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F@$* you Japan

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Why are they wasting money on a stealth boat that costs 1.5 million when it's "stealth" is useless for any purpose of anti-whaling? Whale ships are crawling with crew being vigilant for whales, they are going to see your fucking boat coming from miles away.


Wow, those Sea Shepherds are seriously embarrassing. No wonder they made a SP chapter laughing at them. Scumbags....
I saw the video on the Today Show this morning. Looked like the trimaran just cut-off the whaling ship and paid the price. I don't see how they can say the whaling ship "suddenly started its engines" since it's a giant ship that takes a while to build-up speed, versus a very tiny carbon fiber racing boat that could easily get out of the way. It sucks to see such a cool boat destroyed though. Maybe now the backers for these conservationist nuts will realize they are in fact nuts, and that they shouldn't be putting them in charge of such expensive toys and resources.

edit: Just saw that the videos were posted on the last page. Looks like the whaling ship veered towards the trimaran to get them to back off, but tried to turn away at the last second. Hard to tell since the boat with the camera on it is probably moving as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Pandaman said:
You have my sword.

octopus's are sometimes eaten, cooked and chopped to pieces alive but nobody cries for them because they weren't in flipper. Whales and dolphins have just as much of a place on the dinner table!

And it tastes fucking awesome.


Animals are so delicious.

I hope the damages done to the whaling boat by the tiny super-stealth-boat won't be reflected in the price of whale meat. That stuff is expensive as it is already what with the black market and all.

I bet Kentucky fried dodo was fucking exquisite.


The problem isn't the anti-whalers guys. The problem is that this reportedly occurred in Australian waters.

I mean offense when I say that our government is being totally pussy about this. If it were happening in say, American waters, you guys would've totally kicked some Japanese Whaling ass by now.


Mr Bethune said before his departure he would not follow previous Sea Shepherd tactics and try to ram Japanese whalers. Last year the Steve Irwin hit a Japanese trawler during its protests over whaling.

So they used to do it, but now that the whalers did it to THEM, they're crying foul?


Graf Nudu said:

This is actually getting some what annoying. The research Japan is doing is legal and real. They have provided scientific data from the researches.


CiSTM said:
This is actually getting some what annoying. The research Japan is doing is legal and real. They have provided scientific data from the researches.

They don't have to kill them to do scientific research and if they did surely 1 from each type would be enough.
ZombieSupaStar said:

what the hell is that
it's from a youtube channel of a chick who parodies things like Avatar, which is what my avatar currently is

lol thread collision


Kozak said:
They don't have to kill them to do scientific research and if they did surely 1 from each type would be enough.

1. Japan does both lethal and non lethal research on whales.
2. Try to take internal organs from a whale while it's still alive.
3. One subject does not give enough data of the whole species condition.

Also the number of whales that are killed in name of research is extremly low.


Mar_ said:
As far as I recall that ship was a gift from an incredibly wealthy dude who thought it was a better use of his money than buying another car.

Dude should have bought himself a Lambo Balboni and dipped that shit in gold.

Would have been a better purchase.


Graf Nudu said:
Research how good dolphin-meat tastes on a bread?

dolphin does not equal whale. On whales there is 4 main objectives:

1. Estimation of biological parameters to improve the stock management of the Southern Hemisphere minke whale,

2. Examination of the role of whales in the Antarctic marine ecosystem,

3. Examination of the effect of environmental changes on cetaceans and,

4. Examination of the stock structure of the Southern Hemisphere minke whales to improve stock management.

There is healty population of Minke whales and it's not endangered and it's not going to be endangered due Japanese research.

edit: these studies have also been great add to world's water pollutio studies.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
whatever stops whaling.....

I really, really hate this attitude from activists. Be they anti-whalers, anti-foresters, or anti-abortionists. Everyone feels like their cause is important enough to justify forcing their will or taking drastic measures when things don't go their way.
sometimes i think 80% of america would support nuclear apocalypse if they found out that THOSE DAMN HIPPIES were against it


CiSTM said:
What ? It has been increasing on yearly basis and at the moment it seems it's only going higher and higher. Japan's Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries has all the data for you if you don't believe.
link here

"For all of Japan's success in winning support from other countries for its campaign to ease the restrictions on whaling - especially smaller countries which receive Japanese aid - the Japanese people are losing interest.

Whale meat is only served in a few specialist restaurants, and occasionally appears on supermarket shelves. Younger people almost never eat it."

"Whale meat was especially widespread in the difficult years after the Second World War, when it was seen as a cheap source of protein.

But as incomes rose, people switched to imported beef, or fish like tuna and salmon. With such an abundance of high-quality protein available these days, few Japanese see the point in eating whale, which doesn't taste that special."

"As Japan consumes more fish than any other nation, it worries about possible curbs on its fishing activities in open seas for species like tuna."

link is a good read...

japans govnerment has a whale flesh campain going on so that japanese people support them - i wouldnt believe there fud - they dont want to lose fishing powers, because if they lose whale they will lose tuna etc.


sankt-Antonio said:
link here

"For all of Japan's success in winning support from other countries for its campaign to ease the restrictions on whaling - especially smaller countries which receive Japanese aid - the Japanese people are losing interest.

Whale meat is only served in a few specialist restaurants, and occasionally appears on supermarket shelves. Younger people almost never eat it."

"Whale meat was especially widespread in the difficult years after the Second World War, when it was seen as a cheap source of protein.

But as incomes rose, people switched to imported beef, or fish like tuna and salmon. With such an abundance of high-quality protein available these days, few Japanese see the point in eating whale, which doesn't taste that special."

"As Japan consumes more fish than any other nation, it worries about possible curbs on its fishing activities in open seas for species like tuna."

link is a good read...

japans govnerment has a whal flesh campain going on so that japanese people support them - i wouldnt believe there fud

Analysis of official frozen marine product stockpile figures published by The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries indicate that whale meat consumption has been rising in Japan annually for the 3 years for which figures are available, contrasting strongly with reports in the western media to the contrary.

The increasing consumption figures reconcile with recent Japanese media reports of increasing sales through supermarkets and restaurant chains. Icelandic commercial whalers have recently stated that they wish to sell some of their approximately 100 tonnes of fin whale meat to the Japanese market, indicating their belief that there is a market for additional whale meat.

The statements appearing in the western media have incorrectly interpreted increasing stockpile levels as indicating a lack of demand in the Japanese market. Consumption trends cannot be derived by examining increasing stockpiles, which have recently seen increases in supply due to the JARPA II research programme, in which the number of whales taken roughly doubled. This information tell us only about the supply side. Consumption trends, on the other hand, are indicated by volumes of outgoing frozen whale meat stocks. These volumes have in fact been increasing, not decreasing.

Some still point to year on year increases in the level of the stockpile, but this is because the whale meat is not consumed immediately once it arrives on the stockpiles. Whaling is a seasonal activity. Current consumption trends indicate that by February 2007, the level of stocks remaining in frozen storage will likely decrease as compared to 2006 and 2005. From 2007/2008 onwards, levels of supply will again stabilise due to the full commencement of the JARPA II research programme.

CONCLUSION: There is a strong demand for whale meat in Japan. It's important for proper conservation of target whale stocks that global whaling activities be properly regulated with international oversight, such as by the IWC, to ensure that whaling operations are sustainable, and that whaling operators do not exceed scientifically agreed catch limits.

Also Iceland is in talks of starting to sell whale meat to Japan. So don't really know what they are doing with it if not eating...Maybe I even don't want to know.
Well if Japan's government (an impartial observer with nothing to gain from encouraging whaling) says that it's true, then I will fully believe them.


Fuck Yeah Japan!

And here's The Guardian's piece on the deep rift in the environmental movement

Japanese whaling boat clash likely to ignite row over activists' tactics

The damage inflicted to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) boat the Ady Gil in a collision with a whaling ship is likely to reignite the row over the environmental group's tactics.

Paul Watson, who helped set up Greenpeace in 1972, and now heads the SSCS has been labelled an eco-terrorist and dangerous extremist by his former comrades, with whom he is locked in a long-running feud.

While both groups have targeted the Japanese whale hunts in the Southern Ocean, Greenpeace refuses to co-operate with SSCS by sharing information on the whereabouts of whaling fleets because it says SSCS uses violent tactics. Watson counters this, saying his methods yield results and SSCS has sunk 10 whaling ships, with no injuries caused.

Watson was membership number 008 in Greenpeace. He founded SSCS's forerunner, the Earth Force Society, in 1977, the same year he was voted off Greenpeace's board of directors. There were concerns within Greenpeace over his methods, including an incident when he pulled a club from a sealer's hand and threw it in the water, but Watson claims he left on good terms. However, his departure only highlighted the groups' ideological differences.

In 1986, on being asked what he thought of being labelled an eco-terrorist by Greenpeace, Watson responded by calling them "the Avon Ladies of the environmental movement", something he says they have never forgiven him for. Five years later they agreed to refrain from criticising each other but the truce failed to hold, with each blaming the other for violating it.

The gloves really came off towards the end of 2008. In November of that year, Watson labelled his former organisation "Yellowpeace" for deciding not to send a ship to counter the Japanese whaling fleet. Greenpeace said its campaign had reached the "endgame" and it would instead concentrate on changing public opinion in Japan.

The following month it published a 2,672-word missive on Watson entitled Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace: Some Facts. The article noted that "stories of divisiveness within the ranks of environmental groups distract from the real issues," but then went on to attack Watson on a variety of fronts, even challenging the idea that he was a founding member of Greenpeace, describing him instead as an "early member".

Watson hit back by issuing an even longer rebuttal. In response to Greenpeace's analysis that Japanese whaling would be stopped "by a domestic decision within the Japanese government to do so", he compared the group's attitude to that of "Jewish leaders in the Warsaw ghetto that resulted in the Holocaust".

Before the Ady Gil set sail for Antarctica in December, Watson told the Guardian that Greenpeace's claim he was not a founder member was "Bolshevik revisionism" and said his old organisation was bitter about the success of SSCS. "I think they're angry with us because of the success of Whale Wars [the hit TV series following SSCS in its Antarctic campaign in 2008], because we have actually made a difference," he said.

"We're not a protest organisation … we intervene against illegal activities and as far as we're concerned Japanese whalers are poachers."

Despite – or perhaps because of – his outspoken opinions, Watson has won the support of luminaries including the Dalai Lama, Mick Jagger, Daryl Hannah and Uma Thurman. SSCS even earned the dubious honour of being parodied in the US animated comedy South Park in an episode entitled Whale Whores, where its activists were depicted as "vegan pussies" posing as pirates and Watson got a harpoon through the head. Nevertheless, he proclaimed himself happy with the publicity.

At the beginning of Operation Waltzing Matilda, Watson talked up the impact the Ady Gil, formerly known as Earthrace, would have in confronting whalers. He said the boat, with a top speed of up to 50 knots (58mph) and able to dive under waves completely, would "give us the speed we need to intercept the harpooners. This vessel is twice as fast as a harpoon vessel".

But instead the $1.5m biodiesel-fuelled boat has come a cropper and the incident is likely to provide ammunition for those who criticise his methods.


"We're not a protest organisation … we intervene against illegal activities and as far as we're concerned Japanese whalers are poachers."

I would really like to know what these illegal activities are ? These guys should taken to prison for their actions.
Watson hit back by issuing an even longer rebuttal. In response to Greenpeace's analysis that Japanese whaling would be stopped "by a domestic decision within the Japanese government to do so", he compared the group's attitude to that of "Jewish leaders in the Warsaw ghetto that resulted in the Holocaust".


Hari Seldon

So how exactly do the Japanese get away with whaling? I thought there was some international ban on it or something, and only like eskimos could do it.


Hari Seldon said:
So how exactly do the Japanese get away with whaling? I thought there was some international ban on it or something, and only like eskimos could do it.

Within regulations you can still whale.


Hari Seldon said:
So how exactly do the Japanese get away with whaling? I thought there was some international ban on it or something, and only like eskimos could do it.

Not enough people really care to do anything about it and piss off one of the world's largest economies.


Dyno said:
Not enough people really care to do anything about it and piss off one of the world's largest economies.

There is nothing illegal be done here so why should anyone care ?


Hypocrisy is thick and creamy when it comes to whaling. Nearly all whaling that is done can be done with no harm to a stable whale population and shouldn't be looked down on any more than regular fishing of fish, crabs, whatever. A few species are threatened, of course, and the situation is different if those are hunted. But the uncontrolled rage from ignorant people who would never give a fuck about environmental issues otherwise pisses me of.
nyong said:
I really, really hate this attitude from activists. Be they anti-whalers, anti-foresters, or anti-abortionists. Everyone feels like their cause is important enough to justify forcing their will or taking drastic measures when things don't go their way.

so hate it all you want, it's still wrong to hunt a wild animal for meat. their populations aren't big enough and i'm fairly certain the Japanese aren't gonna starve if they go without their precious meat. maybe the mink whale population can hnadle being hunted NOW, but demand will just keep going up and up.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
so hate it all you want, it's still wrong to hunt a wild animal for meat. their populations aren't big enough and i'm fairly certain the Japanese aren't gonna starve if they go without their precious meat. maybe the mink whale population can hnadle being hunted NOW, but demand will just keep going up and up.

That's why there are regulations and so far they have been met. And it's certainly not wrong to hunt wild animal for meat. I think it is far more wrong to breed animals so they can be caged and eventually killed.

Then again I don't really give a shit. I still eat beacon and I have enjoyed my share of whale meat. It's just annoys me when people see random news about animal cruelty and suddenly they care...For few days.


No matter what the Japanese government desperately tries to claim, I'm reluctant to believe that Whale populations are sufficient to tolerate hunting. So yeah, on this issue fuck Japan or perhaps more accurately fuck Japanese whalers and whaling supporters.


Do these Japanese whaling vessels allow people from the Whaling Commission to tag along or do spot checks to ensure that they are legitimately taking only the minimum necessary for research?

I'm guessing no.
Woodsy said:
Do these Japanese whaling vessels allow people from the Whaling Commission to tag along or do spot checks to ensure that they are legitimately taking only the minimum necessary for research?

I'm guessing no.

Well it's kind of hard to hide whales, it's not like they can easily be smuggling in extra whales without anyone noticing.


Everything is moe to me
evil solrac v3.0 said:
so hate it all you want, it's still wrong to hunt a wild animal for meat. their populations aren't big enough and i'm fairly certain the Japanese aren't gonna starve if they go without their precious meat. maybe the mink whale population can hnadle being hunted NOW, but demand will just keep going up and up.

Shouldn't you have died off with the robust hominids 4 millions years ago, root muncher? every living thing on the planet is food for another.


Woodsy said:
Do these Japanese whaling vessels allow people from the Whaling Commission to tag along or do spot checks to ensure that they are legitimately taking only the minimum necessary for research?

I'm guessing no.

I'm guessing yes.
Pandaman said:

Shouldn't you have died off with the robust hominids 4 millions years ago, root muncher? every living thing on the planet is food for another.

i eat plenty of meat thank you very much you dumbass, it just happens to be farm animals and not wild animals!
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