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EGM: Final Fantasy Versus XIII a No Show at E3

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This is actually an excellent post that magnifies, what I believe, is a significant problem with the project's name.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

We all know Square-Enix have gotten really... bizarre... with their naming habits, but this is the first one that may actually damage the actual product. This isn't a shot at XIII (which I liked), but it's hard to argue the public perception of FFXIII. I really have to believe it's the reason 'Agito XIII' was removed from the PSP game.
That's just one part of it.
I'm sure there are a lot of people like chris3116 that will look at the name and scratch their heads wondering "what the fuck is this? Some kind of Final Fantasy Fighting game?" It's just a strange, confusing title. Surely S-E has internal focus groups that have said the same thing, right?

It seems S-E (and especially Nomura) are having a blast coming up with the most confusing, asinine names possible for their projects... and I don't think it's that bad for their portable titles to attract attention (video game water-cooler conversations?), but I just don't feel they can risk a title this big, this important, to ride on an obscure, awkward name.

Then again, I'm in the camp that also feels like a 'sub' name, like Type 0, gives off the impression that it's a side-project or something. For the time, money, and air of importance this game will likely give off, renaming it Final Fantasy XV would be the smartest move, IMO. *shrug*

Yeah I agree, never liked the Versus name because it never made much sense to me, people told me it was the opposite of XIII or it was against XIII, but I'm like "against what"? I don't know maybe I'm dumb but the name still makes no sense to me even with all the explanation given to me. And honestly? I don't care what's it called anymore. It could be called Versus or XV or something else entirely but I don't care anymore..

I just want to play it, I mean I bought a PS3 for this game for christ sakes! Sigh Square has really disappoint me this generation..


the piano man
I don't think they should rename it to FFXV. Let it stand on it's own.

agreed, it would be the worst decision EVER to name it FF15.

I can picture everyone thinking "yeah, like giving me a spin-off as a mainline game, HA! no way I fall for it"

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I don't think they should rename it to FFXV. Let it stand on it's own.
And miss out on all the buzz generated from it being a mainline title?
agreed, it would be the worst decision EVER to name it FF15.

I can picture everyone thinking "yeah, like giving me a spin-off as a mainline game, HA! no way I fall for it"
They already do that with the online games.


Crystal Bearer
Yeah I agree, never liked the Versus name because it never made much sense to me, people told me it was the opposite of XIII or it was against XIII, but I'm like "against what"? I don't know maybe I'm dumb but the name still makes no sense to me even with all the explanation given to me. And honestly? I don't care what's it called anymore. It could be called Versus or XV or something else entirely but I don't care anymore..

I just want to play it, I mean I bought a PS3 for this game for christ sakes! Sigh Square has really disappoint me this generation..

It's not that hard to understand. It's a counterpart to FFXIII... another XIII if you will. Going against XIII... Nomura's vision of FFXIII, etc.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
It's not that hard to understand. It's a counterpart to FFXIII... another XIII if you will. Going against XIII... Nomura's vision of FFXIII, etc.
That's a bit convoluted. Not to mention that the first thing that comes to people's minds when they hear the word versus is fighting games.
They should rename it Kingdom Hearts III.
Vapourware for vapourware. GENIUS


What would this accomplish?
It's factual (regardless of the vaporware jokes/memes) that this game has a significant amount of development completed. Outside of regulars on message forums, I have to imagine a lot of people have forgotten about it. That will be jumpstarted once the info/media floodgates start opening. Book it.

S-E will make money on this game. As VersusXIII, as XV, whatever. Regardless of the wait, I have absolutely no doubts it will be a technical marvel.

This game is going to be big. If marketed right, this could be the first FF in a long time to hit (near) FFVII levels of hype worldwide. Slick, stylized, massive budget, action packed, and hopefully more of an organized overall development than the baffling FFXIII.

...or at least all of this is what S-E (and Wada, I'm sure) are banking on.
If Versus flops, expect to see a historic overhaul of S-E as a company.

Not trying to be an asshole, but most of what you said is just speculation. We could very much see a repeated scenario of Daikatana. I'm pretty sure you're old enough to remember what happened when that game was released, and the subsequent ramifications.


It's not that hard to understand. It's a counterpart to FFXIII... another XIII if you will. Going against XIII... Nomura's vision of FFXIII, etc.

Stuck in development hell just like the original XIII ! Toriyama and Nomura might be sharing the same vision after all.


I don't think they should rename it to FFXV. Let it stand on it's own.

Personally I'm not saying they should do it, I'm speculating as to what their moves could be in the future. let's be honest, they could easily rename this to XV if they just jump out of the FNC setting. It has enough things different than 13 going on for them to be able to pull it off.
Until I had actually bothered to look up the game, I spent most of '07 thinking it was a fighting game that was going to use the characters that were going to be in FFXIII.


It's not that hard to understand. It's a counterpart to FFXIII... another XIII if you will. Going against XIII... Nomura's vision of FFXIII, etc.
I always figured it as a spin-off. And because I didn't complete FF XIII, I assumed I wouldn't "get" Versus' story. So yeah, I agree with the sentiment that it needs to be able to stand on its own name-wise. Just call it FF XV, fix what's broken, remove any and all associations with the XIII universe, move it to next gen consoles, and be done with it.
Jesus Christ people, this is a big FF game. Big FF games are targeted to FF fans. FF fans already know exactly what this game is, and if they don't, they will. Doesn't matter what the name is. There won't be any confusion when it launches.

Do any of you think Versus XIII is a fighting game with FFXIII characters?
It's not that hard to understand. It's a counterpart to FFXIII... another XIII if you will. Going against XIII... Nomura's vision of FFXIII, etc.

Nomura's vision of the myths.
So why can't those myths (fal'cie, etc.) just become part of Final Fantasy's normal mythology? Why the stubborn desire to connect it, even vaguely, to XIII unless it has a much stronger connection than Nomura and co. have lead us to believe?

On top of that, does the average consumer even know who the hell Nomura is? How would his 'vision' of FFXIII even be considered a selling point as a counter to title confusion?

I can imagine in 2005/2006, in the creation stages, S-E thought FFXIII would be their next massive success and the Fabula Nova Crystallis would be a huge deal. It made sense back then. It would start with 3 vastly different games, gain momentum, and build from there.

Remember this image?


It's clear they were anticipating this whole thing to be a game changer.
Here we are 6 years later. The truth is the vision has flopped.

What's the point of that particular name now, other than confusion? chris3116's post is definitely not the first I've seen sharing those same concerns and questions.
The best argument I can see (as far as not adapting it to be FFXV) is that the gameplay will be so different that it won't work as a mainline FF. I'm a FF 'traditionist', so I'm ok with that excuse... but how does everyone else feel? It meets all the other criteria for a mainline FF: totally unique setting/story/characters, ambitious scope, massive budget/production values.

Look, I'm damn excited for the game one way or another, and to me a name is just a name. I just feel like chris3116's post shows that S-E should seriously be considering re-branding this thing. It's been out of the spotlight for so long that I honestly can't see a downside to renaming it. I only use FFXV as an example of a bold way to garner the most immediate attention to a game S-E desperately needs to succeed..................... and get their 3 mainline FF titles in this generation and keep tradition going. ;)


You know, I think what's sadder than the development hell this game is in is that there is no way in hell this is going to be an amazing game. Even from the footage we've seen this looks like Kingdom Hearts: Black Edition, and it seemed like the gameplay was more like Kingdom Hearts II than the evolved later titles.

Square will make miracles if this game actually is decent, considering the long development time for the game.


Nomura's vision of the myths.
So why can't those myths (fal'cie, etc.) just become part of Final Fantasy's normal mythology? Why the stubborn desire to connect it, even vaguely, to XIII unless it has a much stronger connection than Nomura and co. have lead us to believe?

I take it as his version of what an FF would be.

And many consumers might not know who nomura is, but I'd say his characters and artstyle are distinct enough that people recognize a game he is involved with.
Versus will get attention when it launches. It already gets a shit load of attention for every little piece of news, more than FFXIII ever got. And this is a game with hardly any media out there since 6 years. We're not talking about a game that desperately needs "buzz". It already has it.


At this point, I'm genuinely interested in the story & characters MUCH more than the gameplay. Every vision they have with gameplay is just a nice bonus on the side.

That's just me though & I'm pretty sure I'm probably the one of few who thinks that way.
Not trying to be an asshole, but most of what you said is just speculation. We could very much see a repeated scenario of Daikatana. I'm pretty sure you're old enough to remember what happened when that game was released, and the subsequent ramifications.

I don't think you are being an asshole... and I hope you don't think I'm being one when I just kind of slowly, sarcastically nod at the Daikatana/VersusXIII analogy. :}

I just don't think the comparison is even in the same ballpark, but I'd be curious to get your take if you want to elaborate more.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
does anyone even care about this game anymore? I certainly don't, at least not until it has a concrete release date.


does anyone even care about this game anymore? I certainly don't, at least not until it has a concrete release date.

As much as it is possible to care about something which will bring me entertainment. There's plenty of stuff to play in the mean time. When it's released doesn't matter so much to me, since I'll play when it drops. It's not like I'm sitting around thinking, "If this doesn't come out in 2012, I just won't play it, ever."


Crystal Bearer
Versus will get attention when it launches. It already gets a shit load of attention for every little piece of news, more than FFXIII ever got. And this is a game with hardly any media out there since 6 years. We're not talking about a game that desperately needs "buzz". It already has it.

That's true. Every time I run a Versus article it gets a lot more traffic than you'd expect even for the smallest news.


Versus will get attention when it launches. It already gets a shit load of attention for every little piece of news, more than FFXIII ever got. And this is a game with hardly any media out there since 6 years. We're not talking about a game that desperately needs "buzz". It already has it.
Yeah, I'm actually surprised that people are still interested in it after so many years. Guess they always considered this as a 'main' Final Fantasy game. But for how long though? After a few years interest will greatly diminish, and it doesn't look like we will be getting any sort of significant info on the game this year either.


I have had it with SE. The mishandle their MMO's and take them in 30 different directions at once. Now they can't even keep afloat the most interesting final fantasy I have seen them come up with this generation. Take away their godlike music and CG cutscenes and they are just subpar.
Yeah, I'm actually surprised that people are still interested in it after so many years. Guess they always considered this as a 'main' Final Fantasy game. But for how long though? After a few years interest will greatly diminish, and it doesn't look like we will be getting any sort of significant info on the game this year either.

it doesn't matter how many little stumbles FF has had in the past few years, it's still a series that pulls in a shit-ton of attention.
This is encouraging for us fans, that's for damn sure.

I think that's the big plus with having a long established series that is constantly changing. Even if a FF comes out with a style you hate, you can always hold on to hope that the next one will suit your taste more.

Unfortunately the last three numbered FF's have either been through team collapsing development problems (XII), wasted potential, possibly due to a rush to completion (XIII), and just an unfinished technical mess (XIV). This is a disturbing trend that S-E really needs to get a handle on. The handling of info/media-release on this game is getting really frustrating for fans, as well.

I think there's still strong hype in the FF community for VersusXIII due to the hope that it will help get FF back on track as far as overall quality, which was a constant in the series pre-Wada.
As a fan of the series, I really want Versus to succeed in a big way.


Terrible idea.

Yeah, considering in May/June 2010 they showed us competent looking in-game locations and in Jan 2011 they showed a working battle system, I think by now the game has many aspects finalized and maybe even finished.
lemme see if i can give a fresh view..ff games are some of the best games ever..ff7 maybe best of all....so squeenix (square and enix) want to make sure this game lives up to the ff name..thats why its taking so long...may be also wii u port and they need the extra time to build up the extra grafix (wii u is gunna rock lol)...


I think there's still strong hype in the FF community for VersusXIII due to the hope that it will help get FF back on track as far as overall quality, which was a constant in the series pre-Wada.
As a fan of the series, I really want Versus to succeed in a big way.

Indeed. Before XIII got released lots of people were actually anticipating that game more than Versus, but after that turned out the way it did, everyone is putting all their expectations on this to bring the franchise back to it's feet. Whether it will meet those expectations is one of the main reasons for all the hype.I think S-E knows that and that's why it's probably taking it's sweet time with it.


it doesn't matter how many little stumbles FF has had in the past few years, it's still a series that pulls in a shit-ton of attention.
This is encouraging for us fans, that's for damn sure.

I think that's the big plus with having a long established series that is constantly changing. Even if a FF comes out with a style you hate, you can always hold on to hope that the next one will suit your taste more.

Unfortunately the last three numbered FF's have either been through team collapsing development problems (XII), wasted potential, possibly due to a rush to completion (XIII), and just an unfinished technical mess (XIV). This is a disturbing trend that S-E really needs to get a handle on. The handling of info/media-release on this game is getting really frustrating for fans, as well.

I think there's still strong hype in the FF community for VersusXIII due to the hope that it will help get FF back on track as far as overall quality, which was a constant in the series pre-Wada.
As a fan of the series, I really want Versus to succeed in a big way.
I don't think it was a wise decision by them to develop XIII-2; instead, they should have just concentrated on Versus. Thy tried to see how it will be received after fixing most of the issues FFXIII had (created new ones too), but I kind of feel that it actually ended up hurting the brand even more. And yeah, Versus is the sort of game that most FF fans desire right now, so withholding information like this doesn't seem like a right move.

If they announce XIII-3 -which seems likely- even Versus won't be able to get the FF brand back on track.
Indeed. Before XIII got released lots of people were actually anticipating that game more than Versus, but after that turned out the way it did, everyone is putting all their expectations on this to bring the franchise back to it's feet. Whether it will meet those expectations is one of the main reasons for all the hype.I think S-E knows that and that's why it's probably taking it's sweet time with it.

I always wanted Versus more, never wanted XIII at all.

I had a feeling.


how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?
Whenever it does come out, if it fails to meet expectations, Final Fantasy is finished.


Whenever it does come out, if it fails to meet expectations, Final Fantasy is finished.

Yes, the 25-year-old, 100-million-unit-selling media franchise will collapse overnight due to the (probably predestined) critical reception of one game.

If 3 prequel movies didn't kill Star Wars, lukewarm Versus reviews won't kill Final Fantasy.

FFXIII-2 was a succes? I thought it did well below expected numbers?

(sarcasm; it was a major flop)


I have had it with SE. The mishandle their MMO's and take them in 30 different directions at once. Now they can't even keep afloat the most interesting final fantasy I have seen them come up with this generation. Take away their godlike music and CG cutscenes and they are just subpar.

Psh. I may not have really liked FFXIII but they gave me The World Ends With You. As far as I'm concerned that's like a 10 year license to screw up as long as after that 10 years they have something else good come out.

And maybe Versus XIII will be out by then :)

EDIT: And they published Nier. Sooooo yeah. That gives them another 5 years.
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