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Fallout 4 - Full Dialogue Interface Mod released


It doesn't fix the underlining problems with the dialogue system but it definitely helps negate the save scumming, because hell if I know what's going to come out of the dude's mouth at times.

It's extremely tiring to constantly quicksave/reload but thankfully it has fairly quick loading times. Fingers crossed for a proper dialog system in the next Beth game and not another Bioware-esque type of thing.


Picking this up the moment I get home.

The dialogue wheel is truly awful. "Sarcastic" to a response with no actual idea as to what it says is dumb as shit even if the choices are all basically the same.
The new dialogue system is a bizarre failure. Setting the options to the controller's face buttons is extremely limiting to the amount of choices they can offer. At least the Mass Effect dialogue wheel can let you pick more than four options when the need arises.

And having your options be Question, Sarcasm, Positive, and Negative every time... Jesus.

I understand they wanted more "cinematic" dialogue presentation, which is fine as stiff presentation was an issue I had with 3 and NV, but why couldn't they have done it like The Witcher 3 or something?
A baby is drowning in the lake:

>Fallout 1
Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest
Reveal too much information about yourself, causing the Super Mutants to track your vault more easily

>Fallout 2
Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest
Pop culture reference about the baby

>Fallout 3
Yes, I will save the baby
Depends on the caps
I will not save the baby
[Intelligence] The baby is drowning

>Fallout New Vegas
I will save the baby
I will not save the baby
[Barter 30] Double the caps and I'll save the baby
[Medicine 30] Thanks to my medical knowledge, I will easily be able to save the baby
[Survival 15/30] Uh... yeah, I totally know how to swim

>Fallout 4
No (Yes)
Sarcastic (Yes)

Cool mod, but I find this part weird: "can now use the number keys for input, instead of clustering all of them together and forcing you to use the arrow keys."

I've been using 1-4 for my entire play through. They may have meant that the orientation is better suited for the arrow keys so that's why they feel "forced" to use them.. but they're not forced so yeah: weird thing to point out IMO
I understand they wanted more "cinematic" dialogue presentation, which is fine as stiff presentation was an issue I had with 3 and NV, but why couldn't they have done it like The Witcher 3 or something?

The whole approach to dialogue and the presentation of dialogue in Fallout 4 is just a total clusterfuck that flies in the face of what Bethesda games usually excel at- player freedom. It would be fine if they wanted to play up the "cinematic" aspect of the dialogue but then you'd think they would have really doubled down on and improved the animations and cinematics in the dialogue scenes. Which I suppose they have compared to past Bethesda games, but comparing them to The Witcher or BioWare games and their efforts in Fallout 4 come across as extraordinarily primitive.

The whole dialogue wheel/voiced PC just adds nothing to the game for me and just ends up hurting the whole notion of building your PC however you want. Its just stuck in a crummy middle ground where you're kind of a defined protagonist given that the story gives you a set backstory and you have a set voice but yet you're still kind of free to do whatever in the world and you can customize your character. Yet its not as defined as the Witcher or Deus Ex or Alpha Protocol where you've got a voiced protagonist with variations on the dialogue wheel + paraphrases that worked because you're playing as a more set character like Geralt, Adam Jensen or Mike Thorton.
Played some couple of hours with the mod and it's such a major improvement. The dialog is quite simple at most points, but at least now you can pick the least suckiest choice instead of picking up SARCASM at random


This is what I get

It always let you use the number keys, even when it displayed like that. I've been doing it without mods installed. 1 = Up, 2, = Left, 3 = Right , 4 = Down.
Perhaps gamepad users should wait for a more polished version. Or just let gamepad user use the kb/m format, that would be the perfect solution. I'm not sure why the modder has to separate gamepad to the lite version.

This- just give me the same formatting as the M/KB but put A,B, X, Y next to the choice. Combining full dialogue with the diamond layout is just a poor idea.

Great contribution. Have you gone and played Fo3 recently? Most dialogue you encounter is exposition, you only make a few big choices in it, Fo4 has a lot more choices in general. Even slight scripted events you see in the world and your small response can lock you out of 2 branching quest lines. The game is filled with that + the faction quests tying into the main story. In fact, Bethesda actually learned from Obsidian with F:NV in how they tie the faction-related stories and main quest into "chapters" and how that the main quest isn't what you may seem it'll be, unlike how "linear" Fo3's main quest was. Then again it's much easier to "Lmaooooo" to actually try to discuss something. Have you even bothered to play the game? I recommend playing Fo3 and Fo4 back-to-back and realise the amount of exposition that exists in Fo3 and tell me that Fallout 3 has more choices you can make throughout the game. F:NV has better choices/structure, but I'm not talking about F:NV, I'm talking about Fo3 and Fo4, and Bethesda has improved upon that. Also, for once, Bethesda has actually made some memorable characters in Fallout, Fallout 3 just had Three Dogg really and they actually did justice to how the factions like BoS are supposed to be.


Been using it all day on PC, feels great and using 1-4 to select the answers is SO CONVENIENT. I have no clue how Bethesda could fuck that basic thing up.


Great contribution. Have you gone and played Fo3 recently? Most dialogue you encounter is exposition, you only make a few big choices in it, Fo4 has a lot more choices in general. Even slight scripted events you see in the world and your small response can lock you out of 2 branching quest lines. The game is filled with that + the faction quests tying into the main story. In fact, Bethesda actually learned from Obsidian with F:NV in how they tie the faction-related stories and main quest into "chapters" and how that the main quest isn't what you may seem it'll be, unlike how "linear" Fo3's main quest was. Then again it's much easier to "Lmaooooo" to actually try to discuss something. Have you even bothered to play the game? I recommend playing Fo3 and Fo4 back-to-back and realise the amount of exposition that exists in Fo3 and tell me that Fallout 3 has more choices you can make throughout the game. F:NV has better choices/structure, but I'm not talking about F:NV, I'm talking about Fo3 and Fo4, and Bethesda has improved upon that. Also, for once, Bethesda has actually made some memorable characters in Fallout, Fallout 3 just had Three Dogg really and they actually did justice to how the factions like BoS are supposed to be.

Next time, maybe say "Lastly, there are more story, side quest and companion changing choices you can make in Fo4 than FO3 by far" rather than "previous games".


Do we have any reason to expect another Obsidian-based Fallout, other than the fact that it happened once before?

I want to make sure I haven't missed something. I don't personally believe it'll happen again, but I'd love to be wrong.

Obsidian said they are on good terms with Bethesda, and New Vegas has still been selling really well on PC, so while it's all speculation there is hope.

Glad to see this mod in place, it will help somewhat.
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