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Driver: San Francisco Delayed On PC


Following up news that there's no PC demo for the game and that Ubisoft's DRM has returned, Ubisoft has revealed today that the PC version of the game has been delayed until September 27th.

Blue's News said:
DRIVER San Francisco PC Delayed, No Demo, Mac Version TBD
[Aug 10, 2011, 9:26 pm ET] - 6 Comments

After yesterday's release of playable console demos for DRIVER San Francisco, we sent an inquiry to Ubisoft to see if a Windows and/or Mac demo is planned, and learned the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are the only platforms getting an advance sample of this driving action game. Along the way we did receive a concrete release date for the game, which was previously revealed to be in September and later reported to be August 30 for North America. We're told the Windows version's release date in North America (which is listed as September 6 on every retail listing we can find) is being pushed back a few weeks to September 27th, and that while an OS X edition is still planned, its release date is now TBD.
Source: http://www.bluesnews.com/s/124409/driver-san-francisco-pc-delayed-no-demo-mac-version-tbd

I'm not I understand their general strategy with the PC release of this game.


Why not just put out press release with a blanket statement saying All PC versions will follow the console release after X weeks/months. Would save them a lot of effort since they do this for every damn thing they release.
why does UBI always do this?

Just say coming to ps3 and 360 and then the pc a few weeks/months after that when you announce the game.

No big deal.


Not really surprised seeing as it takes 6 months for them to put Assassin's Creed on PC. Guess they'll blame piracy again.

Only silver lining would be if they decide not to add DRM after all.


They did the same thing with From Dust, Ubisoft fucking stinks. If it wasn't for Assassin's Creed, they would go under.


Weenerz said:
They did the same thing with From Dust, Ubisoft fucking stinks. If it wasn't for Assassin's Creed, they would go under.
Unfortunately mistreating the PC gamer market is not going to hurt Ubisoft all that much


The videos looked kinda interesting, but the DRM and the lack of steering wheel support means that



If it's delayed can we at least not have that crappy DRM?

Anyway, I only care about Ubisoft's PC exclusives this year.

The M.O.B

............I don't feel like supporting a company that does this type of crap to people who are honest buyers.

Trackmania 2 will be the only UBI game I buy the rest of the year.


Ubi gets some sick please from this or something. It's the only reason I can think of them changing the release date of every single PC game at the last minute.
Lesiroth said:
So what was the last Ubisoft PC release that wasn't delayed?

GRAW1 in 2006 I believe - It was actually released a few days earlier on PC, but it was a different game compared to the console versions.

Previous title.. maybe SC: Chaos Theory in 2005.


Need more time to come up with even more annoying DRM?

(as someone who's had his internet go out for 20 mins at a time every day at 11pm-1am randomly for the last week this "Always on" shit is a nuisance. )


It's their piracy paranoia rearing its head again. They put always on DRM because they need to fight piracy, even if it doesn't actually increase their sales, and they push the PC version of their titles back just in case the pirates manage to crack the PC version during the initial sales push of the console versions, because they're worried that the people buying console versions will quickly pirate a PC version instead, if they can.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
Ubisoft should just get out of the business of making PC games. They clearly hate doing it and hate the people that buy them.


Big Ass Ramp said:
Ubisoft should just get out of the business of making PC games. They clearly hate doing it and hate the people that buy them.
Yet, they continue to publish PC exclusives...

Settlers 7
IL-2 Sequel



Big Ass Ramp said:
Ubisoft should just get out of the business of making PC games. They clearly hate doing it and hate the people that buy them.
Them and Crapcom. If you're not going to put effort into your game, don't make it.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
markot said:
What PC release havent they 'delayed' >.>?


Billychu said:
Them and Crapcom. If you're not going to put effort into your game, don't make it.

wtf are you talking about? Capcom PC ports are fantastic.


LOL at the amount of Ubi hate in this thread. You'd think PC gamers would be used to this kind of stuff by now.
delta25 said:
LOL at the amount of Ubi hate in this thread. You'd think PC gamers would be used to this kind of stuff by now.

They are; It doesn't mean they have to be happy about it, or summarily, not voice their displeasure about it.


Onion_Relish said:
They are; It doesn't mean they have to be happy about it, or summarily, not voice their displeasure about it.

Happy? When are PC gamers ever happy and not complaining about something? ;)

I kid I kid, but in all honesty it is a pretty shitty move on Ubi's part.


No demo, delayed release, always on-line DRM...
And then, when the game sales poorly, they will blame it all on piracy :/


I guess you can make the point that they don't want it to intefere with their PC-exclusive racer that's coming in the same month.

These weeks-only delays are a non-issue but it's silly that they don't say that up front instead of always causing backlash with last-minute announcements of delays. No one would have been bothered if he knew months ago that the PC version will trail by 2 weeks.

Also, it's silly for those who were waiting for the game and willing to pay full price day 1 to suddenly not do that because of the small delay. It has no bearing on why you wanted to get it in the first place, and such a move won't stop Ubi from doing the same with their next game.


Htown said:
It's their piracy paranoia rearing its head again.
The delay most definitely has to do with them being worried about pirated copies showing up early, which could have an impact on both PC and console sales.
Which is funny, because I was under the impression that always-on DRM had been a HUGE success when it comes to stopping piracy?
amdnv said:
The delay most definitely has to do with them being worried about pirated copies showing up early, which could have an impact on both PC and console sales.
Which is funny, because I was under the impression that always-on DRM had been a HUGE success when it comes to stopping piracy?

The DRM does have a big success of delaying the piracy. The 360 and ps3 versions need some drm though, seeing as they are often up for download weeks before release.


GWX said:
They really want the PC version to fail, don't they?

Pretty much guaranteed fail. This delay, minimal hype, DRM, no demo and an old franchise all equal crappy sales.
Someone do a search for an iso for driver sf on the 360, I'm sure it'll be there a few days before release.

Ubisoft be trolling as usual.
I'll second the 'and not a single fuck was given'.
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