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Earthlock: Festival of Magic |OT| Scandinavian 3D Turn-Based RPG


What starts as a simple quest for desert scavenger Amon soon sprawls into a journey where several unlikely heroes join to save Umbra, a beautiful but harsh world that mysteriously stopped spinning thousands of cycles ago.

Platform: XB1, PC, PS4, Wii U
Release Date: XB1 - Sept 1st, PC - Sept 9th, PS4 - TBA (roughly 5-8 weeks from launch), Wii U - TBA (hoping for around November)
Price: $29.99/£19.99 - Included in Games with Gold for the month of September.
Player(s): 1
Format: Digital (Physical release confirmed for later in the year via SOEDESCO)
Developer/Publisher: Snowcastle Games
Engine: Unity
File Size: 4.41 GB


  • Character Talent Tree: allows each player to customize their character to match their unique style of play.
  • Character Combat Pairing: pair characters, creating battle bonds between the selected pair, and as that bond levels up, the pair is introduced with new combat perks.
  • Harvesting: harvest spud and elemental plants, and craft materials into useful combat ammunition and potions.
  • No Random Combat Engagements: each enemy is visible in the world which allows the gamer to kite enemies, creating large battles and maximizing experience points.








This piqued my interest with GwG, downloading now.

The concept of no unavoidable monster battles is something I've longed wished for and something that's kept me from getting into many a "traditional" RPG in the past, so this sounds promising.


think i've heard of this back in its kickstarter days
how's the combat like? customization system?


Played it for a bit this morning, looks like a pretty solid JRPG style game, quite liking the "kiting" system, I am sure that will become a great risk reward system later on in the game.

The lack of random encounters could be a blessing or a curse, as it appears that enemies don't respawn, not sure if this will be an issue or not.


Stuck on a neverending battle because the ennemy(little marvel I think) cloaks for a lot of turns and I cant attack him,and he buffers,life drains etc etc...how do I escape this battle,is there a run away I didnt get in the tutorial...Liking this game so far but this is annoying.


Stuck on a neverending battle because the ennemy(little marvel I think) cloaks for a lot of turns and I cant attack him,and he buffers,life drains etc etc...how do I escape this battle,is there a run away I didnt get in the tutorial...Liking this game so far but this is annoying.

Pretty sure the tutorial mentioned being able to run away once one of your party is down, is it not an option on the utility part of the dpad 'wheel'?


Pretty sure the tutorial mentioned being able to run away once one of your party is down, is it not an option on the utility part of the dpad 'wheel'?

Yeah feign death or something but its greyed out...guess I will let me myself die,and see what happens,my save is at the village,only did 4 or 5 battles on the way to the objective so its not so bad.

Miles X

Nope, you only kept them forever on 360. X1 GwG works just like ps+ now, have to keep sub to play the games

Oh. hmmmm, decisions. I'm happy to support the devs but skint right now. Been following this game since its kickstarter.

I need to see more gameplay videos I guess.
Played it for a bit this morning, looks like a pretty solid JRPG style game, quite liking the "kiting" system, I am sure that will become a great risk reward system later on in the game.

The lack of random encounters could be a blessing or a curse, as it appears that enemies don't respawn, not sure if this will be an issue or not.

They do respawn: I left the town, killed some mobs, re-entered and left again, there were mobs back in the same area.

Liking this. It's fast where it needs to be, no boring dallying in combat. Given I am not a massive JRPG fan but like one every now and then a free indie JRPG-esque thing is great news.


Ok so yeah Feign Death works but its only available when one of your party member is dead...managed to get out of the fight,guess its a little wink to the Malboro's of FF hehe...

I also have nothing set up on Y or X....going to look up the tutorial again...games looks like it will be fun after playing like 1 hour.
What is it with games sticking you with a weak magic type as your second companion early in the game to baby sit??

Mallow was the worst part of SMRPG till geno comes around, I don't need to experience that feeling again.


i love the aesthetic of the game (im a sucker for the painterly looking texture work) But off the bat... literally seconds after gaining control of Ivy, i noticed how bad her arms clip through her hips while walking... now i dont usually care when things like swords or guns poke through character models sometimes its unavoidable... but her arms clipping through her hips is annoying the ever living fuck out of me for some reason... like, youd think the ONE THING a small indie KS game would try to get perfect is the CHARACTER ANIMATION...

Other than that... id say it has potential to be pretty fun little RPG, i dont REALLY know because i literally walked to the tutorial room, got annoyed by the clipping arm, and came here... lol.
This has a few little UI issues: abilities are available on two sets of face buttons, but in the men for setting them, there's no clear distinction between which set of face buttons the ability will be on. It's logical: top 4 = first set, but it's still not ideal.

Similarly, the pair system (a cool one!) is a little foggy at the start - all you need to do is set a pair next to each other, from top to bottom, and voila. But there's no UI chime/confirmation to say 'yes, these two are now paired', just if yer unsure.

Otherwise, I am enjoying it. I really like the combat systems: stances, abilities, pairing, talents.
So far I'm liking it a lot. Like the artstyle and the combat.

This may be the first gwg game that I've liked in a long time
They pushed back the release date on Steam so I will be DLing my Backer Copy and Streaming it the day it comes out if people are interested in seeing it played and hearing impressions.

Says it'll be out for Steam in 10 about a week.


Watched the launch trailer, and it looks like a decent enough RPG. Hopefully I'll finish my current RPG so I can pick this up on Steam on release day.
Played a bit of this yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised, nice FF styled turn based RPG. This will be a nice game to lean back in the couch and just play in a relaxing pace!


GAF's Pleasant Genius

What starts as a simple quest for desert scavenger Amon soon sprawls into a journey where several unlikely heroes join to save Umbra, a beautiful but harsh world that mysteriously stopped spinning thousands of cycles ago.

Platform: XB1, PC, PS4, Wii U
Release Date: XB1 - Sept 1st, PC - Sept 9th, PS4 - TBA (roughly 5-8 weeks from launch), Wii U - TBA (hoping for around November)
Price: $29.99/£19.99 - Included in Games with Gold for the month of September.
Player(s): 1
Format: Digital (Physical release confirmed for later in the year via SOEDESCO)
Developer/Publisher: Snowcastle Games
Engine: Unity
File Size: 4.41 GB


  • Character Talent Tree: allows each player to customize their character to match their unique style of play.
  • Character Combat Pairing: pair characters, creating battle bonds between the selected pair, and as that bond levels up, the pair is introduced with new combat perks.
  • Harvesting: harvest spud and elemental plants, and craft materials into useful combat ammunition and potions.
  • No Random Combat Engagements: each enemy is visible in the world which allows the gamer to kite enemies, creating large battles and maximizing experience points.






Looks really really good :).


Performance can be a bit iffy, and (what I imagine is purposeful) the complete lack of objectives may put some off, otherwise its quite an intriguing little title.


This looks pretty good, I'll grab it when it hits PSN, depending on whats out in 5-8 weeks I guess.

Cant put my finger on what it reminds me of, but it looks like its right up my alley.


Pretty fun battle system although some battle breeze along,while others are really slow when the ennemy uses all kinds of support and buffs...also what is the use of a quicksave if its only available at the same place as a regular save on the statues...?,because there's been a few early Boss fights so far with no saves after and a few regular fights until the next save/quicksave.


So far I played an hour of this and I don't know. Seems very mediocre. Narratively there is no hook, the world building so far is lackluster, not really into the battle system and it has crashed multiple times on start-up for me.


I've put around an hour into the game and so far I'm enjoying it. It has been a while since I played a jrpg so it feels fresh to me, where for some that may not be the case. There aren't many jrpgs on Xbox so this is welcome. It reminds me of a 3D Golden Sun.

There is the turn based combat and light puzzle solving and large world traversal with enemy encounters. It's not identical to Golden Sun but those are the vibes I'm getting.

The combat system is easy to understand and I felt I got the hang of the how to play quickly. The game does a good job of not bogging you down in a long introduction and tutorial.

The story is straight forward from the beginning and has enough details for me to understand what's going on. I'm sure things will get more complicated as time goes on and new characters are introduced.

I've enjoyed enough of what I played to keep going. I recommend trying it out if you're in the mood for a jrpg. It's free so there's no harm, maybe an hour of your time to see if it's for you or not.
Not too far into the game but I'm liking it a lot. Turn based RPGs like this are so rare these days, especially on Xbox. Couldn't be more grateful to have a game like this on my XB1.
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