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Dungeons and Dragons: Who still plays?

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been itching to roleplay again. my friend is running his mid-level WOD campaign this weekend. Too bad i'll miss it due to work :(

Jay Sosa



Black Canada Mafia
I just hit level 4, my ranger keeps falling into pits and I think the DM hates me because he is always attacking me! =/ Still, I rock, and I can wear my awesome scale armor now, I am ready for all those rats now!
Kinitari said:
I just hit level 4, my ranger keeps falling into pits and I think the DM hates me because he is always attacking me! =/ Still, I rock, and I can wear my awesome scale armor now, I am ready for all those rats now!

My new slight obsession is projecting ahead levels to see what my build/paragon path will be. Its so fucking fun.
So we hit lvl 3 and I'm kinda bummed we're leveling this fast. I'd like to take soe time out and learn to play with the different powers and combinations with the other players. But our DM has things in mind that will require us to be slightly higher so we're accumulation xp quickly.

I've started experimenting with weekly campaign updates in blog form and have recommended that the other players set up a blog themselves which has so far gone over well. I even got a retweet from the main WoTC DnD twitter account which helped my first day traffic. =)
I'm surprised how many people actually play official rules and pre-generated stuff. I'm sure it works better for conventions (which I never go to). I can think of maybe one time I ever actually tried to run a pre-gen adventure (we never finished it), and I haven't ran anything in an official campaign setting in like 12+ years. All my worlds now are totally homebrewed.

My latest fantasy homebrew campaign world barely even uses DnD 3e rules because I have changed so much. Magic is entirely different with a mana-based casting system and all-new spells. No class goes untouched, some changed or entirely eliminated.

I looked at 4th edition recently and I might borrow a few concepts, but its missing so much fluff its not funny. Seriously I think I saw page after page of spells that had 1-line descriptions and gibberish crunch. If I want to play a board game I'll bust out Risk or Axis&Allies.

Right now I am also working on a sci-fi side project. Will probably be based on basic D20 3rd edition rules but heavily customized.
DurielBlack said:
I'm surprised how many people actually play official rules and pre-generated stuff. I'm sure it works better for conventions (which I never go to). I can think of maybe one time I ever actually tried to run a pre-gen adventure (we never finished it), and I haven't ran anything in an official campaign setting in like 12+ years. All my worlds now are totally homebrewed.

My latest fantasy homebrew campaign world barely even uses DnD 3e rules because I have changed so much. Magic is entirely different with a mana-based casting system and all-new spells. No class goes untouched, some changed or entirely eliminated.

I looked at 4th edition recently and I might borrow a few concepts, but its missing so much fluff its not funny. Seriously I think I saw page after page of spells that had 1-line descriptions and gibberish crunch. If I want to play a board game I'll bust out Risk or Axis&Allies.

Right now I am also working on a sci-fi side project. Will probably be based on basic D20 3rd edition rules but heavily customized.

If you're playing homebrew the fluff is up to you. 4e is more tactical in combat, but contains as much roleplaying as any other edition.

Homebrew is hit or miss with me, as I don't always agree with a DM's changes and it ruins the experience overall for me. I'd rather keep it as close to official as possible.
My group finished its second adventure last weekend. I was running a module from the "Dungeon Crawl Classics" series (a nice alternative if you don't care for TSR's 4e modules). Our campaign has been very hack and slash so far, but the group actually found a way to beat the dungeon boss through roleplaying instead of combat. The DM's notes didn't even suggest roleplaying the encounter as a possibility, but the players were clever enough to trick the villain into leaving its lair permanently. I bought another module today and I'm going to try and tweak its story a bit to tie it into the previous adventures.

Personally, I love running pre-gens. It's so convenient, and I tend to be a lot better at making shit up on the spot than spending hours meticulously planning, so if the players venture outside the script, I can easily roll with it.

What's a good, fairly recent D&D game for Xbox or PC?
Parallax Scroll said:
My group finished its second adventure last weekend. I was running a module from the "Dungeon Crawl Classics" series (a nice alternative if you don't care for TSR's 4e modules). Our campaign has been very hack and slash so far, but the group actually found a way to beat the dungeon boss through roleplaying instead of combat. The DM's notes didn't even suggest roleplaying the encounter as a possibility, but the players were clever enough to trick the villain into leaving its lair permanently. I bought another module today and I'm going to try and tweak its story a bit to tie it into the previous adventures.

Personally, I love running pre-gens. It's so convenient, and I tend to be a lot better at making shit up on the spot than spending hours meticulously planning, so if the players venture outside the script, I can easily roll with it.

What's a good, fairly recent D&D game for Xbox or PC?

Really nothing since maybe Demon Stone by Stormfront Studios for the xbox. Decent brawler.
krypt0nian said:
Really nothing since maybe Demon Stone by Stormfront Studios for the xbox. Decent brawler.
The only reason I ask is because I was telling a buddy on Live about my campaign, and he's never played D&D and wanted to try it out in video game form. I sent him a link to TSR's character generator program, better than nothing.

At this point I have a shit ton of dungeon tiles. Maybe 6 sets worth, overflowing from a shoebox. But it takes too long to sift through and find the perfect tile for the situation, so I just grab the first one I see that's the right size. Kind of defeats the purpose of having all these different themed sets. What I need is some kind of organizer to separate the underdark tiles from the forest tiles from the pyramid tiles, etc.
Parallax Scroll said:
The only reason I ask is because I was telling a buddy on Live about my campaign, and he's never played D&D and wanted to try it out in video game form. I sent him a link to TSR's character generator program, better than nothing.

At this point I have a shit ton of dungeon tiles. Maybe 6 sets worth, overflowing from a shoebox. But it takes too long to sift through and find the perfect tile for the situation, so I just grab the first one I see that's the right size. Kind of defeats the purpose of having all these different themed sets. What I need is some kind of organizer to separate the underdark tiles from the forest tiles from the pyramid tiles, etc.

Honestly just use zip lock bags and color code the labels for easy finding.

That chara creator is so damned addictive!


Drunky McMurder
Parallax Scroll said:
My group finished its second adventure last weekend. I was running a module from the "Dungeon Crawl Classics" series (a nice alternative if you don't care for TSR's 4e modules). Our campaign has been very hack and slash so far, but the group actually found a way to beat the dungeon boss through roleplaying instead of combat. The DM's notes didn't even suggest roleplaying the encounter as a possibility, but the players were clever enough to trick the villain into leaving its lair permanently. I bought another module today and I'm going to try and tweak its story a bit to tie it into the previous adventures.

Personally, I love running pre-gens. It's so convenient, and I tend to be a lot better at making shit up on the spot than spending hours meticulously planning, so if the players venture outside the script, I can easily roll with it.

What's a good, fairly recent D&D game for Xbox or PC?

Neverwinter Nights 2 is the last game I really associate with D&D rules. The original game was pumped up as the most true to recreating the D&D experience in a videogame with DM modes and what not. I bought it, but never got into it much. Maybe I should reinstall it or even go for the sequel, I loved what I played but I think my PC died shortly after I got it or something. I think NWN2 still used D&D 3.5, but I haven't had a gaming capable computer in a while so I'm not sure.

On that note, where are the RPGs based on D&D4e? It's got a much more game-friendly system. The thing I hated about playing D&D PC RPGs was always the need to rest so god damned much because of healing and casters, with the changes in 4e that's not an issue.
They made a new ongoing deal with Stainless Steel Games but not sure if they have anything beyond more Plainswalker games planned.
5th level Avenger and having a hard time picking my Daily. So may great choices!

I'm thinking about going with Living Death Strike with is 2[W] with half dmg on save, plus an addition 2[W] if I spend a healing surge.

For an Avenger 4[W] is quite nice!
We get pretty much all that with netbooks currently. Most of us have netbooks with us when we GM with lots of great apps and it really is just more useful than an ipad at it.


Ohh man. My favorite memories of my earlier internet days are of playing D&D 3E with my e-friends on mIRC.

If there's a group here that plays over mIRC (or any other program) I would be down. Haven't played since 3E so I'd have to read up on the newer rules, but that wouldn't be hard.


krypt0nian said:
Cross-posting this:

3 part guide in YouTube showing some of the iPad's usefulness in Pen and Paper D&D style gaming.


A friend and I were trying to think of ways the iPad could be used with RPG's. I think the platform is full of potential for all kinds of visual aids, not just as a pdf reader etc.

Imagine laying the pad down on the table and using it as a mapping tool!

Anyone else have any cool ideas?
BattleMonkey said:
We get pretty much all that with netbooks currently. Most of us have netbooks with us when we GM with lots of great apps and it really is just more useful than an ipad at it.

Form factor for me. Netbooks are ass, since I already have a laptop. This is perfect for what I need it to do.

hoverX said:
A friend and I were trying to think of ways the iPad could be used with RPG's. I think the platform is full of potential for all kinds of visual aids, not just as a pdf reader etc.

Imagine laying the pad down on the table and using it as a mapping tool!

Anyone else have any cool ideas?

I never DM but once multitasking hits this Fall, it's the perfect soundtrack/visual aid machine with Keynote and your iPod running on it.


you speak so well
I always wanted to try D&D out, but have absolutely no one to play with, none of my friends have even the slightest interest in the game :/
krypt0nian said:
Form factor for me. Netbooks are ass, since I already have a laptop. This is perfect for what I need it to do..

I prefer a laptop myself, though know many who just use netbooks because of portability and cost. The ipad to me is awful form factor for gaming use.
BattleMonkey said:
I prefer a laptop myself, though know many who just use netbooks because of portability and cost. The ipad to me is awful form factor for gaming use.

To each their own. No way I'm lugging my 17" laptop to D&D.


krypt0nian said:
To each their own. No way I'm lugging my 17" laptop to D&D.
I bring my 17" laptop to D&D each week with no issues. 4/5 of us actually use a laptop at the table, though the laptop is usually not actually on the table itself, but something akin to an endtable.
Jokey665 said:
I bring my 17" laptop to D&D each week with no issues. 4/5 of us actually use a laptop at the table, though the laptop is usually not actually on the table itself, but something akin to an endtable.

Yea the little dinner tray tables you get cheap make great laptop trays for gaming purpose to keep the main table clean. Have a wireless printer, all kinds of pdfs and apps... it's very handy tool.
Jokey665 said:
I bring my 17" laptop to D&D each week with no issues. 4/5 of us actually use a laptop at the table, though the laptop is usually not actually on the table itself, but something akin to an endtable.
Kudos. There is no fucking way I'm doing it. And now I don't have to. ;)


Neo Member
BattleMonkey said:
Really if your interested, perhaps it's just the style of game. Maybe a different RPG would be better for you? I personally never found D&D to be a good gateway game for getting people into RPG's, the game is very heavy handed with it's rules, and encounters take forever. Lot of non gamers I've seen try to play often will zone out or find D&D especially boring.

Could you suggest one?


Neo Member
BattleMonkey said:
What are you looking for in a RPG? Setting/tone? How fast of game? Do you want more roleplaying and less complex mechanics or combat systems?

I guess not too serious setting/tone, not sure about speed, but definitely more roleplaying and less complex combat.
delleps said:
I guess not too serious setting/tone, not sure about speed, but definitely more roleplaying and less complex combat.

Well World of Darkness setting is really popular and it covers many different areas. It's what many will consider a narrative based system, and traditionally the players of the setting's games are heavy into roleplay over game mechanics. The game is very simple to play with much of the giant books being nothing but fluff materials.

I say that system because it's very popular so finding others to play might be easier. Savage Worlds is also a current popular system that also falls on the simple mechanics side and is very open. It's a generic rule system so many different companies produce different game settings for it, like fantasy, gothic, steampunk, super heroes, etc.

Stay away from games like Hackmaster, Pathfinder, or any D20 based system that you might encounter if you fear complex rule sets that might take over for game play.
delleps said:
I guess not too serious setting/tone, not sure about speed, but definitely more roleplaying and less complex combat.
Can't really get more roleplaying than our Sat night game of 4E. But the combat is for tactically minded players or you'd get stomped is a few rounds.


My english teacher way back in high school ran a game in our classes for about a week, which was rather fun. A few years later, I met some people who were playing some Vampire: The Masquerade at the time, I joined in, but there was a bit too much LARPing for my tastes.

After reading this thread, watching the Robot Chicken D&D videos and listening to some of the Penny Arcade podcasts, I am totally looking forward to jumping back in.

I just got off the phone with a friend I met about 18 months ago, who I thought would be into this sort of thing. Turns out he's been playing for 25 years and will be trying to hook me up with his group running D&D 4th Edition. I'm very excited.
Wow first Dnd session for 3 weeks due to schedulling conflicts and my first with my magical new iPad as my player companion.

All books as PDFs in GoodReader.
My interactive character sheet via iplay4e.com.
Note taking via my new space age Apple BT keys.
Full DDI Compendium access in Safari Mobile.

Pure sex.


Black Canada Mafia
krypt0nian said:
Wow first Dnd session for 3 weeks due to schedulling conflicts and my first with my magical new iPad as my player companion.

All books as PDFs in GoodReader.
My interactive character sheet via iplay4e.com.
Note taking via my new space age Apple BT keys.
Full DDI Compendium access in Safari Mobile.

Pure sex.

Ugh! I want a tablet, right now I am using my netbook, and it's not bad I guess, but I would love a tablet for my char sheet.

Anyhoo, from another thread:

=/ I miss talking about D&D on GAF. Krypt0nian/Jaydubya if you are reading this, my Ranger just hit level 5! I picked up the Snarling Wolf Stance - haven't had a chance to use it - in what situation would my stances be 'deactivated'? Also, my girlfriend finally caved and decided to join our D&D expeditions, how should the DM modify it for 6 people (official campaign, just started the second one, Storm something something)? And what do you think would be more useful for our part dynamic, Sorcerer or Invoker? We already have a Ranger, Assassin/Rogue (Depending on who is DMing), Cleric, Wizard and a Sword Mage.


I have a Lv 1 and I believe a Lv. 3 character in two different campaigns. I don't recall their specific titles currently. Guess I'll add that later. Both of my characters are male though. One likes to rape everything and the other is sexually repressed and celibate. The one that's celibate I made while drunk.

On my sheet I wrote "SEX: BEAR BUGS RULE!" and when looking at the sheet sober I was like "What the fuck was I on?" it appears 8 shots of vodka will do that to you.
ahhh back to D&D after a few weeks of (ugh) Aberrant. What a shit hole of a game. I hate White Wolf systems.

Started a new campaign playing a haughty half-elf Storm Sorcerer and loving it so far. The new campaign world has rare Eladrin and the elves have almost retreated to savage days after a great world crushing even. Even though I'm half-Elf, I'm presenting the image that I am one of the last Eladrin and have joined in the relic hunting that fuels the new broken world's economy.

It's been fun denigrating the minotaur shipping cartels as "filthy cows" :lol


Just put in a solid session in today too.. wow is it just me or are 1st level characters stronger than ever


Sorry for the bump but I have a couple of questions. I really wanna play DnD but unfortunately where I live there's no comic/gaming stores around that play the game. I only have 3 friends who seem interested in trying it out. Can DnD be fun to play with only 3 people? I'm gonna be buying the 4th Ed books soon to start up. I atm have an old 3.5 players handbook I've had for years that I never got around to use. Are there ways to play 3.5 online? If so, any groups that wouldn't mind letting a newb join? :D
NeoForte said:
Sorry for the bump but I have a couple of questions. I really wanna play DnD but unfortunately where I live there's no comic/gaming stores around that play the game. I only have 3 friends who seem interested in trying it out. Can DnD be fun to play with only 3 people? I'm gonna be buying the 4th Ed books soon to start up. I atm have an old 3.5 players handbook I've had for years that I never got around to use. Are there ways to play 3.5 online? If so, any groups that wouldn't mind letting a newb join? :D

I've played with a few players, but it really shines when it's a group experience. Try meetup.com and penandpapergames.com for more players or a local DM. Worked for me.


NeoForte said:
Sorry for the bump but I have a couple of questions. I really wanna play DnD but unfortunately where I live there's no comic/gaming stores around that play the game. I only have 3 friends who seem interested in trying it out. Can DnD be fun to play with only 3 people? I'm gonna be buying the 4th Ed books soon to start up. I atm have an old 3.5 players handbook I've had for years that I never got around to use. Are there ways to play 3.5 online? If so, any groups that wouldn't mind letting a newb join? :D

A party of 3 and a dungeon master can make for a perfectly fun game.

A party of 5 is the sweet spot, but 3 isn't a problem at all.


Bitches love smiley faces
NeoForte said:
Sorry for the bump but I have a couple of questions. I really wanna play DnD but unfortunately where I live there's no comic/gaming stores around that play the game. I only have 3 friends who seem interested in trying it out. Can DnD be fun to play with only 3 people? I'm gonna be buying the 4th Ed books soon to start up. I atm have an old 3.5 players handbook I've had for years that I never got around to use. Are there ways to play 3.5 online? If so, any groups that wouldn't mind letting a newb join? :D
If you're going to start buying D&D stuff, maybe hold off for the Essentials line to kick off? I know the Red Box is coming out soon.

I've been meaning to post in this thread for awhile and I keep forgetting. I recently started DMing a 4e game (following the Scales of War adventure path). Of the five players, one is new to 4e, four are new to D&D in general and I haven't GM'ed a game in over ten years. It's pretty much a learning experience for everyone.

Last session I rolled the best I've rolled in my entire life (much to the chagrin of my pcs). Lots of 20s and max'd out damage. It had the adverse effect of making the wizard blow all his dailies on a pair of Rage Drakes, which technically, wasn't as hard. Interested to see how they'll hold up in the next game.
fallengorn said:
If you're going to start buying D&D stuff, maybe hold off for the Essentials line to kick off? I know the Red Box is coming out soon.

I've been meaning to post in this thread for awhile and I keep forgetting. I recently started DMing a 4e game (following the Scales of War adventure path). Of the five players, one is new to 4e, four are new to D&D in general and I haven't GM'ed a game in over ten years. It's pretty much a learning experience for everyone.

Last session I rolled the best I've rolled in my entire life (much to the chagrin of my pcs). Lots of 20s and max'd out damage. It had the adverse effect of making the wizard blow all his dailies on a pair of Rage Drakes, which technically, wasn't as hard. Interested to see how they'll hold up in the next game.

Are you playing strictly for the combats or is there some character play in your game? I'm always interested in that.


krypt0nian said:
ahhh back to D&D after a few weeks of (ugh) Aberrant. What a shit hole of a game. I hate White Wolf systems.

What's not to love about WW systems? It's dead simple.

And Aberrant was fucking awesome. Great take on superheroes and I love the power systems.
White Wolf games are great, they are narrative based and focused games, the rule systems are very light and simple. If your looking for highly detailed game system it's definitely not for you. Lot of WW games I've been in and fans don't even really ever even touch their dice
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