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Evangelion 3.0 SPOILER Thread | You Can (Not) Comprehend

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
There are two spears. One is the original Lance of Longinus that is with Lilith, the other is a new Lance (not sure where it is from, but it may be the one Kaworu used to stop Third Impact). Both are required to start the Fourth Impact. That's all I know for now.


Is Anno actually using the panspermia canon from the PS2 game as the basis for this movie?!!?!
Just got back from seeing it, and I'm pretty sure not a single one of those scenes was in the movie. Anything that was similar was completely reanimated.

Nothing in that trailer as in the movie. Time skip took me by complete surprise.

What a fucking crazy ride. I love that it ended with the original 3 together again, and Asuka ready to try and help Shinji get back on his feet.

That final battle was insane.

I also bought the art book sold at the theater. Not sure if I'm allowed to post photos of it though so I'll refrain from doing so.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Nothing in that trailer as in the movie. Time skip took me by complete surprise.

What a fucking crazy ride. I love that it ended with the original 3 together again, and Asuka ready to try and help Shinji get back on his feet.

That final battle was insane.

I also bought the art book sold at the theater. Not sure if I'm allowed to post photos of it though so I'll refrain from doing so.
The thing is already in its entirety on the interwebz. Not that I would condone such a thing.


Some supposed event spoilers:

Asuka and Mari not aging because LCL exposure halts the aging process.


I'm curious to see how they portrayed Shinji/Kaworu relationship, now that they have more freedom. Also, i wonder what bullshit Anno will pull to link old Eva with the new one. (and if all of this will have a meaning other than fanservice)

Does Mari have a role now or does she still a shitty fanservice character?

I'm curious to see how they portrayed Shinji/Kaworu relationship, now that they have more freedom. Also, i wonder what bullshit Anno will pull to link old Eva with the new one. (and if all of this will have a meaning other than fanservice)

Does Mari have a role now or does she still a shitty fanservice character?

Asuka, Mari and Wille folk are mostly present in the first 30 and last 30 ish minutes of the film. The focus is squarely on Kaworu, Shinji and to a lesser extent Rei.

Their (Kaworu/Shinji) relationship felt a lot more sincere and genuine than in the TV series as far as I'm concerned. Especially since Shinji has essentially had everything torn from him, leaving Kaworu as his only friend/the only person his age to relate to.

This is emphasized even further by how crushed he is when he realizes that he probably didn't save Rei, since the version he's faced with is very clearly not the one he had grown close to.


Some supposed event spoilers:

SEELE throws Eva 01 into space, with a tang'd Shinji and Rei still inside. They stay up there for 14 years.
Misato goes rogue, found her own organization to fix the world and recruits Asuka, Mari, and Touji's younger sister, Asuka and Mari not aging because LCL exposure halts the aging process.
They save Unit 01 from space, but Shinji and Rei decide to go back to NERV where Gendou is still in charge, also he has Kaworu.
Kaworu hits on Shinji while Rei disappears.
Kaworu thinks he found out a way to fix the world with magic spears and Lillith, he and Shinji team up and even combine their Evas.
Misato's organization knows better and sends forth Asuka to stop them.
Kaworu and Shinji almost kill Asuka only to discover that SEELE tricked Kaworu and they really just started Instrumentality.
Kaworu explodes himself to stop it, making Shinji all sad and reducing everything to a red wasteland.
Asuka yanks Shinji out of his entry plug and holds his hand as they walk through the desert.
Also Rei is also in the desert with them somehow.

.... what the fuck, this is just like the old movies, shinji gets emo and depressed again, kills everyone, then rebuilds. this whole thing's a sham!


.... what the fuck, this is just like the old movies, shinji gets emo and depressed again, kills everyone, then rebuilds. this whole thing's a sham!

What's that famous saying? "The more things change, the more they stay the same"?

hey ryouga

speaking of kaworu x shinji

does kaworu crush any kittens?

Nope. He's actually very well-meaning this time around and is very quick to try and get Shinji to not pull out the two lances. Shinji, determined to do the right thing, accidentally initiates 4th Impact. Kaworu steps in and gets himself killed trying to stop it from happening, apologizing to Shinji for not helping him find the happiness he deserves.

Shinji's emotional highs and lows are wacky this round. He starts off ready to help Asuka fight, only to find he's not needed anymore. He's ok with that, but then finds out that time has passed big time. Nobody tells him where Rei is and he gets upset.

Finds out Rei is actually sort of his mom and that he probably didn't save her back in movie 2. Discovers he initiated 3rd impact. Shinji falls into despair. Kaworu tells him they can probably fix things, but Shinji starts 4th impact. More despair.

Kid doesn't get a break in 3.0. Lol.


Man, being Kaworu is suffering. Dude pretty much gets a bad ending in every Eva iteration. I knew he was going to die in 3.0 but it still make me sad.


More like Keel Gendo... am I right?

Is Anno actually using the panspermia canon from the PS2 game as the basis for this movie?!!?!
That comes partly from the original proposal document for Neon Genesis Evangelion, add some other reminiscences of it like the "curse" of the 'Children' (rejuvenating LCL properties also have being said as the cause) explained as crucial in the importance of the old 'Arka' ruins, the place for the promised 'Children' to be.


Here you can see the differences between the normal and deluxe version pamphlets, and includes additional images:

「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q」パンフレット2種類の違いについて。|ろあの~く雑記帳♪♪|ブログ|ろあの~く。|みんカラ - 車・自動車SNS(ブログ・パーツ・整備・燃費)

The front of the one in the image I posted yesterday corresponds with the deluxe version. Also, additional collections of the first known batch of photos uploaded and shared (http://imgur.com/a/zInpd#0 and http://cammadanar.tumblr.com/post/35857597029).


How exactly does Kaworu die? I saw a picture from the pamphlet, and it looks... odd.

He was piloting unit 13 with Shinji, and in order to stop the 4th Impact, he impaled the unit with both Lances. That makes him explode right in front of Shinji, and his blood/stuff splatters against the invisible barrier that existed between them.


Not big on the spoilers but im curious what the sequel thing is about?
Its obviously a sequel to 2.0 so what are we referring to.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
It's gruesome, but the moment before is more touching I think.

Especially since he's so honest in his feelings for Shinji throughout the film.
Kaworu died for Shinji's sins. Again.
More like Keel Gendo... am I right?
I honestly forgot who that is.

Oh wait. Tang guy!
That comes partly from the original proposal document for Neon Genesis Evangelion, add some other reminiscences of it like the "curse" of the 'Children' (rejuvenating LCL properties also have being said as the cause) explained as crucial in the importance of the old 'Arka' ruins, the place for the promised 'Children' to be.
If I see any mentions of the Seeds of Life in the following two films I'm gonna knock over some racks.


Not big on the spoilers but im curious what the sequel thing is about?
Its obviously a sequel to 2.0 so what are we referring to.

It's not a (direct) sequel, because it actually sets itself 14 years after 2.0. In fact, everything in the Preview for 3.0 from 2.22 has been changed to the point some plot elements resemble the original series, but it's much more unique than 2.0 in the sense there are many things radically new.


It's not a (direct) sequel, because it actually sets itself 14 years after 2.0. In fact, everything in the Preview for 3.0 from 2.22 has been changed to the point some plot elements resemble the original series, but it's much more unique than 2.0.

Very very interesting.
Well thats it for spoilers for me.


God I want to see this so badly. Why couldn't they do a limited US release like the Madoka movies?

I do find the LCL keeping the kids young thing to be highly silly, but I guess people would rage if Asuka was suddenly no longer jailbait.

Also, the people on /a/ are raging saying that Rei's character was ruined. Anybody know anything about that?


Also, the people on /a/ are raging saying that Rei's character was ruined. Anybody know anything about that?

From what I can tell from the spoilers, it seems to be two-fold:
1) She seemingly doesn't do that much in the movie
2) Rei all of a sudden hates reading books, which supports the notion that the Rei in 3.0 is a completely different Rei from 1.0 and 2.0 (which temporarily throws Rei's character development out of the window until 4.0 probably).

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
God I want to see this so badly. Why couldn't they do a limited US release like the Madoka movies?

I do find the LCL keeping the kids young thing to be highly silly, but I guess people would rage if Asuka was suddenly no longer jailbait.

Also, the people on /a/ are raging saying that Rei's character was ruined. Anybody know anything about that?
The Rei from 1.0 and 2.0 is basically absent from the entire movie. The new Rei is a clone who obviously has no recollections of the past two films. People are just bitching about all the character development that was "lost" because of that, ignoring the fact that 4.0 still needs to come out.


Crystal Bearer
God I want to see this so badly. Why couldn't they do a limited US release like the Madoka movies?

I do find the LCL keeping the kids young thing to be highly silly, but I guess people would rage if Asuka was suddenly no longer jailbait.

Also, the people on /a/ are raging saying that Rei's character was ruined. Anybody know anything about that?

Huahaha. Hilarious. I think they're mad because she gets like... no screen time and wasn't actually saved with Shinji or something.


The Rei from 1.0 and 2.0 is basically absent from the entire movie. The new Rei is a clone who obviously has no recollections of the past two films. People are just bitching about all the character development that was "lost" because of that, ignoring the fact that 4.0 still needs to come out.
Huahaha. Hilarious. I think they're mad because she gets like... no screen time and wasn't actually saved with Shinji or something.
Hahaha, oh okay. I've been on that site long enough to know that I should never take them seriously.

I thought the original idea was that 3.0 and 4.0 were supposed to be a double feature. I guess they scrapped that idea. Bummer.


I do find the LCL keeping the kids young thing to be highly silly, but I guess people would rage if Asuka was suddenly no longer jailbait.

I just noticed that her new helmet essentially gives her cat-ears too. Even more-so than the usual interface clips she wears.

Also, anyone know why Fuyutsuki decides to stay with Gendo/Seele?


I just noticed that her new helmet essentially gives her cat-ears too. Even more-so than the usual interface clips she wears.

Also, anyone know why Fuyutsuki decides to stay with Gendo/Seele?

Stuck with him this long, might as well stay for the long run.


Ah, derp, yes. The two Lances being the same practically confirms the world of Rebuild is actually a sequel to the TV series.
I've seen reports saying one is the Cassius Spear (カシウスの槍), the very same that uses EVA:Mark.06 at the end of Evangelion: 2.0.

And please, guys, as I see it, lets just avoid saying "confirmation" and such to not confuse others, because we've been hearing similar things since the very first movie! Why not we just wait for the conclusion to say words like that? But, look, I'm not saying I don't think the same as you either!


^ No spoiler bars in this thread

I thought the deal was they were expecting that different spear there, but they ended up both being the other.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This is probably the most detailed spoiler description I've seen on the Interwebz yet:
Haven't gone through this thread yet, but it looks like most of this stuff everyone already knows.

Firstly, like NONE of the stuff from the preview at the end of 2.0 is in this movie. Secondly, there's some bizarre stuff, like the floating battle ship and all the red stuff shaped like Evangelions and everything seems like an Angel (not literally but there's pattern blues everywhere it seems), but mostly this magical floating battleship that seems to have come out of nowhere.

We start off with the space battle, but it's not so much a battle as it is Asuka recovering this black cross with a Nerv logo on it, I assume that Shinji's inside this thing. At some point there's an angel and a fight ensues. Mari and Asuka are both fighting, Mari in the pink one, and at some point, because she has no thrusters, her Eva falls back to earth. She's got a gun that looks like a 50cal.

Upon returning, Shinji wakes up and realizes he's the most hated person on Earth. Everyone hates him, except maybe Toji's sister (who is the brown haired girl from the new trailers). Misato hates him, Ritsuko's got short hair, the other new characters are the new bridge crew, the bridge of this wacko floating battleship, and they all work for (IIRC) Wille? Not Nerv. Shinji's an idiot and doesn't understand why everyone hates him. He's relieved to see Asuka again but she hates him too. They're all out at sea, and it looks like there might have been another angel attack. Eventually, Rei shows up in Eva-00 (or was it 09?), busts Shinji out of jail (he's wearing some sort of collar that can explode), Misato wants to use the collar but can't.

They all go back to Nerv, which is all kinds of fucked up. There they find Kaworu who plays the piano a lot. Gendo is now sporting a visor kind of like Keel. Shinji realizes that Rei isn't the same as before, he's also really mopey and befriends Kaworu, who somehow teaches Shinji how to play the piano instantly. Kaworu also fixes Shinji's SDAT, also, he takes the collar off and puts it on himself. Shinji eventually hangs out with Fuyu who tells Shinji all about what happened to Yui (she's got wings during the contact experiment) and what happened when he tried to save Rei, pretty much why everyone hates him. So there's also Eva-13, which kind of looks like Eva-01, it's in some sort of containment because it seems Misato's people can detect activated Evas.

When Eva-13 is activated, Kaworu and Shinji both pilot it from separate entry plugs, but they can see each other, as if they're sitting next to each other. This instantly sounds the Misato alarm and they send Asuka and Mari to deal with it. They descend through central dogma (some weird CGI during this part, not sure what was going on with all the blocks and the floor) until they eventually reach Lilith, who looks in bad shape. There's what looks like Eva-sized skulls everywhere. There are also 2 spears (one is Longinus and the other is, forgot the name, was mentioned in this subforum), one is stuck through Mark-VI and the other looks like it's just sticking in Lilith. Shinji is told that if they get the spears they'll be able to undo all the crap that Shinji did via 3rd Impact. Kaworu's suddenly not so sure, I think he says the spears are in the wrong place or that someone's messed with them, he's sitting around wondering what was up while Shinji fights Asuka, Rei is down there also with her Eva and is in the battle. Asuka runs out of power, so Shinji gets the two Spears, and what do you know, 4th Impact starts. But Misato and the floating battle ship shows up and tries to stop it, the battleship's guns can pierce AT-Fields. Rei's Eva turns out to be Seele controlled and starts attacking the battleship, hacking into its systems, it seems it's also an Angel. Asuka activates some sort of "beast mode" and takes it out, Rei's entry plug is ejected. At some point, the collar explodes and Kaworu is turned into hamburger meat, Shinji's pretty upset about it and at this point, he's just a dead heap. His entry plug is ejected, Asuka has to self destruct so she ejects. The battleship is saved and 4th Impact is averted, though it looks like Earth is pretty bad off. The movie ends with Asuka pulling Shinji out of his plug, he's completely unresponsive, and they and Rei walk off.

Probably missed a lot of the details, but I'm sure all the other synopsis from the thread can fill those in. Not sure how I feel about this one, I definitely enjoyed it but there's a lot of questions/loose ends. I'll have to wait for a full translation of the dialogue before putting together any critical thoughts. Some of the stuff that kind of bugged me was the battleship, which seemed to have come out of nowhere, and Shinji being pretty much an idiot throughout the entire movie.

The next time preview has an Eva that looks like the pink Eva and Eva-02 stiched together fighting a bunch of other Evas that all look alike, probably an Eva series? They don't look like harpiess though.


^ No spoiler bars in this thread

I thought the deal was they were expecting that different spear there, but they ended up both being the other.
I saw something similar as what you say being part of early spoilers, but some other comments mention that both spears impaling Lilith (with its body rotten as it is noted) are identifiable as the Cassius and Longinus spears, and as Shinji & Kaworu were ready to proceed and extract the two it happens exactly the same as in the series; Kaworu realizes it is Lilith body and hesitates.

Maybe these comments are the ones in the wrong! Did our RyougaSaotome explain something about this?

Yes! I told you (well, I wasn't sure, but...) Ornette would come to save us, guys!


Crystal Bearer
Misato hates him even though she supported his decision to rescue Rei in 2.0? This movie sounds depressing.

Well, he was out of the picture for 14 years and responsible for initiating the 3rd impact. I can see why she'd be upset.


Here you can see the differences between the normal and deluxe version pamphlets, and includes additional images:

「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q」パンフレット2種類の違いについて。|ろあの~く雑記帳♪♪|ブログ|ろあの~く。|みんカラ - 車・自動車SNS(ブログ・パーツ・整備・燃費)

The front of the one in the image I posted yesterday corresponds with the deluxe version. Also, additional collections of the first known batch of photos uploaded and shared (http://imgur.com/a/zInpd#0 and http://cammadanar.tumblr.com/post/35857597029).

lol what the hell happened to unit 2? why does it look like a terminator?
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