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F1 2016 |OT| Daniil Kvyat Simulator


Gold Member
Had a glorious wet qualifying yesterday on Silverstone (TC on Medium and ABS because the Driving Force GT has a crappy brake pedal). It's really fun sliding the car around corners trying to keep it in the track. Too bad it made me claim pole with -1,2s to Hamilton when in the dry free practice sessions I was +0,5s behind the leaders...


Playing the Spanish GP now. Need to hit 1.27.000 for tyre management! I can get within 1.5-2seconds of that driving as best I can on expert difficulty.
Hard was getting too easy winning races in the McLaren.
The game is really good.

yep. same here in the renault. Hard I end up on podiums in a renault, expert i can't earn as many r&d points. maybe once we upgrade the car enough it won't make a difference. Of course the problem is getting the points to upgrade. Bit of a catch 22.

But then again I guess I could look at the R&D points like money. That is, the slower the car/team the less you have.

Edit: Problem is, the worse I do because of a shitty car, the longer it will take for me to get an offer from ferrari. Oh yeah, realism. :) I swear, if I work my ass of and the best offer I end up getting throughout my whole career is from Mercedes I will snap the disc in two (if I hadn't purchased digitally of course).


Patch notes
The PC patch detailed below is now about to go live. Apart from the PC specific fixes, these will be heading to both consoles in the very near future, along with a few console specific fixes, which will be:

Added an option to search custom multiplayer sessions on Xbox One
PS4 - LIGHT BAR – Light bar now turns blue when blue flags are present and red for collisions.

In accordance with our topic here, the Time Trial leaderboards on PC will also be wiped.

Game Additions

Added the fuel remaining level next to the fuel mix setting in the MFD
Added the ability to chose whether to select a front wing change during pit stops
Added ability to alter fuel mix levels during the race start procedure.
Added braking telemetry to ghost car DRL within Time Trial
Added HUD area adjustment option.

PC Specific Fixes

Setting Benchmark mode to loop will now loop the benchmark.
Improved framerate when running the career hub in 4K and using the laptop.
Fixed an issue where the Low Detail graphical preset was displayed as Custom in the advanced Setup menu
V-sync Interval now fades out when v-sync is set to OFF
AMD - Crossfire – Fixed an issue that resulted in vehicle reflections causing cars to flicker when set to HIGH or above
Fixed an issue where some players were not receiving their pre-order bonus features.
Steam multiplayer region filter expanded to worldwide.
G27 steering wheel is now recognised.

General Multiplayer

Players on pause during multiplayer races are now driven at the speed level of the chosen AI and ghost to avoid accidents.
Safety Car icon has been added to the mini map in online multiplayer races.
Fixed a hang where a user JIPs into a session as its transitioning to a race.
Fixed an issue where JIPing into a practice session, quitting and rejoining prevents the player from taking control of a car.
Fixed an issue where game assets fail to render correctly when a client spectates an ongoing multiplayer qualifying session.
Fixed an issue where the AI refused to overtake a paused player during online sessions.
Added an icon next to the player nametag to indicate when the AI has taken control of another player in online multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where players could spawn in on top of each other on the grid if both players receive a 5 place grid penalty in practice
Fixed an issue with an incorrect position indicator on the formation lap after a driver is reset to grid.
Fixed an issue in multiplayer championship in which the client’s setup is forgotten after a reboot.
Fixed an issue where if a host left an OSQ session their ghost was the only vehicle visible for all clients and results were showing them in 1st place.
Multiplayer Championship – Auto save feature enabled when player client joins session.
Fixed an issue where accepting an invite on the race results was failing to take user into the game lobby.
Added option for clients to save Multiplayer Championship after host migration
Fixed an issue where an absent player vehicle was retiring at the start of a practice session, preventing the player dropping into multiplayer championships
Fixed an issue where drive through penalties were not being enforced after a Formation Lap
Fixed an issue where if a player quits/is disqualified from an online practice or longer qualifying session, many AI were not setting a lap time at all
Added ability to kick player in Online Championship if they don't have a vehicle.
Various other bug and stability fixes.

General Game
Fixed AI vehicles blocking cars on hot laps in qualifying and practice sessions.
Fixed AI vehicles suddenly moving off the inside line of corners and causing collisions
Improved AI ability to recover to track after being involved in crashes.
Made changes to the AI to improve overtaking along straights.
Improved AI ability to race closer in corners without backing out of moves.
AI vehicles are now able to reliably keep within the Safety Car delta times.
Updated safety car release frequencies to result in SC being deployed more often.
Updated safety car severity release frequencies – More likely to be released for the more severe accidents.
Practice Sessions – Re-balanced tyre management tests.
Improved performance and framerate within the career mode hospitality suite.
Fixed an issue in qualifying where the player was given new vehicle for Q2 after terminally damaging their car during Q1.
Fixed a crash in a 100% race replay at Singapore.
Fixed an issue where drive through penalties were not being enforced after a Formation Lap.
Fixed an issue where marbles were not sticking to tyres when driving over them on the outside of corners.
Fixed sector times incorrectly displaying purple on the timings screen in practice and qualifying.
Fixed an exploit in full qualifying where you could move up the grid after Q1 by advancing to race.
Fixed an issue on the strategy screen where it was possible to leave a gap in the race strategy.
Fixed an issue where no response was heard after requesting driver in Front or driver behind status update.
Fixed an issue where time trial laps that were penalised are appearing as legitimate times. - Please note this requires a leaderboard wipe to remove penalised lap times.
Leaderboards now display total players and ranking position.
Fixed a crash when attempting qualification pace practice program in FP2 and FP3.
Fixed a crash when selecting flashback after entering the pits.
Stopped the game forcing players to serve stop-go penalties whilst under safety car conditions.
Altered formation lap start procedure so users do not think they are starting the race.
Season objectives for teams in career now update at the start of a new season depending on previous seasons performance.
MFD - Extended the strategy timer to 30 seconds.
Sparks VFX is now played for plank collisions with track surface.
BRAZIL - PIT LANE - Speed limit sign now matches 80Kph speed limit.
AUSTRALIA – Pit Lane – Speed limit sign and pit limit OSD now match at 60Kph
Stability improvements for all game modes.
Various other bug and graphical fixes.
Various audio issues fixed and re-balanced.
Further updates to name filter in career mode.


Holy shit! They are putting the fuel remaining next to the mix on the doodad. That is a godsend for us controller users. Trying to fumble through the menus while driving always screws me up. I have no prob adjusting the mix but digging down to see the fuel remaining is a pain in the ass. Cost me two places at Shanghai.

I hope they implement that on the PS4.


Bumping race distance up to 50% was a great decision. Had two back-to-back insane races on Spa and Monza. Spa was a wet-dry-wet-dry 5 stop race, while at Monza I took a risk and 2 stopped when everybody else did 3, made up from 14 to 3rd overall. The longer race distance rewards different strategy calls, and really makes you consider what different options you and everyone around you has.

Added the ability to chose whether to select a front wing change during pit stops


Bumping race distance up to 50% was a great decision. Had two back-to-back insane races on Spa and Monza. Spa was a wet-dry-wet-dry 5 stop race, while at Monza I took a risk and 2 stopped when everybody else did 3, made up from 14 to 3rd overall. The longer race distance rewards different strategy calls, and really makes you consider what different options you and everyone around you has.


50% has always felt bang on for me. Though I still do full practice and quali as well....
Add another who is caught between no man's land of hard and Expert.

The A.I inconsistencies are getting a little bit frustrating. It is even between Practice sessions.

Just done Austria on Hard.

P1 22 (Struggled to even get lap times with tyre management)
P2 21
P3 16th

QF 8th

Race 1st

I did go for a three stop race (changed halfway through, seemed to be burning my tyres quite quickly, and everyone else went 1).

So knocked it back up to expert and i was a good 5-6 seconds of the pace, 3-4 of 21st at silverstone. So going to knock it back down to Hard and take another assist off or something.

A shame, because otherwise i'm really enjoying the game, it's top notch.


Add another who is caught between no man's land of hard and Expert.

The A.I inconsistencies are getting a little bit frustrating. It is even between Practice sessions.

Just done Austria on Hard.

P1 22 (Struggled to even get lap times with tyre management)
P2 21
P3 16th

QF 8th

Race 1st

I did go for a three stop race (changed halfway through, seemed to be burning my tyres quite quickly, and everyone else went 1).

So knocked it back up to expert and i was a good 5-6 seconds of the pace, 3-4 of 21st at silverstone. So going to knock it back down to Hard and take another assist off or something.

A shame, because otherwise i'm really enjoying the game, it's top notch.

Don't feel alone. In the same boat.

Did have a great race at catalunya last night even though i placed way higher than i should have. i was battling with nico for 1st place throughout the race, swapping with him three or four times. all of sudden fucking vettel comes barreling onto the scene like he had a damn turbo button. i mean he was a good 6 seconds behind or more the last i noticed and then he's splitting between us. all three of us were battling like crazy for two or three laps. all of a sudden, nico's car just left us. it's like they switched from his mediums to supersofts mid lap and installed two or three engine upgrades to boot. he was gone. me and vettel were a good 4 seconds off his pace. it was crazy. ended up third when i fucked up in that slow corner complex right before the s/f straight. that section of the track can be areal bitch. you have to enter the first corner in that set (the one where you "ess" into it before it gets crazy tight) just right or the whole things fucked. got third. thought it was going to be a win for me and ended up third. them's the breaks.


Any reason why I've got to Spain and suddenly have to do the track acclimatisation on Hard tyres instead of soft or super soft??


Holy shit! They are putting the fuel remaining next to the mix on the doodad. That is a godsend for us controller users. Trying to fumble through the menus while driving always screws me up. I have no prob adjusting the mix but digging down to see the fuel remaining is a pain in the ass. Cost me two places at Shanghai.

I hope they implement that on the PS4.

Even for wheel users this is awesome!


has anyone gotten an offer from another team during the career? if so when? also, does anyone that's played a lot know how often it happens. for example, i would hate to accept an offer from mclaren in my second year and miss out on my chance to get an offer from ferrari. hypothetically speaking of course. i haven't gotten an offer from mclaren.

Par Score

Wow, this is a great patch! So many good fixes! Some of my personal highlights:

· Added the fuel remaining level next to the fuel mix setting in the MFD
· Added the ability to chose whether to select a front wing change during pit stops
· Added ability to alter fuel mix levels during the race start procedure.​

These are all great QoL changes.

· Practice Sessions – Re-balanced tyre management tests.
· Improved performance and framerate within the career mode hospitality suite.
· Fixed an issue where marbles were not sticking to tyres when driving over them on the outside of corners.
· Fixed sector times incorrectly displaying purple on the timings screen in practice and qualifying.
· Fixed an issue where no response was heard after requesting driver in Front or driver behind status update.
· MFD - Extended the strategy timer to 30 seconds.
· Sparks VFX is now played for plank collisions with track surface.​

Can confirm all of these. The top three are all especially huge.


Just want to echo the sentiments on the patch. Great improvements. Really enjoying the game. Had my first wet race in Silverstone, dried up quickly and I got lucky on the switch.

Game feels great, never crashes, formation lap, VSC and SC are awesome. Thank you Codies!


For someone who's never played an F1 game before, how's the difficulty on this? Looking to pick up a new racer

This game is accessible. It can be a nightmare if you turn off all assists, but can be much easier with them on. But the immense speed a Formula 1 car can carry on straights and turns, and the insane brake power is kind of scary if you don't know how it is.
This game is accessible. It can be a nightmare if you turn off all assists, but can be much easier with them on. But the immense speed a Formula 1 car can carry on straights and turns, and the insane brake power is kind of scary if you don't know how it is.

Thing is too, I never got into the sport itself so all the pit stop and car mechanics would be forgeign language to me. Does the game assume the gamer would know tire pressure and all that sort?


Thing is too, I never got into the sport itself so all the pit stop and car mechanics would be forgeign language to me. Does the game assume the gamer would know tire pressure and all that sort?

There are tutorials explaining all the rules but I still think it's a benefit to be an enthusiast of the sport.

Juicy Bob

Thing is too, I never got into the sport itself so all the pit stop and car mechanics would be forgeign language to me. Does the game assume the gamer would know tire pressure and all that sort?
As someone who got into real life NFL by playing NFL2k5 on PS2 and learning the sport's various rules and nuances that way, I'd say this game would be a great way of learning about F1 and all its quirks.


Redmond's Baby
Any info when next patch will hit consoles?

Also, do your tyre management sessions in FP3. Looks like track rubbers quite nicely.


Monaco is the worst for sure. Glad it's followed by Canada. It's like the worst track you can imagine and then a nice leisurely drive where pushing your limits is so much fun.


Monaco is the worst for sure. Glad it's followed by Canada. It's like the worst track you can imagine and then a nice leisurely drive where pushing your limits is so much fun.

Monaco is the most skill based circuit in my opinion. You can really make the difference , especially in sector 2.


Won the race. I think Max is ploting to kill me.



Finally able to continue my career.

Was thinking about increasing difficulty (currently hard - dominating Practice and Quali in Renault @ Sotchi).
But then I threw away the race by accumulating 26! penalty seconds by cutting corners :D
Threw me back to 9th in the race results.

Also I suck in the rain.

Fox Mulder

Monaco is the worst for sure. Glad it's followed by Canada. It's like the worst track you can imagine and then a nice leisurely drive where pushing your limits is so much fun.

Monaco is probably the most skill based track on the calendar and requires lots of focus. It has boring racing with no overtakes in f1 cars, which are getting wider next year, but it is fun to play in games.


Hamilton was explaining his quali lap on Sky before the race today, and he was adjusting his brake bias for every corner whilst driving the car. Does anyone do that in this game?

Fox Mulder

Hamilton was explaining his quali lap on Sky before the race today, and he was adjusting his brake bias for every corner whilst driving the car. Does anyone do that in this game?

I did in previous games. I still need to get used to the new interface. I'm bumbling around just trying to mess with fuel mix.


Finally able to continue my career.

Was thinking about increasing difficulty (currently hard - dominating Practice and Quali in Renault @ Sotchi).
But then I threw away the race by accumulating 26! penalty seconds by cutting corners :D
Threw me back to 9th in the race results.

Also I suck in the rain.
Try shortshifting.
There are tutorials explaining all the rules but I still think it's a benefit to be an enthusiast of the sport.

As someone who got into real life NFL by playing NFL2k5 on PS2 and learning the sport's various rules and nuances that way, I'd say this game would be a great way of learning about F1 and all its quirks.

Thanks for the replies guys, I think I'm going to take the leap and buy it.


Totally thought I was at Monaco, must have been since I put so many laps into the Spanish GP FP1/FP2. I was actually still in FP3.
I couldn't do the Quali sim with a 1.26.xxx target. I was about 1sec too slow.
I try a new setup to get into the 26's, but I hadn't got a fresh set of tyres, these had 27% wear.
So I skip to Quali, I manage a 1.25.5xx in Q1/2/3 and that puts me in 10th place. Alonso was about 1sec faster, in P8.
Start the race, chose to do soft then hards. I was fighting in P9/10, the Williams kept passing my Mclaren down the straight =(

After the first lot of pit stops, I notice the AI came out on Mediums, I was chasing Alonso down much faster in S1+S2, but slower in S3. Made a mistake in S3, that let Alonso get away on the faster mediums.

Then a Williams and a Haas were troubling me for the rest of the race, also on mediums, I didn't have much chance, they pass me down the straights each lap, and I was able to pass them in S1 till around L14/17. Stick it in rich fuel mode and try chase them down, but I cant, they are just a bit too fast. Finish in P11. This was the first time I looked at the laps, since the engineer said I had a few laps of fuel left!!

I'm using a wheel so I haven't had a chance to take advantage of the "we have a new strategy" calls, as I don't know how to lol - maybe that could have saved me, as I was eeking out my first stint so I could see the guys came out on mediums.

Winning a race in Bahrain has messed up my rival, its set to Hamilton, and since I put the difficulty to expert, I'm just waiting for the rivalry to lose before I can take advantage of that once more with a realistic target, likely will be my team mate Alonso again.

I notice the AI are better at getting out the way in Quali now.
Fuel left in the first MFD page is nice.

Seriously, Codies really stepped it up this time, the other games were completely rubbish in comparison.


Thanks for the replies guys, I think I'm going to take the leap and buy it.

I picked it up today on PS4. I haven't played it yet, will dive in tonight. Should be good times.

Does anyone have any tips for a newb?

I guess I'll start with all assists on to get the hang of it. Hows the MP in these games?


Sounds like an eventful race

Speaking of which, I wish they did post-race highlights like FIFA does, of crashes, overtakes, incidents and the like.

Was a better Italian GP compared to what happened today. Although, when you take me out it still ends up as a Mercedes 1-2.


I'm using a wheel so I haven't had a chance to take advantage of the "we have a new strategy" calls, as I don't know how to lol - maybe that could have saved me, as I was eeking out my first stint so I could see the guys came out on mediums.
It's the radio button. You press it and say what you want on the mic.
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