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Epic Games Store Boss Takes Shot At Steam: "We Won't Accept Crappy Games"


Only when you seek for them. I have not much trash on the storefront. Maybe just do these recomendations queues. They are really helping filtering out games you will not like and then they will also not be displayed on the storefront.

Careful there bud. Suggesting that people actually put the minimal effort in to simply set preferences and filters as to what they would like to see is a denial of the cultivated narrative that Steam is unusable. We can't be having that.


No Rimworld? Enter the Gungeon? Terraria?

All crappy games at first, guess we'll only get high profile games on Epic's store.
These comments are being disingenuous, it's quite clear what the Epic guy means. The hate about an extra icon on the desktop makes people say silly things. A David Cage game, regardless of your opinion of him has a baseline quality compared to asset flips.

It's actually a good approach, no matter the level of investment that the type of product that will be on the platform is going to be a quality title. I'd be quite confident in saying Steam is a repository of garbage titles, I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the library is software garbage.
The vast majority of games released on Steam is junk. Plenty of articles/videos detailing that.

A few years ago people would simply refuse to even look at a game if it wasnt on Steam. Even if the Epic launcher was perfect it would still be getting shit on because its not Steam. "No Steam No Buy" was super common on this forum. Steam was absolute dogshit when it came out and it wasnt until cheap games did it really take off.

Its really no different from the console wars when it comes to Steam.

down 2 orth

This store gets way too much publicity here on GAF, even though it has fuck all going for it. I'm pretty sure if we ignore it, it will just go away.


Well to be fair Steam is full of garbage games like that rape game they had.

Firstly that game never existed on the platform. Secondly is Steam somehow magically compelling you to buy anything? Do you personally lack free will?

The idea that EGS won't accept any crappy games is basically a case of Epic setting themselves up as the arbitor of what is and isn't acceptable and I'm less convinced that is something I want from my digital storefronts versus something I decide at the end of the day.
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The only time I see these so called crappy games on steam is when I search by new release. Other then that you will never encounter them. There is even a popular new release filter which ignores those anyway.

The system of allowing anything* is much better then greenlight. Legitimate games weren't allowed to be released under that system.

*Except anime stuff when they feel like it.


So Epic's entire catalog except Unreal Tournament and Unreal Tourney 2004 are all going to be removed then?


The brain-dead implication being that choice is bad. That anything less than a front-loaded AAA title is not worth playing. Epic is trash.
Bolded part is your interpretation.

E.g. app stores: "we have half a million apps! No, one million apps!! NO, FIVE MILLION APPS!".
Yeah, cool. It's 5 million apps I won't even peek at.

Smaller number, but higher quality is a valid concept, regardless if Epic's store succeeds.

So no Sengan Kagura and Super Seducer on Epic Store?
That would suck.
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If they grow as big as steam and drive them out, they will start selling everything all the same.
Amazon sells hentai and pretty much any crap there is and no one bats an eye.
Epic just trying to pull on every string to try and drag Valve in the mud, but if they will succeed, Chinese overlords will come in and start raking money in any way they can, especially since they are spending so much on exclusives right now.


When you have a storefront with unlimited shelf space why would you limit what creators can put there?

Steam is a marketplace for digital goods. An open air market where anyone can come and peddle. Some are snake oil sales men and try and dupe you others sell the best shit in the entire world.

I’ll take my chances. I don’t need someone to protect me from shitty video games.

Also gtfo with your spyware.
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Meanwhile Epic's own Unreal Tournament remains in an alpha state with no updates in a very long time, a shell of what it could have been with some commitment and attention.

Something about getting your own house in order first, springs to mind.
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Only when you seek for them. I have not much trash on the storefront. Maybe just do these recomendations queues. They are really helping filtering out games you will not like and then they will also not be displayed on the storefront.

Sorry, but you fell for the con. The point of the recommendation queue is not to help you filter through trash. The point of the trash is to force you to use the recommendation queue. It's a subtle but important difference. Valve has no real commitments here, and no identifiable position on censorship per se, which has nothing to do with what games appear or do not appear on Steam. Valve is pro-anything that encourages compulsive shopping. Hence, curators, recommendations, spying on your friends, midweek madness, etc. They aren't trying to help you find games you like, because there aren't any, because there can't be, because all the developers are gaming the queue.

What they are trying to do is get as many die rolls as possible with your impulses. That's why the queue is structured the way it is--they don't just hand you a list of 10 games and say "pick one". They use math to figure out which kind of sucker you are, using information you provide, and then hammer whatever buttons you give them over and over. The whole point of the discovery queue is to collect information, not distribute it, and it works because Steam users are hoarders, not players. Most of what they buy gets less than an hour of playtime (if they even launch it at all), and you don't have to look very far to find huge groups of users who look at their backlog with nothing but regret and play their games out of guilt more than anything. They are "cleaning their plate" when it comes to Steam purchases.

Valve has created a platform that deliberately fosters the modern pathology of collecting items with no purpose other than the mild relief that comes with spending. I understand the inclination--the risk/reward system in gaming has always been basically untenable because of spiraling production costs--but don't delude yourself into thinking this is done for your benefit.
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These comments are being disingenuous, it's quite clear what the Epic guy means. The hate about an extra icon on the desktop makes people say silly things. A David Cage game, regardless of your opinion of him has a baseline quality compared to asset flips.

But David Cage games are asset flips.


Sorry, but you fell for the con. The point of the recommendation queue is not to help you filter through trash. The point of the trash is to force you to use the recommendation queue. It's a subtle but important difference. Valve has no real commitments here, and no identifiable position on censorship per se, which has nothing to do with what games appear or do not appear on Steam. Valve is pro-anything that encourages compulsive shopping. Hence, curators, recommendations, spying on your friends, midweek madness, etc. They aren't trying to help you find games you like, because there aren't any, because there can't be, because all the developers are gaming the queue.

What they are trying to do is get as many die rolls as possible with your impulses. That's why the queue is structured the way it is--they don't just hand you a list of 10 games and say "pick one". They use math to figure out which kind of sucker you are, using information you provide, and then hammer whatever buttons you give them over and over. The whole point of the discovery queue is to collect information, not distribute it, and it works because Steam users are hoarders, not players. Most of what they buy gets less than an hour of playtime (if they even launch it at all), and you don't have to look very far to find huge groups of users who look at their backlog with nothing but regret and play their games out of guilt more than anything. They are "cleaning their plate" when it comes to Steam purchases.

Valve has created a platform that deliberately fosters the modern pathology of collecting items with no purpose other than the mild relief that comes with spending. I understand the inclination--the risk/reward system in gaming has always been basically untenable because of spiraling production costs--but don't delude yourself into thinking this is done for your benefit.
Thanks to that queue however my storefront does not look like trash. I do not care if they try to analyze me as long they analyze me right. Same with ads. If they meet my personal taste for ads I am all for it. I rather want to see these than car commercials as an exmple^^
Only when you seek for them. I have not much trash on the storefront. Maybe just do these recomendations queues. They are really helping filtering out games you will not like and then they will also not be displayed on the storefront.

*stomps feet*
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I am sorry that you get angry for not using the tools valve gives you. That it is whats so great. It is in YOUR own hand how your storefront looks like

When he was marching in the parade I dare say he was the only one in step and it was everyone else who was out :messenger_grinning:

Indeed too dumb to be able to figure out how to use search filters it seems. Hilarious, where do this neanderthals come from. :unsure:
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Cheap shot and proves nothing, all this does is put pressure on themselves to accept or not accept the inevitable flood of games wanting to be in your store.


Gold Member
We are Epic!
We want to help the PC Industry to have competition! But only on our Store.
We want to help and support the developers! But only those that we actually like and think are good!
We want to do something for the gamers! But again only on our store, if you plan on buying somewhere else, HAHA good luck, we bought that game.
We want to help developers get in touch with the community! Of course by letting the developer chose if he wants a forum or review system.. wouldn't want shitty game to get review bombed, right?

We are Epic!...
Reminds me of a certain ideology but as a spyware launcher that is known for one crappy game.

Isn't Fortnite on the Epic Store ?

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One of Steam biggest problem is that these past years it has become a scum landfill of crapware with no quality control or curation whatsoever. There are thousands of game that are literally worst than a student gaming project or some Newground flash games.

And this is a huge problem because this is creating an unfair concurrence, devaluation and clutter for actually talented or invested developers, wether indie studios or big companies because, decent to amazing games are somehow drowned in an ocean of absolutely digusting crapware that are just meant at spamming bundle with cheap sales, steal assets or just have nothing to do next to Fez or FarCry...
It's funny to see that some people are okay with Epic becoming the arbiter of what is good or not. But Sony decides to do the same by censoring what they consider bad and those same people will be outraged. Another way to look at it would be he means they'll be taking only the games that say yes to the deal they throw out there and the rest are obviously "crappy".

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Meanwhile, Steam is doing a redesign. I hope this is just the beginning and they give Devs a bigger cut as to undermine the money hatting a bit. We'll see. I don't want to download some intrusive jelly launcher that snoops on my Steam usage. So far, they don't have an exclusive I can't live without, but their moneyhatting is picking up momentum by the week.


Steams 'crappy' games are a feature. Some may like a carefully curated store but not me. Just give me good filters and user opinions. This keeps Epic lower down the pecking order. But keep buying me free games. :)



One of Steam biggest problem is that these past years it has become a scum landfill of crapware with no quality control or curation whatsoever. There are thousands of game that are literally worst than a student gaming project or some Newground flash games.

And this is a huge problem because this is creating an unfair concurrence, devaluation and clutter for actually talented or invested developers, wether indie studios or big companies because, decent to amazing games are somehow drowned in an ocean of absolutely digusting crapware that are just meant at spamming bundle with cheap sales, steal assets or just have nothing to do next to Fez or FarCry...

I have no idea what is wrong with your Steam but my Steam store.

Featured & Recommended:
Definitely a whole bunch of shit games. *sarcasm*

Special Offers:
More shit. (sarcasm)

New and Trending:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1034700/GRAY/ (adulys only)
Most asset flip shit, damn. (sarcasm)

It seems like the majority of these games are liked by the buyers. I actually found some games to add to my wish list, thanks for inspiring me to do this.
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I have no idea what is wrong with your Steam but my Steam store.

Featured & Recommended:
Definitely a whole bunch of shit games. *sarcasm*

Special Offers:
More shit. (sarcasm)

New and Trending:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1034700/GRAY/ (adulys only)
Most asset flip shit, damn. (sarcasm)

It seems like the majority of these games are liked by the buyers. I actually found some games to add to my wish list, thanks for inspiring me to do this.

Guaranteed majority of the people complaining about getting pushed 'trash games' haven't even checked their preferences or filters.
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I have no idea what is wrong with your Steam but my Steam store.

Despite the level of pure degeneracy, delusion and hypocrisy of your fanboy post, which anybody will have understand is absolutely a non-argument against Epic Store stating "they won't accept crappy games" for the reason that there is probably literally 1000x more crap than good games on Steam, I will play your game:


All with mostly negative review

But wait there's more!

Actually there's more than 20,000 more!

Go ahead, I have more than 10000 games on steam and know the store very well.

People like you are disgusting (or might just be working for steam), you are disgusting to steam users who are drowned in an ocean of uncurated crap but most importantly, you are disgusting to publishers and developers of hundreds of great indie game or highly produced games that are drowned in this ocean of shovelware type crap with no merits.

That's why it's a great thing that neither Sony, Nintendo of Microsoft, nor GOG, Humble Bundle or now Epic cater to degenerate delusioned hypocrites and have curation, because instead of leeching like scums on publishers while having no curation, amelioration or current production like Steam, these platform are building make it worthy for publishers and gamers alike to invest in the best games.
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So they are all games that are in the same sections on the front page that I mentioned above?
Featured & Recommended
Special Offers

New and Trending

They are what you see on your front page? Or did you have to hunt them down?
If they are the games showing up on your front page then you aren't using Steam much at all. You interact with Steam, you set up preferences, you buy games on it, the store over time tailors itself to you. You said in your last quote that all the shit games are drowning out the good quality games. If you had to hunt them down you are not proving your point at all, because, well, you had to hunt these shit games down.

I seriously doubt that is your front page when you open up steam, more likely you hunted that stuff out on purpose (happy to be proven wrong)

Though if it is, for someone with over 10,000 games on steam (proof please) I'd be more embarrassed you haven't bothered to setup your preferences or filters.. Or do you just BUY these type of games hence why your store front looks like that? If that's the case It would make more sense.


Though if it is, for someone with over 10,000 games on steam (proof please) I'd be more embarrassed you haven't bothered to setup your preferences or filters.. Or do you just BUY these type of games hence why your store front looks like that? If that's the case It would make more sense.

That's a stupid idea, it's not on the customer to make sure the store doesn't display garbage, don't be ridiculous.

I am sorry that you get angry for not using the tools valve gives you. That it is whats so great. It is in YOUR own hand how your storefront looks like

Lol, since when is it the customer's responsibility to sort out the inventory of a store? Steam is like going into a store where literally 95% of the items around shit on shelves, then the store manager giving you a variable height stair and tell you "go look for a good one".

I honestly don't understand the Steam fanboys and their tantrums over an extra icon on their desktop.
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That's a stupid idea, it's not on the customer to make sure the store doesn't display garbage, don't be ridiculous.

Lol, since when is it the customer's responsibility to sort out the inventory of a store? Steam is like going into a store where literally 95% of the items around shit on shelves, then the store manager giving you a variable height stair and tell you "go look for a good one".

I honestly don't understand the Steam fanboys and their tantrums over an extra icon on their desktop.

Posting what I wrote in the other thread:

I have Steam, GoG, Origin, Uplay, Blizzard and Epic installed on my PC. I never complained about any of the other digital store fronts. Maybe a small knee jerk reaction with Origin when it first came out.

I don't like the way Epic is running it's store business and how it is training it's chosen publishers/developers how to treat consumers.
Metro Exodus, Phoenix Point and Satisfactory publishers/developers all actively deceived their customers. Their games were basically kept on Steam for free marketing.
Phoenix Point: Started on Kickstarter and promised to be release on GoG and Steam. The developers very quickly back paddled and went Epic exclusive due to money, enough money to fully fund their kickstarter and more. I know it was Snapshot Games decision to accept the money and people should be angry at them and they are. But Epic are just as much to blame by causing the pressure, it basically shows that Epic don't really give a shit about communities and by extension consumers. They will be happy to destroy any communities and throw money at what they want to get.
Satisfactory: A developer of Satisfactory uploaded a video last year saying they kept their game on Steam so that they wouldn't get questioned about it. They didn't want to answer questions because they were under an NDA. I understand and respect NDA's but keeping the game on Steam when you know it won't release on Steam is disrespectful to their consumers and also Valve. They were using Valves infrastructure for free advertising. Epic are cultivating this sort of behavior and saying it is A-OK to be a dick and use other people for your own gain. THQ Nordic also bought them so it was like they got a double pay day.
Metro Exodus: As far as I know, 4A Games weren't fully aware of this situation and someone further up the chain made the decision to go Epic exclusive. This shows that Epic don't really give a shit about developers, they will just chase after whatever they think will give them the biggest returns. Game was kept on Steam until 2 weeks before release, more free advertising and being dicks towards Valve.

TLDR: The above tells you that Epic don't care about communities, consumers or developers. They only care about their own financial gain (And yes I know that is the aim of every corporate company) and are only pretending to care.

Valve have worked their arse off to get Steam where it is today. There are so many features that are helpful for both consumers, publishers and developers. It would be exhaustive to list everything but you should do some real proper research on what they have done for PC gaming. They have added more features in the last 9 years than they did in the first 7 years. They added MacOS support in 2010 and Linux support in 2013 (Epic couldn't even get this right out of the gate). Servers, anti-cheat, matchmaking, cloud saving, big picture mode and streaming are just a few things for consumers. On the developer side we have Greenlight (2012), Direct (2017) and Early Access (2013), these were/are ways for small time developers to get recognition and support from the community.

Exclusives: Some people talk about Valve having exclusives, like how Capcom's games are primarily only on Steam, and people get pissed about this. Valve are not paying Capcom or forcing them to keep the games on Steam only, it's Capcom that are choosing to do this. If any PC game is only available on Steam and not anywhere else, you need to take it up with the developer/publisher because it is not Valves fault. Over the last 16+ years Valve have built up a infrastructure that has made publishers and developers very happy to use their digital store front. People are currently saying "Well they can't be too happy because they are jumping ship to Epic", none of them were being forced to stay on Steam exclusively.They could have chosen and taken any other route that they pleased at any time. They could have sold their game on GoG only to avoid DRM, they could have sold their game keys exclusively on 3rd party sites like GMG and Humble Bundle, they could have sold their game exclusively on their own web site, they could have created their own digital store front. Steam never held anyone down and say "no you can't do that".

This is the complete opposite to Epic. You sign on with Epic and you seem to be locked in with only them or with whoever they pre-determine (Microsoft Store). They recently announced Humble Bundle as a 3rd party support which is a good start., these stores should have been there from the get go though. They shouldn't be tying these publishers and developers down, let them do what they want and how they want. The one and only benefit publishers/developers are getting here is monetary gain. The store is a blank slate with no features to help them or to help their consumer base.

30%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: It's industry standard and Valve are still actively developing for Steam, whether it be softward based or hardware based they are still spending money. They certainly do much more than any other company does when it comes to digital store fronts. If Valve don't deserve their 30% cut than Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft sure as fuck don't deserve it. Sony's store still feels like it's in the dark ages and they charge a $60 annual fee for features that are free on Steam. Sony more so than Steam should lower their profit margin since they are making up for it in PS Plus subscriptions, same goes for Microsoft and it's Live subscriptions. Even if Valve did a knee jerk reaction and dropped their profit margin it wouldn't solve anything. Epic will still money hat whoever and whatever they want for monetary gain, Valve aren't in to that. They don't want to lock and tie studio's down, they want them to keep their freedoms.
Hell, what they hell do retail stores do to deserve their 30% cut or whatever it is they take? All they do is put video game boxes on a shelf and they try to sell you game warranties.

Tencent: This will be short and quick. This company is fast growing and is already a billion dollar company. The thought of this company helping Epic succeed truly does scare me. I do not want Chinese ideologies and censorship running rampant around the world. Ubisoft tried censoring Rainbow Six for Chinese consumption but thank god was pushed back by consumer pressure. We consumers should not have to fight for none censorship, nothing should be censored, we are adults and can choose what we do and don't want to see. If they want to release something in China, censor that version only. There are already rumors that Sony's current streak of censorship is due to China, that fucking scares me.

That's all I've got to say for now.

PS: I will probably delete the Epic software off my PC soon. Chinese government spying and Epic security leaks and all that.


Lol, since when is it the customer's responsibility to sort out the inventory of a store? Steam is like going into a store where literally 95% of the items around shit on shelves, then the store manager giving you a variable height stair and tell you "go look for a good one".
It is customers choice. That is why its so great for me. And I see NONE of these trash titles.
Saying tha the Storefront is trash is only the case if you do not curate your store. And it takes almost NO effot to do this. I never used any filter but rather do some queues every now and then. Not only see I intesting games I might have missed but this queue also creates my profile and my storefront. I see nothing bad here.
But what do they consider crap?

Are you telling me they'd of turned down exclusive Fallout 76 prior to its release because its crap? No they'd of taken it because it was a big game.


I'm a stubborn asshole who spent years and years saying "not going to make a Steam account because fuck some digital download bullshit and fuck making accounts to things I rarely even use."
Then I made the account in 2012 or so because Terraria was there and it was cheap and I wanted to try it (bought it and still haven't played it though, lol). Now, ~1250 games later I'm looking at my Steam library and see how it's filled with games ranging from AAA titles to some obscure programming tests by trolls, and I see myself being interested in the latter way more than the former.

I'm possibly in the minority here, but I love the idea of a store where GTA and Batman and Dirt Rally are on the "same shelf" with games like Airbo (see a fantastic review of it on Neogaf clicking this), Bear Football (this one had a price of 20 euros for a long time, lol), Piggy Poggy Pog and Amazing Human Simulator.

As I was stubborn with Steam, I'm probably going to be stubborn with Epic store for a long time too, although I already have it because I tried Fortnite and have now picked the free games. But the biggest thing for me is that I have genuine interest in the "crap" Steam has than in the AAA titles both stores have.

I loved playing all kinds of more or less shit games hobbyists made in the 90's. I love it how they are now able to put them on a store for cheap price. I have always been genuinely interested in Action52 on NES and King Size and Cascade game collection on C64. To me a lot of the crap Steam has is like that. I often have more fun trying some light hearted mess of a student programming test than playing some shiny new game where the creators have taken themselves way too seriously.

One of Steam biggest problem is that these past years it has become a scum landfill of crapware with no quality control or curation whatsoever. There are thousands of game that are literally worst than a student gaming project or some Newground flash games.

And I love it!

Just played President Trump The Way in Uganda. Can't get that on Epic store!

Pack a stupid joke in a form of a video game and ask me 0,39 euros for it and you are a few cents richer :)

I really should look more into itch.io. Loving that attitude in that tweet :)

I'm super into checking out some obscure and experimental titles and there seems to be a lot of stuff Steam doesn't have.


I really should look more into itch.io. Loving that attitude in that tweet :)

I'm super into checking out some obscure and experimental titles and there seems to be a lot of stuff Steam doesn't have.

Itch is literally free for all, so as you might imagine is therefore a free-for-all.
You can definitely find weird experimental stuff there, but its also a starting point for a lot of 'legit' indies too.
Baba Is You is their big release this week, for example.


1 year. Let's take a look at the Epic store in 1 year and remember this tweet.

Those "crappy" games are $$$. Epic are only going to say no to them until they need the cash.


So they're aiming to be a curator that is supposedly going to put together a library that everyone can enjoy?

Yeah good luck with that one bud. At least steam has optional curators, but this pretentious twat saying that he knows exactly what you want and will serve you ONLY that is something else.


I don't understand the hub bub or "boycotting" games that might only appear on this store. I bought Satisfactory, installed it through the epic launcher and haven't opened that launcher since. I even added it as a non steam game in steam. The horror, the horror.


I don't understand the hub bub or "boycotting" games that might only appear on this store. I bought Satisfactory, installed it through the epic launcher and haven't opened that launcher since. I even added it as a non steam game in steam. The horror, the horror.

You are being ignorant. Read my post further up.


You are being ignorant. Read my post further up.

No I am just not giving even half a fuck about the politics of releasing games. We have had a handful of messages pertaining to Satisfactory on a video game message board, most of them were about the launcher, none of them were a result of some groundswell of interest because it was listed on steam (a storefront that half this thread is complaining they can't find anything on).

If it is a game I will enjoy I will buy it because the launcher and storefront has a minimum impact on that experience. While you were typing out a novel I was playing and enjoying the very game you were talking about without ever interacting with the launcher.
"We won't accept crappy games"

*checks store*

RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures has had rave reviews, sitting at a 50something on Metacritic.
Genesis Alpha One is not much better than RollerCoaster Tycoon.

Already found two crappy games... and strangely enough lots of stuff to pre-order. How do they determine the quality of a game that isn't even out yet? What happens if some game turns out to be the next Fallout 76, are they going to remove that from the store then?

Curation didn't work for Steam back in the day and it won't work for Epic now, unless they're strictly talking about cheap asset flips... the games you only know about when you follow someone like Jim Sterling, because I sure as hell have never come across those on Steam myself.

And now excuse me while I go back to play HuniePop and Hentai Crush, true Magnum Opus creations. Games we'll sadly never see on Epic's store.
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