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Fallout 4 - Full Dialogue Interface Mod released


Oh no, I totally agree as far as themes/faction etc. go.

I meant the actual use of level design to convey a "world" as opposed to lots of NV cities with only a few buildings contrary to how NPCs describe locations etc.

Oh definitely, although NV's problem was a limitation of technology which if they hopefully get a chance at a Fallout game they can fix. I'd love to see a Fallout city as believable as say Novigrad in TW3.
Using the Gamepad version of the mod, there's still quite a few lines that are still abbreviated. Related to shopkeepers and companions.

I believe the mod is still not yet completed, it's still the very first release version (beta).
The modder has also made a statement regarding this, and more languages are coming apparently.
Believe it or not, I have plans to port this mod into every language FO4 was released in. All I need is the .strings files of the foreign version (found in your Fallout 4 directory\ Data\Strings) - the three files in there, from the language the mod is to be translated to. If I have those, I can translate the mod to every language I can - French, German, Spanish, you name it.

The method I use of porting this mod doesn't require any fluency in that language (thank goodness! ) so it'd be something I could do myself, as long as I had those .strings files. I suppose all I would really need is someone to just translate the Readme file, which is super short as it is.

I'll wait until the mod has had a few days in the wild to catch any bugs or lines I missed altering so that I can refine my .strings pipeline, and then we'll be good to go. I need the time to recharge my batteries, anyway. But after that, I can get right on translating the mod to every language I can. I'm one of those weirdos that finds modding games as fun as playing them, so it's no trouble.


You just press the A button 99% of the time because why wouldn't you.
Because playing as the vanilla goody two-shoes errand boy for everyfuckingone is possibly the most boring way to experience what little roleplaying the game has left?


Oh definitely, although NV's problem was a limitation of technology which if they hopefully get a chance at a Fallout game they can fix. I'd love to see a Fallout city as believable as say Novigrad in TW3.

Exactly, which is why I really hope Obsidian is going to be working off of this.

Can't wait.


Purple Drazi
...Yeah, I really don't think we should get our hopes too high up for an Oblivion sequel. One instance does not a pattern make. D:


There is the reason they went with paraphrasing.

Actually the lack of paraphrasing isn't the issue there, it's the lack of line breaks(the keyboard version of the mod would also look fine). And the hilarious thing is, those choices would be "summed up" in 3 words or less without the mod, so you'd have no idea what you were about to say.


They just need a mod to mute the main character and you can have it back to the old way. Thankfully the game lets you disable the cinematic camera. I've been able to play it that way a lot better.


There is the reason they went with paraphrasing.

Even the paraphrasing can be done well. See Deus Ex Human Revolution and Witcher 3 for that.

Alternatively, you know, they could simply do the interface like it was in FNV instead of this four button bullshit.


There is the reason they went with paraphrasing.
Nothing that couldn't be fixed with some dynamic scaling or linebreaking.

By the developers at least, not sure that's possible for the modder.

Actually the lack of paraphrasing isn't the issue there, it's the lack of line breaks(the keyboard version of the mod would also look fine). And the hilarious thing is, those choices would be "summed up" in 3 words or less without the mod, so you'd have no idea what you were about to say.
      TAPES? (Y)
             (A) SEARCHING
Even the paraphrasing can be done well. See Deus Ex Human Revolution and Witcher 3 for that.

Alternatively, you know, they could simply do the interface like it was in FNV instead of this four button bullshit.

Yes, the problem is not the paraphrasing, it's the interface. (if we're only talking about this mod and that picture particularly).


What sorcery is this I'm seeing? I can use my number row to select options?!?!?!?

That was one of my biggest gripes with the game. The need to hit enter instead of letting me rebind it didn't help too.

Time to get back to Fallout 4.


Lastly, there are more story, side quest and companion changing choices you can make in Fo4 than previous games by far.
Serious question, have you played other Fallout games than FO4 en 3? Because this sentence is not true at all, New Vegas went further than FO4 with the way dialogue and choices affected story, side quests and companions.


I goddamn love PC gaming.

I still dislike Bethesda for letting modders pick up their slack, though.

What sorcery is this I'm seeing? I can use my number row to select options?!?!?!?

Didn't it always let you do that? I always picked the dialogue with the 1 2 3 4 buttons on my G600 mouse and they're mapped to number keys, nothing special.


This is a great improvement UI wise, but knowing what all the dialog lines actually are just makes how crap the "choices" are even worse. I just played the confrontation with Kellog, and all the dialog choices were the basically the same thing, stated with different levels of rudeness.


Neo Member
Good times, gonna get this and the no pc dialogue after work. Not that will will fix the core problems with FO4's dialogue seeing as every choice can be summed up with "Yes, sarcastic yes, no, more info" but hey.

Your character being a blank slate to fill in yourself has always been a hallmark of Bethesda games, and FO4 kind of kills it. Especially with a female character, all the lines flip aimlessly between grieving mother and wasteland psychopath. It's anti immersion and jars wildly with the things you've probably been doing. Devs seem to think silent protagonists are no longer feasabe, but I'd argue in a game like this they're pretty much essential.

If your going to going to make the PC an actual character then do that. This middle ground approach sucks, I had the same issue with DA:i and that did it much better.


I wouldn't be surprised if their engine was holding them back from having meaningful choices. It seems like the more the choices matter, the buggier the game is (speaking only about Bethesda's games). After Skyrim's Ps3 debacle, my speculation is that Bethesda is completely aware of the current sentiment regarding this subject but would rather ship a game that has good parts and a few bad parts (that is dependent on the preference of the player obviously) instead of something thatll break too frequently.


I love when people say dialogue is bad but don't bother to explain why it's bad almost as if it's your predetermined view on writing from Bethesda.

It's so obvious to most people that they just don't want to waste energy coming up with dozens of examples

But yeah, like a couple of others have mentioned, the interface turned out to be just one of the problems FO4's dialogue has. Nice to have a fix like this, either way.
Thank god for this mod.

Doesn't save the fact that the writing is dreadful more often than not, but at least now I'll be able to know what dreadful thing my PC is going to say even if it makes no difference anyway.
You can also turn off your characters voice in another mod right? Then you have a far superior game, and I say that as someone loving Fallout 4.

Edit: I thought I read that there was a mod to disable your voice, but I'm not 100% on that.
I believe this is what I was waiting for. Dipping into savings but fuck it. Purchasing today. The only nagging feeling is that the camera swaps to face the player character saying nothing. Feels a bit awkward. Maybe someone will have that fixed by next week.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
What I need is way to tell if the thing I'm going to say is going to progress the dialog or not. It's super annoying since I'd like to hear everything.


I goddamn love PC gaming.

I still dislike Bethesda for letting modders pick up their slack, though.

Didn't it always let you do that? I always picked the dialogue with the 1 2 3 4 buttons on my G600 mouse and they're mapped to number keys, nothing special.

This is what I get
There have been Bethesda games with better dialogue, in any case. Namely all of them.

I haven't played Morrowind yet but the page-based conversation interface looks particularly promising.

To be clear, I'm talking dialogue systems, and number of branching paths. The dialogue itself is a more subjective discussion.

I totally disagree. This is the best dialogue a Bethesda game has ever offered, in that it actually feels like a dialogue two humans would engage in and not some goofy ass gamified list of things you just run down until you get your quest, which has basically been the extent of previous Bethesda conversation systems.

I'll back games like Torment 100%, but they're completely different in style and purpose and that approach isn't one Bethesda has ever meaningfully taken.


Thank god, maybe I should wait a few months before continuing this game due to all the mods and DLC that will be released.


I understand the dialogue options complaints since they are clearly reduced compared to previous games but this thing about the voice acting baffles me.

I kind of want Link to be voiced next, imagine the outrage o_O

Because it removes any blank state player from the game. You cannot roleplay as someone else when everyone has the same voice. Its a thousand different heads with one voice. Its stupid as all hell in a game like this.


I believe this is what I was waiting for. Dipping into savings but fuck it. Purchasing today. The only nagging feeling is that the camera swaps to face the player character saying nothing. Feels a bit awkward. Maybe someone will have that fixed by next week.

You can turn off dialogue camera and stay in first person
This is what I get

Same here. I end up picking choices with my mouse cursor because who the hell has their hand anywhere near the arrow keys. Also, the inconsistency of how you exit menus is so annoying, Tab, Esc, sometimes confirm with fucking Enter. Who wants any key mapped to Enter? At least every choice is clickable.


No joke, this is a complete game changer for me. I know this might sound silly but I derived a lot of my amusement in New Vegas/3 from dialogue options I never even picked but liked reading out, laughing to myself and being so glad that they were an option. Actually knowing what is gonna be said is a big improvement for me, personally.

Exactly this. Will try this mod.

I do like the voice over's, though. Voice actress of our protagonists sounds damn sexy.


Haven't read the thread yet, just too excited and had to post THANK YOU to the folks that made this. I just wish we had more than 4 limited choices, but there's always more to come.


Kind of been apparent where people complain about this have simply not played the game regarding dialogue much to see that nothing much has really changed.

lol, please. I've played so much I maxed out the xbox save file


get out of here with that shit. I've also been playing Fallout since the first game was released (the superior Fallout 1 and 2 dialog systems are curiously missing from your screed)

The fact is, every dialog option results in the same thing: yes, or not yet (but you can come back and say yes). This doesn't change the more you play the game. Even the vast majority of the charisma tests are simply "yes, but give me caps"
What sorcery is this I'm seeing? I can use my number row to select options?!?!?!?

That was one of my biggest gripes with the game. The need to hit enter instead of letting me rebind it didn't help too.

Time to get back to Fallout 4.
Just a couple of things, the game doesn't really show you, but you CAN select dialogue with number keys on PC with the default scheme. 1,2,3,4 select up, left, right, and down dialogue options, respectively. Also by default 'E' will also work the same as 'enter'.
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