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Effective character design: Sonic now vs Sonic then

Ran rp

I created this thread for Village who wanted to discuss character design but didn't want to derail the Old character design thread. All opinions in the OP are Village's.




Today I would like to argue what is effective character design. Specifically in the case of classic sonic vs the redesign.

To put it simply, I don't believe classic sonic and his friends had any effective character designs, I don't believe sonic's and his friends character designs were effective until they were redesigned.

This is classic sonic , look at him , look at how cute he is.


Generic sonic poses, nothing new. But nothing was communicated with this character, he just smiled and wagged his finger, and sometimes he was angry. He also was supposed to be cool, but his fat short body was a complete contradiction to that. He was fat and short; he was cute, nothing wrong with that I love cute things. But It defeated sonic’s purpose, so you had this fat short cute thing, trying to do cool things that Nintendont. He was supposed to be rad and awesome, but none the less It worked for a while.

Along with the cuteness factor they made him blue, a majority blue, which was another bad idea. The other characters introduced like tails,knuckles, and Amy became, color wise, more interesting than sonic.


So what did Sega do? They gave him personality

( the illusion of one actually, and that's one of my faults with sonic, dreamcast forward characters actually have reasons to do things, sonic is kinda one note)


That first picture on the bottom left has more personality than the whole of the top part of this image. It effectively communicates what several failed cartoons and a comic book failed to do" hey look at him , he is cool", and that's why the fan base grew so large with SA games forward. The games were fun ( some of them, not excusing bad games here , not at all) and the characters were cool. And note I said characters, sonic as cool as suface value will allow, he is only has the Illusion of a personality. So they surrounded him characters that did ( some of them) have personalities and their poses and design effectively communicate " hey this character is cool" " and this character does this" " and this character acts like this". And designs had evolved from simple short fat things, they made them a bit more tall and lanky , a bit more human, and it worked.

And a couple years back hasbro did the same thing, and it worked again. I could also bring up how the colors and designs in that show are set up quite similar to sonic now. But I don't wanna talk about MLP any more than I need to. And to be honest, people will be turned off by this thread, by sonic alone, why make it worse.


Sonic and his friends designs as poses are generally more appealing than they were in the genesis era.

Lets go though the some of most popular sonic characters Dreamcast forward design.

You see her hand , you see what she is doing, you see her face, you see her color, that light purple, that indicates that she some mystical ability. You design a character for looks AND effectiveness. This amount of detail would have never happened back in the day with sonic , she would be standing there with a half smile, she might have not even existed. You would have known nothing about her.


This is a helpful character, he is cute. He waving and saying hello he is friendly.


You see this pose , this is determination. You see his colors, his colors, the amount of black used, that indicates mystery. Do you see his long body, That causes you to take this character a bit more seriously than fat and cute.


This Indicates this an angry character, he is strong he is tough and is angry quite often.


These types of sonic designs far better at communicating what a character is about , far better than than the art of old. Especially with the half smile everyone used to have, that only communicated "hey".. or in Amy's case, "hey i am also a girl".

What is very important about effective character design is communicating what the character is about. And modern sonic, despite.... bad..horrible games, still communicates what is needed. The fan base for sonic BOOMED in the Dreamcast adventure age, for good reason, how the characters were portrayed attracted people, kids, teenagers, adults. Sonic's design may lie in Simplicity, but classic sonic was too simple.

This would also explain the change in box art, the name of the game is attracting people to something. And I know this is getting a bit into box art, but I am gonna get a bit real here

As much as you( and I ) may like the covers to Final fantasy 6 and to Secret of mana, the call of duty black ops 2 cover Is more effective in communicating what the game is about. It isn't about looking pretty,( though I like new sonic's design WAY more than classic) Its about attracting customers. Not saying you cant innovate and try new things, and new designs, god no, everything would stagnate. I am not also saying you can't have interesting pretty covers, however these interesting pretty colors need to accurately communicate what is happening in the game, in a appealing way.

Somethings are more effective than others.

And what I am arguing with sonic is that new sonic is more effective, you can argue simple design until you are blue in the face. But all that shadow fan art is going to keep being drawn regardless of you accepting it or not.


Character design is secondary to gameplay.

Mario's character design has changed very little in the last 20 years, but games like Galaxy and NSMB have kept him relevant because of the strong gameplay mechanics.

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with Sonic's appearance now, the backlash is just related to Sega's inconsistent Sonic releases.


Character design is secondary to gameplay.

Mario's character design has changed very little in the last 20 years, but games like Galaxy and NSMB have kept him relevant because of the fantastic gameplay.

Why are you bringing up gameplay?

And I agree with the OP. Modern Sonic > Old Sonic.

qq more

I always find Sonic so weird looking when he's all tall to be honest. I don't hate his new design, but I prefer the shorter Classic Sonic.
I totally agree that post-redesign Sonic looks much better than classic Sonic. New Sonic has that "coolness" going for him that they failed to give original Sonic. That being said, they did do a good job giving classic Sonic a semblance of personality in Generations.



I don't mind the new redesign if they would just bring the original 2D gameplay from Sonic 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Though the original design will always be the best one in my opinion.

This thread makes me sad knowing that will probably never happen again.

PSY・S;51375738 said:
And what I am arguing with sonic is that new sonic is more effective, you can argue simple design until you are blue in the face. But all that shadow fan art is going to keep being drawn regardless of you accepting it or not.



Why are you bringing up gameplay?

Perhaps I'm interpreting it wrong, but I thought the OP (Village) was saying that character design had a large influence over how the games have been received.

My point was that character design (especially characters as basic as the ones in the Sonic universe) really has little overall effect on the game itself.
PSY・S;51375738 said:
I created this thread for Village who wanted to discuss character design but didn't want to derail the Old character design thread. All opinions in the OP are Village's.




Today I would like to argue what is effective character design. Specifically in the case of classic sonic vs the redesign.

To put it simply, I don't believe classic sonic and his friends had any effective character designs, I don't believe sonic's and his friends character designs were effective until they were redesigned.

This is classic sonic , look at him , look at how cute he is.


Everything beyond this part of the OP is fucking deplorable.

This Sonic shows both an immediately identifiable character, and what said character is good at.


Adventure 1 Sonic looks so cool in that image you posted. The circular-looking one. That has always looked very 'next-gen' to me. If you break it down and analyze it, it's a weird pose, but overall the drawing has a lot of energy in it and I think that works well for Sonic.
I don't know why but sonic characters having a thumb and 4 fingers always looked weird to me maybe I grew up on too much classic animation or something.

qq more

Village said:
Along with the cuteness factor they made him blue, a majority blue, which was another bad idea. The other characters introduced like tails,knuckles, and Amy became, color wise, more interesting than sonic.

what the heck is that suppose to mean? Tails and Knuckles are just as colorful as Sonic are.


Perhaps I'm interpreting it wrong, but I thought the OP (Village) was saying that character design had a large influence over how the games have been received.

My point was that character design (especially characters as basic as the ones in the Sonic universe) really has little overall effect on the game itself.

I am arguing the effectiveness of the design , yes sonic adventure 1 and 2 being ok to amazing,depending on who you are talking to, was a part of that. But there are plenty of redesigns who games are at least decent that don't go over well,


A an attractive character can do wonders

what the heck is that suppose to mean? Tails and Knuckles are just as colorful as Sonic are.

Red and orange and pink, draws the eye more than blue and peach.


Junior Member
Adventure 1 Sonic looks so cool in that image you posted. The circular-looking one. That has always looked very 'next-gen' to me. If you break it down and analyze it, it's a weird pose, but overall the drawing has a lot of energy in it and I think that works well for Sonic.

I consider him "Badass Sonic".
I don't really have much of an opinion on Sonic designs but I prefer the pudgy classic if only for the proportions. Sonic now just looks like a horrifying mishmash of lanky limbs and huge spines, and the potbelly look of old helped make his lack of neck look fine.

G1 Applejack was better than G4 Applejack

And if I recall, PonyGAF wouldn't exactly disagree
Pfft what do they know, they're all dumb.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh my goodness.

I... I'm not even sure what to say.

qq more said:
what the heck is that suppose to mean? Tails and Knuckles are just as colorful as Sonic are.
Seriously. Some of the assertions in the op are kind of flying over my head, here. Classic Sonic was modeled after Felix the Cat and Mickey Mouse. That's the look they were going for in terms of marketability. To say that he didn't have an ounce of personality kinda goes over my head because there has been promotional art depicting the character as mischievous, prone to chuckling (unlike Knuckles), and just out to give Robotnik a hard time while still sporting some cool-ass shoes in games with cool-ass beats.

The Hermit said:
this thing is confusing the shit out of me
We just put green eyes on Classic Sonic. Nothing to worry about here.

In full honesty? I like both designs. It's just the Sonic 4 renders I dislike because they truly are rather terrible.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
People that hate on modern Sonic's design is just another example of classic Sonic fans never truly understanding what went wrong with most Sonic games in the post-Genesis era.

- J - D -

OP is right, the newer designs are more effective at giving the viewer a better idea of the personality of the character, though Id argue that Sonic's design changes correlated with his progressively more aggressive and "cooler" personality as time went on.

Whether or not he became more likable is another argument entirely. I understand that many people have warm nostalgic memories for old Sonic, as do I. I'm glad they brought him back. There are new Sonic fans born every day, I bet many would prefer the friendlier-looking Sonic.


I question whether the fanbase for Sonic really boomed in the Dreamcast era. There were only something like 10 million Dreamcasts out there, so it's hard to believe that Sonic only became really popular at that point when the Genesis games had already moved millions of units.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I have to admit I was never attached to any version of Sonic. I don't mind the new look.

My real problem is that I'm not sure the character design conventions for Sonic work so well for most of his sh*tty friends. Always found characters like Knuckles awkward looking with no good way to streamline their appearance.

Could be one reason I liked Sonic Colors so much - it was just Sonic and Tales with no other increasingly strained character designs constantly popping up. (In comparison of course, Sonic Generations was the apocalypse.)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I question whether the fanbase for Sonic really boomed in the Dreamcast era. There were only something like 10 million Dreamcasts out there, so it's hard to believe that Sonic only became really popular at that point when the Genesis games had already moved millions of units.

Modern Sonic fanbase pretty much started with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.


All redesigns should make the character edgy and in my face. Really just a totally outrageous paradigm.


Classic Sonic's design made a brand new franchise a household name. Say what you want, but calling it ineffective is complete malarkey.


The 2D artwork from the Adventure games were cool. They should do that more often. Not always, but more often.


The 2D artwork from the Adventure games were cool. They should do that more often. Not always, but more often.

actually up to unleashed, every almost every single modern sonic game character has art like that.

yes even werewolf sonic

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