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Fall 2010 Anime Thread: Reboots, Retreads, and Rediscovery

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm pretty sure that's the hosting space hito uses for all his stuff.

Admin perks.


I like how it's looking up and to the left, as if it's looking directly at the username/avatar of the person who posted it.

Icarus' avatar can be used in a similar way too :p

And yeah, people who tend to be watching the Top series for the first time these days will tend to like Diebuster more, since it's just plain more modern.


I probably like Diebuster slightly more than Gunbuster. I don't think either of them are masterpieces or anything. It's a collection of neat ideas, some nice action scenes, and good endings, but it never quites exceeds the sum of its parts. Maybe because, like most Gainax works, it just feels so blatantly manufactured.
It's not like I dislike Gunbuster or anything. I'm just a pretty big mecha noob and I still haven't gotten out of the Gurren Lagann phase. I will instantly love anything that reminds me of it.


cosmicblizzard said:
Diebuster>>>>>>>>Gunbuster. I guess I'm just a bigger fan of the modern style of these kinds of shows. Also, Nono is the best genki girl ever.
Yeah, I liked Diebuster more, too. Mainly because of how spectacular the design for its future world was, though. I love that stuff--the mix of the cute and the utterly strange, like whale-ships and floating Jovian citadels.

He, like me, probably thought it just wasn't that special. Sure did look nice.
No, it's not remarkable, but it's well-made and charming. Or so I think.


Diebuster, definitely, felt manufactured. I think the staff of Diebuster was much more experienced than the staff of Gunbuster. I mean, Gunbuster was like the first thing that Anno had directed professionally, but by time Tsurumaki was directing Diebuster he had worked on several things. By this point, they know what people like and what people will buy, and they really know how to execute it.

So maybe Diebuster was executed in a more technically superior way--since the staff was more experienced as a whole--but the spirit of the original is much more powerful to me.


JKTrix said:
Diebuster, definitely, felt manufactured. I think the staff of Diebuster was much more experienced than the staff of Gunbuster. I mean, Gunbuster was like the first thing that Anno had directed professionally, but by time Tsurumaki was directing Diebuster he had worked on several things. By this point, they know what people like and what people will buy, and they really know how to execute it.

So maybe Diebuster was executed in a more technically superior way--since the staff was more experienced as a whole--but the spirit of the original is much more powerful to me.
Personally they both felt equally manufactured to me. Perhaps the original in a more amateurish way, but still manufactured nonetheless.


Huh, so it looks like Zakuro's author did mainly yaoi before this. Actually, almost everything she did is yaoi. Looked up the manga and it looks like no translations were ever made, save for one chapter.


So I'm watching Yasuga no Sora right now. I had no idea sunscreen came in a clear gel-form, that's oddly reminiscent of semen. Oh, how nice, she's helping the other girl put it on. What a display of camaraderie.

And the girls orgasm every time they see the lead. It's not even the usual affection displayed in harem manga/anime. It's just lust.

And she just masturbated while spinning on a chair. After staring at a photo album of her dead parents and brother.
Dresden said:
So I'm watching Yasuga no Sora right now. I had no idea sunscreen came in a clear gel-form, that's oddly reminiscent of semen. Oh, how nice, she's helping the other girl put it on. What a display of camaraderie.

And the girls orgasm every time they see the lead. It's not even the usual affection displayed in harem manga/anime. It's just lust.

And she just masturbated while spinning on a chair. After staring at a photo album of her dead parents and brother.
So you're saying its the best show this season?


Hellsing321 said:
So you're saying its the best show this season?
Depends on whether they start making out.

edit: I spoke too soon, the sister just went up to the brother, took her clothes off, and asked him to make her come. And all I can think of during that scene is: most unappealing set of legs ever. It cuts to the ending right after that, and for some reason shows a shot of them as toddlers, sitting in the stroller together. It feels, uh, odd.

Huh, there's an omake after the episode ends that features a maid masturbating on the bed. Then there's a much sluttier ending to that omake.

Time for squid-girl.


Kills Photobucket
Dresden said:
I had no idea sunscreen came in a clear gel-form, that's oddly reminiscent of semen. Oh, how nice, she's helping the other girl put it on. What a display of camaraderie.



About eleven minutes into Squid-Girl... this is boring. At least Yasuga no Sora was crazy/awkward enough to be interesting.


cosmicblizzard said:
Diebuster>>>>>>>>Gunbuster. I guess I'm just a bigger fan of the modern style of these kinds of shows. Also, Nono is the best genki girl ever.

I should have expected this, coming from you!

But still...
firehawk12 said:
Only if you like magical girl shows.
And awesome fights. That you'd understand about 'animation'!
Yasuga no Sora is one of the weirdest harem shows I've ever seen. Yeah, the content is weird but the tone is just way off to the point of being unsettling. Also, why are there 2 endings?


cosmicblizzard said:
Yasuga no Sora is one of the weirdest harem shows I've ever seen. Yeah, the content is weird but the tone is just way off to the point of being unsettling. Also, why are there 2 endings?
I guess one ending is for the omake? The first ending was very somber, which kind of matched the tone of the show itself (asides from the lustful wenches). Whereas the second ending looks like it's for a comedy. Maybe they'll have an omake every episode.


JKTrix said:
He, like me, probably thought it just wasn't that special. Sure did look nice.

I wouldn't say TWGOK was particularly special either, it just exceeded my low, biased expectations and I liked it for that.
Really, outside of the two front-runners, very little surprised me. Some of it is watchable, yes, but not great.
Branduil said:
Personally they both felt equally manufactured to me. Perhaps the original in a more amateurish way, but still manufactured nonetheless.
I dunno, there are plenty of parts of Gunbuster that are too silly to be manufactured, it definitely feels like the work of super sci-fi nerds.
JKTrix said:
And yeah, people who tend to be watching the Top series for the first time these days will tend to like Diebuster more, since it's just plain more modern.
Ah, so newer fans have worse taste?

Looking at modern shows, I'm not surprised in the least.


Loves Robotech S1
I like Gunbuster more, but if I chose one to rewatch it would definitely be Die. I just wish the OVAs would get a bluray already. The movie versions just aren't the same.
Infinite Justice said:
IIRC it looked like the vampires are in so i would check it due to that.

Hmmm. I might check it out. Gantz was cool when the vampires started showing up for no reason.

mAcOdIn said:
This is always the wrong thread!

At least we can talk in single show threads this season. How many are we at anyway? 4?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I think I'm recovering finally, whats the best show this season to guide me back towards sanity?


luka said:
But then why does it feel so right?

When has the right thing ever felt good? That's proof right there it's wrong, you have to get praised for being good because that's the only reward there is for it, Lord knows there's no societal, physical or emotional benefit to it.

DY_nasty said:
I think I'm recovering finally, whats the best show this season to guide me back towards sanity?
I'd watch House. Oh you meant anime, keep waiting.....

Jexhius said:
I actually don't care about any of that, I think they should just keep them in because of the setting, it's like how I think adding -san, -chan and shit would be too weird in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Of course that only applies to shit set in Japan, if it's alternate universe or set in another country then really, who fucking gives a fuck the dialogue is probably wrong three times over at that point. But it's seriously really low on my "Give a Damn" scale either way.


Infinite Ryvius 12

Well, that was certainly a transitional episode.
I'm not sure why these people think terrorists are onboard the ship. Also, something is wrong about Faina.


Rolling Girl
Watched Unlimited Blade Works and I forgot how stupid Shiro is. Tohsaka is a bit more dere than tsun in this and I don't remember it being that way. Overall there were pretty action scenes.


cosmicblizzard said:
Diebuster>>>>>>>>Gunbuster. I guess I'm just a bigger fan of the modern style of these kinds of shows. Also, Nono is the best genki girl ever.
I don't think this is as blasphemous as certain gunbuster fans think it is.:p I no doubt prefer gunbuster, but diebuster is pretty great too. And turned out to be way better then i expected it to be.

So, is a representative of animu-GAF going to nobly suffer their way through the live action Gantz ?
Well i suffered through the first death note movie. Why not.
mAcOdIn said:
I'd like to jump in but without having seen the bonus DVD episode I'm at a disadvantage.

There are actually two bonus episodes, 7.5 and 13. I hadn't heard of them before this thread either, so it's pretty cool to find some more Sora no Woto to watch, so how about I say something about them.

7.5 - Comedy episode. Yumina visits for the episode. Kanata learns about the winemaking operation in the fort, everyone fights a mock fight
that they take seriously because of alcohol
, and then they all get drunk
except for Kureha, who can't get drunk no matter how drunk she gets, which isn't good for her...
. Yes, really, I don't recall hearing of anything quite like that in K-On... :) Happy Noel during the fight was interesting, we never see Noel so happy about fighting during the rest of the series. "Alcohol is dangerous" indeed. Overall an okay episode, amusing but not deep.

13 - Serious episode. Longer, and a continuation of the end of the series. We learn much more about the world, and everybody's dreams. Can't say much more without lots of spoilers... I will say, though, that ending it like that is incredibly cruel, it's like "yeah there's a whole lot more out there, potential future plot, etc, but we'll probably never do it"... I don't know that I really liked it, though I didn't expect to given the somewhat depressing nature of the episode. It is good anyway, though.

firehawk12 said:
I see it more as a happy resignation; there's a moment of reflection, but then it's living in the moment and for the future. With SnW, it's an acceptance that they're living in a dying world and that humanity may soon be extinct. It's why I said the ending is a lot like YKK anyway.

Oh, of course the last episode is about finding your own dream - something which they insist is only obtainable in the far future. The whole speech at the end was basically how everyone should find their own dream and look forward, rather than look back and try to recapture what is lost.


Once again, I can see why you'd interpret it that way, but it's just not the only way you can interpret it, even in the definitely much more clearly stated episode 13.

I mean, just accepting that they might all be doomed? Don't look back? Didn't really sound that way to me. I mean, yes, they are obviously evoking mono no aware there, no question, but it's not with no sense of hope, or with no looking back and trying to recapture what was lost. I mean, even if the last couple of lines imply that even Rio might not believe that her goals are actually attainable, that definitely doesn't mean they aren't. We'd need more of the show of course to see, as it is there's nothing to do but make uninformed guesses about whether that recovering land really is out there, and if true that would go a long ways towards proving the dark side Rio refers to in the last line of the episode to be incorrect. (Of course she did use an if, so it wasn't said as an absolute) I wouldn't expect any of the characters to know as of this point, all they've seen is the slow fading. If there is a better place out there they'd need to see it to believe it I imagine.

They obviously ended it that way to maximize mono no aware value, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. I mean, like in Waterworld, Dryland is out there somewhere right? :D

... I know, it's not American, so bleak and depressing endings are much more likely, because Hollywood prefers happier endings much more than many foreign film makers. I prefer the happy endings. Even moderately happy ones are good, such as in Lain. Sora no Woto as it is, though... it feels incomplete, as much like a new beginning as it is an ending. If episode 13 is an ending, it's an extremely inconclusive ending, that's for sure.

(Oh yeah, and besides, why would just a desert getting bigger doom humanity? People
can live in all but the most barren of deserts... it's harder, but possible.)

Or, to sum up my response in short, episode 13 certainly goes farther than any previous episode to make the situation look bad, but it's not completely without hope. Oh yeah, and as a general point, if by "accepting doom" you stop trying to do anything about it, well, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, I think. And this is why optimism is better. :)

That is, I want my mono no aware serieses to have happy endings. More of that, less of Texhnolyze (if that's mono no aware, I'm not sure). :p

Halycon said:
I move that we expand our language by officially adopting and romanizing nakama, moe and mono no aware.

(and moe)

English doesn't have a million words for no reason, it's the world's number one word assimilator language!

That is, sure, why not, though those terms probably do have decent, if maybe slightly longer, English equivalents. I mean, yes, I understand that language can shape one's understanding of things, and even if your language has (added) the words to express something your understanding of it will be different from a native speaker of the language. But still, it's not like those terms cannot usually also be expressed in another language, English in this case, it just takes a little longer.

On another note, I started an anime series a few days ago, and I'm already at episode 11, which is a pretty fast pace for me. I started watching Saki. I don't know the rules to Mahjong (it's obviously very complex...), but it's quite entertaining anyway. Amusing story, awesomely silly "explanations" for the superpower-level abilities of some of the major characters, fanservice, good characters, and a decent, if unoriginal, plot for a sports anime... apart from the particular brand of fanservice the series focuses on it's noting incredibly unique, but it does everything well so it's good anyway. It's just simple fun, nothing deep or complex. I like deep and complex sometimes, but light and entertaining is good sometimes too. And after something like episode 13 of Sora no Woto, I need something happy.

I mean, sure, the series supposedly doesn't have magic or anything, but the kinds of things these people can do... :D

First though, stronger mahjong players can be felt by others, spiritual pressure style or something. Strong players know when other strong players are around, or are about to come into a room, they can sense their presence! :)

Saki - Saki is pretty much Yugi. I mean, she always gets the exact tile she needs, exactly when she needs it to win...

Jun - Psychic powers to know what's in everyone else's decks... but her powers only work some of the time.

Mihoko - Keeps one of her eyes closed because she is sealing great power behind it, when she opens that eye watch out... it's not really a Sharingan, but it reminded me of that "keeping the eye hidden/closed" thing anyway. When she opens her eye she wins, pretty much.

And then there's the big bad villain girl (um, that is, super-powered loli) with superior psychic powers are so strong that she can cause blackouts... and maybe even kill...

Some other characters are more normal, though. Yuki just is only able to play well after eating tacos, and Maho... um, incredibly good memory I guess. Nodoka's just a genius, like Saki but different. And the girl who can turn invisible, you could say that it's just that she's so average nobody notices her or something. Of course the series goes way beyond that though, and somehow she can cloak not just her form, but also her moves and tiles during play... nobody notices her or can hear her call things, even though she's right there. Or at least, everyone except for Nodoka is fooled...

Oh yes, and Hisa's evil. The good kind of evil, sure, but evil.

Also, though the series is called Saki, Saki doesn't really get much more focus than the other characters on the team do, in the tournament at least. Heck, in the first round they completely skipped Saki's fight and only referred to a few bits of how great she was afterwards, after fully covering Yuki and Nodoka's, and skimming Maho and Hisa's. I did find that kind of annoying, shouldn't we be able to watch the main character, um, actually play? Oh well...

The OP is good, and the chibi-style ED is great, very cute. :)

There's only one major bad thing I can say about it... at the rate I'm going I'm going to finish it soon, and that'll be too bad because it's a good series.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

Oh well... I'll run this Panty show and Star Driver real quick then I'll see if Crest of The Stars is any good. I may even finish off Macross once and for all with Frontier.

Heart and Soul still empty though.


A Black Falcon said:
There are actually two bonus episodes, 7.5 and 13. I hadn't heard of them before this thread either, so it's pretty cool to find some more Sora no Woto to watch, so how about I say something about them.
I knew about the first one, but I didn't think we'd get them until the DVD's were released by Right Stuf, I tried to watch them on CR yesterday when Firehawk told me they had it but for some reason my connection was crapping out on me, probably just them.

To reiterate, I did like the show and would love to see more it's just not a "purchase."

DY_nasty said:

Oh well... I'll run this Panty show and Star Driver real quick then I'll see if Crest of The Stars is any good. I may even finish off Macross once and for all with Frontier.

Heart and Soul still empty though.
I'll save you the time and say just watch Crest of the Stars.
luka said:
Why is Kisama such a popular name in anime?
Yes, I know the joke.


Salazar said:
Yes, that seems very reasonable and logical. I have read much on Nausicaa but rarely do people go through the proper shot-breakdown approach that reflects the importance of film grammar.

Although that's just the result of anime critics being more concerned with...other things.
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