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Fall 2010 Anime Thread: Reboots, Retreads, and Rediscovery

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Macross 12: Whenever these characters annoy me I just remember "At least they aren't Stardust Memory characters!"

Also, Hayase's roll seems to involve making wild speculative statements based on flimsy evidence, and Hikaur enjoys sitting around waiting for Max to save the day. Good times.


If you spoiler something with a definitive answer, and the spoiler text is that short, it's pretty easy to see the letters and notice the answer :lol

P&S: Good stuff, almost enough to make me forget all the recap footage.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.



Infinite Justice said:
this was known before the first season even aired :lol
I don't believe it was, no?

EDIT: My bad: it wasn't confirmed-confirmed officially, but some obscure listing apparently let the cat out of the bag back in October, indeed. Ah, well.


7Th said:
Silly far-fetched pseudo-science wasn't hinted at until episode 4. It doesn't matter how you look at it, solving the mystery by having
Kanako's body parts connected to computers
was rather cheap and for them to try to have the audience buy it as a valid plot device in a show set in the 50's was beyond ridiculous.

the point was that kanako wasn't
alive, nor connected to a cpu. The entire hospital was her "body", as in cogs and gears and machinaries, and being the human body a "system" built in small (microscopic) scale, the point of the anime was that the human system COULD be replaced, but on a greater scale, to the point that even a fully artificial system will manage to keep an head "alive" (or rather, being able to produces some strange noises). Being able, nowadays, to clone animal and even human, and with all the "coscience developed in the machine" catches from GITS..... i think MnH manages to put itself on the same wavelenght, except is set in the past instead of the future.

Kyougokudou objects to the doctor that Kanako's conscience wasn't still present, and that it was the *machine's conscience" doing the work. That manages to plant in the doctor the shadow of doubt, and that's where all the psycological warfare is played (all the central episodes of the series are meant to be useful to understand Kyogokudou's M.O., and that planting an idea in other people is a dangerous thing).


P&S12: Can't wait for next week.

Otoshimono 12: Welp that's end of that. Pretty rushed ending but since it was an anime original plotline to fill up the last two episodes, what else could be expected. Overall it was pretty fun and there's still the movie to left (which will be covering the Hiyori arc).


My choices for next season:

-Wandering Son: The art direction is tacky and very appealing at the same time, the source material manga makes for a nice serious but not melodramatic read.
-Magical Girl Madoka Magica: I'm a sucker for magical girls and the staff and hype makes me think that maybe it will survive the horrible Shaft curse.
-Fractale: LOL YAMAKAN

Everything else is wait and see. GOSICK may be by Bones, but the character design isn't appealing at all and it is directed by Heroman's Hitoshi Nanba.


Madoka Magica is the only one I'm actually interested because it's Shaft and Shaft owns (take that 7th!)

Other than that, since the Mirai Nikki ended up being complete trash, I guess... I can't think of anything else :/


I seriously want Madoka to not suck, bros! I'm afraid, because Shaft isn't able to keep decent direction and animation for more than one episode, but I still hope Madoka turns out to be good. We just don't get a lot of magical girl shows these days!
Panty and Stocking

wow brief with the jump and that ending...dang. Looking forward to the next ep

Now his defending of Panty's underwear during an auction makes some sense :lol


7Th said:
I seriously want Madoka to not suck, bros! I'm afraid, because Shaft isn't able to keep decent direction and animation for more than one episode, but I still hope Madoka turns out to be good. We just don't get a lot of magical girl shows these days!
Hey, that Bake-cash has to go somewhere! Probably not to SHAFT or the animation budget though.
Ayakashi 10- The middle episode. Not quite as smoothly directed as the opener, but still good nevertheless with judicious use of CGI.
Stardust Memory: This conversation brings to light a number of the scripting problems present in the show.

It's almost like Tomino was writing it, except that if it was a Tomino scene it would be 7 seconds long. I'm not surprised that the guy who wrote this script worked on Zeta Gundam as a writer.
Urusei Yatsura 39: I cannot stress enough how much better these "characters do stuff and change a bit episodes" are over the "zany things happen" episodes (which I also enjoy).

In this episode, Ataru takes his girl on a date and notices that she's attractive. This doesn't usually happen after the characters have been "together" for 39 episodes :lol

Also there seem to be a trend of insert song+fancy animation segment. I guess they were training up animators throughout the show.


Junior Member
Legend of the Legendary Heroes


Not bad for a generic fantasy show but it needed less Ryner going emo/kill Ryner/save Ryner/fuck Ryner and more of crazy magician and politics (basically, the first part.)

And the ending is all season 2 and power of friendship. Yay.


expy said:
Fortune Arterial 11: Meh, so slow =\

Yep. The last several episodes have been exactly the same.
Erika wants to drink Kohei's blood, her eyes turn red, she decides not to do it, then whines about it.


Aad said:
So apparently Nakamura Kenji is doing a new show airing in the Noitamina block next year.


Fuck yes!
So old man, like a million years ago/yesterday!
Jexhius said:
Via Raito-Kun's twitter: "New Kenji Nakamura series! http://www.noitamina-control.jp/.

They'll present noitaminA's 2011 line-up live on Ustream on 7th January..."

Speaking of which:

Aykashi 11Finale/Whatever I wasn't entirely sold on the second episode but this finale definitely brought the goods/delivered/lived up to my wildest expectations.

There generally seems to be a point where I have no earthly idea what's going on, then lots of things happen, and then the show fully reveals what it at hinted at earlier. It's an enjoyable period of disturbing confusion.


Subete no aware
SoreMachi really is the most inventive show of the season. I don't even know the source material and I think it's probably the best adaptation I've seen in ages. I feel like they've taken the mundane and elevated to deep, subtextual comedy just be how far they're willing to push the source material to fit an anime episode.

And, I suppose I said I liked the honesty of Sora no Otoshimono and that's how they decided to end the last episode of the season. I really wonder if the movie will be dude just perving out for 90 minutes. :lol

7Th said:
I seriously want Madoka to not suck, bros! I'm afraid, because Shaft isn't able to keep decent direction and animation for more than one episode, but I still hope Madoka turns out to be good. We just don't get a lot of magical girl shows these days!

Jexhius said:
Hey, that Bake-cash has to go somewhere! Probably not to SHAFT or the animation budget though.

Oh you two!


Simoun 8: As much as I've enjoyed the show so far, this episode definitely had a broken plot.

Minor niggle: People seem to be a little concerned at using Simoun as weapons, but if they weren't meant to be used in that way why do they have the same firepower as an armoured battalion?

Major gripe: The whole peace conference arc and it's resolution. It requires one too many suspensions of disbelief.

Simoun 9: Someone thankfully notes how dumb everyone acted in the previous episode. That's a mild relief!

Also, they went full Dezaki for no apparent reason:


Simoun 10: Let the good episodes roll.

I'm still experiencing this strange disconnect between the characters designs (which have a Masakazu Katsura [You thought I'd go for Buichi Terasawa? Nahh] level concern with the female posterior)/eye catches/girls kissing. It's starting to fade though, but I still half expect this fanservice show to come out of nowhere.

Of course, if this was porn, I'm sure it would the classiest work in that whole field.
Jexhius said:
Simoun 8: As much as I've enjoyed the show so far, this episode definitely had a broken plot.

Minor niggle: People seem to be a little concerned at using Simoun as weapons, but if they weren't meant to be used in that way why do they have the same firepower as an armoured battalion?

Major gripe: The whole peace conference arc and it's resolution. It requires one too many suspensions of disbelief.

Simoun 9: Someone thankfully notes how dumb everyone acted in the previous episode. That's a mild relief!

Also, they went full Dezaki for no apparent reason:


Was it Yun? or Neviril? my memory is rusty on this series.


InfiniteNine said:
God, the Umineko VA cast can do a good job. What the hell did DEEN do to them for the anime?
Did you import it? I had no idea it was even out. Satisfied so far?

Index 2:

It's so ugly--lots of QUALITY animation. Looks so awful most of the time.

Himegami ruptures from a couple of LOLMAGIC wounds. Why couldn't that happen to someone who deserves it, like Index? >_>



Dresden said:
Himegami ruptures from a couple of LOLMAGIC wounds. Why couldn't that happen to someone who deserves it, like Index? >_>
Of any event described in this thread that could be accompanied by a gif, why'd it have to be this : (


Rolling Girl
Dresden said:
Did you import it? I had no idea it was even out. Satisfied so far?
Extremely satisfied! I haven't even hit the first twilight yet but the VA work really does add something. I can't wait to get into EP2 and hear Beato's laugh.
jman2050 said:
I can't forsee any situation where anyone would care at all what happens to that particular character. I say leave it as is.

I care :(

More about the fact it happened rather than the character it happened to though. That seems extremely gruesome for Index and it got me curious about the episode which I really don't want to watch now since it's past 3:30 AM
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