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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]


I don't understand the crossgen hate. I mean the graphics aren't so hot anyway and we have no information about the game. Why are we happy that some people will not be able to play this game?


ITT people forget that Fallout 3 didn't even have dynamic shadows.

The fact that F3 always looked like shit doesn't mean people shouldn't have high hopes for what Bethesda can do on a new gen with a ton of cash.

That being said if it's on the level of that screen in the OP I'm perfectly OK with that.


I'm sure we'll get more screens, but it is kinda funny that people are happy about no cross gen while the graphics are underwhelming.

I'd rather the world be populated with weird and amazing set-pieces that change dynamically with decisions and actions than have fucking pretty graphics.

Skyrim had pretty graphics and it was a shallow mess of an RPG.


With that screenshot its pretty obvious that this was developed with cross-gen in mind so its weird to see people here celebrating "no cross gen woo woo" when they evidently just got cancelled along the way. They still affected quite a big parte of development.

They aren't canned.

Six months after the next-gen/PC release, they'll announce "Due to numerous requests, we have a stone age release in the works".


It's just a little disappointing to see these graphics after Skyrim made them more money than I can imagine they know what to do with. Being able to start fresh on a new generation and having this be their output is just surprising and a little depressing to me. I'm sure they'll nail the rest but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice to have a beautiful looking world, we all know that can dramatically increase immersion and enjoyment. Fallout 3 looking like hot garbage at release is not an excuse for me anyway, they could have done better than this but must have made a mistake for their tech somewhere and are stuck with IDtech 5 or 6 now.


I can't possibly be the only one who thinks that the game looks like this (and by this i mean still quite good and nowhere near last gen efforts) because it will be 60fps, right? Or at least that they are doing a proper reveal and will bump the graphics later instead of going the other way around like anyone else.
It wont be 60fps.

Graphics look decent enough for what is bound to be a GIANT game. Bethesda have never been known for their graphical powerhouse capabilities anyways. It'll probably be a step below The Witcher 3. Which is fine with me.
Please be a 2015 release..

Also, I seriously don't really care about graphics in this game.

Whatever they come up in release will not be relevant as the community will mod the heck out of it to look gorgeous.
Here I am excited for ANOTHER Bethesda game even after the dirt they did with Skyrim and how much I loathe that game now.

Lol, same here. I couldn't use my character in Skyrim for ~6 months when the infamous nirnroot glow bug happened to me, and I was way too far in to start again, so I had to wait for them to patch it. Months of disappointment and anger...yet I'm still here, hyped as hell for this. Say what you will about Bethesda, but they've been responsible for some of my best gaming experiences, and I have no doubt this game will be added to them.


Gold Member
And some people thought this would be cross-gen, I never expected it after Todd Howard had already talked about how next gen platforms would make for better games from them.

Already know I will buy it. Nothing more to say. It exists. I'm down.


I'm excited. I dont care much about graphics as long as I enjoy the game.

If its on Gamebryo then at least it means there'll be plenty of great mods

I'd prefer Creation (I know it's just updated Gamebryo) because of the ridiculous mod stability. I could have 150 mods for Skyrim and it be stable whereas Fallout 3 and New Vegas started to choke on 20-25.


Water is not wet!
And for the people picketing the graphics already, here's a screenshot of Fallout 3 when it was announced:

And here's what the game looked like when released(no mods):

Yeah, no. Even 10 feet away i can tell that second shot is modded because the green/blue filter is removed.

Games probably going to look a little bit better than FO3/NV but the important thing is can Bethesda make everything else good? Writing, worldbuilding, quests, companions, choices and consequences, factions.. im extremely skeptical.

Takes place in Boston. Calling it now but the player character is going to be an android that doesnt know it. Going to find out partway through the game and then get special android/robot powers like the dragon shouts in Skyrim.


It wont be 60fps.

Graphics look decent enough for what is bound to be a GIANT game. Bethesda have never been known for their graphical powerhouse capabilities anyways. It'll probably be a step below The Witcher 3, probably. Which is fine with me.

Well yes, but doesn't look better than MGS5 and that is 1080/60 as well on PS4. Let's wait and see.
Disappointed it's not crossgen; the meltdown would have been amazing.

Will buy on PC after a sale knocks off 1/3 of the price. Getting any further than that took a long time for Skyrim.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I don't understand the crossgen hate. I mean the graphics aren't so hot anyway and we have no information about the game. Why are we happy that some people will not be able to play this game?

You can't be serious.

Go to the strip in New Vegas, walk down it, then in some buildings.

Then play some Witcher Wild Hunt in Novigrad.

Notice a difference?

Fallout and The Elder Scrolls are the 2 franchises that have the MOST to gain from being current gen only.


this was probably crossgen until like last year or something ;b it can still be!

It looks about what I expected I just hope it's NOT idtech, I take gamebryo over that mess any day.


For you.
Yeah, honestly not sure what people were expecting

I don't really give a fuck about the graphics so I'm super excited for trailers and a release date
Its less about the graphics and more Bethesda keeping their crappy engine which is buggy and janky as fuck. Of course people will complain.


Meh. Might be worth a playthrough at some point down the road, but I'm over open-world games like nobody's business. It would take a ground-breaking story and combat system to get me to bite.


That mountain pic pretty much confirms that the game is running on a heavily modified Gamebryo/Creation Engine.


Cool. They can lay the groundwork with FO4 and Obsidian will deliver another GOAT RPG a few years later.

I'm prolly still gonna buy this.


Not sure what's worse: People being graphics whores and claiming the game looks like shit when we don't even have a release date for it and it's the first we've even heard about it's existence, or the same people flipping their shit months down the line when they realize what they were shown about a game so far looks nothing like the near finished project.

If people wonder why pubs/devs doctor footage shown early of a game so the finished product looks worse than it used to, they should just like this thread, smh... :\

On a more positive note, OMG FALLOUT 4 NEED.


I don't understand the crossgen hate. I mean the graphics aren't so hot anyway and we have no information about the game. Why are we happy that some people will not be able to play this game?

it would have looked even worse then it currently does if it was cross gen, no-one wants that on their new consoles.


GUYS. I'm shaking. Oh my god, it's here. Holy shit, I can't take this. It's finally here.


Now hopefully my new 970 can run this at max when it releases.
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