bus that's just outside the room (completely submerged) There's a health pickup, and it's generally a great place to find some respite, being disconnected from the rest of the map.

I checked out Swearhouse, Siege, and Mt. Killmore, but as far as I can tell there's nothing to find. The descriptions for the latter two ("Maybe one of these days I'll finish this drawing...") even suggest that they're more vanilla than something like Alientown.
Holy shit, I had no idea the maps had this much to discover, gonna have to take this into free play to explore them (if that's possible).

The writing in this game is just too awful
Lol, I love the writing, it's completely ridiculous.


I didn't even think to ask but I assume if I have three other friends we can all play this online together in some kind of custom match? We don't have to play with strangers do we?
I assume you can bring in 3 people easily, they luckily let you start a game by yourself and that is good they put that in so you can play around on any map by yourself to learn the game a bit if you want.
I've had a lot of crashing with this game. Yesterday when I was playing after work the game crashed after every single match, so I gave up and played some Persona 5 instead.
Unfortunately I'm just not enjoying the game much.

I really wanted to like it, and there are some elements that I really like. But ultimately the matchmaking and lag/netcode are destroying any interest I have.

It's a shame because I actually like the characters and variety of weapons and abilities - it reminds me alot of the Spawn game on Dreamcast. Though I do think the character specific pros/cons are shallow at best.

I don't mind the art style and general edginess. It looks good and suits the style of the game, though I don't think it will do the game any favours with most people. I also think the animations need work given it's 3rd person. I understand everything needs to be snappy due to the speed of the game but even basic walking and jumping animations are very rough.

I think the game modes and maps are great, lots of areas to explore and I've seen some good players make great use of the routes/shortcuts. However the UI and player icons are very messy and are often distracting when navigating at speed.

Anything good basically goes out the window once I start playing against other players. Matchmaking creates far too many 2v1 matches (or huge rank discrepancies) which don't seem to be much fun for either side. Matchmaking frequently searches indefinitely or has trouble connecting possible players.
I'm certain these issues will be addressed however the netcode is genuinely awful (Aussie here). Good matches are okay, though there is the odd unexpected shot/hit every now and then. The rest of the matches make it incredibly difficult to predict movement, land shots or avoid abilities (seriously, fuck trying to avoid Alan). I played a 2v2 tonight that had a red connection icon/issue and the enemy team grabbed a quick 7v2 lead - then proceeded to avoid us and sit on jump pads repeatedly for the rest of the match. It was impossible for either of us to land consistent hits and we had to wait for the match timer to finish. Another match had me facing off against Alan while he spammed the JRPG - I tried every dodge I had (Johnny Savage) and would consistently eat approximately 40 damage without fail due to lag.

Finally, the blood key and loot chest systems are terrible at the moment. Progress is far too slow, even for a F2P game and the rewards range between boring (most skins) and completely awful (most taunts).

I think it could have been something great but it's essentially a unique, kind of bad game that I expect most will forget about once it goes back to full price.


I suck at this game :(

Dunno if I'm using the wrong character (Johnny Savage) or weapons (Assault rifle, sniper) but it seems so hard to kill people.

JRPG is some overpowered bullshit, maybe I'll just use that

And soooo much tdm today. Does it force that mode when people queue together? It's the worst type


Played a round of Ranked and my teammate immediately left, proceeded to stomp these guys 1v2 to a score of 20-1.

Poor guys.

Really like that you get a buff if your teammate leaves. No idea if it is balanced or not as of yet but still a really cool idea.

Also love that the announcer said my teammate was a piece of shit for leaving xD

Yeah I actually get super excited if my team mate bails did the same thing last night. Just trashed two dudes solo with diabla. It's so fun.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I suck at this game :(

Dunno if I'm using the wrong character (Johnny Savage) or weapons (Assault rifle, sniper) but it seems so hard to kill people.

JRPG is some overpowered bullshit, maybe I'll just use that

And soooo much tdm today. Does it force that mode when people queue together? It's the worst type

I'd recommend something strong and easy to hit with. Maybe keep the AR for finishing people off. Personally, I mostly use explosives.


Game hangs at the end of every game now, have to close application and start again :/

Edit: just realised I am gaining rank (but losing MMR) when I lose matches :/

Reinstalled the game anyway, hope that fixes it

Edit2: nope :(
Update is rolling out nowish:
"MORE BLOOD rewards to fill keys faster. Those were NEVER meant to be microtransactions; we just set the blood numbers wrong. Apologies! Out goal is keys to fill up fast enough that you can get new stuff at the same pace of a game like- for ex- Mario Kart 8. The keys should be grinds but fun grinds like a normal shooter unlock speed. Sorry for the mess up. Let us know if this new tuning gets us in the ball park."

"Another major change is less TDM (and thus faster match making). It's a long story WHY TDM=longer MM but I'll explain in video. More goodies as well, bug fixes, improvements,etc. Details in video-but that's a first look at the changes.Hope2Bback soon- let you know as soon as we R!"

Via Jaffe's twitter! Hype!


Are there a singleplayer story mode or at least bots in this game? Or is it strictly multiplayer based?

Yeah I'd like to know as well. It's nice getting the game with my subscription but I'd like to know if I should play it now in case it dies or if it has bots.
Tried to download the update (which is done in game, not via patch) and got kicked saying maintenance was being done. Gonna play some Persona 5 while I wait, but then I gotta check out the new blood amounts


He touched the black heart of a mod
Yeah I'd like to know as well. It's nice getting the game with my subscription but I'd like to know if I should play it now in case it dies or if it has bots.

No bots, no story mode. Just a neat tutorial and a shooting gallery.
Played for an hour or so last night and left thinking "meh"...like nothing is really drawing me to fire it up on my own, but free for all with 2 of my other buddies was at least mildly fun.


Yeah I actually get super excited if my team mate bails did the same thing last night. Just trashed two dudes solo with diabla. It's so fun.

It's no fun being on the team with 2 people, now my friend just instantly exits rooms if it only matches us against 1 person.
Fun fact: last night when playing unranked with a gaffer (he had not unlocked ranked yet), a handicap system was employed. My damages were different colors, indicating they were doing less damage than normal.

Just saw a message about how this happens in unranked mode. Makes sense, since I had been playing a lot of ranked and was at a higher level than most of the players in unranked


Servers are back up!

Patch notes: https://t.co/V4MK0ASnZq (YouTube)

-Faster matchmaking
-Less TDM
-Less crashes
-Clearer "poor connection" indicator

Think that was it, they talk a bit about possible future updates including a new (free) map scheduled for release next Tuesday.


Gotta imagine some of the art design in the background when you're free-falling are hints towards future characters, believe I saw a cowboy and also a girl wearing a tanktop, the two designs stood out since other existing characters like Cyborgula were also drawn close to them.

I was thinking that too, or at the very least they might allude to skins coming for other characters.
Still can't get past the opening splash screen. Tries to download updates then fails to connect to matchmaking server. Bummer
There's just something... Off about the movement system. Like, not enough retainment of forward momentum. And the run is too start and stop. Other than that, it's pretty damn fun. Ninjaw is great to play as when you abuse her water shield.


There's just something... Off about the movement system. Like, not enough retainment of forward momentum. And the run is too start and stop. Other than that, it's pretty damn fun. Ninjaw is great to play as when you abuse her water shield.

Yeah I do feel the sprint is a bit jarring once you stop, plus the meter is tucked away way at the side of the screen you barely can see.
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