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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Log Horizon 10

The anime would be better if it was just focused on Tohya's adventures joining a guild and getting stronger instead of on Shiryou. The other lvl 20er is interesting character. Hope he returns.


White Album 2 10

Kazusa calling Haruki out on his stupid mixed messages, but that probably won't make him stop. Second half was extended flashbacks, which always grinds pacing to a halt. Although these ones didn't really impart much new info, it was nice seeing how Haruki's relationship with Kazusa developed before the show started. Not sure I want to be reminded that he used to be more likable though. >.>


So, I got Jonathan Clements new book, Anime: A History today - I've only had the chance to read the introduction thus far, which is basically twenty pages of him justifying what he is classifying as "anime" for the purpose of the book and complaining with some specificity about how incomplete and contradictory dozens of Japanese reference books and autobiographies are, but it seems like it'll be pretty interesting.

The main take away thus far, though, is that the Japanese industry, either accidentally or deliberately, are terrible at recording their own history.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito: Episode 9

Why is it when the weird ninja demon girls run, it sounds like a typewriter? They also seem to disintigrate into shiny talcum powder when they are killed for some reason. The leader was also made of shiny talcum powder. Thus the talcum powder ninja demon clan were beaten or something.

Then Meirin gets teleported to Gargantua's Coney Island Disco Palace with 5000% more filters. Lots of dancing later and now we head into his memories where he creates the Hall of Blinding Light and then proceeds to dance around like a lunatic because he now knows what to do in life.

Next episode's in space! Wooooooooooooooooooough...
Didn't see it posted, probably because I'm stupid, but Rightstuf deals.

Tempted to buy those Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus' and the Samurai Champloo blu-ray (never seen the series).
The omnibus are tempting but when I still have to pay for shipping it only saves me a few bucks opposed to Amazon Prime (buying just the last two anyway). Might just wait and see if there's 50 bucks worth of stuff I want for free shipping while the sales go on.


The omnibus are tempting but when I still have to pay for shipping it only saves me a few bucks opposed to Amazon Prime (buying the last two anyway). Might just wait and see if there's 50 bucks worth of stuff I want for free shipping while the sales go on.

Yeah, but I'd be buying all four and actually don't have Amazon Prime, which I really should consider investing in.
Log Horizon 10


Another nice episode. Pretty nice to see the end of I guess the last arc and to see the rumblings of the upcoming arc. Fun moments in the middle as well.


Log Horizon 10 - Excellent!

And it continues to be the show I desparately want to binge on. So wish I had access to the novels in english.



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - 1 - 50 [END]

Not bad. It took a while to like the major characters at first but over time they grew on me. I really want to give this show points for having so many female pilots
a shame that most of them were written to be so damn dependent on men (fuck you Reccoa you backstabber!).
Thankfully we had badasses like Haman Karn that gave me hope that not all of them would be doomed to such a role.
I don't care if she's a villain
she's still my favorite! And is just me or did Kamille want to have a relationship with every girl he met? Like, at the beginning
they gave the impression that he had a crush on Reccoa, a mother complex for Emma, an ongoing lovers quarrel with Fa Yuiry, a tragedy romance with Four Murasame which then continued with Rosamia!
not like it matters now, since it looks like he got mind wiped. Lame.

Starting ZZ now!

Strike the Blood 10

Seeing Astarte smiling and Teacher in her yukata was nice.

Sayaka and Asagi meet once again and they're already going at it. Kojou needs to get off the island ASAP, or else he'll have a rough time dealing with the girls in his harem.

New girl definitely has a nice body.


Hah, that's pretty nice. And I guess that makes it the second Shaft opening since Soredemo to actually have effort/be good, with the third Maria Holic 2 opening being the other.

Is…is that an OP sung by Sugita Tomokazu?!

(The Kabukimonogatari OP is still bettar though. Haven't checked out the Koimonogatari OP yet, will watch it when I actually watch the episode. I'm glad to hear that there actually is an OP, though, I was starting to worry that we wouldn't get one for this arc, like for Onimonogatari…)
Kuroko's Basketball Season 2 Episode 36

When Hanamiya was like baka, it was equivalent to one of the best things in the anime. Really funny and entertaining. His personality clash with Kuroko, making him angry, and then Aomine's warning combined for making an entertaining episode so far. The random lighting effect too with one scene with hanamiya and the lens flare is going on was a minor nice touch. In any event, Kuroko was excellent and shocked Hanamiya face needs to be seen even more. I like this game and hope it last longer.
Izuki though he was rendered useless that has to be just as painful as being removed from the game like Kiyoshi, I hope Izuki can evolve too


Kuroko no Basket S2 10

Angry Kuroko is great.
When Aomine basically told Hanamiya that they were going to lose because they pissed off Kuroko was funny.
The animation for this game is probably the best of the season so far.

Also the vanishing drive into the alley-oop by Kagami was a great troll.


[Kyousogiga] - 7

So this is still a series that's airing this season but, for whatever reason, has kind of faded to the background in terms of discussion. Perhaps this is because it's a pretty peculiar and unique story that I imagine isn't to everyone's taste. The creators are pretty clearly interested in doing their own thing and there aren't any real concessions to the wider anime audience in terms of storytelling, charactersiation, fanservice etc.

Anyhoo, now that we're completely done with the previous material things are certainly starting to unfold in a rather unexpected manner. I don't really know where this is going but I look forward to the journey which the show is taking me on.

Also, the show is still gorgeous, so that helps a bit.


[Kyousogiga] - 7

So this is still a series that's airing this season but, for whatever reason, has kind of faded to the background in terms of discussion. Perhaps this is because it's a pretty peculiar and unique story that I imagine isn't to everyone's taste. The creators are pretty clearly interested in doing their own thing and there aren't any real concessions to the wider anime audience in terms of storytelling, charactersiation, fanservice etc.

Anyhoo, now that we're completely done with the previous material things are certainly starting to unfold in a rather unexpected manner. I don't really know where this is going but I look forward to the journey which the show is taking me on.

Also, the show is still gorgeous, so that helps a bit.

Well there isn't that much to talk about in regards to it. As you said, they're pretty much doing their own thing.
Yeah there's only a few of us discussing Kyousougiga. It has almost zero chances of anime of the year. Particularly because if my vote counted, it'd go towards Yamato.



Tragic victim of fan death
Has anyone seen the second episode of Akito the Exiled yet? What's the general impression of the movie?


White Album 2 ep 10

All those feelings finally coming out.
Felt pretty good to watch that escalation.
I enjoyed the second part of the episode too, even
if it dealt with the past,
which meant that to see how the events of this episode will shape the future for the 3 of them will have to wait until the next one.
Strike the Blood 10

Always going with the angels are not better than the demons route.

Harem cat-fight while I guessssss we're going to get another harem member.


Monigatari S2 23 (Koi 3)

SHAFT's OP dominance has returned, and how!

Kaiki and Senjougahara are the two best characters in this show.
Strike the Blood 10

Further development with main girl, best girl is ignored, and added harem. At least main character is smooth when he needs to be, but violent tsunderes are starting to bore me so main girl loses points.

White Album 2 10
Hmmm. Touma went up the rankings again due to the particular scene before flashback. Nice to get shit out in the open, though I agree with protag there was no way to read Touma. Setsuna was open like a book.

While I was originally team Touma, I moved on to Setsuna after seeing her guts in getting what she wants and episode 9 'action', but this episode increased the troops for team Touma. Depending on the next episode Team Touma might attack Team Setsuna's camp. though the way the show is structured it's obvious
Haruki will either end up with Touma and/or break up with Setsuna


Arjuna 7

The food we eat and the drink we drink becomes us! And you've eaten nothing or drunk nothing without spitting it out in forever. You've become a real bitch, Arjuna. Your natural foods have made you a bitch. Also, one of these things is not like the other "Chemicals, pesticides, death, SCIENCE." And I'm thoroughly convinced that Chris has no concept of kindness if he's calling Cindy kind. She's just the end result of what Chris does to people: turns them into bitchy jerkasses who have no friends. Which is pretty much Juna at this point.

"You keep rejecting food and saying hilariously stupid shit, Juna. How do we live like that?"
"It's not hard, look at the old man on the mountain."
"You mean the lunatic hermit who lived in his own shit and still couldn't give up smoking and groping teenage girls? OH THERE IS AN IDEALISTIC PARADISE."

Dude, Tokio, let's talk. Juna is a snobby ecomaniacal bitch who should rightfully be ostracized from all of human society. She's not that hot, so you really shouldn't even care about her now that we've eliminated her personality and her body. Good? Good. But she isn't in love with luekemiachrist. She's being mind raped and brain washed by his eco terrorist organization. If you care about her, either force her to stop or put her down.

No wait that last one is if you care about me.

"You don't appreciate Chris' kindness."


WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK. Juna just got done pointing out all the shitty stuff Chris has done to her. Namely, after trading her back her life in exchange for help, verbally and emotionally abusing her NON FUCKING STOP without EVER instructing her. Chris isn't kind, he's a fucking jerkass bastard who has been torturing Juna. Honestly I'm not convinced he himself didn't stage that entire burger fiasco. He's a freak and an abuser. Yeah, Juna's greatful for her life and willing to help out but nobody said nothing about the constant mental abuse when she signed on.

Fucking Chris is Kyubey except he wants you to suck him off and tell him what a great guy he is, too.

I cannot, I simply cannot believe the writer is serious here. You cannot be this tone deaf and fail to realize how completely your message clashes with what you show on screen. It's just not even possible here.

Cindy's "Open" message looks way more like "Nope nope nope" Probably on account of all this mind control she's doing. THIS BITCH JUST TRIED TO MAKE HER A HUMAN SACRIFICE. HOLY SHIT. And you know what? With 6 episodes left, you can BET Juna is still gonna hang out with these murderous, abusive, ecoterrorists. Motherfucker gives a hug to the bitch queen and sides with demon cg monsters and now he's Jesus Christ? Am I to overlook the Satanic bargain and the abuse he's put EVERYONE THROUGH? Jeez, if one nice thing is all it takes Darth Vader is Mother Teresa.

This show is so fucking awful.


Personally I like Bakemonogatari's OP the best. Shaft did a splendid job at the part where the girl was slinging the paint around the room.

I also liked the Denpa Onno OP only for the 3D background on 2D animation effect they did.

This OP really is the best they've done in a long time. The past Monogatari OP's weren't that great.

Denpa Onna op still one of my favorites.

Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito: Episode 7-8

A double whammy of ugh. Episode 7 had some backstory to the HatsumixHatzuki thing which I didn't care for very much although it did show that Hatsumi could actually communicate but only through writing/texting on her crappy mobile phone.

Episode 8 was the writers just deciding to just stick the Princess Kaguya folk story into the plot for some reason. The fight scenes with the samurai were hilariously bad, I'd compare it to Sword Art Online's fight scenes only with much much less movement.

Hey at least it can't possibly get any worse in the next 5 episodes right!

you certainly mean even better right?

Based shaft has returned?

It never left!
Log Horizon 10

Series of the season for me. It's not even that it's mindblowing, it's just so enjoyable. I watch every episode with a huge smile on my face. Shiroe is a great and complex character, and they're doing a great job at making me want to learn more about the tea party. I like that the guild is comprised of best characters, though the new random lvl 20 blonde dude looks like he'll be a laugh so hopefully he's not a bad guy and also joins the guild.

The peaceful atmosphere, the lax attitude and the great characters is what makes this show.


Doki Doki! Precure 43

That explains it.
Aguri is Kaguyahime. Or Superman, depending on which interpretation of that orphan from another world story you take. And forget the baby stage, she grew up into an elementary schooler in like, ten seconds.
That does answer quite a few questions, and seeing how much Aguri's grandma cares for her is really heartwarming. There are suspicious that they're basically repeating
Max Heart
here, but it wasn't immediately obvious until about last week. And lots of friendship and family bonding moments, the kind of things one comes to expect from a Precure series.

Next week: Every show on the Asahi block moves into Christmas territory.
Doki Doki! Precure 43

That explains it.
Aguri is Kaguyahime. Or Superman, depending on which interpretation of that orphan from another world story you take. And forget the baby stage, she grew up into an elementary schooler in like, ten seconds.
That does answer quite a few questions, and seeing how much Aguri's grandma cares for her is really heartwarming. There are suspicious that they're basically repeating
Max Heart
here, but it wasn't immediately obvious until about last week. And lots of friendship and family bonding moments, the kind of things one comes to expect from a Precure series.

Next week: Every show on the Asahi block moves into Christmas territory.

Some dudes theory gains weight.


Bakemonogatari 11

Hanekawa's ghost problem is a multiple personality disorder? Just fuel for the fire that reads "Hanekawa is Araragi's multiple personality disorder." Also Araragi spends no time with his so-called girlfriend ever. Are they even dating?
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