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Dungeons and Dragons: Who still plays?

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Chorazin said:
What's not to love about WW systems? It's dead simple.

And Aberrant was fucking awesome. Great take on superheroes and I love the power systems.

Didn't care for it at all. Too loosey-goosey with a subject (superheroes) that needs more crunch IMO.

Check out Green Ronin's Mutants and Masterminds for a great take on hero games. They just brought out a DC Comics themed version as well. Or if you're a masochist, the excellent Champions/HERO system.
M&M is good, did not care at all for Hero system, way to rule heavy.

Savage Worlds also makes good simple super hero gaming especially the awesome "Necessary Evil" game setting.


Bitches love smiley faces
krypt0nian said:
Are you playing strictly for the combats or is there some character play in your game? I'm always interested in that.
I'm aiming for a balance of both, but the adventure path as laid out is mostly combat. Every room in the catacomb they're in is a combat encounter. Luckily they're there to rescue some townsfolk, so there's going to be some interplay between them and the pcs.

Has anyone played Paranoia? I'm thinking about starting/playing a game of that too.


Add me to the group of "wanting to play but noone in my area is remotely interested". Kinda like trying to find someone that plays games on PC.

If it doesn't involve rebel flags and 4-wheelers, people around here just don't care. :(


fallengorn said:
Has anyone played Paranoia? I'm thinking about starting/playing a game of that too.

You don't have the correct security level to ask that question. If fact, I'm pretty sure you're a commie mutant. I hope you still have clones in the bank....

I haven't played it but I really, really want too!


krypt0nian said:
Damn that's depressing, but like I said give www.Meetup.com and www.penandpapergames.com a try.

Are the groups on sites like these forgiving to new players? D&D is something that I've been wanting to try for a while now, but I've never had the chance to play the game in non-electric form (despite loving JRPGs and the like growing up, my friends and I just completely missed out on that whole scene).
Patryn said:
Are the groups on sites like these forgiving to new players? D&D is something that I've been wanting to try for a while now, but I've never had the chance to play the game in non-electric form (despite loving JRPGs and the like growing up, my friends and I just completely missed out on that whole scene).

When our group formed, it was 4 people who had played for 10+ year and a new girl who had played one session prior. That was back in March and she has since attended Gencon. We taught her well!

YMMV, but roleplay groups range from hyper rules layers to great mature folks.


According to those group sites I'd have to drive 15-20miles to be on a group....

Man my local area sucks >< Guess I'll have to DM my own group with my 2 local friends and my cousin next door. Time to do a lot of reading up~
NeoForte said:
According to those group sites I'd have to drive 15-20miles to be on a group....

Man my local area sucks >< Guess I'll have to DM my own group with my 2 local friends and my cousin next door. Time to do a lot of reading up~

Fuck man, I drive 25 every Saturday to DnD. I guess it's whatever you're used to driving because for me that's like driving to the mall in my area. ;)


Just felt like sharing a story here about how one of my groups have somewhat totally ruined our DM's game:

So we're in this scenario where we are in some out of control carts flying down a path towards a cliff while a large sandworm was spitting out bugs at us and trying to eat us. It ended up with half the party catapulting off the cliff on top of the worm and eventually landing in a lake at the bottom of the cliff. The Cleric and Ranger just kind of watched as this happened.

Eventually we kill everything off except for the badly injured worm. Our Ranger hops on its back and asks "Can I tame it?" Now I have to respect the DM here for giving her the chance instead of just saying "Nope, its too dumb/too mad/whatever." So he allows her a nature check on which she triumphantly rolls a nat 20. So now we have a giant worm to ride around and the DM will have to plan things in such a way that we can't just knock everything over/eat it with our giant worm.

I love DnD.


Bitches love smiley faces
As a player I'd be pretty psyched to ride around like I'm Muad'Dib. But you'll have to take into account your enemies have a huge trail to find you and no one is going to like the idea of you guys tearing up the entire countryside riding that thing.


I imagine he'll roll with it for at least awhile. We're the kind of group that thrives on the ridiculous stuff that happens in the game. And rolling up to the next city on the back of our giant worm certainly qualifies.

It should be that difficult to make it only really useful as a transport mechanism. Just put the evil castle on a stone foundation that can't be burrowed through or floating in a lake or a million other ways of neutralizing it.

If he was a more experienced DM he probably wouldn't have let her roll for it in the first place, but we all learn our lessons.
I've always wanted to get into D&D, but probably couldn't find anyone to play with, so what are the best PC games to play through? I would prefer stuff strictly turn based, I like to be able to sit and think about what actions I want to take, real-time stuff always makes me panic :lol
Haha, just having to feed that thing could get the party in shit tons of trouble. I'm assuming since its your pet you guys are responsible for its actions. Not only that, but just because you "tamed" it doesn't mean it won't act on instinct in the future.

That's at least two things I would consider if I were DMing.

But yeah, sounds like a great inadvertent way to start trouble :p


I notice alot of people around here wanting to play, but not having a local group to do so with. An alternative that some folks go with (which admittedly is very hit or miss for people) is Play by Post.

An old WoW guild of mine that's pretty much retired still has lots of activity every day. Myself and two other guys are currently running DnD 4e campaigns on the forums in a play by post format. Basically, the game is played via the forums where every player posts their turns and actions are resolved via the message board and the DM's posting.

Battlefield views and updates are done via Maptools and characters are maintained and kept up via iPlay4e.

Here's some example images from the game I'm currently running. It is Keep on the Shadowfell with eight PCs.




Something like this is already done on SomethingAwful as well as Penny Arcade's forums. If enough interest could be had, perhaps we could do something here at GAF as well :)


Artadius said:
I notice alot of people around here wanting to play, but not having a local group to do so with. An alternative that some folks go with (which admittedly is very hit or miss for people) is Play by Post.

An old WoW guild of mine that's pretty much retired still has lots of activity every day. Myself and two other guys are currently running DnD 4e campaigns on the forums in a play by post format. Basically, the game is played via the forums where every player posts their turns and actions are resolved via the message board and the DM's posting.

Battlefield views and updates are done via Maptools and characters are maintained and kept up via iPlay4e.

Here's some example images from the game I'm currently running. It is Keep on the Shadowfell with eight PCs.

Something like this is already done on SomethingAwful as well as Penny Arcade's forums. If enough interest could be had, perhaps we could do something here at GAF as well :)

I like this idea a lot. I'd be down for it. Also about the driving, the 20miles isn't so bad. The problem is that the traffic is horrendous. What should take only like 20mins takes like 45-an hour.


do people still play neverwinter nights as a means to play D&D online?

Also, i hear that there is a new NWN game in the works.
hoverX said:
do people still play neverwinter nights as a means to play D&D online?

Also, i hear that there is a new NWN game in the works.

Can't answer for anyone else but I've never gotten a DnD vibe from any computer game. There really is no substitute.


krypt0nian said:
Can't answer for anyone else but I've never gotten a DnD vibe from any computer game. There really is no substitute.

In a game you simply can't account for all the possible actions that the rules of the game don't explicitly cover.


Artadius, I'd be interested in doing something like that. Would be a great way to learn the game and hopefully learn how to start my own group.

Thanks for those links kryptonian. There is one group in my area, but it looks like they are rather tight knit so I'm not sure how receptive they'll be to allowing a complete newbie to the game to join them. I'll hit them up anyway and see where it leads.

Does anyone know of a good resource for an absolute newb to learn about the game so I don't come off like a complete idiot?


Wthermans said:
Artadius, I'd be interested in doing something like that. Would be a great way to learn the game and hopefully learn how to start my own group.

Thanks for those links kryptonian. There is one group in my area, but it looks like they are rather tight knit so I'm not sure how receptive they'll be to allowing a complete newbie to the game to join them. I'll hit them up anyway and see where it leads.

Does anyone know of a good resource for an absolute newb to learn about the game so I don't come off like a complete idiot?

Well I assume you'll at least read the Player's Handbook.

Another great introductory tool is the series of the podcasts that the Penny-Arcade guys did with Wizards. Since they were both new to 4th Edition they talk through a lot of the rules (especially in the first series). I actually listened to these before I picked up a Player's Handbook.


ultron87 said:
Well I assume you'll at least read the Player's Handbook.

Another great introductory tool is the series of the podcasts that the Penny-Arcade guys did with Wizards. Since they were both new to 4th Edition they talk through a lot of the rules (especially in the first series). I actually listened to these before I picked up a Player's Handbook.
I plan on doing as much research into the game as I can before approaching the local group. Thanks for the podcast advice. Gonna try to go out this week to the local bookstore and see if they have a copy of the Handbook. :D
I second the video podcast series with Robot Chicken. Also there is a podcast series on iTunes called Critical Hit that began as an intro to one player that had never played before with an experienced group that is hugely entertaining. Very fun and they explain as they go.

Let us know what you think here.


ultron87 said:
In a game you simply can't account for all the possible actions that the rules of the game don't explicitly cover.

true but didn't NWN allow for some kind of Dungeon master mode where a group could play D&D using NWN as an interface?
hoverX said:
true but didn't NWN allow for some kind of Dungeon master mode where a group could play D&D using NWN as an interface?

I think so but for me DnD is an in-person thing. You lose to much of the social aspects.


formerly nacire
DrForester said:
Obligatory link to DM of the Rings and Darths and Droids.

Holy shit, that is seriously funny and seriously accurate thinking back to some of my old D&D days. :lol :lol :lol

There are a few stores here in my town where folks get together and play, but I'm not sure I'm ready to invest that much time into table top games these days.


I bought the first player's handbook yesterday and have gotten about 1/4 through it so far. Also approached the local group to see if they were accepting new players to the game and they turned me down. Looks like my only hope is to get a group together myself (which I don't know anyone that would be interested enough in doing, nor do I have the knowledge or resources to DM) or find an online-group. Truth be told the local group was rather elitist and not too open to allowing anyone in the group they didn't know personally. :(


Wthermans said:
I bought the first player's handbook yesterday and have gotten about 1/4 through it so far. Also approached the local group to see if they were accepting new players to the game and they turned me down. Looks like my only hope is to get a group together myself (which I don't know anyone that would be interested enough in doing, nor do I have the knowledge or resources to DM) or find an online-group. Truth be told the local group was rather elitist and not too open to allowing anyone in the group they didn't know personally. :(
Although it sucks that they turned you down, it is hard to play with complete strangers sometimes and finding personalities that mesh on the gaming table is not always easy.

Go forth and form your own crew is my advice. I think you'd be surprised how many people are willing to give it a shot.


golem said:
Although it sucks that they turned you down, it is hard to play with complete strangers sometimes and finding personalities that mesh on the gaming table is not always easy.

Go forth and form your own crew is my advice. I think you'd be surprised how many people are willing to give it a shot.
Yeah I don't blame them for turning me down as D&D seems to be rely on a rather intimate group of players. Forming my own crew is practically impossible due to my lack of RL friends and I know my wife and family have no interest in table-top games.

I was thinking about it though and I do know of a couple of game shops in the area (not to mention the plethora of GameStops and such) so I think I may head to those stores and see if the employees know of any groups that would be receptive to new players. I figure coming in with a knowledge of how the game mechanics work will allow me to show that I am truly interested in the game. If all else fails, I guess I can go always go back to MMOs until I can find someone that would be interested. :lol :(


Well, like I said before, play by post is an alternative that works out well for some folks. It works out well for me because I have lots of bursts free time throughout the day but nowhere near in large chunks (work from home, have a family).

I DM a PbP group now and play in two other PbP groups currently. I might be able to fit in another group to DM for if we can get a group of five (or more) willing here on GAF.

I'd prolly need to run it by an admin just to make sure its kosher / determine if we post here in OT or on the Online forum... but I'll put the offer out there.

I would expect folks to post fairly regularly (at the least once a day, preferably more like three to five times a day not counting OOC discussion). PbPs which get someone posting in them once a week are too slow for my blood.


Artadius said:
Well, like I said before, play by post is an alternative that works out well for some folks. It works out well for me because I have lots of bursts free time throughout the day but nowhere near in large chunks (work from home, have a family).

I DM a PbP group now and play in two other PbP groups currently. I might be able to fit in another group to DM for if we can get a group of five (or more) willing here on GAF.

I'd prolly need to run it by an admin just to make sure its kosher / determine if we post here in OT or on the Online forum... but I'll put the offer out there.

I would expect folks to post fairly regularly (at the least once a day, preferably more like three to five times a day not counting OOC discussion). PbPs which get someone posting in them once a week are too slow for my blood.

Count me in :D


Bitches love smiley faces
ultron87 said:
Well I assume you'll at least read the Player's Handbook.

Another great introductory tool is the series of the podcasts that the Penny-Arcade guys did with Wizards. Since they were both new to 4th Edition they talk through a lot of the rules (especially in the first series). I actually listened to these before I picked up a Player's Handbook.
You can actually follow the first PA D&D podcast and download the free character sheets/module Keep of the Shadowfell: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/TryDnD.aspx

They use the same pre-gen characters and go through parts of the same adventure. So you can actually reference what they're talking about.
Thanks for the replies about game suggestions, all the ones I have read up on do seem to have the problem mentioned, that it doesn't truly represent what I would like to experience. Maybe if the play by post idea takes off I'll read up in the rules and maybe give it a shot.
Artadius said:
Well, like I said before, play by post is an alternative that works out well for some folks. It works out well for me because I have lots of bursts free time throughout the day but nowhere near in large chunks (work from home, have a family).

I DM a PbP group now and play in two other PbP groups currently. I might be able to fit in another group to DM for if we can get a group of five (or more) willing here on GAF.

I'd prolly need to run it by an admin just to make sure its kosher / determine if we post here in OT or on the Online forum... but I'll put the offer out there.

I would expect folks to post fairly regularly (at the least once a day, preferably more like three to five times a day not counting OOC discussion). PbPs which get someone posting in them once a week are too slow for my blood.

I'll play. I've never played online, though, so would you mind going through some of the mechanics and how they work over posts? (ie, dice-rolling; how does combat work without it taking like 3 weeks to get through 1 encounter, etc)

Interested in getting more details :)
I cant tell you guys how happy i am to see this topic flourish. I was a lapsed player for years and only recently, as of March, did i find a new group that I cherish.

I only hope that you all find some great people and some even greater stories.


I'm totally in for a PbP group. As long as you all don't mind dealing with someone new to the game. :)

Staying active won't be a problem since I browse GAF from my phone all the time anyways. :lol
Done a few campaigns. Mostly it's just that me and my buddies live in different cities now so it's hard to keep enthusiasm going for them. We always have our characters laid out and whatnot, but the games are rare. Funniest memory was when four of us had a battle on a sinking ship. Took four hours to kill maybe seven guys because my one buddy kept arguing with our DM about angles and how he could hit from certain areas blah blah blah. We were stoned and it was six in the morning when we finished and the ship sunk. :lol


ThLunarian said:
I'll play. I've never played online, though, so would you mind going through some of the mechanics and how they work over posts? (ie, dice-rolling; how does combat work without it taking like 3 weeks to get through 1 encounter, etc)

Interested in getting more details :)

I'll try and cover all the details... but I might be forgetting something.

Currently I'm DM'ing Keep on the Shadowfell and am taking this eight person group through the Points of Light published campaigns for 4e. We actually started with the very basic Kobold Hold out of the DMG first though.

We started about April 23 at level 1, 0 XP and its almost four months later. They are about to hit level 4 and are almost done with Shadowfell. So, about a month a level, one major scenario every three months. I don't think that's too bad of a pace for PbP... but like I said, we're pretty active. The topic we have (all discussion in one place, no separate topic for OOC) is JUST for Shadowfell and has over 2700 replies and 25000 views (we have some other old guildies just wacthing things from the sidelines).

Most encounters are done in about two to four days with most people making about two posts per day (on average). As is the nature of anything forums... it is very feast or famine sometimes. Some days, everyones around and we have post after post after post. And alot of times its easy for folks to post their moves ahead of time so I can get like four or five PCs/Mobs done at once. Other times, (especially holidays and some weekends) noone is really around and things really slow to a crawl. You have to be willing to roll with these peaks and valleys and just understand its the nature of the venue.

We help alleviate some of the valleys though by making every PC name a primary and a secondary proxy for their characters who have the right to make moves for them if they are not around (I have everyone on my IM lists so I can contact them when their turn is up or see where they are if I have a question / comment about their move). So proxies and IM capability would be a must as well.

All rolls are done by the DM since there's no sure fire way to do rolls on the boards and most online solutions are either easy to cheat on or just very unfriendly to use. If PCs have a problem with the DM making all the rolls for them, welp dealwithit.gif ... I'm not there to kill the PCs (though we could play Descent if you wanted that heh) so you'll just have to trust my rolling. All rolls are copy and pasted (I do them straight in iPlay4e) verbosely for the players into the update posts. Mob rolls are not verbose in that the PCs will only see their total rolls and you will never see their exact defenses.

I make all the changes to power used, HPs tracked, status tracking via iPlay4e. I only ask the players to track their own quest log and money.


Artadius said:
I'll try and cover all the details... but I might be forgetting something.

Currently I'm DM'ing Keep on the Shadowfell and am taking this eight person group through the Points of Light published campaigns for 4e. We actually started with the very basic Kobold Hold out of the DMG first though.

We started about April 23 at level 1, 0 XP and its almost four months later. They are about to hit level 4 and are almost done with Shadowfell. So, about a month a level, one major scenario every three months. I don't think that's too bad of a pace for PbP... but like I said, we're pretty active. The topic we have (all discussion in one place, no separate topic for OOC) is JUST for Shadowfell and has over 2700 replies and 25000 views (we have some other old guildies just wacthing things from the sidelines).

Most encounters are done in about two to four days with most people making about two posts per day (on average). As is the nature of anything forums... it is very feast or famine sometimes. Some days, everyones around and we have post after post after post. And alot of times its easy for folks to post their moves ahead of time so I can get like four or five PCs/Mobs done at once. Other times, (especially holidays and some weekends) noone is really around and things really slow to a crawl. You have to be willing to roll with these peaks and valleys and just understand its the nature of the venue.

We help alleviate some of the valleys though by making every PC name a primary and a secondary proxy for their characters who have the right to make moves for them if they are not around (I have everyone on my IM lists so I can contact them when their turn is up or see where they are if I have a question / comment about their move). So proxies and IM capability would be a must as well.

All rolls are done by the DM since there's no sure fire way to do rolls on the boards and most online solutions are either easy to cheat on or just very unfriendly to use. If PCs have a problem with the DM making all the rolls for them, welp dealwithit.gif ... I'm not there to kill the PCs (though we could play Descent if you wanted that heh) so you'll just have to trust my rolling. All rolls are copy and pasted (I do them straight in iPlay4e) verbosely for the players into the update posts. Mob rolls are not verbose in that the PCs will only see their total rolls and you will never see their exact defenses.

I make all the changes to power used, HPs tracked, status tracking via iPlay4e. I only ask the players to track their own quest log and money.

I see. That makes sense. I have no problems with letting you control the dice rolls.
Artadius said:
I'll try and cover all the details... but I might be forgetting something.

Currently I'm DM'ing Keep on the Shadowfell and am taking this eight person group through the Points of Light published campaigns for 4e. We actually started with the very basic Kobold Hold out of the DMG first though.

We started about April 23 at level 1, 0 XP and its almost four months later. They are about to hit level 4 and are almost done with Shadowfell. So, about a month a level, one major scenario every three months. I don't think that's too bad of a pace for PbP... but like I said, we're pretty active. The topic we have (all discussion in one place, no separate topic for OOC) is JUST for Shadowfell and has over 2700 replies and 25000 views (we have some other old guildies just wacthing things from the sidelines).

Most encounters are done in about two to four days with most people making about two posts per day (on average). As is the nature of anything forums... it is very feast or famine sometimes. Some days, everyones around and we have post after post after post. And alot of times its easy for folks to post their moves ahead of time so I can get like four or five PCs/Mobs done at once. Other times, (especially holidays and some weekends) noone is really around and things really slow to a crawl. You have to be willing to roll with these peaks and valleys and just understand its the nature of the venue.

We help alleviate some of the valleys though by making every PC name a primary and a secondary proxy for their characters who have the right to make moves for them if they are not around (I have everyone on my IM lists so I can contact them when their turn is up or see where they are if I have a question / comment about their move). So proxies and IM capability would be a must as well.

All rolls are done by the DM since there's no sure fire way to do rolls on the boards and most online solutions are either easy to cheat on or just very unfriendly to use. If PCs have a problem with the DM making all the rolls for them, welp dealwithit.gif ... I'm not there to kill the PCs (though we could play Descent if you wanted that heh) so you'll just have to trust my rolling. All rolls are copy and pasted (I do them straight in iPlay4e) verbosely for the players into the update posts. Mob rolls are not verbose in that the PCs will only see their total rolls and you will never see their exact defenses.

I make all the changes to power used, HPs tracked, status tracking via iPlay4e. I only ask the players to track their own quest log and money.

Sounds cool... but unfortunately I am neither familiar with 4th edition rules, nor do I have access to the materials, so it doesn't look like I'll be able to play. Sorry :(


Ive been a player and DM for D&D since the days of AD&D 2nd edition. Once you get into it, its with you for the rest of your life, wether in the form of good memories, or an ongoing gaming group.

For me its been ongoing, although Ive changed groups a few times. Ive loved all the editions for different reasons (I even really like Pathfinder as it can be considered a spiritual successor to D&D, almost like an alternate 4e).

I have found that 4e is probobly the best ruleset the game has ever seen, and Im really excited about the upcoming Essentials line despite the controvery that seems to be going around about it. Personally, I think it will just make it easier for those unfamilialr with RPG's to get into it if they are curious.

In my time playing, I dont think D&D has been as widespread or as socially accepted as it has been with 4e. 4e's look and accesability, combined with the depth of previous editions has aquired a much broader audence than before. 3.X was too dense for most to penetrate if they didnt already have experience, but 4e eases you in nicely. The complaints for 4e really just boil down to a preferance - the MMO argument is silly as 3e was considered "video gamey" in its day - I recall alot of comparisons to Diablo 2. The only reason MMOs are being mentioned is because thats what is big today. If you really looked at the concepts of an MMO and at D&D, there is a wide margin. All editions of D&D have had "roles " for the classes - 4e simply named them (and even then it is possible to make a fighter that is a striker, for example) but never forces you into anyhing. Powers seems to be another hot button topic, but that has existed in different forms in the older editions as well.

MMO's have worlds that for the most part, the PC cannot affect - the same NPCs run the same quests all day every day (again, for the most part). MMO's supply you with your abilities as you level up and you are hard coded into a role (actually somewhat similar to older D&D editions, whereas 4th has a constant barrage of options) I know not ALL MMO's do that, but it is a pretty general trait. Basically, with any edition of D&D, you can do whatever you want, whereas in any MMO, or any video game for that matter, you are restricted to what is coded in. Not a knock against MMO's at all, its just that they are a different beast altogether.

The only thing I will admit to, and not in a bad way, is that since 3e, and continuing into 4e, the need for a battle mat has been pretty mandatory. Sure it can be done without, but many sacrafices must be made. 3e and 4e have been called "boardgames" because of it. Clearly that is not the case, but i can understand the sentiment.

In the end everyone prefers their own edition, be it OD&D, 1e, 2e, 3.X, Pathfinder or 4e. Any group can make it work, as that is the core of D&D: playing and having fun with friends. It all comes back to a game of imagination, regardless of edition.
So I'm kinda feeling shitty as in about a month I have to leave my fuck awesome group until April.

We're going down the the new Florida house for the Fall/Winter and I'm back at square one as far as D&D group hunt. I've put out the meetup.com feelers and gotten some replies but nothing 4E yet. I have a Twitter buddy that has a standing group in Orlando that may pan out though.

We've joked about me Skyping in for sessions up here and I'm thinking more strongly about that too. Our play spot is like 4 feet from the house PC.



So last night I did my first DnD session and it was....kinda crappy. I guess some blame is on me and my friends for not being 100% prepared but a lot of it is the DM. My little cousin told me he had a DM ready and the DM in question never done it. So I was helping him prepare for the run and...he wasn't really into it. He didn't roleplay...no one really did. The battles were poorly done. It as choatic. At points we didn't do initiative cause DM said it would make things take too long. Worst was my little cousin who was obnoxious and wouldn't stop interrupting or just talking sometimes. We had a point where everyone else was argueing with him whether or not he'd charm a chipmunk cause he wanted to charm a wolf. Then he'd just not pay attention and text all the time on the phone. Gonna give this one last chance next week, before I try taking over.


So joining a friend's DnD campaign, had to make a lvl 10 character (their campaign started from lvl 1 i think). First time I made a character so high to begin with, and decided to go with Assassin. I'm hoping all the skills/emphasis/items into stealth won't be a waste.



krypt0nian said:
Just make sure you and the DM agree on the way stealth works in DnD. It's a topic that can be misinterpreted.

Ya I've done a lot of reading, finally figured out exactly how it works. Assassin can bend the rules here and there too (automatically stay hidden when moving as long as you end under *any* cover/concealment doesn't have to be total)
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