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EA E3 2014 Press Conference Thread


Hunky Nostradamus
Terrible, boring as shit conference. One of the worst in recent memory.

Battlefront: The Battlefront games were never any good, so I couldn't care less about this. A behind the scenes video is a lot more interesting than a cgi teaser though.

Dragon Age Inquisition: Looks like Dragon Age. Whatever. The live musical accompaniment was nice.

Mass Effect: The prototypes looked cool, I guess? The concept art looked like concept art. This segment was literally "We're making a new Mass Effect but we're not going to tell you anything about it. Please be excited." lol

New Bioware IP: This segment was literally "We're making a new IP but we're not going to tell you anything about it. Please be excited." lol

The Sims 4: ALL THE FEELS. But seriously, does anyone even give a shit about The Sims anymore?

UFC 15: Don't care. Bruce Lee is kool tho.

NHL 15: Don't care. The graphics look nice, I suppose.

New Criterion IP: Sounds promising and very ambitious. I'm relieved that they're not doing another generic looking Burnout/Need for Speed (yet). Not sure how I feel about it being first person though. I don't like to play racing games in the first person.

PGA 15: Don't care. Golf is the most boring sport.

Madden 15: Don't care. The graphics look nice, I suppose.

Dawngate: The devs seemed passionate about it, but I don't play MOBAs, so. Yawn.

Mirror's Edge: YAAASSS!!! Even though it was just a conceptual prototype, this got me really excited. The combat looks like a significant improvement over that of the first games' - really fluid - and I love that attacking enemies won't slow Faith down.

Fifa 15: Don't care. "Soccer is the world's greatest drama" No it isn't.

Battlefield Hardline: AKA Gritty Shootbang: Copz. So. fucking. boring. and it went on for far too long.

I take back what I said earlier about behind the scenes videos being more interesting than cgi teasers. They're not. At least not these ones.

Conference rating: "D"

(the only thing saving this from an "F" was the presence of Mirror's Edge and Criterion's cool sounding, emphasis on the sounding, new IP)

No joke, I had walked away from my laptop to get a drink, heard the screaming and ran back to see what had happened. I thought the massive screen had fallen over or something.

This was pretty sad overall, just going through the motions because they had to fill an hour and can spend only so much time every year saying, "Hey last year's sports game had serious problems, here's how we fixed those awful games." Here's some conceptual prototypes to fill the rest of the time.

And the most annoying thing was that NHL 15 "gameplay." Who are they fooling with that shit?


No joke, I had walked away from my laptop to get a drink, heard the screaming and ran back to see what had happened. I thought the massive screen had fallen over or something.
Man I can only imagine your disappointment to find that none of the presenters sustained any debilitating injuries.


The Birthday Skeleton
I saw again the FIFA 15 trailer and it looks quite underwhelming. And I was just happy about finally bringing the Ignite engine on PC. Meh.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Now installing Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition Ex Plus Alpha :D

87% wooooo! <3

Best game name ever.

As for EA's conference, I'm glad I chose to watch it with Giant Bomb's commentary. I don't want them talking over the MS or Sony conference, but I needed them to get me through EA's and I'll probably need them to get me through Ubi's.


What an awful conference, nothing grabbed my attention I hope Ubisoft conference delivers
I think Ubisoft conferences are always, wow that looks great for a lot. Then just before the games come out, everyone complains. That's why I never get too excited until I'm playing the games. Watchdogs, never forget. Soon to be the Division. Anyway this is about EA, was disappointing, but never had high expectations at all or expected anything at all.


Battlefront video was nice but we learned basically nothing from it. If it's less than a year away we should have seen more


Junior Member
That conference made me feel utterly out of touch with mainstream gaming.
Everything is aimed at teenage boys or barely started and unable to be judged :-(
Battlefront video was nice but we learned basically nothing from it. If it's less than a year away we should have seen more

What else do you need to know?

That conference made me feel utterly out of touch with mainstream gaming.
Everything is aimed at teenage boys or barely started and unable to be judged :-(

You are not the only one. I have $1000 in computer parts sitting in my amazon cart. So close to ordering it all.


Couldn't watch it live (damn real world).
But now seeing the recaps it looks like they really had nothing to show.

They have some interesting projects in the works but they are clearly very early into development. From what I've seen their 2 strongest games (Mass effect, battlefront) were little more than the devs talking about how the game is going to be and some very quick and small glimpses at gameplay that are probably all BS.

Dragon Age looks great IMO. Can't wait


I'm glad I didn't watch this live tbh, I skimmed through it and it took me around 10 minutes to finish, and that was me actually giving time to something I couldn't care much about. The only things I would have cared for is Battlefront and Bioware's new IP, the former didn't get shown off at all and the latter was a tease worse than Squeenix's please be excited. I haven't bought an ea game in a while and it looks like it'll be a while until I do again.
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