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Drawn To Death |OT| NeoJaffe is Back (READ MOD POST)

As far as movement this game could definitely use more tight movement. In typical games like halo you may not have much air control but your jump is also much lower and controlled at take off.

In drawn your jumping much higher plus with double jump. I turned you can get use to it but feel being able to move around may be better for all the air time.

Side step movement could also be faster and more responsive as well.
When you gotta put the team on your back

(I'm JakeNoseIt on PSN!)
I completed two matches just now, but it seems like they didn't count because there were no post-results screens to show progression or anything.
Anyone else have this problem?


When you gotta put the team on your back

(I'm JakeNoseIt on PSN!)

Nice! Alltough the other guy wasn't completely off, he was third place in damage. Love the skin btw.

Btw what do you guys think about the character balancing? Haven't played too much yet, but imho the flying Demon and Bronco are the strongest characters right now.
I even play Bronco but I would like them to adjust these 2 characters' special "rocket launcher" type attack a bit by reducing the damage. Other than that balancing is pretty good!

Mr. Tibbs

IGN hated it.
With a look this distinctive, Drawn to Death could have hit the ground running. But as a decent shooter it merely limps, thanks to a number of unfortunate design choices, a lack of options, and rampant bugs. Intricate levels, varied weapons and unique characters may have looked good on paper, but any positives Drawn to Death has get scribbled over and obscured by the constant barrage of un-funny abuse it insists on endlessly spewing in your face.

Eurogamer was mixed and Kotaku felt it was a "big missed opportunity."
I don't know why people are calling this "edgy", it's straight up toilet humour of a Viz/MAD magazine level. Anyone had the pervert talking to you through the controller?


Cyborgula, RPG, Patriot Act as primaries. Uncle Joe, LAW, and the FU47 as pickups. I'd probably pick other weapons for the latter two, but I'm trying to hoard Blood Keys. Uncle Joe I fire and replace. Not worth it to reload. Oh, and Proxy Mines.

I back out if I get paired with a rank 1 in TDM, unless it's against two players of a similar level. Just can't trust them to play defensively. I also try to play on maps with lots of secrets that I can use to my advantage.

Between that and playing viciously and/or defensively, I've been securing mostly wins, and usually first place.

What secrets....🤔
2 on 2, matchmaking puts the two significantly lower MMRs together. Hmm

Update: makes me sad when I drop in the tower because of this


Really bummed to see the reception going on with this. I legit don't understand some of the complaints.

Best I can tell if someone is going in expecting Titanfall 2, they're going to be disappointed. For many of these reviews, the things they didn't like (ex: long time to kill/die) I actually love. I'm not a huge twitch shooter fan, so the many things that are deliberately different, I find appealing.
I'll have to download this game soon since I currently have PS+. I haven't been following this game too closely, but I am a big fan of Jaffe's games, and I have heard this game's combat be compared to Twisted Metal--which, as a big TM fan, that has me very interested.

I'll see if I can dig into this game next week.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I'll have to download this game soon since I currently have PS+. I haven't been following this game too closely, but I am a big fan of Jaffe's games, and I have heard this game's combat be compared to Twisted Metal--which, as a big TM fan, that has me very interested.

I'll see if I can dig into this game next week.

It's like Twisted metal with feet. And more vertical encounters, I suppose.

Endo Punk

Really bummed to see the reception going on with this. I legit don't understand some of the complaints.

It is what it is I guess, naturally it was only going to receive cult appeal just by how it looks. Can't expect mainstream media to really get this game and I'm not in the biz to only play well received titles, that will get boring very fast. A title likes this feels refreshing and peaks my interest.
It is what it is I guess, naturally it was only going to receive cult appeal just by how it looks. Can't expect mainstream media to really get this game and I'm not in the biz to only play well received titles, that will get boring very fast. A title likes this feels refreshing and peaks my interest.

The problem is, the game has some significant issues even if you can look past the art style and attitude of the game (I actually like it - very refreshing). However that doesn't mean that the animations, bugs, lag and matchmaking issues are fine.
They review a game like Ghost Recon a lot better than this game and that is where it just doesn't make sense. They can praise many things in that game yet this one gets more marks on it's resume? Yet, it works a lot better than that game overall.

Again, why I have stopped paying attention to reviews on average since I was like 16, I read them on games I know near nothing about (at least back then) but these days they are pretty pointless for me at least.

This game does have issues with how they handle updates, lagging here and there etc but it isn't that bad yet. Give them a couple of weeks, if those issues continue then I'd feel more bad at them at that time.

They seemed to have resolved the 4 player match making issue quite a bit, I was getting 1 v 1 a lot then suddenly was only getting 2 v 2's.

Endo Punk

The problem is, the game has some significant issues even if you can look past the art style and attitude of the game (I actually like it - very refreshing). However that doesn't mean that the animations, bugs, lag and matchmaking issues are fine.

Absolutely, hope Jaffe is listening and updates the game over the weeks and months, it will live and die by the support it gets considering its mp only. Was really annoyed about the server issues last night, had convinced a friend to give it another try, 1v1 match up.


Incredibly Naive
Really bummed to see the reception going on with this. I legit don't understand some of the complaints.

The game is garbage, it's not hard to understand at all. It's always amazing to me how people can see why something is viewed poorly or different compared to their own view.


So I played the tutorial and immediately thought there's potential here for quite a fun, original game. Hit the options button and was dismayed to find such a jump-aim-shoot heavy game doesn't let us remap our controls or at the very least provide a range of presets.

The current control scheme doesn't lend itself well to the type of shooter Drawn to Death is. Desperately needs bumper jumper presets at a minimum.

Will return as soon as that's implemented or figure out a custom preset for my Nacon Revolution.


I direct you to this post. It contains all I know.

I tell you, if you get put on a team with someone who is really low rank--especially if you're facing a pair of teammates that are anywhere above like Room 3, just back out. It's not worth it to lose like that.

Yes I asked the question that lead you to that post!


So I played the tutorial and immediately thought there's potential here for quite a fun, original game. Hit the options button and was dismayed to find such a jump-aim-shoot heavy game doesn't let us remap our controls or at the very least provide a range of presets.

The current control scheme doesn't lend itself well to the type of shooter Drawn to Death is. Desperately needs bumper jumper presets at a minimum.

Will return as soon as that's implemented or figure out a custom preset for my Nacon Revolution.
Not an ideal solution, but you could use the PS4 accessibility settings to swap L1 and X. Once you've saved a preset like that and added Accessibility to your quick menu it's really quick to turn it on/off


So I played the tutorial and immediately thought there's potential here for quite a fun, original game. Hit the options button and was dismayed to find such a jump-aim-shoot heavy game doesn't let us remap our controls or at the very least provide a range of presets.

The current control scheme doesn't lend itself well to the type of shooter Drawn to Death is. Desperately needs bumper jumper presets at a minimum.

Will return as soon as that's implemented or figure out a custom preset for my Nacon Revolution.

You abandon a game because you jump with x instead of L1 etc? Hmkay, pretty sure that game won't see you back then, even if they would implement it^^
I'm picturing this when I'm reading a lot of reviews.


I mean, they're not wrong. It's abrasive as hell. I can totally understand why some folks are down on it. But I'm into this game's dumb aesthetic.

Endo Punk

The servers up? No work tomorrow so plan to play it for a good few hours tonight. Drawn to Death may not be a critical darling but games like it and Yakuza 0, Let it Die etc go a long way. Hidden gems that people discover over years, fresh oddball experiences like the good ol days playing Gitaroo man and Katamari. This is why I have never grown tired of gaming.


The servers up? No work tomorrow so plan to play it for a good few hours tonight. Drawn to Death may not be a critical darling but games like it and Yakuza 0, Let it Die etc go a long way. Hidden gems that people discover over years, fresh oddball experiences like the good ol days playing Gitaroo man and Katamari. This is why I have never grown tired of gaming.

Im in EU but im getting matches


Lol just found the room at the top of the shooting gallery, some pretty funny 'story' stuff up there I didn't see my first time through.
This thread is very slow moving for a multiplayer game given away on PS+

I actually like the art style, but my god I watched a video of this and the announcer is terrible! Still, slightly tempted to pay for a month to try it out.

Can you mute the announcer's voice?


He touched the black heart of a mod
Lol just found the room at the top of the shooting gallery, some pretty funny 'story' stuff up there I didn't see my first time through.

When you warp into the next room (following the hall of history) look for the clock and shoot it.

It's one of the Sphinx riddles. Not sure if it's the same for everyone but I had to get all kills from melee attacks for 1 game

Ah, right, I haven't played since they buffed the key gain rate. Only at 5. Any impressions? I hope it's got a lot of secrets.

This thread is very slow moving for a multiplayer game given away on PS+

I actually like the art style, but my god I watched a video of this and the announcer is terrible! Still, slightly tempted to pay for a month to try it out.

Can you mute the announcer's voice?

Well, it's a little more divisive than football with flying cars. And I'm pretty sure you can mute the announcer, yeah. The settings for that are kind of funny (humorous).


Ah, right, I haven't played since they buffed the key gain rate. Only at 5. Any impressions? I hope it's got a lot of secrets.
I like it, didn't find any secrets but it's fairly big. There's an indoor mazey area and then a more wide open bit with huge trees providing aerial cover.

Endo Punk

So it appears Jaffe is streaming and answering questions about the game, apparently there will be a future character but drawn by Amy.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Interesting. It'd be nice if they could record a couple more lines for each of the characters. Only so many times I can hear, "How WEAK and SAD and DEAD you are!" Or Bronco's groundhog day-like interactions with command.


I did the tutorial and tried a match yesterday, but ehhh, game is straight ass, I'm sorry. The floaty movement is some third person Elder Scrolls Oblivion bad and the gameplay is just soooo mediocre. The most basic level design imaginable littered with a thousand power-ups that are all lame as shit. Cool art direction, but totally squandered.


Incredibly Naive
I'm picturing this when I'm reading a lot of reviews.


I mean, they're not wrong. It's abrasive as hell. I can totally understand why some folks are down on it. But I'm into this game's dumb aesthetic.

At least you're capable of understanding WHY people don't like this. For me it's not even the terrible humor. It's just not a great game. The art is hard on the eyes and the game would be better without it. The mechanics are meh along with the gameplay.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Meh, lame, mediocre, shit, terrible etc. aren't really great descriptors for expressing what you don't like about the individual elements of the game though. They're just different words for bad, and you can't tear something down eloquently or--and this is more important--constructively using "bad" alone.

And for people who do like those elements, it's just not very enlightening.

Endo Punk

People can say what they want about the gameplay(Refreshing as far as I'm concerned) but the art is on point, it was the very first reason I was drawn to this game and it has only gotten better from its initial reveal. The game perfectly captures the 90's extreme aesthetic and school book doodle culture. Juvenile? Sure my good sir but its appropriate and so very creative, character design is second to none.


I did the tutorial and tried a match yesterday, but ehhh, game is straight ass, I'm sorry. The floaty movement is some third person Elder Scrolls Oblivion bad and the gameplay is just soooo mediocre. The most basic level design imaginable littered with a thousand power-ups that are all lame as shit. Cool art direction, but totally squandered.



an art style like this would make more sense in a slower paced game like an adventure game or turn based strategy or rpg, but doesn't read well in a faster paced shooter.


an art style like this would make more sense in a slower paced game like an adventure game or turn based strategy or rpg, but doesn't read well in a faster paced shooter.

The art style is meant to mimic like high-school style "doodling on your notebook during class" type of stuff.

With that it's meant to be edgy/over the top, I'm not sure that'd work for an adventure game/rts or rpg, which are much slower paced as you said, it kind of would miss the mark of having the overly edgy style to the characters.

It definitely seems like a style that fits an fps/over the top action game to me.


Been having some great games tonight, really think I'll be playing this for a while.

Good job Jaffe and Co. You did good. I just hope some streamer picks it up because this deserves more love.
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