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Fall 2010 Anime Thread: Reboots, Retreads, and Rediscovery

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Geneijin said:
Well, there is a OreImo PSP game coming out.

If I had the money to spend and the willingness to play a game that I don't understand, I'd order the limited edition of the Oreimo game.


InfiniteNine said:
Yeah, once I have someone I likes voice set I can't really go along with another version. Happened with Gurren Lagann when I checked out the dub since I didn't feel that Kamina and some of the other characters didn't come across correctly since I had their original VA's tone and exaggeration ingrained in my head. I really can't imagine Isaac and Miria in English either.
I don't think Isaac or Miria are that bad in English. It's Jacuzzi that gets me--his voice is so annoying in the dub.


Man, Sunrise is just dumping Gundam stuff on Bandai Ent now. I guess it helps hide the fact the company only has two or three titles in release at any given time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
InfiniteNine said:
Not everyone lives in New York, California, and Washington though. ;P
If movies and anime teach us anything, everything interesting always happens in New York, LA/SF, Chicago and Tokyo.

It's your fault for not moving to one of those places!


I agree with your points though :3


Will definitely keep watching:
Panty & Stocking
Episode 4 was super-stylish and funny and even kinda touching at times, it also has a sugoi as fuck staff listing for future episodes.
Star Driver
Enokido-kun is basically writing it all by himself so it should make for a genuinely interesting watch, even if the only visually promising upcoming episode is Shin Matsuo's episode 3.

It could go either way:
Squid Girl
Really entretaining, I will probably keep up with it as long as it remains enjoyable and cute.

Will probably drop:
Otome Youkai Zakuro
The first episode was good enough, but JC Staff is obviously going to pull a JC Staff and fuck it up before long. The character designs are way too elaborate for them to not degrade horribly after a few episodes, specially with how many shows JC Staff producing this season; it's also directed by Chiaki Kon, who has a less-than-stellar track record as a director.
My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute
Adorable character designs, but everything else is rather off. I wonder if AIC had production problems of some sort.

Already dropped:
I seriously expected better from Aoi Hana's director, but two episodes in and this has been dull as fuck so far; it doesn't help that the character designs are horribly inhuman, an even worse adaptation of Obata's style than Star Driver's "alien-eyed giraffes".


Baccano - Episode 5:

Now the show is starting to get really creepy and weird. It's interesting to see how factions on the train have crossed paths before this, and the elements of grudges and friendships might extend into the incident itself. There are far too many people with individual interests on board the train for it to be a coincidence. Something is definitely very weird. Oh and look, it's the monster again! This is getting reaaaaaaally interesting!

Baccano - Episode 6:

This episode threw a curve ball at me. Once again showing that the chronology of the show is a bit too complex for the first viewing. I had assumed previously that the events with Eve looking for Dallas occurred after the Flying Pussyfoot incident. But it seems they're happening at the same time.

The train motif of the story was so strong that mentally I had assumed that most if not all of the characters were on board the train during the incident, but now it seems that the other main storyline is taking place in New York while the Flying Pussyfoot is en route. This is going to take some thinking to unravel. The story is starting to fit all the pieces into place though, which is building a very strong case for a well planned and well written overall plot structure.

Good stuff.


Jexhius said:
I tried to write a little bit about some of the scenes present in episode 1 of Bakemonogatori. Please excuse my rusty analysis and first-draft writing.


It really isn't just an image dump, I need them to explain my thoughts!

This ended up taking way longer than I had imagined. There's a clearly a lot more to say.

I guess my real conclusion is : quite a bit of what Shibo does is there for good reason.
Well that all seems reasonable enough.


Redline Impressions

Got some sleep and let the movie mellow out in my head some more. I thought I could say more than I simply enjoyed it.

The first race in the beginning of the movie, the Yellow Line, was exhilarating. The 8 min trailer (the first 8 minutes of the movie) doesn't do justice to how well the animation and music complement each other
as JP ignites the nitro boost
besides the sound in the trailer cracking on the repeated, thumping bass. The music reeks of adrenaline and energy, and the visuals stylized the insanity of the somewhat breakneck speed everything seems to be moving at. Hearing this music blasted around the theater in an somewhat obnoxiously loud yet bright manner, it works so damn well setting the pace (excuse the pun). Love the characters, the rivalries and the glamorous. I'm tempted to say their nicknames, but I'll refrain from doing so. Attaching meaning to them was one of the best parts of the movie. The comedy was sparse but hilarious -
the Miki & Todoroki grudge towards Gori-rider, the "Super Boin" girls, little Deyvuna and so forth.
Needless exposition was mostly done away with, and what remained was a concise world of little contradiction and full of believability. My only disappointment was what I mentioned earlier
when "Funky Boy" emerged.
It detracted from the race and maybe the movie more than I would have like. It was a thrilling race, but the last race was a bit lackluster than I would have imagined it to be. I'll probably go watch it again if any of my other friends want to.

Edit: Ouch. JKTrix, if you're here reading this, Hito mentioned a warning pages ago.
Yeah, Baccano's story is definitely pretty complex, especially with the way it keeps jumping around through time. I really should get around to giving it another viewing at some point.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
KuwabaraTheMan said:
Yeah, Baccano's story is definitely pretty complex, especially with the way it keeps jumping around through time. I really should get around to giving it another viewing at some point.
Yeah, it can get pretty hard to follow at a few points but I thought it came together rather nicely towards the end.


The first episode of the Yozakura Quartet OVA was pretty good; a notch above the average source material. Ryo-chimo sure knows his way around action.


Subete no aware
Jexhius said:
I tried to write a little bit about some of the scenes present in episode 1 of Bakemonogatori. Please excuse my rusty analysis and first-draft writing.


It really isn't just an image dump, I need them to explain my thoughts!

It's an interesting exercise anyway. :lol

Of course, people can be a bit on the nose too - from the latest MM!:

But I guess that shows that all directors typically have something in mind.


Branduil said:
Well that all seems reasonable enough.
Well I should hope there's nothing unreasonable in my surmising, but it has been a few years since I last had to write about this kind of thing.
Halycon said:

I agree with your points though :3
I blame having gotten an education and then having free time.

Although perhaps actually doing something with it is the crazy part.
firehawk12 said:
Of course, people can be a bit on the nose too - from the latest MM!:

But I guess that shows that all directors typically have something in mind.
Indeed they do, but they generally focus their time on trying to get a story told in 20-odd minutes with whatever budget they have. They aren't so interested in pulling stunts with the camera, or even building meaning.

Those that have done have been fairly popular shows : I've read the articles on Evangelion and the blog posts on Utena.

Which is fair enough, but in anime (and CGI) the camera has total freedom of movement, so it's always nice to see it exploited.

Another thing that really quite obvious but I somehow missed - Staplers=Claws of a crab. Hitagi obviously has a 'hard shell'.
Geneijin said:
Edit: Ouch. JKTrix, if you're here reading this, Hito mentioned a warning pages ago.
That rule just seemed unwritten to me anyway!
Huzzah for Baccano!
Come on Infinite Ryvius, launch the mecha already!


Panty&stocking is once again consistently entertaining as it has been these past 4 episodes, and unlike the previous episodes - episode 4 was actually hilarious, and i chuckled during a couple of the parts.

That rule just seemed unwritten to me anyway!
Some people here need to spend more time at gaming discussion!

Otome Youkai Zakuro
The first episode was good enough, but JC Staff is obviously going to pull a JC Staff and fuck it up before long. The character designs are way too elaborate for them to not degrade horribly after a few episodes, specially with how many shows JC Staff producing this season; it's also directed by Chiaki Kon, who has a less-than-stellar track record as a director.
I haven't even seen the first episode, but this is what i feel about the show in general. I'll be keeping a eye on impressions to see if it remains consistent though.


Jexhius said:
I tried to write a little bit about some of the scenes present in episode 1 of Bakemonogatori. Please excuse my rusty analysis and first-draft writing.


It really isn't just an image dump, I need them to explain my thoughts!

This ended up taking way longer than I had imagined. There's a clearly a lot more to say.

I guess my real conclusion is : quite a bit of what Shibo does is there for good reason.

That was an excellent read Jexhius.


Solune said:
That was an excellent read Jexhius.

It also occurs me that this writer and this director are the perfect match for each other : their works often reflect their playfulness. Whether it's Nisio Isin subversions of traditional tropes, or Shinbo's overt manipulation of film form. They both have a recognizable style.

Later on in the series, when they clearly have no money/animators/time then everyone is very lucky that the work is grounded on this solid writing. Very little visual action and terrible writing would be too painful to bare.

The direction in Katanagatari is solidly average (as is the animation) but the work still holds up over other shows because of the writing is good.


The Big O 26 Finale :


I'm not sure when Beck became a stand in for the audience, but his expressions during this finale are perfect. A little too perfect. Is the show acknowledging how ridiculous it is? Possibly!

I could literally post this image, or write an essay. Both would be ways to deal with this ending.

And that robot fight even managed to suck.


Jexhius said:
The direction in Katanagatari is solidly average (as is the animation) but the work still holds up over other shows because of the writing is good.
I was wondering if I was the only one still watching it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I still do as well.

Inc Nonoriri/7th rabid hate in 5.....4....3...2..1


Subete no aware
Huh, just reading some NYAF news and Bandai announced TGWLTT Blu Ray... no need to import from the UK/AUS now at least.

Also, they seem to be going all out with K-On, doing not only DVD/BD releases but special editions as well. Youch.


firehawk12 said:
Also, they seem to be going all out with K-On, doing not only DVD/BD releases but special editions as well. Youch.
They see can practically hear the mooing.


firehawk12 said:
Huh, just reading some NYAF news and Bandai announced TGWLTT Blu Ray... no need to import from the UK/AUS now at least.

Also, they seem to be going all out with K-On, doing not only DVD/BD releases but special editions as well. Youch.


Subete no aware
Jexhius said:
They see can practically hear the mooing.
I really, really think K-On! is going to bomb here. At least they're not going through the trouble of translating and redubbing the songs.

zoku88 said:
Oh. Huh, I had always thought the blu-ray was already released.
Nope. The closest is an HK BD with English subs.


firehawk12 said:
I really, really think K-On! is going to bomb here. At least they're not going through the trouble of translating and redubbing the songs..
I sadly have to agree, it doesn't seem like something a casual would pickup and watch. That's really too bad =(


Subete no aware
Deadly said:
I sadly have to agree, it doesn't seem like something a casual would pickup and watch. That's really too bad =(
Oh yeah, let's not forget that K-On will first be released as single disc releases for maximum gouging. :lol

At least they're doing BD releases I guess? That might be enough to get me to buy the singles as they come out.


It just aired today in Scotland. While I would have liked to have seen it, I don't really have the £90 to pay for the flight up there.

Although if I had the cash I'd have been up there in a heartbeat. The home experience won't really compare.

Hopefully it might get shown at London, which will be slightly closer.


Giolon said:
I just got back from seeing REDLINE at the theater in SF Japantown. It was off the hook insane and totally awesome. If this shit opens up near you, go out of your way to see it.



It's playing in SF through Thursday.
Yeah, it was awesome. Made a thread just now about the SF screening. I'm a horrible promoter, but I should get the word out at least :lol


If any luck it'll be at Londonexpo, would probably be enough for me to go even if I don't much care to go to London again this year, though train rides are pretty sweet. Actually if I was really lucky it'd be at gamecity even though there's no reason for that to happen.


Contains Sucralose
Doesn't every anime bomb here? I mean they're not going to show K_On! on CN or on Saturday mornings. There is no audience for it. They should just release a S1/S2 box set with an extra.

I still have no idea how they're going produce the songs in English. I hope they just don't dub it without changing the tempos.


Vox-Pop said:
I still have no idea how they're going produce the songs in English. I hope they just don't dub it without changing the tempos.


ANN said:
Update 2: K-ON! is being released in four parts, with a suggested retail price of US$29.98 for each part on standard DVD. Bandai Entertainment does not plan to redub the songs in English.


Subete no aware
Yeah, I mentioned that earlier. So dub fans will get to be mad I guess.

I'm also assuming 50 bucks per BD:LE disc. Makes me wonder if they overpaid for the license based on the hype from 2 years ago. :lol


Got into reading and just watched the first episode of The World Only God knows. I really enjoy the manga, somewhere between Love Hina and School Rumble with an ace design. Anime wasnt really fantastic, but it was well animated and the VA sounds good. Will keep tabs on it


firehawk12 said:
Huh, just reading some NYAF news and Bandai announced TGWLTT Blu Ray... no need to import from the UK/AUS now at least.
About fucking time, I've held off on TGWLTT for so damn long knowing it was on Bluray, I was never sure what was going on, last thing I heard was a tweet that Funimation was doing it that was released on April 1st, I don't believe anything on that day. I wish they had given a date though. Ghost in the Shell: SSS on Bluray is icing on the cake though as I don't own it yet either.


Takao said:
Man, Sunrise is just dumping Gundam stuff on Bandai Ent now. I guess it helps hide the fact the company only has two or three titles in release at any given time.

You say that like it's a bad thing. It's about damn time they rereleased Mobile Suit Gundam!


Either I'm going insane or I've accidently watched the same 3 Macross 7 episodes. No they were slightly different but still ended up being preparing, live performance, get interrupted by attack, Basara flys out and sings to the aliens. I've even seen the same exact Valkrie gets blown up animation in all 3 episodes. Still episode 3 did have Basara dodge dudes trying to hit him while singing which was awesome.

I'm totally distracted by Mylene's furry ball though, I have no idea what it is but it's cute and hope it gets its own backstory episode.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Reknoc said:
Either I'm going insane or I've accidently watched the same 3 Macross 7 episodes. No they were slightly different but still ended up being preparing, live performance, get interrupted by attack, Basara flys out and sings to the aliens. I've even seen the same exact Valkrie gets blown up animation in all 3 episodes. Still episode 3 did have Basara dodge dudes trying to hit him while singing which was awesome.

I'm totally distracted by Mylene's furry ball though, I have no idea what it is but it's cute and hope it gets its own backstory episode.
further down the rabbit hole...
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