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F@$* you Japan

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greenpeace needs to learn that their hippie-superleftie-anarcho-attitude is just plain wrong.
don't mess with huge whalehunters with your wannabe batman nutshell.

I'm all for protecting whales but not the way greenpeace does. they acting like ocean punks.
iamaustrian said:
greenpeace needs to learn that their hippie-superleftie-anarcho-attitude is just plain wrong.
don't mess with huge whalehunters with your wannabe batman nutshell.

I'm all for protecting whales but not the way greenpeace does. they acting like ocean punks.

well, what way should it be done? it's not gonna be thru the Japanese parliament that's for sure.


God dang hippies, it's their own fault. I really do hopey they are marked as terrorist group (like ALF)) asap so they can be locked away before they actually kill someone with their stupid stunts.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
well, what way should it be done? it's not gonna be thru the Japanese parliament that's for sure.

Inject the money they waste on these cowboys into a marketing campaign to sway the Japanese public perhaps? Spend it on anything but those wankers. It's the public that's funding these dicks and they're just pissing the money away.
Mohonky said:
Inject the money they waste on these cowboys into a marketing campaign to sway the Japanese public perhaps? Spend it on anything but those wankers. It's the public that's funding these dicks and they're just pissing the money away.

So...you have no solution


evil solrac v3.0 said:
isn't it the japanese public that demands whale meat to begin with?

Not sure but if they were that'd be more reason to try and start a marketing campaign to drive them away from it...

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
The activists deserved to lose their million dollar boat and they're damn lucky they didn't die. Apparently they were trying to entangle the rudders and propellers and they then expected a fucking factory barge to slow down for them as they went across it's bow to try to get it to stop.

whaling is bad but fuck these activists for trying to disprove Darwin.


I agree, whatever stops whaling. If that means they come back next year with 8 Sea Shpards and blow the Japanese cunts out of the water, good riddance.
Can't believe the racism in this thread.

Complete lack of differentiation between Japan and whalers from Japan, including a picture of the Enola Gay and the mass murder of Japanese civilians it represents?

People to need to reality check themselves.

what the hell is that


BakugekiNZ said:
Can't believe the racism in this thread.

Complete lack of differentiation between Japan and whalers from Japan, including a picture of the Enola Gay and the mass murder of Japanese civilians it represents?

People to need to reality check themselves.

I think people are outraged because Japanese gov. doesn't do anything to but stop for this and I think the polls say that the japanese general population doesn't give a shit about whaling. So while the don't go on and harpoon those fat bastards themselfs they still don't do a thing to stop it.

... The enola gay thing is from south park and while it is tastless and offensive it's still funny (if you seen SP).


Mogg0 said:
I agree, whatever stops whaling. If that means they come back next year with 8 Sea Shpards and blow the Japanese cunts out of the water, good riddance.
The Sea Shepherds are ecoterrorists while people on the whaling ships are probably average guys trying to bring home a paycheck. Now, I'm not condoning breaking the quotas set on whaling, but let's not glorify the Sea Shepherds here.


Everything is moe to me
Gozan said:
No, screw the dolphins

Let's save the squids instead!
You have my sword.

octopus's are sometimes eaten, cooked and chopped to pieces alive but nobody cries for them because they weren't in flipper. Whales and dolphins have just as much of a place on the dinner table!


Zyzyxxz said:
well they got what they had coming to them but the whalers need to stop that shit too.

Whaling is wrong right now since I do not believe there is any good evidence that whale populations have grown stable enough to support it.

Yes there is. There is about 107 000 Minke whales in the North East Atlantic and about 600 is killed each year by Norwegian (590, although the quota was set at >1000 animals) and Icelandic (~50) whalers.
BakugekiNZ said:
Can't believe the racism in this thread.

Complete lack of differentiation between Japan and whalers from Japan, including a picture of the Enola Gay and the mass murder of Japanese civilians it represents?

People to need to reality check themselves.

another day on gaf.


now with two videos:
view from the whaler boat and viewed from a distance

(may be a norwegian commercial before the video starts)

from the whaler video, it actually looks like the Sea Sheperd boat is standing still and then for some reason it increases it speed to get in front of the whaling boat. Maybe they wanted the collision (or thought that it was in set in reverse)
=/ terrorising poor fishermen is not the way to go about stopping Whaling. sure they are part of the problem but if you really want to do something you need to go to the higher ups. Diplomacy style?
Is it possible to close the loop hole somehow?
I actually find it kind of embarrassing the way Green peace behaves at times... In high school we had to do english orals with a social issue theme. There was one girl who was really into that kind of thing, and did her oral on whaling. Only thing was she was wearing a "save a whale, kill a Japanese" tee shirt... while there were a bunch of Japanese students in our class. She was a nice girl, and i respect her for trying, but oh man that was not the way to go about it.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
shanshan310 said:
=/ terrorising poor fishermen is not the way to go about stopping Whaling. sure they are part of the problem but if you really want to do something you need to go to the higher ups. Diplomacy style?
Is it possible to close the loop hole somehow?
I actually find it kind of embarrassing the way Green peace behaves at times... In high school we had to do english orals with a social issue theme. There was one girl who was really into that kind of thing, and did her oral on whaling. Only thing was she was wearing a "save a whale, kill a Japanese" tee shirt... while there were a bunch of Japanese students in our class. She was a nice girl, and i respect her for trying, but oh man that was not the way to go about it.

I was eating a piece of cake and I nearly choked on some frosting when I read that.


BTW Can I ask why people are against whaling here ? Statistic shows that current whale population can handel the commercial whaling. If you are against whaling are you also against killing cows, pigs, chickens and etc. for food ?

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
If the wild population can support it, then yeah I wouldn't have anymore of a problem with eating whale than eating salmon. My assumption is that the reason Japanese whalers attract these activists is because the whale population over there aren't as stable, but I have no idea what the statistics are.

Chris R

CiSTM said:
BTW Can I ask why people are against whaling here ? Statistic shows that current whale population can handel the commercial whaling. If you are against whaling are you also against killing cows, pigs, chickens and etc. for food ?
If the statistics say commercial whailing is fine why hasn't the IWC said it is ok? I would have no problem with any country whailing, but doubt the population can sustain it now. Japan calling what they are doing "research" doesn't help their case. Not to mention whale tastes so damn disgusting :lol Yes I've had muktuk.
These eco-terrorists have been trying to sabotage the Japanese whaling boats for many months. Did they expect them to just tuck tail and cry all the way home? They've got to be fucking naive if they didn't expect some form of violent retaliation as a possibility.

Zero sympathy.
Al-ibn Kermit said:
If the wild population can support it, then yeah I wouldn't have anymore of a problem with eating whale than eating salmon. My assumption is that the reason Japanese whalers attract these activists is because the whale population over there aren't as stable, but I have no idea what the statistics are.

If the Japanese made whale farms (like salmon farms) the activists will go even more batshit insane.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
teruterubozu said:
If the Japanese made whale farms (like salmon farms) the activists will go even more batshit insane.
well they're likely just vegeterians/vegans who don't like the idea of anybody eating meat. the reason they care so much about whales is because they're big and impressive and are just another one of the "sexy" endangered animals like tigers or koalas or whatever. If a type of E. Coli or fungus that was actually important to the ecosystem was endangered, they most likely wouldn't give a fuck.
shanshan310 said:
=/ terrorising poor fishermen is not the way to go about stopping Whaling. sure they are part of the problem but if you really want to do something you need to go to the higher ups. Diplomacy style?
Is it possible to close the loop hole somehow?

The world tries to close the loophole every few years, unfortunately though it comes down to a vote in which many developing nations are paid off (by the Japanese with their promise of aid) to vote "Yes let's keep whaling".

I thought the Australian government said last week it was going to do more to stop Japanese whaling? Why don't they get more planes & boats out there like last year to really piss these fuckers off?


CiSTM said:
BTW Can I ask why people are against whaling here ? Statistic shows that current whale population can handel the commercial whaling. If you are against whaling are you also against killing cows, pigs, chickens and etc. for food ?

whales and dolphins are intellgent, pigs are dirty etc (even though pigs are intelligent too).

They should inject the whales with some kind of substance which stops making them tasty.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
isn't it the japanese public that demands whale meat to begin with?

Whale meat used to be poor-man's food in Japan up until the 1980s. It was undesirable for most people. But now with all these whaling restrictions and nutty activists, whale meat has become a highly sought after delicacy and people will pay top dollar (yen) for it.


I'm sorry.


Also, it just hit me - that photo was taken on the South Hobart docks! :eek: That's like, 2km away from where I live.


rhfb said:
If the statistics say commercial whailing is fine why hasn't the IWC said it is ok? I would have no problem with any country whailing, but doubt the population can sustain it now. Japan calling what they are doing "research" doesn't help their case. Not to mention whale tastes so damn disgusting :lol Yes I've had muktuk.

Not sure but hasn't IWC said that some species of whale can indeed handel the commercial whaling (within limits & quotas). I'm gonna go look for the orginal source 'cos not 100% sure if it was IWC.

Minke whale is the top fatty that JP and NOR are whaling and I think there is plenty of data to prove it's up for commercial whaling.

BTW IWC has been very pleased with the data Japan has given to them from the leathel samplings... So I guess they are actually doind something. There was huge raport from IWC just in 2008 about the research.


Mohonky said:
The boat cost 1.5million? They spent 1.5million on that thing? Who the fuck is funding them? The UAE?

As far as I recall that ship was a gift from an incredibly wealthy dude who thought it was a better use of his money than buying another car.


rhfb said:
If the statistics say commercial whailing is fine why hasn't the IWC said it is ok? I would have no problem with any country whailing, but doubt the population can sustain it now. Japan calling what they are doing "research" doesn't help their case. Not to mention whale tastes so damn disgusting :lol Yes I've had muktuk.

Because IWC is a political organization taken over by non-whaling countries in the 80's. Their own science committee says that there is enough whales to start having quotas, but they refuse.



I visited one of the green peace boats while it was at an international terminal/wharf here in New Zealand. It was exactly as I expected. A bunch of stoners in hammocks. Pretty much the first thing they do when you get on board is brag about how stoned they are. Was really pathetic. Reminded me of a bunch of 13 year old that got into their parents liquor cabinet for the first time or something. I hope all that green peace money they collect in the street etc isnt going to them.


mrklaw said:
whales and dolphins are intellgent, pigs are dirty etc (even though pigs are intelligent too).

They should inject the whales with some kind of substance which stops making them tasty.

wow so much "dump" in this post, or super awsome sarcasm... i cant tell

teruterubozu said:
Whale meat used to be poor-man's food in Japan up until the 1980s. It was undesirable for most people. But now with all these whaling restrictions and nutty activists, whale meat has become a highly sought after delicacy and people will pay top dollar (yen) for it.

? they put whale flesh in cat/dog food - they want the codliver oil...
whale tastes like shit, japanese have the biggest marked for good fish...
the demand for whale is on a decline...


iamaustrian said:
greenpeace needs to learn that their hippie-superleftie-anarcho-attitude is just plain wrong.
don't mess with huge whalehunters with your wannabe batman nutshell.

I'm all for protecting whales but not the way greenpeace does. they acting like ocean punks.

Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd are not related to each other. Although Paul Watson was once part of Greenpeace and left it to start up Sea Shepherd.


missbreedsiddx said:
The whale wars hippies are idiots who I have no sympathy for, but I also despise the Japanese whalers. My dream would be to see a fleet of anti whalers and Japanese whaling boats collide in a horrific explosion killing all involved.

I was curious as to why the Japanese are still killing whales, since whaling was outlawed worldwide in 1986. All I could find was this lame excuse:

The official reason that Japan gives for whale hunting is "scientific research". They say the only way to determine the whale's age is to kill it. The purpose of the "research" is to prove that whale populations have improved enough to allow commercial whaling.

And I'm no PETA supporter, but WTF Japan.


sankt-Antonio said:
wow so much "dump" in this post, or super awsome sarcasm... i cant tell

? they put whale flesh in cat/dog food - they want the codliver oil...
whale tastes like shit, japanese have the biggest marked for good fish...
the demand for whale is on a decline...

What ? It has been increasing on yearly basis and at the moment it seems it's only going higher and higher. Japan's Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries has all the data for you if you don't believe.


Whale meat is part of the traditional Japanese cuisine, it's not like they can simply ban the consumption of it as easily as other countries. It's like asking a French person to stop eating cheese, an Italian to stop eating pasta or an American to stop eating big macs.


sankt-Antonio said:
wow so much "dump" in this post, or super awsome sarcasm... i cant tell

? they put whale flesh in cat/dog food - they want the codliver oil...
whale tastes like shit, japanese have the biggest marked for good fish...
the demand for whale is on a decline...

with me, always assume sarcasm.
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